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Matthew 19:16-17 Someone came to Him and asked, “Good Sovereign, what good thing should I do to have eternal life ?” 17 He replied, “Why are you calling Me good? No one is good but One, namely Aloha [God]. But if you want to enter into eternal life, OBEY THE COMMANDMENTS” [2].
[2] This is the world’s most important question, but virtually no one believes His answer, even tho it is repeated in Mark 10:17-22 & Luke 18:18-23! These are the six “love your neighbor” Commandments, (counting covetousness, vss.21-22). The first four Commandments are the “love your Aloha” Commandments, while the last six Commandments apply to human relationships. There is a greatly overlooked means of obtaining eternal life for righteous people who are ignorant of the Torah, as explained in Are the “unsaved” Lost?.
Yet to become a “Messianic” or “Nazarene” or “Christian” tho, one must add to “the Commandments” “the Testimony of Yeshua” (Jesus):
Revelation 12:17The Dragon was furiously angry with the woman, and he went off to make war with the rest of her offspring, those who obey the Commandments of Yehovah [the so-called “OT”] AND have THE TESTIMONY OF YESHUA [the so-called “NT”. So few of these would be Jews!]
Revelation 14:12 'This calls for' patient endurance by the 'chosen ones', who preserve [obey, guard] the Commandments of Yehovah AND the faith of Yeshua.
The desire to understand “the Testimony of Yeshua”—essentially everything that Yeshua taught—should manifest itself in an earnest desire to know everything that we can about “the Lord and His Christ”. Unfortunately, most of the Kadishea (saints) have carelessly delegated the search for truth to others. These others were themselves taught by “other others”. This may in part explain why Peter said that
“...the righteous are barely saved”! People excuse their ignorance saying that they are not scholars, so that they can remain blissfully ignorant. Yet most of the truths of the Bible are so simple that a child can understand them.
Matthew 18:3-4 Then He said, “I am certain that unless you change your course and become like little children, you’ll never enter the Kingdom of the Heavens. 4 Those who humble themselves like this little child are the greatest in the Kingdom of the Heavens.
So don’t try to be like the scholars, be as humble as a child and be without biases in your approach to Bible study. Assume absolutely nothing as you begin to study a topic. In a word, “objectivity” is the virtue leading to “all truth”. Preconceived ideas could prevent the 'special' (holy) spirit from helping you!
The Gnostics of old insisted that secret knowledge was the sign that you were enlightened with a knowledge of “God)”. Modern “Gnostics” rest comfortably “knowing” that they are part of the “right corporate church” or that they have adopted the best packaged deal of doctrines. Many people “know” that all of humanity is doomed to “hell” because they do not belong to their particular sect. Others “know” that you are “lost” because you have not chanted the words “save me Lord—take me just as I am” (so that you can remain deceived). And if your search for knowledge is for the purpose of showing off, then you may be judged with the Gnostics!
Matthew 7:21-23 Not just anyone who says to Me, “Sovereign, Sovereign”, will enter the Kingdom of the Heavens, but only those who actually do the will of My Father in the Heavens. 22 Many will say to Me on 'Judgment' Day, “Sovereign, Sovereign, didn’t we prophesy in Your name and in Your name cast out demons, and perform many miracles in Your name?” 23 Then I’ll tell them publicly [see root words 3674 and 3056], “I never knew you. Get away from Me you Torah breakers” [2].—The Gabriel Bible
[2] The Greek nomos almost always means Torah in the Testimony of Yeshua, while anomos means without Torah.
On Judgment Day, Yeshua will NOT say, “You didn’t support the right corporate church. Depart from Me”. Or “You didn’t know the correct secret passwords—“Save me Jesus”. Actually, Yeshua really didn’t EVER “know” them as Friends (Matthew 7:23)! Their “relationship” had been totally imaginary in the mind of the “believer”, based on a totally skewed false “knowledge” of the Elohim (God) of the Bible!
Truly converted people must not have more regard for “father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and our own lives also or we cannot be Yeshua’s disciples”. This being the case, shouldn’t we be trying to “know” Father better than we do our relatives?
Understanding the mysteries of the everlasting kingdom will not save you. Yet making no personal endeavors to get to know Father will never reveal to a deceived mind whether or not your relationship with Father is totally imaginary! And of those who do have a real “knowledge” of Father it appears to me that He has had to set the bar very low on knowledge, so that at least can enter His Kingdom. But He has made no such concession for love. He maintains a very high standard concerning our love for our fellow man. Love gets the most weight in the balance on Judgment Day. Yet if you truly love Father, you should want to know all about Him—more than only the minimal salvational requirements! But don’t be looking for new truth! All of the necessary truth has been around for hundreds to thousands of years. Any new truth is only new to you. There does have to be a first time for when you learn anything new. My books focus on what is very difficult to find elsewhere. Yehovah only inspired one text book and you have the rest of your life to master it—so no part of it is too much knowledge. There are anti-gnostics, people who fear head-knowledge as they word it. But where else can you put it?
The following verses about knowledge will probably not surprise you, taken one at a time, but read topically—your being totally focused on Yehovah’s perspective of knowledge, could inspire you to search more diligently:
Proverbs 1:7 The reverence of Yehovah is the beginning of knowledge, but the foolish despise wisdom and instruction.
Proverbs 11:9 Profane people destroy their neighbors with their mouths, but righteous people are rescued by knowledge.
Timing is everything:
Proverbs 12:23 A prudent person conceals knowledge, but foolish minds broadcast stupidity.
Proverbs 15:7 The 'statements' of wise people broadcast knowledge, unlike the 'thoughts' of fools.
Proverbs 18:15 Discerning minds acquire knowledge, the wise 'listen' to learn.
Ecclesiastes 7:12 Wisdom is a 'defense', just like silver is a defense, but the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves those who have it.
Daniel 2:21 He changes times and seasons; He removes kings and establishes kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those of understanding.
Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. “Because you’ve rejected knowledge, I also reject you as My priests. Since you’ve ignored your Elohim’s Torah, I’ll ignore your children.
1 Corinthians 13:2 And if I were to have the gift of prophecy, and if I understood every mystery and knew everything, and if I had supreme faith, so that I could move mountains, but lacked love, I would be nothing.
Ephestians 3:17-19 May the Messiah live in your minds by love thru faith. Then, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may you be able to explore, with all the 'chosen ones', what the height and depth and length and breadth is, 19 and have the transcending knowledge of the Messiah’s love, and be filled to the brim with the abundance of Yehovah.
Colossians 2:2 for their peace of mind, being united together by love, and attaining full assurance by a treasury of precise knowledge and understanding of the mysteries of Yehovah the Father, and of the Messiah.
2 Peter 3:18 But continue to grow in dignity, and in the knowledge of our Sovereign and Life Giver Yeshua Messiah, and of Yehovah the Father [7]. The majesty is His, both now and for the rest of eternity. Aw-main'.
[7] The Greek omits “And of Yehovah the Father.”
Romans 10:1-4 Friends, my passionate desire, and my prayer to Yehovah for them [Israel] is that they may have eternal life. 2 I can assure you that they are zealous for Yehovah, but not based on precise and correct knowledge. 3 They don’t understand the righteousness of Yehovah, so they try to reason out their own righteousness, rather than submitting themselves to Yehovah’s righteousness. 4 The Messiah is the end goal [1] of the Torah, a means of righteousness for everyone who believes in Him.
[1] The context here indicates “aim, purpose or goal”, whether translating from Aramaic, as Murdock did with “aim”, or the Greek, as linked.