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Chapter 1, Part 7 Preview: Part 7 continues my commentary on the prophetic meaning of the Eighth Day. It became too large for a one sitting. Importantly, I go on to explain what the Eighth Day does NOT picture! Note that very few people even attempt to associate the Eight Day with anything at all, and all of those who do [?] assume that it must belong to a period after the millennium, just as they assume that Isaiah chapters 65 and 66 deal with the distant future—a conclusion no one would ever reach from there unless someone just told them it meant that and as always the student never questions much and just assimilates the error. Their theology also assumes to paraphrase it that “God needs more time to sort out humanity because of all of the ignorance [ahem] in this world, so He must resurrect everyone who never heard “the truth” as the Apostle Herbert Armstrong explained it, giving them the opportunity to accept Jesus. Everyone including every despot who ever lived [including Adolph Hitler, by name] will be resurrected and given a first chance.” I explain the equitable and encouraging design in Are the Unsaved Lost?—my personal favorite chapter. If only they would read Hebrews 9:27 in ANY VERSION! With that problem solved we can then figure Isaiah (65 & 66) had it right all along about the New Heavens, the New Earth and the resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked occurring on time, and Daniel 12:1-4 still works, as does John 5:28-30.
Notice that there is absoletely no indication of a one thousand year long wait for the renewal of the heavens and the earth! But see if your preacher can explain this one away.
Isaiah 66:18-24 “Because I know about their behavior and their thoughts, the time is coming when I’ll gather all people of every language. They’ll come and see My splendor. 19 I’ll set up signs among them and send some survivors to the nations—to Tarshish, Put and Lud, Meshech, Rosh, Tubal, Javan and to the distant lands beyond the oceans who haven’t heard of My fame or seen My splendor. They’ll announce My splendor among the nations. 20 They’ll bring all of your relatives from all the nations as an offering to Yehovah [the Second Exodus], on horses, on chariots, on litters, on mules and on dromedaries to My 'special' mountain Jerusalem,” Yehovah says, “like the Israelites bring their offering in a ceremonially clean vessel into Yehovah’s 'Temple'. 21 I’ll also appoint some of them to be priests and Levites [Ezekiel 44:6-15],” says Yehovah.
22 “As the New Heavens and the New Earth that I’ll make will endure in My presence”, declares Yehovah, “So your descendants and your name will endure. 23 “Then, from one New Moon to the next New Moon [every month!], and from one Sabbath to the next Sabbath [every week!], all of humanity will come to worship before Me”, declares Yehovah. 24 They’ll go out and see the carcasses of the people who rebelled against Me, because the maggots devouring them won’t die off. The fire that’s burning them won’t go out. They’ll be abhorrent to everyone.” [3]
[3] Unfortunately, there will be a steady stream of wicked people being thrown into the fire every ‘moonth’ all thru the time of the “New Heavens and the New Earth.” Whatever the fire does not dispose of will keep the maggots well fed. Gehenna was the city dump of Jerusalem, where the bodies of criminals kept the maggots fed continually.First the good news: This is the grand finale event of this amazing Jubilee year. It brings us to the very threshold of the Everlasting Kingdom. There is precious little in the Bible about what follows the victory that falls during “the Great and Awesome Day of Yehovah” beyond the transitional period. We do know for certain that Yehovah’s truth will begin to flow everywhere like living water:
So after the carnage, Elohim will “gather OTHERS to Him, besides His own...”—unconverted survivors who were not wicked!
The Eighth Day is not a Feast Day, but it is still a 'special' Sabbath assembly, better termed a Festival (far less centered on harvests (eating)! (Leviticus 23:39)
The Judgment Day is very good news for the righteous and very bad news for the wicked!
Romans 14:10 Why do you judge your fellow believers, or why do you consider your fellow believers to be worthless? We must all stand before the judgment seat of Messiah.
If a nation really were “One nation under God” in 2024, it would be celebrating a year long paid vacation in this (I believe to be) seventh year of the Shemitah cycle. (Deuteronomy 15). It would not just be for farmers. In addition we would be thinking about the two year long paid vacation in the very next Shemitah/Jubilee (Leviticus 25).
This year is not 5784-5785, as on the Jewish calendar. Year 5992-5993 is far more likely with 8 years to go!
Revelation 11:15-17 The seventh messenger blew his shofar [6], and there were voices [the Greek adds “in heaven”] and thunder that said, “The kingdoms of the world have become the kingdom of Yehovah and of His Messiah, and They will reign forever and ever.” 16 The twenty-four Elders who are in the presence of Yehovah’s throne [7] who sit on their own thrones fell facedown and worshiped Yehovah, 17 and said, “We praise you, Yehovah Aloha the Sovereign, who is, and was, [and now here!] because You’ve assumed Your great power and have begun to reign.
[6] The Seventh Shofar (“trumpet”) of Revelation 11:15! corresponds with the “Great Shofar” of Isaiah 27, particularly vs 12-13)—adding the pertinen backstory! [7] The Greek has the elders in this verse sitting on thrones [Gr. thronos], omitting mention of Yehovah’s throne, unlike 4:2-4, 7:11, and 19:4.
Isaiah 2 beautifully describes the transition year between the coming seven year long Tribulation/Great Tribulation Period, and the The Day of Yehovah (Isaiah 34). The mess that Satan makes (with lots of human and demonic helpers) will all be cleaned up “When That DAY Comes”!
Isaiah 2:All 1 The message that Amoz’s son Isaiah envisioned concerning Judah and Jerusalem: 2 In the future, at the end of the 'age', Yehovah’s mountainous 'Temple' [1] will be established on the summits of the mountains and be borne above the hills, and all nations will beam [or flow] into it.
3 People from many nations will come and say, “Come, let’s go up to the mountain of Yehovah, to the House of Jacob’s Elohim. He’ll teach us His path to life and we’ll 'live' His way.” The Torah will go out from Zion and the Word of Yehovah from Jerusalem.” 4 He’ll govern the nations and 'settle the feuds' of many nations, and they’ll beat their swords into harrows and their spears into pruning hooks. Nations won’t raise swords against other nations and they won’t learn how to wage war any more. 5 Come, House of Jacob, let’s 'live' in the light of Yehovah.
6 You’ve abandoned Your people, House of Jacob, because they are filled with influences from the east, they are fortune-tellers like the Philistines, and they make deals shaking hands with foreigners. 7 Their land has been filled with silver and gold, there is no end of their treasures; their land is filled with horses and there are endless chariots. 8 Their land has been filled with idols; they worship the work of their hands, things their own fingers made. 9 So humanity will be put down, and everyone’s stature lowered, so don’t lift them [U] [2].”
Continuing: 10 Hide among the rocks or hide in the debris from the terror of Yehovah and from the splendor of His majesty. 11 When That Day Comes* the arrogant looks of humanity will be humbled. The proud will be brought down, and Yehovah alone will be exalted. 12 Commander Yehovah will have a Day of Reckoning for everyone who is arrogant and proud, their pompous pride will become humiliation 13 against all the cedars of Lebanon that are high and exalted, against all the oaks of Bashan, 14 against all the high mountains, and against all the lofty hills, 15 against every high tower and every fortified wall, 16 against all the ships of Tarshish and every pleasant craft. 17 When That Day Comes the pride of humanity will be humbled, and the arrogance of men will be laid low. Yehovah alone will be exalted. 18 The idols will completely vanish.
19 Men will go into rock caves and into holes in the ground for reverence of Yehovah and the splendor of His majesty when He determines to terrify the land. 20 When That Day Comes, people will throw away their silver and gold idols that they made for themselves to the moles and the bats. [sarcasm] 21 They’ll escape to caverns in the rocks and crevices in cliffs from the dread of Yehovah, and from the splendor of His majesty when He arises to terrify the land. 22 Stop trusting people, their breath of life depends on their nose. What good are they?
[1] There is no distinct word for Temple in Hebrew. House is the literal word. [2] The word ‘lift’ here is almost universally translated as ‘forgive’ in this verse (monkey see, monkey do), yet it far more frequently means lift. Actually the survivors of “Judah and Jerusalem” will have their pride lowered, not lifted, but they’ll be forgiven! Rather than phrase it “do not forgive them”, the story of forgiveness for the humbled survivors is found just a few chapters ahead in Isaiah 11:11-13.While most of the Biblical prophecies concerning the transitional Jubilee year are completed once the Second Exodus is over, Gog and Magog are clearly yet to come into play.
The first 35 chapters of Ezekiel primarily are a lead up to the Second Exodus which is described in vast detail in Ezekiel: Chapters 36 and 37. Then Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 describes the immediate response and destruction of Gog and Magog. Immediately after that the final solid nine chapters: 40-48, describe the immediate next order of business—the establishment of the gigantic fourth Temple during the millennium!
Many people hope for or expect that a “revival” will take place before the end of the age. They imagine this as if it were a return to conditions as they were during the time of their grandparents or a couple of generations before that. But what is about to transpire will be unlike anything that has ever existed. It will vaguely resemble the time of King David, but those “good times”, as frail as they were, ended after his son took over the reigns of government (1 Kings 11). We don’t need reviving to the likes of any previous era—something held together by duct tape and bailing wire! And you can not revive—vivify something or someone who has never really lived to begin with.
Revive: to come or bring something back to life, health, existence, or use.
No condition from the time of Adam and Eve until now has been worth reviving! Only after the coming Eighth Day will Israel’s descendants, and soon everyone else who survives it realize this:
Ezekiel 39:22-29 So the House of Israel will realize that I am Yehovah their Elohim, from that commemorative day on. [2b] 23 The nations will realize that the House of Israel went into captivity because they were guilty, because they were so unfaithful to Me, and that I hid My face from them and handed them over to their enemies, and they all fell ‘in battle’. 24 I acted in proportion to their impurities and their rebellion, and I hid My face from them.
25 “So the Sovereign Yehovah says: I’m going to bring Jacob [Israel] back from captivity and have mercy on the whole House of Israel, and I’ll be zealous for My 'special' name. 26 They’ll 'accept responsibility' for their shame and all their unfaithfulness toward Me when they live securely in their land with no one to frighten them 27 when I’ve brought them back from the nations and gathered them out of their enemies’ lands and become special to them in the sight of many nations. 28 Then they’ll realize that I am Yehovah their Elohim, once I’ve made them go into captivity among the nations, and then regathered them to their own land. I’ll leave none of them behind 'this time'. 29 I’ll no longer 'turn' My face from them because I have poured out My spirit on the House of Israel,’ declares the Sovereign Yehovah.”
[2b] Notice that this chapter declares four times that the House of Israel, NOT the House of Judah will be left burying the dead for seven months! This specifies the return of the “lost 10 tribes”!Hebrews 9:27-28 And just as people are destined to die ONCE, and after their death comes Judgment Day, 28 so the Messiah was also offered once, and personally placed on the altar to bear the sins of many, and He’ll appear a second time, not to bear sin, but for the eternal life of those who expect Him.
The Church of God’s Eighth Day Festival/Second chance theory serves the same purpose as Purgatory does for Catholicism—it’s human reasoning thought to make God appear more “fair”. But to deny that sin in this life has eternal consequences for the billions of people who have ever lived is a very dangerous and heretical teaching—making this life of no consequence! The true Biblical “Fate of the Wicked” is quite clearly spelled out. Biblical salvation is not complicated. Sadly, virtually no church teaches Yeshua’s answer to the question: “What must I do so that I can inherit eternal life?”. This is the world’s most important question. That’s why three of the gospels reveal exactly how people “without the truth” will be judged: Matthew 19:16-19; Mark 10:17-22 & Luke 18:18-23! These are the six “love your neighbor” Commandments, (counting covetousness, vss.21-22). The first four Commandments are the “love your Aloha [God] Commandments, while the last six Commandments apply to human relationships. There is a greatly overlooked means of obtaining eternal life for the relatively righteous people who are ignorant of the Torah, as explained in Are the “Unsaved” Lost?.
“Church of God”: Tho most of you believe that you are Philadelphia, and that you have no need to grow in knowledge because all you have to do is “Hold tightly onto what you have, so that no one takes your crown”—understand what Daniel said about knowledge at “the time of the end”:
Daniel 12:4 But Daniel, keep this message a secret, and put a seal on the book until the time of the end. Many will travel around quickly, and knowledge will greatly increase”.
But you have learned next to nothing since Herbert Armstrong, by direct inspiration as the only end-time Apostle by six months of diligent plagiarism, learned everything necessary to keep iron from sharpening for almost a century—while capturing a sizable chunk of saleable truth in the process!
So far as I know, all of the many splinter groups descended from the Worldwide Church of God still teach that the symbolic purpose of the Eighth Day has to do with an imaginative 100 year period of salvation thought to take place a thousand years after the Everlasting Kingdom is set up, and that Judgment Day for billions of people, now dead, is also in the distant future—imagining that every sin in this life will be totally irrelevant because humanity did not understand “the truth”. (Tho some of you simply avoid the doctrine altogether.) Yet salvation and judgment for both the righteous and the wicked will not be postponed for a thousand years. So the way they tell it, people like Hitler (even mentioning him by name) will be resurrected to another physical life because 'God' needs more time to sort the good people from the evil people. However this defies dozens of Scriptures! That “grave” error is the most prominent teaching concerning the Eighth Day that I am aware of.
So why do I care about the Sabbatarian “Churches of God”? It is because despite major shortcomings, they are in my view the most knowledgable of six of the end-time commandment keeping “churches” referenced in Revelation 2 & 3. Philadelphia was the last of the seven cities mentioned in Revelation 2 & 3 to be founded as cities—a thousand years after Ephesus! And when it does rise it will be the most powerful and most short lived of the seven, having all of the spiritual gifts. Unfortunately, the various CoG factions are generally lead by other Nicolaitan (totalitarian) governments.
In reality, everyone who will have died during the first 6,000 years—prior to the seventh millennium will be judged immediately after the time of trouble—the Great Tribulation (Daniel 12:11-13):
Romans 2:6-16 He’ll compensate everyone in direct proportion with their behavior (works). 7 Those who persevere in good behavior, and search out praise, honor and immortality, He will give eternal life, 8 but for those who are self-promoting partisans seeking control, refusing to uphold the truth, and who obey wickedness, there will be passionate anger and fury. 9 Tribulation and extreme suffering is reserved for everyone who is evil, starting with the Jews, but also every other ethnicity. 10 Yet praise, honor and peace of mind is granted to everyone who is a good servant, beginning with the Jews, but also ever other ethnicity. 11 Yehovah does not show partiality.
[2] Matthew 25:31-46 explains who the proverbial sheep and goats are on Judgment Day, for those in total ignorance of Yeshua.
Daniel 12:1-4 AT THAT TIME, Michael will take a stand, the great commander who stands for your people, and there will be a time of trouble [the Great Tribulation, worse than 536 A.D, The Worst Year In History], such as there has never been since the first nation up until that time, AND AT THAT TIME [during the “time of the end!”] your people will escape, everyone whose names are still found {niphal} recorded in the Book [of Life]. 2 Multitudes of people sleeping in the dust of the earth will awaken, some of them to everlasting life, and the others to shame and everlasting contempt. 3 Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever. 4 But Daniel, keep this message a secret, and put a seal on the book until the time of the end. Many will travel around quickly, and knowledge will greatly increase [Hebrew shoot!]
And a Second Witness from Yeshua’s favorite follower:
John 5:28-29 Don’t be amazed at this, because the time is coming when everyone in their graves will hear His voice 29 and come out—those who have done good things to a Resurrection resulting in life, and those who have committed evil to a Resurrection resulting in Condemnation.
Daniel 7:14 & 27 He was given dominion, splendor and a Kingdom, so that people of every nation and language would serve Him. His Kingdom is an Everlasting Kingdom that will never pass away, and His Kingdom is one that will never be destroyed... 27 The kingdom and the sovereignty, and the majesty of every kingdom under every sky will be given to the cherished ones, the people of the Most Supreme. His kingdom is an Everlasting Kingdom, and every king will serve, hear and obey Him.
The absolute best place to read about the Everlasting Kingdom is in Isaiah 65 and 66. No other one place even comes close. But caution: Never inert a 1,000 year gap anywhere in these chapters!
As explained in New Jerusalem, a Place of Safety! many 'chosen ones' (saints) will have taken refuge in the “New Jerusalem” during the year of wrath; but before the 7th millennium even begins. It will be visible from earth, and certainly after the renewing of the Earth, looking outwards into the “New Heavens”! where everything “up there” is rearranged and substantially repurposed and awaiting us! I really encourage you to read all of Chapters 65 and 66, but here is a sampling:
Isaiah 65:8-10, 17-24 This is what Yehovah says: “Just as new wine grapes are found in clusters, and someone says, “Don’t destroy them, because they are a blessing,’ so I’ll act for My servants’ sake, by not destroying them all! [Israel of old faced scattering, but nothing like the sifting that’s coming during the Great Tribulation: Isaiah 13:10-13.] 9 I’ll lead out descendants of Jacob and heirs from Judah [reversing the diaspora!]; My select will take possession of My mountains, and My servants will live there. 10 Sharon will become pasture land for flocks, and the Valley of Achor a resting place for herds, for My people who seek Me. [When Yehovah chose a whole nation they didn’t do so well! The next time people will be chosen individually!][1] “I’m going to create a New Heavens and a New Earth, and the previous ones won’t be remembered or come to mind! [This is in the context of burning the wicked and blessing the world’s better survivors at the end of the age as they live out their lives.]... 18 Be glad and rejoice forever in what I’m going to create, because I’m creating [a New] Jerusalem for rejoicing, and her people a joy. [2] 19 I [Yehovah] will celebrate in Jerusalem and take delight in My people. Screaming and crying will never again be heard in the city.
20 “Never again will there be an infant who lives for only a few days, or an old man who hasn’t lived out his days. A son who only lives to be a hundred years old will die young, because a young man who dies at one hundred years of age will be considered cursed. [Only indecisive people live to 100, but then their shelf life expires.] 21 They’ll build houses to live in and eat fruit from the vineyards they plant. 22 They won’t build homes for others to live in, and they won’t plant for others to harvest. My people will live as long as the trees [sometimes centuries], and My select will long enjoy the work of their hands. 23 They won’t work for nothing or have children doomed to misfortune, because they are the 'people' blessed by Yehovah, along with their children. 24 Before they call, I’ll answer. While they are still asking, I’ll hear.
[1] See my commentary in From 2024 to Eternity—scroll down to “The Sequence of End Time Events”. [2] In verses: 17-19: A common misconception is that somehow, without notice or reason, the timeline jumps to a time after the millennium! Yet there is no justification in postponing the crowning events in this eight chapter long finale of human and satanic rule that began in chapter 59!Isaiah 65 & 66 also describe the worldwide salvational (salvage) plan of the new millennium that will be set in motion by the 120th Jubilee (year 6000). Isaiah also spoke of the “New Earth”. This description is more specific and inspiring than any other reference place in the Bible. Note that when the flood “destroyed” the earth (Genesis 9:11) we really got a Renewed Earth, not a different planet. So it will be very soon when the Earth is “destroyed” again Matthew 24:37-39.
[1] See my commentary in From 2024 to Eternity—scroll down to “The Sequence of End Time Events”. [2] In verses: 17-19: A common misconception is that somehow, without notice or reason, the timeline jumps to a time after the millennium! Yet there is no justification in postponing the crowning events in this eight chapter long finale of human and satanic rule that began in chapter 59!Of course Israel is the first focus of the prophecy because Israel is the catalyst for change once the destruction of the Day of Yehovah is past. But these liberated people will zealously spread the truth about Yehovah’s eternal plan to the rest of the world—those chosen to survive!
Revelation 17:10-11 There are seven kings. Five of them have fallen, one exists now [Rome], and the other hasn’t come yet, but when he comes, he will only remain for a little while. 11 The predatory beast that was, and is no longer, is the EIGHTH KING, out of time with the seven, and 'headed for' destruction.10 There are seven kings. Five of them have fallen, one exists now [Rome], and the other hasn’t come yet, but when he comes, he will only remain for a little while.
In chapter 19 commentary on the Beast resumes:
Revelation 19:17-21 I saw a messenger standing in front of the sun, and he shouted to all the birds flying in midair, “Come, gather for the great supper of Yehovah, 18 so that you can eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of captains of thousands, the flesh of valiant men, the flesh of horses and their riders, the flesh of everyone both free and slave, those of little status and the highly esteemed.” 19 I saw the predatory beast and the kings of the earth and their warriors. They had gathered to wage war with the One seated on the white horse and with His army. 20 The predatory beast was captured along with the false prophet who performed miraculous signs 'on his behalf'. By these signs he deceived those who had accepted the mark of the predatory beast [not the link’s last paragraph] and who worshiped his statue. [5] They were both cast as still breathing mortals into the lake of fire ablaze with sulfur. 21 The rest were killed by the sword of the One riding on the horse, by the sword that came from His mouth, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.
[5] Now that Tim Cohen has identified the statue, we don’t have to wonder what it is. The Greek word is “eikoni” = English icon, statue, idol etc.
Revelation Chapter 20 is the very end of the end! The Beast and his False Prophet are gone forever, never to return—burned up without further delay, with no need for judgment proceedings.
Humanity is about to enter into what Yeshua referred to as the “world to come”. However that momentous event will not be realized until there is a New Heaven and a New Earth. The context relative to the “arrival” of the New Heaven and New Earth is explicitly laid out in unmistakable end-of-this-age context in Jeremiah chapters 65 and 66. People get confused about the timing in the Revelation 20 account, thinking that the “footnote” about Satan and the thousand years pushes everything mentioned in chapter 21 and 22 ahead for thousand years into the future, including the New Heavens and New Earth. But just as “Noah’s flood” destroyed the earth, “The Day of Yehovah” will “destroy” the earth again, necessitating “times of refreshing” (Acts 3:19) or as I phrase it, “times of transformation”. These guys got the proverbial “end of the world” right.
Satan Bound the Thousand Years: Here is the footnote that almost always it taught as if it were a dividing line and that everything in Revelation after this footnote is a thousand years later:
Revelation 20:1-3 Then I saw a messenger descending from Heaven with a 'huge' chain in his hand, holding the key to the bottomless pit. 2 He seized the Dragon, that ancient serpent who is the Deceiver [Gr. Devil] or Satan, who seduced the whole world [1], and restrained him for a thousand years [2]. 3 He threw him into the bottomless pit and closed it up and sealed him securely so that he couldn’t seduce the nations any longer until the thousand years were finished. But after that he’ll be released from bondage for a little while.
[1] The words “Who deceived the whole world” was omitted from the Greek.
[2] This chapter offers a rare glimpse of events of the seventh millennium, a period of time noted for both beginning (Ezekiel 38) and ending with a Satanic insurrection.Even in chapter 20 we are still reading about the end of this age—not a time after the thousand years!
Revelation 20:4-6 I saw thrones, and those who were seated on them, and judicial authority was given to them, and I saw the bodies of those who were beheaded for THE TESTIMONY OF YESHUA [the ‘NT’] [3] and for THE WORD OF ALOHA [the ‘OT’]. These are the ones who hadn’t worshiped the predatory beast or his icon, nor had they accepted his mark on their forehead or on their hand. They lived and reigned with their Messiah during those thousand years. 5 This is the first resurrection. [4] 6 Blessed and 'chosen' is anyone who has part in this first [or best] [5] resurrection, over them the second death has no influence, but they’ll be priests of Yehovah and of His Messiah, and they’ll reign with Them during the thousand years.
[4] The words: “The rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished”, aren’t in the Syriac and Aramaic manuscripts, or the earliest Greek manuscripts, such as the Codex Sinaitic and Codex Alexandrine. While these latter two manuscripts have their share of omissions, they do predate the addition. Without the added words, the excuse for postponing Judgment Day for 1,000 years is exposed. The Lamsa version found here includes the added text, while my printed copy doesn’t. [5] A secondary meaning for the Greek protos is “most important” or “best.” It isn’t necessarily first in time order. In the parable of the sower (Matthew 13:30), the harvest represents the resurrection, and the tares are burned before the wheat is put into the barn.
The only reason that verses 7-10 would be made into a footnote if it were in a modern book is because this is about the very end of the age, and Satan is about to be cast into the Lake of Fire. And naturally people would want to know if there is more to it. But it stops cold after making this point. Then we immediately return to the Judgment Day of about 2032/2033. This is the same end of this age Judgment Day mentioned in Daniel 7:9-18; Daniel 12:1-4 and John 5:24-29:
Revelation 20:7-10 “FOOTNOTE” When the thousand years are finished, Satan will be released from his prison 8 and go out to seduce the nations in the four corners of the world, Gog and Magog, and gather them for battle. Their number is like grains of sand in the sea. 9 They swarmed over the broad expanse of the world, and surrounded the 'cherished' assembly of the 'chosen ones', the greatly loved city. And fire came down from Yehovah out of Heaven and consumed them. 10 The Accuser who seduced them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the predatory beast and the false prophet were thrown. They’ll be tormented day and night for a period of time, an age.
11 Then I saw a 'large' white throne, and the One who was sitting on it. The earth and sky fled for safety [7], but their location [or place] wasn’t known. 12 I saw the dead, those of lower status [small] and the highly esteemed [great] standing in front of the throne, and the books were opened [8], including the Book of Life. The dead were judged by the 'records' in the books based on what they had done [their ‘works’]. 13 The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and death and sheol gave up the dead in them. Everyone was judged based on what they had done [their ‘works’]. 14 Death and Sheol [9] [Ar/Heb meaning grave] were thrown into the lake of fire. The second death is the lake of fire. 15 If after a thoro search, anyone’s name wasn’t found written in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire.
[1] The words “Who deceived the whole world” was omitted from the Greek. [2] This chapter offers a rare glimpse of events of the seventh millennium, a period of time noted for both beginning (Ezekiel 38) and ending with a Satanic insurrection. [3] This reads the same as the other Revelation references in Greek and Aramaic: “The Testimony of Yeshua” (Jesus). The KJV and quite a few other versions arbitrarily use somewhat different wording here. [4] The words: “The rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished”, aren’t in the Syriac and Aramaic manuscripts, or the earliest Greek manuscripts, such as the Codex Sinaitic and Codex Alexandrine. While these latter two manuscripts have their share of omissions, they do predate the addition. Without the added words, the excuse for postponing Judgment Day for 1,000 years is exposed. The Lamsa version found here includes the added text, while my printed copy doesn’t. The timing is elaborated on more in Daniel 12:1-7. [5] A secondary meaning for the Greek protos is “most important” or “best.” It isn’t necessarily first in time order. In the parable of the sower (Matthew 13:30), the harvest represents the resurrection, and the tares are burned before the wheat is put into the barn. [6] “If we understand ‘they will be tormented’ to include the Beast and the False Prophet, we must explain the phrase ‘forever and ever’ (as it appears in most versions: eis tous aionas ton aionon). Literally, this means ‘to the ages of the ages,’ and would seem to imply perpetuity. However, we must be careful with the word aion. It’s range of meaning runs from ‘a space or period of time’ to ‘a lifetime’ to ‘an age’ to ‘eternity.’ As in all such cases, the context must give the sense.” Also, the primary literal meaning of “tormented” (“heurisko”) is: ”1) to test (metals) by the touchstone, which is a black siliceous stone used to test the purity of gold or silver by the color of the streak produced on it by rubbing it with either metal.” What happens if someone is thrown into a fire and they fail the test? [7] If the covenant with 1,000 generations of humanity is honored, then we still need the earth intact: (Deuteronomy 7:9, Chronicles 16:15, Psalms 105:8). [8] This happens in the time frame of Daniel 7:10, as the beasts are biting the dust (verses 11-12). [9] The profound prophecy in verses 14-15 occurs at the very beginning of the Everlasting Kingdom. On Judgment Day there will no longer be anyone in a grave awaiting judgment—no dead, no unopened graves! The people resurrected to life will never face death again. And those resurrected to death will burn up in the fiery pit without further delay. But humans surviving into the 7th millennium will live on long enough to face their own judgment one way or another. Even priests during the 7th millennium will lose their wives to death: Ezekiel 44:21-22. Then after the 7th millennium, a great many will burn up in a fire storm—verses 7-10 above! Consider the entire context of Isaiah 25. The entire process will take 1,000 generations, most of it yet to occur! Deuteronomy 7:9; Psalm 105:8; 1 Chronicles 16:15, this is a three time covenantal promise!
1 I saw a New Heaven and a New Earth, because the first heaven and the first earth were gone [1], and there was no more sea [2]. 2 I saw the 'cherished' city, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven from Yehovah, like a bride beautifully adorned for her husband [Isaiah 49:18]. 3 I heard a loud voice from the sky say, ‘Look, Yehovah’s tabernacle [dwelling place] is among humanity [Gr. anthropos]. He will live with them and they’ll be His people, and Yehovah will be with them, yes Yehovah Himself will be with them.” 4 Every tear will be wiped from their eyes, and there will be no more death [3] or mourning or crying or pain, nor will the previous painful state exist anymore, because the previous evil things have gone away. 5 The One who was seated on the throne said, ‘Look, I am making everything new.’ And He said, ‘Write this down, because these are the faithful and true words of Aloha. [4]
6 Then He said to me, “I am the Aleph and the Tau [Greek: Alpha & Omega], the Beginning and the End. I will allow anyone who is thirsty to drink freely from the spring of living water. 7 Anyone who is victorious will inherit these things. I will be their Aloha and they will be My sons. 8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the sinful, the unclean, murderers, male prostitutes, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars 'are destined for' the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This is the second death.”
9 One of the seven messengers who had the seven bowls filled with the seven last plagues [Gr. scourges] came to me and said, “Come, I’ll show you the bride [5], the Lamb’s wife.” 10 In the spirit realm he carried me to the top of a vast lofty mountain, and he showed me the 'cherished' city of Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven from Yehovah, 11 bringing with it the splendor of Yehovah. Her brilliance resembled a very precious gem, like a jasper stone as transparent as crystal. 12 It had a very massive and high wall with twelve gates [6]. The names of the twelve tribes descended from Israel were inscribed on them. 13 There were three gates on the east, three gates on the north, three gates on the south and three gates on the west. 14 The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them the twelve names of the twelve envoys of the Lamb.
15 The one who spoke with me had a gold measuring rod to measure the city, its gates and its wall. 16 The city was laid out in a square, its length was the same as its width. And he measured the city with the rod at 12,000 stadia [7], and the length, width and height were all equal. 17 He measured its wall, a hundred and forty-four cubits, the human measurement that the messenger was using. 18 The wall was made of jasper, and the city was made of pure gold, like transparent glass. 19 The foundations of the city wall were adorned with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second lapis lazuli [“sapphire”], the third chalcedony, the fourth emerald, 20 the fifth onyx, the sixth sardius, the seventh carnelian, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth and the twelfth amethyst. 21 The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate was a single pearl. The main street of the city was pure gold, like brilliant glass.
22 I didn’t see a Temple [8] in it, because Yehovah Almighty and the Lamb are its Temple. 23 The city didn’t need the sun or the moon for enlightenment [9] because Yehovah’s brightness enlightens it, and the Lamb is its lamp. 24 The nations that were rescued from destruction [10] will 'live' in its light, and the kings of the earth will bring the splendor and wealth of the nations into it. [11] 25 The gates will never be shut during the day, because there will be no night there. 26 Notice! They will bring the splendor and honor of the human family [ethnos] into it. 27 Nothing unclean will ever enter it or anyone who performs idolatrous highly detestable things or a liar—only those whose names are registered in the Lamb’s Book of Life [12].
[1] This is the equivalent of the new earth that appeared after Yehovah sent a great flood “to destroy the earth” in Genesis 9:11. [2] Which sea? Isaiah 11:14-16; Isaiah 51:10-11. The seas, plural, are well represented in the Everlasting Kingdom: Psalm 72:7-9; Isaiah 5:30; Isaiah 24:14-15; Isaiah 60:5; Jeremiah 31:35-36; Ezekiel 26:5 and 47:10,15; Habakkuk 2:14; Zephaniah 2:6-7 and Zechariah 14:8. Unfortunately many people believe that the New Heavens and New Earth don’t even arrive until after the thousand years! (See the time frame in Isaiah chapters 65 & 66.) [3] The cessation of tears and death begins as soon as the Everlasting Kingdom is established! Check the entire context of Isaiah 25, particularly v.8. Yet the wicked are excluded from this blessing. 1 Corinthians 15:23-24 says, “But everyone in their order, Messiah was the firstfruit. Later, at His coming, those who are the Messiah’s [will be restored to life]. 24 Then the end of these events comes, when He’ll have handed over the Kingdom to Yehovah the Father, when every ruler and every government and every powerful force will have been overthrown.” Many assume that there is a 1,000 year gap between verse 23 and verse 24. They assume that it will take Yeshua 1,000 years to conquer the world. Have they read any prophecies? Zechariah 14 is a detailed account of the hottest spot on earth being conquered in a blitzkrieg (lightning war), it’s called the Day of Yehovah (the “Lord”). The seige of the earth only begins at the Mount of Olives. Ezekiel 38 and 39 is another specific account of the conquest. Some postpone these chapters too. Consequently they must, for example, also think that it will take 1,000 years for Him to “make My 'cherished' name known in the midst of My people Israel” (Ezekiel 39:7) as well. [4] “of Aloha” was deleted from the Greek translations’ [5] Who is the “Messiah’s Bride?” [6] No mention of “Angels” in the Aramaic. [7]: A “place in which contests in running were held, the one who outstripped the rest and reached the goal first, receiving the prize. Courses of this description were found in most of the larger Greek cities, and were like that at Olympia, 600 Greek feet in length.”—OBGL [8] In the Millennial age there will be another Temple in Jerusalem (not the same as the Jerusalem above {Galatians 4:26}). It will dwarf all previous Temples: Ezekiel 45:1, about 41.6 miles long and 33 miles wide. Technically the enormous New Jerusalem above is a Temple, not a separate part inside of it ... “Yehovah’s 'Temple' [New Jerusalem] will be established on the summits of the mountains, and will be borne above the hills” (Micah 4:1). [9] Again, the Greek ‘Theos’ and Aramaic ‘Aloha’ were substituted for ‘Yehovah’ in quoting Isaiah 60:20 ... Not that the sun or moon will disappear. In fact Aloha swore that they wouldn’t disappear: Psalm 72:5 and Jeremiah 31:35-37. At a fair distance from the city it will come in handy. [10] The Greek omits “of the nations”, presumably to denigrate the role of flesh and blood humans in the New Jerusalem. [11] Notice that you don’t have to die to visit! [12] Your name should be written in the the Book of Life right now!
1 He [the messenger] showed me a river of living water, clear as crystal, 'flowing' from the throne of Yehovah and the Lamb. 2 In the middle of its broad avenue, near the river on both sides are Tree/s of Life that produce twelve kinds of fruit, yielding a different type of fruit every month, and the leaves of the Tree/s are for the medicinal use [Gr. therapeia] of the human family. 3 There will never be any more blight [Gr. curse] and the throne of Yehovah and the Lamb will be there and His servants will serve Him. 4 They’ll see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads. 5 There will be no more night, and they’ll have no need for the light of a candle or of the light of the sun, because Yehovah enlightens them, and They will reign forever and ever.
6 He told me, “These words are faithful and true. And Yehovah, the Aloha of the spirit of the prophets has sent me, His messenger, to show to His servants the things that must of necessity come to pass SUDDENLY. 7 Look, I’ll come suddenly! Blessed is anyone who holds fast to the prophetic statements of this book.” 8 I, John, am the one who actually saw and heard these things. When I heard and saw them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the messenger who showed them to me. 9 But he told me, “Don’t do that! I serve the same Sovereign, I’m your brother, a friend of the Prophets and of those who obey the words of this book. Worship Yehovah.”
10 Then he told me, “Don’t seal the words of this book of prophecy, because the time is near. 11 Anyone who is unjust [1] will continue to be unjust, anyone who is filthy will continue to be filthy, anyone who is righteous will continue to practice righteousness, and anyone who is 'Select' will continue to be 'select'. 12 I’ll come suddenly! My compensation is with Me to pay everyone according to what they’ve done. 13 I’m the Aleph and the Tau, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
14 Blessed are those who obey His Commandments [2]. They’ll have access to the Tree of Life and be permitted to enter thru the gates into the city. 15 Outside of the city are 'perverts', sorcerers, fornicators, murderers, idolaters and everyone who loves to tell lies. 16 I, Yeshua, have sent My messenger to testify these things to you for the assemblies. I’m The 'Descendant' of the family of David, the brilliant Morning Star [3]. 17 The spirit and the Bride say, “Come.” Anyone who hears this should say, “Come.” And anyone who is thirsty should come, and anyone who seriously wants to can take the water of life as a gift.
18 I testify to everyone who hears the words of prophecy in this book: if anyone adds to them [4a], Yehovah will ADD to them the scourges [5] that are described in this book. 19 If anyone removes words from the book containing this prophecy [4b], Yehovah will TAKE AWAY their destiny from the Tree of Life and from the 'cherished' city described in this book. 20 The One who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I will come suddenly.” Aw-main'. Come Sovereign Yeshua! 21 May the dignity of our Sovereign Yeshua Messiah be with all the 'chosen ones'. Aw-main'.
[1] There are three other Greek words that imply a worse degree of wickedness than unjust. The others seem to be a permanent condition. [2] The Wescott & Hort versions of Revelation (most modern versions) satanically substitute “wash your robes” for “obey the Commandments”, unlike the Peshitta and the Majority text versions (the KJV “family”). See Matthew 19:16-19. [3] You need to know what the “Morning Star” has to do with “Lucifer”! [4a,b] The fact that this warning was made indicates that people could and would alter parts of the Bible. Fortunately it’s possible to backtrack and spot the alterations. [5] They’ll actually experience the Day of Yehovah! (the Day of the Lord)
End of the Revelation of Yeshua, as recorded by John, the Good News envoy. Praise Yehovah.
Compare the Testimony of Yeshua with the 1851 Murdock or the 1849 Etheridge Versions of “The Testimony of Yeshua” (The ‘New Testament’).
Chapter 2: Did Yeshua’s Supper (the “Lord’s Supper”) Replace the Passover?