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Is there hope for the wicked? Most “Bible believing” people assume that the wicked are every last person who is not a Christian, and that the “wicked” dead are burning in “hell”—now and forever. Others imagine that at least some of the wicked can escape the Lake of Fire by serving time in “purgatory” first. Still others suppose that, in the resurrection, “unconverted” people will have another opportunity to get to know Elohim (God), and with this knowledge, they will hopefully decide to become “good”, so as to avoid the flames of “hell”. If you consider the verses that describe the wicked, rather than just the many that merely mention them in passing, as compiled here, you may come to see that there is absolutely no evidence to support any of the popular viewpoints! These verses collectively define the actions that makes the wicked—wicked and describe what Elohim is going to do with them and exactly when their judgment will come to pass. The little old lady next door and the neighbor kids may not fit into the proverbial box you’ve marked “reserved for the wicked!”
Biblically, the most ominous word translated as “hell”, Gehenna, is literally nothing more than the old city dump of Jerusalem, where refuse was burned up! Use of the term was merely to give us an actual comparison as to what the Lake of Fire will resemble—the fires burned continuously but the dead were burned up quickly as explained on this (off site) link, excerpted here:
“After their return from the Babylonian exile, the Jews turned the Hinnom Valley into the city dump where garbage and anything deemed unclean (including the bodies of executed criminals) was incinerated. For that purpose, a fire was kept constantly burning there. Even though it was no longer used for evil worship, with all the filth and thick smoke it remained a very dark and dreary place.”
Let’s look at the words translated as “hell” as described in:
Easton’s definition of “Biblical hell” is closer to the simple meaning of the pit where bodies are buried or cast but still retains some of the flavor of the pagan Greek hell) where the dead are paradoxically alive—a concept that has heavily influenced Roman Christianity and later Protestantism. The hellacious reference to “bars” actually has to do with the first meaning of this Hebrew word and nothing to do with restraining the lively dead: alone, by itself, besides, a part, separation, being alone.
Online goes on to add:
[god of the underworld, off site], the infernal regions, a dark and dismal place in the very depths of the earth, the common receptacle of disembodied spirits. Usually Hades is just the abode of the wicked, #Lu 16:23; Re 20:13, 14; a very uncomfortable place. TDNT.”
Languages are filled with words with pagan origins. The Greek copies of the Testimony of Yeshua (the “NT”) that were translated from the original Aramaic language are certainly no exception. That is why we need the prophesied new language!
There is a single reference to “tartaroo” in the Greek Texts that describes a time (not a place) of temporary restraint for some of the most vile and dangerous angels, who are being held until Judgment Day. Peter was not describing a place of punishment because
“the angels who sinned” are still there
“to be reserved for judgment”. Only the most unfair judicial systems punish a suspect prior to judging them. Because the wicked angels are being “reserved for judgment”, we must conclude that they haven’t been judged yet. Perhaps some of them are salvageable?
2 Peter 2:4-5 If Yehovah wasn’t lenient with the angels who sinned, but imprisoned ['tartarooed'] [2] them in chains of darkness reserved for a painful judgment, 5 and wasn’t lenient with the original world, but rescued Noah, a herald of righteousness and his family of eight when He brought a flood on the world of the wicked,>—The Gabriel Bible
[2] Tartaroo is actually a Greek verb! That’s about the only accurate thing to be found in a lexicon, since verbs simply aren’t nouns! So I ‘doubly verbalized’ tartaroo into ‘tartarooed’ to make a point. These angels will burn during the Judgment (Deuteronomy 32:22-24), but they aren’t burning now. The Aramaic brings out the fact that they are in “sheol” (1 Peter 3:19)! Revelation 9:14 says they are in the Euphrates river, while verse 11 calls their place of restraint ‘the abyss’! An abyss is usually a very cold and wet place.
Yeshua (Jesus) will ultimately destroy the worthless demons, as explained in Satan’s Second Death. However they don’t know when Judgment Day is:
Mark 1:23-24 In their synagogue there was a man with an unclean spirit who began shouting, 24 “What do you want with us Yeshua of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? We know who You are—the 'cherished' One of Yehovah.”
Because “purgatory” is not a Biblical topic, I will not comment on that, nor will I get into the Greek mythology that became a model of the early “Fathers” to scare the hell out of (or into?) people. Pagan religions focus on eternal “life” in “hades”, rather than actual death and the grave. However, the resurrection is a Biblical topic, but it is nothing like reincarnation—where people supposedly come back in another physical body. The resurrection is either for the purpose of eternal life, or condemnation to eternal death. Here are a few of the key verses concerning the resurrection, serving as a brief clarification of points already addressed in this book, such as in Judgment Day—The Last Day:
John 5:28-29 Don’t be amazed at this, because the time is coming when everyone in their graves will hear His voice 29 and come out—those who have done good things to a Resurrection resulting in life, and those who have committed evil to a Resurrection resulting in Condemnation [4].
[4] This statement alludes to Daniel’s Judgment Day statement (12:1-3). Judgment Day will occur during the most horrific time in world history. Yet “at that time your people [Israel] will be saved.”
The Sadducees tried to trick Yeshua into saying that there would be a resurrection back to physical life, complete with marriages, as in this life. They wanted to make Him look foolish. That was a major point of contention between them and the Pharisees, who couldn’t fathom being made “equal to the Messengers” (angels), or even “more equal”.
Luke 20:35-36 But those who are worthy of that age and the resurrection from the dead will never marry or be given in marriage. 36 They can no longer die because they are like spirit messengers, and are Yehovah’s children, because they are children of the resurrection.
Only of those who are “counted worthy” does it say: “nor can they die anymore”. The resurrection is for eternal life or eternal death. Eternal life is a “gift”. It is not something that everyone already has, but with only the destination in question.
Romans 6:23 The compensation for sin is death, but the gift of Yehovah is eternal life, thru our Sovereign Yeshua Messiah.
The wicked, after having to face their creator in the “resurrection of condemnation”, will endure yet another death, another total absence of consciousness, this time for eternity:
Revelation 21:8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the sinful, the unclean, murderers, male prostitutes, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars 'are destined for' the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This is the second death.
Ecclesiastes 9:5 The living know that they’ll die, but the dead don’t know anything. They have no further compensation, and even memories of them will fade away.
Do Sodom and Gomorrah Have a Future Hope?
The following statement concerning “bearable” and “Sodom and Gomorrah on Judgment Day” has been used as a proof text that the wicked will be given more time to change in a coming resurrection. “Most certainly, it will be more bearable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on Judgment Day, than for that city.” (Matthew 10:15) This thought is repeated three other times: Matthew 11:24, Mark 6:11, Luke 10:12. The assumed second opportunity for those people actually contradicts a clear and specific statement regarding them! “Bearable” refers to more than one level of “suffering” inflicted on more than one kind of wicked people. Deliberately rejecting Elohim apparently brings a more painful death than for those who sear their consciences in ignorance! However the penalty of “EVERLASTING FIRE” is reserved for both groups!
Jude 1:7 As Sodom and Gomorrah, and the surrounding cities, that in a similar manner were given over to illicit sex, having pursued various kinds of carnality, lie before us [present tense] as an example of undergoing the execution of a sentence of EVERLASTING FIRE.
It is possible that up to nine people in Sodom will be spared during Judgment Day, but the “passing with a ‘D’” percentages of the religious elite of Yeshua’s day is slimmer still:
Genesis 18:32 Then he said, “'Please' don’t be angry if I speak just once more. What if ten are found there?” He replied, “I won’t destroy it for the sake of ten.”
When you consider how detestable Sodom and Gomorrah were to Elohim, and how amazed He was at their level of wickedness, then it is beyond comprehension what Elohim must think of anyone who deliberately rejects Him. In the case of Sodom and Gomorrah, Elohim had to go down and see this with His own eyes!
2 Peter 2:6...<and burned up the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and condemned them with an upheaval, making them an example for the wicked people who would live after them,
Isaiah 3:9-13 The look on their faces gives them away. They flaunt their sin like Sodom; they no longer conceal it. It will be dreadful for them! They’ve brought disaster on themselves!” 10 Tell the righteous that it will go well for them! They’ll savor the fruit of their deeds. 11 It will be dreadful for the wicked! Too bad for them. What they’ve done will be done to them. 12 Children oppress My people and women rule over them. My people, your guides lead you astray—sending you down the wrong path.” 13 Yehovah rises to argue the case and stands to judge the people.
What you do—your works, ultimately proves to Elohim what you are made of. Actions speak much louder than words.
Matthew 16:27 The Human Son will return in the splendor of His Father with all His 'cherished Messengers', and then He’ll COMPENSATE EVERYONE BASED ON WHAT THEY HAVE DONE.
Be careful to avoid the majority of “Christian teachers” who says that righteous “works” are not essential for your salvation. These people say that it is only what is in your “heart” that matters. The wicked don’t think that Elohim will hold them to “account” for their wicked works.
Psalm 10:13 Why do the wicked hate Elohim? They think, “Elohim will never hold us accountable?
James 2:26 What benefit would a person have if they gain the whole world, but forfeit their eternal life? Or what can a person give in exchange for their life? 27 The Human Son will return in the splendor of His Father with all His 'cherished Messengers', and then He’ll COMPENSATE EVERYONE BASED ON WHAT THEY HAVE DONE.
And, by the way, are the wicked really just people who support a religious body that differs from yours, or support no religion at all? If so, then how did Elohim determine who the wicked were, or the righteous for that matter, during the thousands of years before there were “churches” [actually “Assemblies”]. Elohim’s word has many descriptions to clarify who the wicked are and what is to become of them!
A primary purpose of Are the “Unsaved” Lost? was to demonstrate that many “sinners” are not “wicked”! With that understanding in mind, the following Bible verses, all referring to the “wicked” have deeper meaning. They are not likely to apply the little old lady next door! I have endeavored to include every verse that could possibly be relevant to understanding what Elohim wanted to reveal to us about the wicked. The Bible describes who the wicked are, how they think, what Elohim thinks about them, as well as the timing and circumstances of their fate. The only Scriptural references that I did not include are the ones that simply mention the word “wicked” in passing, without any commentary whatsoever. Not one verse indicates that they will receive more time or opportunity to repent. Very many verses place them in judgment. Wickedness is a relative condition. Some of us recognize our sins and have hope of recovering from them, others are terminally ill, like the guy with emphysema who smokes thru a hole in his throat! We have all sinned, but to paint us all with the same brush is not Biblical. Millions who are relatively righteous will be excused from death by their good works—totally unaware that Elohim is watching them (Matthew 25:34-40). Not so with the terminally wicked (Matthew 25:41-46)! The Called, the Culled and the Excused explains that there are four categories of people, not simply two. Millions of Biblically illiterate people are not wicked!
Anyone could have compiled this list with a concordance, but to my knowledge, no one has. This will save you a great deal of time. I tried not to skimp on the context and I used more than is customary. This compilation is in order, starting in Genesis and ending in 1 John 5, the last listing in the Bible. Here are the verses that Elohim gave us concerning the “wicked”. Watch for any indication that the “wicked” have any hope of resurrection for the purpose of “re-education” or (the other ditch), eternal LIFE in hell.
Genesis 18:16-26 “Then the 'men' got up from ‘the meal’, and looked out toward Sodom; and Abraham went with them to send them off. 17 Yehovah asked, “Should I hide what I am about to do from Abraham? 18 since Abraham will certainly become an important and populous nation, and every nation on earth will be blessed thru him?” 19 I [the Son] have selected him to command his children and their families after him, to obey the way of Yehovah [the Father], by doing what is right and just, so that Yehovah will bring about for Abraham what He has promised him.
20 Yehovah said, “Because the outcries against Sodom and Gomorrah are so numerous, and because their sin is so very serious, 21 I’m going down now to see if their actions are as bad as the outcries that have come up to Me. If not, I will know.” 22 Then the men turned away and walked toward Sodom, while Abraham was still standing before Yehovah. 23 Abraham approached Him and asked, “Would you really sweep away the righteous with the wicked? 24 What if there are fifty righteous people in the city? Would you still sweep them away without sparing the place for the sake of the fifty righteous who live there? 25 Be it far from You to do things like that, to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous like the wicked. Far be it from You. Shouldn’t the Judge of the entire world be just?” 26 Yehovah said, “If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, then I’ll spare the entire region for their sake.”
Deuteronomy 17:1-7 When Yehovah your Elohim brings you into the land you are entering to possess, and throws out many nations before you, the Hittites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and stronger than you, 2 and when Yehovah your Elohim hands them over to you, and you defeat them, then you must completely destroy them. Don’t make any treaties with them and show them no mercy. 3 Don’t intermarry with them. Don’t give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons. 4 They’ll turn away your children from following Me to worship other gods. Then the anger of Yehovah will burn against you, and He will swiftly destroy you. 5 This is what you must do to them: tear down their altars, smash their sacred pillars, cut down their Ashera poles, and set fire to their carved images, 6 because you are a special people to Yehovah your Elohim. Yehovah your Elohim has chosen you to be His treasured possession out of all the nations on the face of the earth. 7 Yehovah didn’t set His affection on you or choose you because you were more numerous than any other nation, since you were the smallest of all nations.
Apparently David’s“wicked and worthless men” were better men than his wicked and worthless enemies.
1 Samuel 30:21-23 Then David approached the two hundred men who had been so exhausted that they couldn’t follow 'him', those who had stayed behind by the Besor gorge, and they went out to meet David and to meet the people who were with him. David approached them and asked how they were doing. 22 But then all the wicked and lowlifes among David’s followers said, “Since they didn’t go with us, we won’t give them any of the spoils that we recovered. They should all just take their wives and children and leave.”
23 But David said, “No, my brothers, you won’t do that with what Yehovah has given us. He has protected us and handed over the raiding party that attacked us.
1 Kings 8:31-32 When anyone sins against their neighbor and is required to take an oath, and comes to take the oath before Your altar in this temple, 32 then listen from heaven and judge Your servants’ claims. Condemn the wicked person by bringing down on their own head what they have done, and vindicate the innocent and give both of them what they deserve.
Elohim sending messengers was of no help—they killed the messengers. The following account describes Israel’s deliberate wickedness.
2 Kings 17:7-20 All this took place because the Israelites had sinned against Yehovah their Elohim, who had brought them out of Egypt from under the 'fist' of Pharaoh, king of Egypt and because they had worshiped other gods 8 and 'followed the customs' of the nations that Yehovah had driven out before the Israelites as well as the customs that the kings of Israel had introduced. 9 The Israelites did things secretly that weren’t right with Yehovah their Elohim. They built their high places in all their cities from watchtowers to fortified cities. 10 They set up sacred pillars and Asherah poles on every high hill and under every evergreen tree. 11 They burned incense in all the high places just like the nations that Yehovah had driven away before them had done. They did wicked things to provoke Yehovah to anger, [this sounds deliberate]. 12 They worshiped idols even tho Yehovah had told them, “You must never do that.” 13 Yet Yehovah warned Israel and Judah thru all His prophets and every seer, saying, “Turn from your evil ways and keep My commandments and My unchanging rulings in accordance with the entire Torah that I commanded your ancestors and sent to you thru My servants the prophets.”
14 Yet they didn’t listen, but stiffened their necks like their ancestors who refused to trust Yehovah their Elohim. 15 They rejected His unchanging tenets, and the covenant that He made with their ancestors, and the warnings He gave them. They persued idols, and became worthless. They imitated the nations around them, that Yehovah had commanded that they shouldn’t imitate. 16 They abandoned all the commandments of Yehovah their Elohim: They made two calves out of cast metal. They made an Ashera pole dedicated to the goddess Asherah. They prayed to the entire army of heaven, and they worshiped Baal. 17 They passed their sons and daughters thru the fire, and practiced divination and interpreted omens, and devoted themselves to do evil in the sight of Yehovah, provoking Him to anger.
18 So Yehovah was very angry with Israel and removed them from His presence. Only the house of Judah remained. 19 Even Judah failed to obey the Commandments of Yehovah their Elohim. They 'adopted' the 'practices' that Israel had introduced. 20 Yehovah rejected all the descendants of Israel, afflicted them, and handed them over to their attackers until He had banished them from His presence.
No hope yet—just a call for judgment on the wicked:
2 Chronicles 6:18-23 “But will Elohim really live on earth with humans? Look, if heaven and the ‘highest’ heaven can’t contain You, then how much less would this 'Temple' I’ve built! 19 But consider Your servant’s prayer and my plea for mercy. Yehovah my Elohim, hear the cry and the prayer that Your servant prays in Your presence. 20 May Your 'watch over' this 'Temple' day and night, this place where You said You would put Your name. May You answer the prayer Your servant prays toward this place. 21 Listen to the requests of Your servant and of Your people Israel when they pray toward this place. Hear ‘all the way’ from heaven where You live. May You hear and forgive. 22 “If someone sins against their neighbor and is required to take an oath, and comes to swear an oath before Your altar in this 'Temple', 23 then hear from heaven, and take action. Judge Your servants and condemn the wicked by bringing down on their heads what they have done, and vindicate the innocent by treating them commensurate with their innocence.
No hope for the wicked yet!
It is quite apparent that Elohim expected our supposedly “unconverted” ancient Israelite forbearers to “pray”, “seek” Him, and “turn” from wickedness so that they could be “forgiven”!
Repentance for wickedness is the only solution—now, not later.
2 Chronicles 7:12-14 Yehovah appeared to Solomon one night, and told him,
“I’ve answered your prayer, and I’ve chosen this place for Myself as a 'Temple' for zebakim. 13 If I close the sky so there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land, or if I send a pandemic on My people, 14 and if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray, and seek My ‘presence’, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sins, and heal their land.
The above account of Solomon dedicating the Temple goes on to describe the perpetuity of the kingdom if they will only refrain from wickedness.
Nehemiah 9:32-38 You are righteous in regard to everything that has happened to us, because You have remained faithful, while we have acted wickedly. 34 Our kings, leaders, priests, and ancestors didn’t obey your Torah, or pay attention to Your Commandments or the solemn admonitions that You gave them. 35 Even while they were in their kingdom, enjoying the incredible good things that You gave them, in the large and fertile land that You put in front of them, they didn’t turn from their wicked behavior.
36 Look at us now. We’re slaves in the very land You gave our ancestors, so that they could enjoy its fruit and to enjoy its bounty. But now we’re slaves! 37 Its abundant harvest goes to the kings You’ve placed over us due to our sins. They rule over our bodies and our livestock as they please. We’re in great distress. 38 Because of all this we are making a binding agreement in writing, and on the sealed document are the names of our leaders, our Levites and our priests.”
It appears that the statements of Job’s friends are valid principles; the error was that they believed that to be tested severely was always a punishment from Elohim, rather than often times a test of character!
Job 11:20 But the eyesight of the wicked will fail. They’ll have nowhere to escape. Their only hope is to breath their last.
All records and even the “memory” of the existence of the wicked will be expunged from the earth, yet they did “not know Elohim”!
Job 18:5-21 The lamp of the wicked will definitely be snuffed out. The flame of his fire stops burning. 6 The light in his tent grows dark, and his overhead lamp goes out. 7 His vigorous stride is shortened, and his own schemes bring him down. 8 His own feet become entangled in a snare. He walked right into the net! 9 A snare grabs him by the heel; a noose seizes him. 10 A rope lies hidden for him on the ground, a trap for him on the path.
11 “Terrors frighten him on every side, and chase his every step. 12 Hunger undermines his strength. Disaster lies ready beside him. 13 His skin is devoured by disease; death’s firstborn devours his limbs. 14 He is dragged from the security of his tent and led away to the king of terrors. 15 Nothing he had remains in his tent. Burning sulfur is scattered on his home. 16 Below his roots dry up and his branches wither above. 17 The memory of him perishes from the earth. Even 'locally' he has no name recognition. 18 They drive him from the light into darkness and chase him from the civilized world. 19 He has no children or posterity among his people or any survivor where he used to live. 20 Those who come after him will be appalled by what happened to him, as those who went before him will tremble in horror [1]. 21 Surely such are the dwellings of wicked people, and this is the place of the person who doesn’t know Elohim.”
[1] Most modern versions in lockstep with the commentator Schultens, substitute “east” and “west” for “after” and “before”, so as to rule out Judgment Day! See it literally here.
Still no hope for the wicked! Keep looking:
Job 20: 1-17, 26-29Then Zophar the Naamathite replied, 2 “My troubled thoughts compel me to answer because I’m quite disturbed. 3 I’ve heard criticism that insults me, and my understanding prompts me to reply. 4 “Don’t you know that since antiquity, from the time Adam was placed on earth, 5 that the joy of the wicked is short, and the happiness of the lawless is momentary? 6 Tho their arrogance reaches the sky, and their heads touch the clouds, 7 they’ll perish forever like their own excrement; those who used to see them will ask, ‘Where are they?’ 8 They’ll fly away like a dream, never to be found, chased away as in a nightmare. 9 'Those who' saw them will see them no more, they’ll never be seen where they 'used to be seen'. 10 Their children will ask the poor for help; they’ll have to hand over their wealth. 11 The youthful vigor that fills their bones will lie down with them in the dust.
12 “Tho wickedness tastes sweet in their mouths and they hide it under their tongues, 13 tho they savor it, and won’t let go of it, and it lingers in their mouths, 14 the food in their stomachs is turning into cobras’ venom within them. 15 The wealth they devoured they vomit up. Elohim will expel them from his stomach. 16 They suck the venom of cobras; and a viper’s ‘fangs’ slays them 17 They won’t 'enjoy'; the streams, the rivers flowing with honey and cream... 26 Total darkness awaits in hiding for them. A SELF IGNITING FIRE WILL INCINERATE THEM [on Judgment Day] and devour whatever is left in their tent. 27 Heaven will reveal their depravity, and the earth will rise up against them. 28 A flood will wash away their house. Their property will be washed away in the Day of His wrath [again Judgment Day]. 29 This is the wicked person’s fate from Elohim, it is the inheritance decreed for them by Elohim.
No second chance here! Surely, if the wicked had another chance it would be mentioned here!
Job 21:5-18, 27-32 Look at me and be appalled, and put your hand over your mouth. 6 When I think about this, I’m terrified, and I begin trembling in horror. 7 Why do the wicked go on living, grow old, and increase in power? 8 Their descendants are established with them in their presence, their offspring within 'sight'. 9 Their houses are safe and free from fear, and no rod from Elohim strikes them. 10 Their bulls never fail to breed. Their cows give birth to calves and never miscarry. 11 They allow their toddlers to run around like a flock of lambs, and their children dance around. 12 They sing with tambourines and harps, and celebrate to the sound of a flute. 13 They spend their days in prosperity, and then quickly go down to sheol. 14 They say to Elohim, “Leave us alone. We have no desire to understand Your ways. 15 Who is the Conqueror that we should serve Him? What would we gain by praying to Him?” 16 Their prosperity isn’t in their own hands. The counsel of the wicked is far from me. 17 How often is the lamp of the wicked put out? How often does disaster happen to them? Does He deal out destruction in His anger? 18 Are they ever like straw in the wind, like chaff swept away by a storm?... 27 I am well aware of what you’re thinking, and the schemes you plot against me. 28 You ask, ‘Where is the nobleman’s house, and the tents where the wicked people lived?’ 29 Haven’t you ever questioned travelers? Don’t you accept their accounts? 30 (Tho the wicked are reserved for the Day of Destruction [Gill’s], to be brought out on the Day of Wrath [Judgment Day].) 31 Who would denounce their behavior to their face? Who repays them for what they’ve done? 32 They’re carried to their graves and someone guards their tombs.
It was quite natural for Job to be focused on the wicked who seemed to be “getting away with murder”, then dying a peaceful death, while he suffered for no reason apparent to him. It seems just as natural to believe “what goes around comes around”. This is a true principle but it often takes longer to “come around” than we acknowledge. Sometimes Elohim is testing us and other times it is just time and chance.
Job 27:1, 7-23 1 Job continuing his diatribe said...: 7 May my enemies be punished like the wicked. May those who rise up against me be condemned like unrighteous people. 8 What hope does a lawless person have when they are cut off, when Elohim takes away their life? 9 Will Elohim hear their cry when trouble comes to them? 10 Will they find delight in the Conqueror? Will they call on Elohim continually? 11 I’ll teach you about Elohim’s 'power'. I won’t hide what the Conqueror has planned. 12 You have all seen this, so why keep up this meaningless talk?
13 “This is what Elohim has destined for wicked people, the inheritance that tyrants will receive from the Conqueror. 14 Even if he has many children, they are destined for the sword, and his descendants won’t have enough food. 15 Those who survive him are buried by the plague, yet their widows won’t cry for them. 16 “Tho he hoards silver like dust, and stores up clothing like piles of clay, 17 righteous people will wear what he piles up, and the innocent will divide up his silver. 18 The house he built is fragile like a moth’s cocoon or like a hut made by a watchman. 19 He may go to bed rich, but never again. When he opens his eyes, it’s all gone. 20 Terrors overwhelm him like a flood; a windstorm sweeps him away in the night. 21 An east wind carries him off, and he’s gone. It sweeps him out of his place. 22 It hurls itself against him mercilessly as he struggles to flee from its 'grasp'. 23 'Men' will clap their hands at him and hiss him out of his place.
Job 31:3 Isn’t it disaster for the wicked, and misfortune for everyone who sins?
Psalm 37:1-2, 7-40 1a By David. 1b Don’t worry about criminals or be envious of those who do wicked things. 2 They’ll soon wither like grass and wilt like green vegetation... 7 Wait patiently for Yehovah, wait longingly for Him. Don’t fret when someone prospers 'doing things' their way, when they carry out their wicked schemes. 8 Refrain from anger and leave rage behind. Don’t fret, it only leads to wickedness. 9 The evil will be cut down, but those who anticipate Yehovah will take possession of the land.
10 In a little while the wicked will no longer exist. Tho you carefully consider their standing, they aren’t there. 11 But the humble will inherit the earth, and will be delighted in an abundance of peace. 12 Wicked people plot against the righteous and gnash their teeth at them. 13 The Sovereign will laugh at them, because He sees that their Judgment Day is coming. 14 Wicked people have drawn out their swords and 'strung' their bows to bring down the oppressed and needy and slay those who are decent. 15 Their swords will stab their own hearts, and their bows will be broken.
16 The little that a righteous person has is better than the abundance of hordes of wicked people. 17 The arms of the wicked will be broken, but Yehovah sustains the righteous. 18 Yehovah knows the 'lifespan' of the innocent. Their legacy will endure forever. 19 They won’t be ashamed in times of disaster; when famine comes they’ll have plenty. 20 The wicked will be exterminated. The enemies of Yehovah will be like a beautiful meadow. They’ll vanish—vanish like smoke.
21 A wicked person borrows, but they don’t repay. The righteous are compassionate and generous. 22 Those He blesses will inherit the earth. Those He curses will be cut down.
23 'Our' steps are directed by Yehovah, when He delights in our ways. 24 Tho 'we' may stumble, we won’t fall, because Yehovah holds us by the hand. 25 In my youth, and now in my old age, I’ve never seen a righteous person abandoned or his descendants begging for food. 26 They are always generous and lend freely, and his descendants are a blessing. 27 Avoid evil and do good, and you’ll live forever! 28 Yehovah loves justice, and won’t abandon His 'cherished'ones'. They’ll be kept safe forever, but the descendants of wicked people will be destroyed. 29 The righteous will inherit the earth and live in it forever. 30 The righteous 'offer their' wisdom, and they 'teach' justice. 31 The Torah of their Elohim is on their minds, they never miss a step. 32 Wicked people lie in wait for the righteous, intent on killing them. 33 Yehovah won’t leave 'them' in their grasp or allow them to be condemned when they are brought to trial.
34 Wait for Yehovah and follow His paths, and He’ll elevate you by giving you the land; and when the wicked are destroyed, you’ll see it. 35 I’ve seen wicked powerful people acting like tyrants, flourishing like luxuriant native trees, 36 But when I came back, they were gone! I looked for them but I couldn’t find them! 37 Notice a wholesome person, and see the righteous, there is a future [1] for a peaceful person. 38 As for rebels, they’ll be exterminated all together. The future of the wicked will be cut short. 39 The deliverance of the righteous is from Yehovah. He is their refuge in a time of trouble. 40 Yehovah helps and rescues them. He rescues them from wicked people and saves them because they take refuge in Him.
Psalm 50:1-4, 15-23 1a A Psalm by Asaph. 1b The Mighty One, Elohim, Yehovah, has spoken and summoned the earth from the rising to the setting sun. 2 From Zion [in Jerusalem], the perfection of beauty, Elohim is radiant. [Genesis 1:3-5]. 3 Our Elohim approaches and will not remain silent, a devouring fire is before Him, and a raging storm surrounds Him. 4 He summons the skies above and earth below to judge His people.... 15 Call on Me in times of trouble. I’ll rescue you, and you’ll honor Me.”
16 But to the wicked, Elohim says, “What right do you have reciting My unchanging rulings and 'mentioning' My covenant? 17 You hate discipline and you toss My words behind you. 18 When you see thieves, you befriend them, and you spend your time with adulterers. 19 You 'incessantly spout' evil. You’re 'devoted to' deception. 20 You sit around maligning your brother. You slander your own 'siblings'. 21 You’ve done these things, and I remained silent. You thought I was just like you. But I’ll punish you, and present a case for you to 'see'. 22 Consider this, you who forget Elohim, or I’ll tear you to pieces, and there won’t be anyone to rescue you. 23 Whoever makes an offering of thanksgiving honors Me. Whoever stays their course will see Elohim’s deliverance.