Everlasting Kingdom: Unraveling the Bible’s Secrets

Are the “Unsaved” Lost?

The Called, the Culled, and the Excused!

The Great Judgment Day

Part 1 Part 3 Chapter 12, Part 2 Preview: In part one, the fate of the “good” people who died without knowing Yehovah on Judgment Day was covered. We saw that there are four categories of people, not just two, and that the Biblical explanation for Judgment Day has been horribly misrepresented. Some of your “unsaved” friends and relatives will end up much better off than you ever supposed! Part two deals primarily with those who fail Yehovah; and how they differ from the righteous. Still, while there is doom, there is not the eternal gloom than is commonly taught!

Again, as we saw before, the wicked are condemned in the same “hour” that the righteous are rewarded! Furthermore, the wicked are not wicked because they do not understand that there is an afterlife or because they don’t understand the Bible, they are wicked because of the way they treated their fellow man! The wicked were not concerned when their neighbors were hungry, naked or destitute; in fact they often caused the situation. Yehovah considers a person’s behavior toward their neighbors as if they were treating Him that way! They will be judged without regard to breaking the first four Commandments! Also notice that this separation is complete at the beginning of the millennium; it is “When the Son of Man comes”.

Notice the type of questions being asked by the “righteous” in the Matthew 25:37-40; these are the kinds of questions asked by ignorant people, and they will of course be asked without delay! Many people are familiar with 1 Corinthians 15, the resurrection chapter about “those who are the Messiah’s at His coming.” Matthew 25 is another resurrection chapter that actually covers two resurrections to eternal life.—The Gabriel Bible

The first thirteen verses concern people who are alive when “the bridegroom is coming”, some of whom actually “go out to meet Him” (v.6).

Matthew 25:11-12 Later the other virgins arrived and said, ‘Sovereign, master, open the door for us.’ 12 But he replied, ‘I am certain that I don’t know you.

The 50/50 split of the virgins has similarities to the two baskets of figs of Jeremiah 24:1 “Yehovah showed me two baskets of figs set before the Temple of Yehovah”. Half of them “will return to Me with their whole being” (v.7), and half of whom attrition removes them from the land that I gave to them and to their ancestors.” (v.10). However, this concept is covered in The Time After Jacob’s Trouble.

Continuing: In

Matthew 25:14-30The Human Son is like a man who called his servants and entrusted them with his property before going on a long trip. 15 He gave one five minin, another two, and another one, based on their ability. Then he immediately went on his journey. 16 The one who received five minin went and did business with it and gained five more. 17 In the same way, the one with two minin gained two more. 18 But the one who received one mani went and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money.

19 After a long time their master returned and reviewed their accounts. 20 The one who had received five minin came and brought five more. He said, ‘Sovereign, you gave me five minin. Look, I’ve earned five more by doing business.’ 21 His master replied, ‘You have done well, good and faithful servant! Since you’ve been faithful with a little, I’ll put you in charge of much more. Enter into the joy of your master!’ 22 The one who had received two minin came and said, ‘Sovereign, you gave me two minin. Look, I have earned two more.’ 23 His master replied, ‘You have done well, good and faithful servant. Since you’ve been trustworthy with a little, I’ll put you over much more. Enter into the joy of your master!’

24 Then the one who had received the one mani came and said, ‘Sovereign, I knew that you are a stern man, harvesting where you haven’t sown, and gathering where you haven’t scattered any seeds. 25 And I was afraid, so I hid your mani in the ground. Look, here is your mani.’ 26 His master told him, ‘You wicked and lazy servant! You knew that I harvest where I haven’t sown and gather where I haven’t scattered any seeds. 27 You should have thrown my money into a bank, so that I could have returned and gotten my property with interest. 28 So take the mani from 'that servant' and give it to the one who has ten minin. 29 Anyone who has will be given more, and they’ll have an abundance, but for the one who doesn’t have anything, even what they have custody of will be taken away. 30 Throw this worthless servant into outer darkness, where there’ll be crying and clenching of teeth.’


The “best resurrection” is the one that we should want to be a part of. It is the one that Luke referred to as “the resurrection of the righteous (Luke 14:14). John said that “those who have done good” will be in “the resurrection of life” (John 5:29). Hebrews refers to this resurrection as a “better resurrection” (Hebrews 11:35). The most commonly quoted expression referring to this is the “first resurrection” (Revelation 20:6). These phrases are all unique in the Bible. The term “protos”, translated as “first”, in first resurrection” can refer to being first in time and it does occur slightly before “the resurrection of judgment” (or “condemnation” or “damnation” also John 5:29). It also means to be in first place, and I believe that it was meant to imply “chief” and “first in rank” and having the most “honor”, being the “chief” and “principal” resurrection, as we can see in the Online Bible Greek Lexicon. At the best resurrection, the faithful are raised “imperishable”. This occurs at the Messiah’s return. “the Messiah the firstfruits, AFTERWARD those who are the Messiah’s AT HIS COMING” (Revelation 20:4-6). This is the great First Harvest. This resurrection is strictly for Commandment observant faithful—no wicked are involved.

The “White Throne” Judgment

There are only two verses in the Bible that mention “the books were opened”. Here they are in context. Daniel’s account is clearly that of the end of this age and Judgment Day.

Daniel 7:9-14 I watched until thrones were set in place, and the Ancient of Days was seated. His clothing was as white as snow, and the hair on His head was like pure wool. His throne was ablaze with flames, and its wheels were like blazing fire. 10 A river of fire flowed out from before Him. Millions served Him, and one hundred million stood before Him. The court 'convened', and the books were opened. 11 I kept watching due to the boastful voice that the horn [Antichrist] spoke with, I watched until the wild beast was killed, and its body was destroyed and 'thrown' into a blazing fire. 12 As for the other wild beasts, their sovereignty was taken away, but their lives were prolonged [3] for a period of time.

13 In my vision that night I saw Someone like a Human Son [4] coming with the clouds in the sky [or of heaven], and as He was approaching the Ancient of Days, they escorted Him into His presence. 14 He was given dominion, splendor and a Kingdom, so that people of every nation and language would serve Him. His Kingdom is an Everlasting Kingdom that will never pass away, and His Kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.

[3] These beasts are alive and kicking (not ancient history) when Yeshua meets up with the Ancient of Days in the very next verse! [4] Messiah in the form of a human being: See all the commentaries on this page.

It is apparent that the Revelation account is the same event. The Everlasting Kingdom is only set up once:

Revelation 20:10-15 The Accuser who seduced them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the predatory beast and the false prophet were thrown. They’ll be tormented day and night for a period of time, an age. 11 Then I saw a 'large' white throne, and the One who was sitting on it. The earth and sky fled for safety [7], but their location [or place] wasn’t known. 12 I saw the dead, those of lower status [small] and the highly esteemed [great] standing in front of the throne, and the books were opened [8], including the Book of Life. The dead were judged by the 'records' in the books based on what they had done [their ‘works’]. 13 The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and death and sheol gave up the dead in them. Everyone was judged based on what they had done [their ‘works’]. 14 Death and Sheol [9] [Ar/Heb meaning grave] were thrown into the lake of fire. The second death is the lake of fire. 15 If after a thoro search, anyone’s name wasn’t found written in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire.

[7] If the covenant with 1,000 generations of humanity is honored, then we still need the earth intact: (Deuteronomy 7:9, Chronicles 16:15, Psalms 105:8). [8] This happens in the time frame of Daniel 7:10, as the beasts are biting the dust (verses 11-12). [9] The profound prophecy in verses 14-15 occurs at the very beginning of the Everlasting Kingdom. On Judgment Day there will no longer be anyone in a grave awaiting judgment—no dead, no unopened graves! The people resurrected to life will never face death again. And those resurrected to death will burn up in the fiery pit without further delay. But humans surviving into the 7th millennium will live on long enough to face their own judgment one way or another. Even priests during the 7th millennium will lose their wives to death: Ezekiel 44:21-22. Then after the 7th millennium, a great many will burn up in a fire storm—verses 7-10 above! Consider the entire context of Isaiah 25. The entire process will take 1,000 generations, most of it yet to occur! Deuteronomy 7:9; Psalm 105:8; 1 Chronicles 16:15, this is a three time covenantal promise!

So if during the time of the resurrections your name is still found in “the Book of Life that was written from the creation of the world”, you win!

During this resurrection, the wicked “Tares” are burned within the same “hour” of Yeshua’s (Jesus’) return. This is the separation of the sheep from the goats. Included in this group are the worst of the wicked, who may literally experience the horrors of the seven last “plagues” of Revelation, and see Yeshua return! (Revelation 22:18, Revelation 1:7, Matthew 26:63-64). Also in this resurrection are the “excused” who kept the Royal Law—a vast number of new sons for Yehovah. These are the “other ethnicities who don’t consider the Torah”, as previously explained. (Compare Revelation 20:13 thru 21:1, John 5:25-29) This resurrection includes every “excused” person who has ever lived. They are perhaps resurrected on the Day of Atonement, that immediately precedes the establishment of the Kingdom of Aloha [God]. Then:

Revelation 7:17 because the Lamb who is in the center of the throne will feed them and lead them to springs of living water, and Yehovah will wipe every tear from their eyes.

Yeshua has already abolished the stranglehold of death for some of us. We simply must await the resurrection:

2 Timothy 1:10 And now it’s been plainly revealed by the appearance of our Life Giver, Yeshua Messiah, who has abolished death [2] and brought real life and immortality into plain view thru the Good News.

[2] This pertains to the resurrection: 1 Corinthians 15:21,50-56, 1 John 3:14, Revelation 20:14, 21:4

In the time of Hosea, while Israel was being conquered, being ransomed from death simply meant that Israel wouldn’t be exterminated! The context is no brighter than that:

Hosea 13:14 I’ll ransom them from the power of the grave [sheol]. I’ll redeem them from death! Death, where are your plagues? Sheol, where is your destruction? “I will have no compassion.

Yehovah was willing to up the ante on death for the faithful, in the soon coming resurrection. For us the sting of death will be gone forever:

1 Corinthians 15:54-55 So when this perishable is clothed with the imperishable, and this mortal is clothed with immortality, THAT IS WHEN the written Word will be accomplished: “Death is devoured in victory. 55 O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory?

At the very beginning of the Everlasting Kingdom, humanity will again be freed from unnatural death and suffering. While the stakes are eternal, not everyone (such as Moab) is included:

Isaiah 25:6-10 Commander Yehovah will prepare a 'lavish' banquet on this mountain using the 'best foods' for every nation, a banquet with well aged wines, of 'choice' cuts full of marrow and refined wines. 7 On this mountain He (Commander Yehovah) will remove the shroud that looms over all people, the veil that 'overshadows' every nation. 8 He (Commander Yehovah)) will devour death forever! The Sovereign Yehovah [2] [“Yeshua”] will wipe away the tears from every face. He’ll eliminate the scorn of His people from the entire earth. Yehovah has spoken! 9 When That Day Comes* Israel will be saying, “This is our Elohim! We have been waiting for Him to save us! This is Yehovah! We’ve been waiting for Him. Let’s rejoice and celebrate His salvation!” 10 Yehovah’s hand will rest on this mountain. But Moab will be trampled under 'foot' like urine soaked straw is trampled into manure in a 'stall'!

[2] Note the context of the next verse—death ceasing (for the righteous) when Messiah returns. Your Bible most likely says “Lord GOD” in verse 8, but in truth it is “adonai (Sovereign) YHVH”! He, the Alpha and the Omega (Yeshua), is the One who will wipe away the tears! Revelation 21:4-6. Ignore the “GOD”, check the Hebrew: 3069 [e], a slight variant of the name YHVH. See Adonai (Adonai)

The cessation of tears, and the end of unnatural death at the very beginning of the Everlasting Kingdom, compares very well to Revelation 21, in a very “millennial” setting.

Revelation 21:3-4 I heard a loud voice from the sky say, ‘Look, Yehovah’s tabernacle [dwelling place] is among humanity [Gr. anthropos]. He will live with them and they’ll be His people, and Yehovah will be with them, yes Yehovah Himself will be with them.” 4 Every tear will be wiped from their eyes, and there will be no more death [3] or mourning or crying or pain, nor will the previous painful state exist anymore, because the previous evil things have gone away.

Yet the wicked are excluded from this blessing, as John mentions a few verses later:

Revelation 21:8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the sinful, the unclean, murderers, male prostitutes, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars 'are destined for' the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This is the second death.

The Rest of the Dead?

In all probability, your Bible has the statement: “But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years was finished”, as part of Revelation 20:5. Those words are not in the Syriac and Aramaic manuscripts, or the earliest Greek manuscripts, such as the Codex Sinaitic and Codex Alexandrine. It’s a nice theory to explain when those who live during the millennium will be judged, but someone just stuck it in there at some point. Of course many people will live and die following the “resurrection of judgment” at Yeshua and Yehovah’s return. And it could very well be that everyone who lives during “the millennium” will be judged during a second great harvest season, but perhaps people will simply meet their “reward” immediately at the end of their lives from that point on. Whether their resurrection is individually done or later as a large group is a matter of deduction and speculation. During the millennium, most people will have 100 years or more to repent, unless they really mess up. (Isaiah 66:22-24)

Isaiah 65:20 Never again will there be an infant who lives for only a few days, or an old man who hasn’t lived out his days. A son who only lives to be a hundred years old will die young, because a young man who dies at one hundred years of age will be considered cursed. [Only indecisive people live to 100, but then their shelf life expires.]

Some go on to theorize about this supposed “rest of the dead” includes everyone who has ever lived—other than the faithful, and that the vast majority of humanity will live another human life lasting one hundred years, and then be judged after the millennium. This dangerous teaching ignores the plain statements of Daniel 12:1-3 and John 5:25-29 about the great Judgment Day at the end of this age!

But if indeed those who will have died after “the resurrection of life” were to rise after a thousand years, it would seem likely that a second Judgment Day would be needed, “when everyone in their graves will hear His voice; 29 and come out; those who have done good, to the Resurrection of Life, AND those who have done evil, to the Resurrection of Condemnation” (John 5:28-29).

It seems likely that during the entire next millennium, sinners will have no more than one hundred years to repent, or else be accursed, while the childlike may live no less than 100 years. Those people, not yet finally judged, are those who lived into, or were born in the millennium. They may very well wait for the end of the seventh millennium for their ultimate judgment, and most of them are not even born yet! The so-called “rest of the dead” would be future dead! The new faithful could all begin their eternal lives at once.

Certainly there will be much more wheat separated from the chaff during the millennial harvest (whenever it is), but for now Yehovah isn’t even a consideration.

Jeremiah 5:24 They don’t say to themselves ‘We should revere Yehovah our Elohim, who gives us rain, both the early rain and the latter rain on time, who makes sure that we have sufficient weeks of harvest.

This is about to change:

Hosea 6:3 We should acknowledge Yehovah. We must press on to know Him. As surely as the sun rises, His [Yehovah’s] timetable is firmly established. He’ll come to us like the rain, like the 'spring rains' that water the earth.” [2]

[2]...Benson commentary: As the latter and former rain — Or, as the words should rather be rendered, the harvest rain, and the rain of seed-time: see notes on Deuteronomy 11:14, and Proverbs 16:15. For, as Bishop Horsley justly observes, the Hebrew words here used have nothing of latter or former implied in their meaning. And these expressions convey a notion just the reverse of the truth to the English reader. For what our translation here terms the latter rain, [Hebrew word], is literally, as the bishop terms it, the crop rain, which fell just before the season of the harvest, to plump the grain before it was severed: that is, it fell in what we term the spring, and consider as the former part of the year; for the harvest in Judea began about the middle of our March, according to the old style...

Unlike the great “former” harvest that takes place during the autumn Feast Days, the “latter” harvest under this scenario would take place during Abib, the first month of Yehovah’s year:

Joel 2:23 So rejoice, people of Zion, and rejoice in Yehovah your Elohim, because He gives you the early rain for your vindication. He sends showers for you, both latter rain and the early rain [5] as in the beginning [6].

[5] Jerome taught that this was about a teacher. It is literally about rain. But the context exquisitely reveals that the Second Exodus will begin in the spring, like the first one, but it will accomplish what the First Exodus failed to do—produce the first righteous nation. I just went (2022) five months in the Pacific North West (similar to Israel’s climate) without even a trace of rain during the growing season. Fortunately, the rain returned with a fast 5” of “latter rain”—at about the Feast of Tabernacles. That’s when I sowed my little plots of winter wheat, rye, barley and oats. (The “former rain” ended in the spring—near the beginning of the Biblical year.—I think that people who start their years in the seventh month likely reversed the terms former and latter rains). [6] The KJV, NKJV and the ASV (a revised KJV) change: “in the beginning” to “in the first month”. This is used to “prove” that a Biblical year supposedly begins in the seventh month, a tradition the Jews adopted during their Babylonian captivity, where that was done. Later translations are much better here.

More wicked people are burned at the “latter harvest”, because this same judgment will also include those still alive. Here is the prophecy as John saw it:

Revelation 20:7-9

When the thousand years are finished, Satan will be released from his prison 8 and go out to seduce the nations in the four corners of the world, Gog and Magog, and gather them for battle. Their number is like grains of sand in the sea. 9 They swarmed over the broad expanse of the world, and surrounded the 'cherished' assembly of the 'chosen ones', the greatly loved city. And fire came down from Yehovah out of Heaven and consumed them.

The reason that there are such a large number of culls is because they are the cumulative result of 1000 years of sifting.

As in the previous resurrections, none will have any seniority (a head start)!

On the other hand, if this latter harvest applies to something else, then perhaps people could “graduate” as soon as they die.

Some people believe that there will be no more death in the age to come, not understanding that that only applies to those who have been “born again”! Consider the “Ezekiel Temple” of Ezekiel 40-48, certainly during the millennium. Particularly notice:

Ezekiel 44:25 They must not defile themselves by going near a dead person. However, for a father or mother, son or daughter, brother or unmarried sister they can defile themselves.

After seven days these priests will resume their duties in the Temple.

Speaking of being born again, no one, other than Yeshua, has ever been born into the spirit (realm)—yet, the ultimate experience:

John 3:5-10 Yeshua replied, “I tell you with absolute certainty that unless someone is born of water and the spirit they can’t enter Yehovah’s Kingdom. 6 Those born of flesh ARE composed of flesh, and those born of the spirit ARE composed of spirit. 7 Don’t be surprised when I tell you that it is imperative that you be born again. 8 The wind blows wherever she [2] wants and you hear her sing [3], but you don’t know where she came from or where she is going. That is how it is with everyone who is born of the spirit.” 9 Nicodemus asked Him, “How can these things be?” 10 Yeshua asked, “Are you a teacher of Israel, and yet you don’t understanding these things?

[2] ‘Wind’ and ‘spirit’ are interchangeable in Aramaic, Greek and Hebrew, but in Aramaic and Hebrew it literally refers to the spirit as ‘she’, while in Greek it is ‘it.’ [3] ‘Sing’ and ‘voice’ are the same word in both Aramaic and Greek.

I would also ask: “are you a teacher anywhere, without understanding these things?”

Good Shepherds, Bad Shepherds

In the centuries prior to Pentecost, 31 AD there may have been little opportunity for receiving the 'special' spirit. Except for a handful of Yehovah’s leaders, few are known to have received the 'special' spirit. Receiving the spirit was apparently a new concept.

Acts 19:2-3 Did you receive the 'special' spirit when you believed?” They replied, “We haven’t heard anything about a 'special' spirit.” 3 So he asked them, “Then what were you immersed into?” They replied, “John’s immersion.”

The majority of the people of ancient Israel may have been no wiser than the “nations who do not have the Torah”. (Law) Perhaps few of them will be in the first resurrection, but many are all still “in the game of life”, unless they disqualified themselves. An excellent example of this is found in Numbers:

Numbers 16:2-3...and rose up against Moses with some two hundred and fifty leaders of the assembly of Israel, elected by the assembly, men of renown. 3 They gathered themselves together against Moses and Aaron, and told them, “You take too much on yourself, since everyone in the assembly is 'chosen', every one of them, and Yehovah is among them. So why are you elevating yourselves up above the assembly of Yehovah?

These men tried to take over Yehovah’s nation. They didn’t like the direction things were going and they complained:

16:13 Isn’t it enough that you brought us out of Egypt, a land flowing with milk and honey to have us die in this wilderness, and now you want to lord it over us?

They were jealous of the leaders of Yehovah’s people. They slandered Moses and Aaron while “seeking the priesthood” (v.10) for themselves.

Moses explained that:

Numbers 16:30-35 But if Yehovah makes a new thing [a new kind of death!], and the earth opens its mouth and swallows them, with all of their things, and they go down alive into the grave [sheol], then you’ll understand that these men have despised Yehovah.”

31 As he finished saying all this, the earth beneath them split apart 32 and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them, their families and all of the people who had sided with Korah, and everything they owned. 33 So they, and everything they owned went down alive into sheol. The earth closed in on them, and they perished from among the assembly. 34 Everyone in Israel around them ran away when they heard their shouts, because they thought that the earth might swallow them too! 35 Fire came from Yehovah and burned up all two hundred fifty men who were offering incense.

Yehovah didn’t wait to throw these “wicked men” into a fiery pit. There is no reason at all to believe that these men needed to know anything about the 'special' spirit before they could be condemned in order to have a fair chance. Yehovah used “these men who sinned against their own souls” as an example. They had greatly provoked Yehovah and they were culled! Had the rest of Israel also been “wicked” then they too would have died. Most of the congregation was not wicked, but many were indifferent—skating on thin ice! But Yehovah isn’t finished with the House of Israel.

It was attitudes like this that were responsible for everyone, except Caleb and Joshua who had fled Egypt, ending up dying in the wilderness. Only the young people born in the wilderness entered into the promised land.

Hebrews 3:16-18 But who was it who heard and angered Him? Wasn’t it virtually everyone who Moses led out of Egypt. 17 Who was He disgusted with for forty years, other than the ones who had sinned and whose corpses fell in the wilderness? 18 And who did He swear would never enter His place of rest, but those who refused to believe?

Jeremiah recorded the culling of the wickedest of the wicked—false shepherds of Yehovah’s own flock. The essence of the chapter is summed up in this passage:

Jeremiah 23:14 Among the prophets of Jerusalem I’ve seen a horrible thing, they commit adultery and live a lie, they empower evil people, so that no one turns away from their evil ways. They have all become like Sodom to Me, and its [Jerusalem’s] inhabitants like Gomorrah.

In unbroken context, these “shepherds” are shown to have “prophesied by Baal”.

So these are the kind of prophets who quote Yehovah’s (Hebrew) Scriptures, while in reality they are teaching about Baal. Perhaps someone you know?

Verse 30: adds So I’m against the prophets who steal words from each other, supposedly from Me!

Then In verse 36 they went far beyond neglecting “the weightier matters of the Torah”. They had “perverted the words of the living Elohim (God).”

How can we know that Yehovah didn’t send these men?

Back in verse 21: I didn’t send these prophets, yet they ran, I didn’t speak to them, yet they prophesied.

The next verse demonstrates that they knew better!

Verse 22: But if they had taken a stand in My assembly and had spoken My 'message' to the people, then they would have turned them from their evil ways and from their evil practices.

These men, who Yehovah had never spoken to, had the power and the intellect to stop lying, and represent Yehovah’s word in truth, rather than twisting every part of the Bible that was inconvenient! They are not simply sincere but misinformed!

Verse 11: The prophets and priests are secular: I have even found their wickedness in My own 'Temple',” says Yehovah.

What is the fate of these miss-leaders who have perverted Israel these last several millennia?

Verse 12: So their paths will be like very slippery places in the dark for them. They’ll be chased and fall, because I’ll bring disaster on them in the Year of their Punishment [1],” says Yehovah.

This is a reference to the Day of Yehovah (the “Lord”)! These shepherds, who have misled for millennia, will be alive DURING the “Year of their Punishment” (as in Mark 14:61)! Interestingly, this is also the time for the dry bones prophecy, (a figurative expression for an astonishing reality) to be fulfilled, as explained in Judgment Day—The Last Day, Part 2.

Verses 39-40: I’ll most certainly forget you shepherds and throw you out of My presence and out of the city that I gave you and your ancestors! 40 I’ll bring everlasting scorn on you—everlasting shame that will never be forgotten. ’” [3]

[3] They will collectively, not personally, be held in perpetual contempt. Isaiah 26:14

Verse 20: The anger of Yehovah won’t be diminished until He has acted, until He has accomplished everything He has in mind. At the end of the 'age' you’ll diligently consider this and understand it.

So new truth understanding “the anger of Yehovah” is prophesied for the near future.

Jeremiah explained the two types of “unsaved” people, yet you may never have seen this chapter referred to. Yehovah’s analogy of these two groups is somewhat like a parable.

Jeremiah 24:1-7 After Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon had taken Yehoiakim’s son Jeconiah, king of Judah along with the officials of Judah and the craftsmen and the smiths from Jerusalem and brought them to Babylon, Yehovah showed me two baskets of figs set in front of the 'Temple' of Yehovah! 2 One basket had very good figs, like the figs that ripen first, and the other basket had figs that were so bad that they couldn’t be eaten. 3 Then Yehovah asked me, “What do you see, Jeremiah?” I said, “Figs, the good figs are very good, and the bad, very bad. They can’t be eaten, they’re so bad.”

4 The Word of Yehovah came to me. and said: 5 “This is what Yehovah, the Elohim of Israel says: These good figs represent the captives of Judah who I’ve sent out of this place into the land of the Chaldeans for their own good. 6 I’ll 'watch over' them for their good, and I’ll bring them back to this land, and I’ll build them up and not tear them down, and I’ll plant them and not uproot them. 7 I’ll give them the 'desire' to recognize that I am Yehovah, and they’ll be My people, and I’ll be their Elohim when they return to Me with their whole heart.

These “good figs” will be 'special'! This is history, check the context, but it also sets a precedent, sure to be repeated:

Continuing: 8 Yehovah says, “Like bad figs that are so bad that they can’t be eaten, I’ll abandon Zedekiah the king of Judah and his officials and the survivors in Jerusalem who remain in the land and those who are ling in Egypt. 9 I’ll allow them to be exiled and scattered all over the kingdoms of the earth for harm, to be scorned, a euphemism and a curse wherever I banish them. 10 I’ll send 'war', famine and plague against them until attrition removes them from the land that I gave to them and their ancestors.

These won’t be “My people”. Some “unsaved” people are “good” and some are “bad”. This is the chapter that began my reevaluation. Our “good” unsaved “brethren” are going into slavery “for their own good”.

Jeremiah dramatically explained the culling of the “wicked”:

Jeremiah 25:27-33 You must tell them, “This is what Commander Yehovah, the Elohim of Israel says, ‘Drink until you’re drunk, vomit, fall and don’t get up again, because of the 'warfare' that I’ll send 'against' you.’” 28 Then if they refuse to accept the cup from your hand to drink, tell them: This is what Commander Yehovah says, “You will most certainly drink. 29 I’m beginning to bring disaster on the city that is called by My name, and should you go completely unpunished? You won’t go unpunished because I’m declaring 'war' against all inhabitants of the earth, says Commander Yehovah!’

30 “So prophesy all these things, and tell them, ‘Yehovah will roar from high above, and shout from His 'special', habitation, He’ll roar loudly against His flocks. He’ll shout like those who tread the grapes, against everyone who lives on earth. 31 The noise echoes to the farthest horizons of the earth, because Yehovah has an indictment against the nations. He’ll bring judgment on all mankind, and then slaughter the wicked with swords, says Yehovah.” 32 This is what Commander Yehovah says: “Disaster will spread from nation to nation, and a huge storm will be stirred up from the remotest parts of the earth!” 33 When That Day Comes* those slain by Yehovah that day will extend from the farthest horizons of the earth, they won’t be mourned, picked up or buried, they’ll be like manure 'scattered' on the ground.

Are the “Unsaved” Lost? continues in Part 3 Part 3

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Lonnie Martin, lonwmartin@yahoo.com

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