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Chapter 4, Part 1 Preview: Was the primary meaning of the Day of Pentecost fulfilled on the day when the special (holy) spirit breathed new life into The Assembly that Yeshua (Jesus) promised He would rebuild [Strong’s 3618, OBGL], or does Pentecost have more to do with events taking place “BEFORE the coming of the great and awesome DAY OF Yehovah (the ‘Lord’)”? This chapter is not focused on the first century Pentecost, it is about the prophesied events necessary to fulfill the essence of Pentecost’s meaning—that Peter thought was going to happen right then and there. Peter actually jumped the gun on Pentecost in 31 AD, thinking that “the Day of Yehovah” (the LORD) was beginning. Why did he think that “the Day of Yehovah” was beginning then—and why should you believe that it is imminent now?
This chapter is really about what was NOT fulfilled on Pentecost (Shavuot) in 31 AD! For an explanation on the near future fulfillment of Pentecost see: Israel’s 7 Apocalyptic Days, Part 2.
Acts 2:1 When the [49] days [Plural: Aramaic & Vulgate] preceding Pentecost [Ar. Pen-ikaos-ia] were 'clearly' finished, while they were all gathered together,—The Gabriel Bible
There is no doubt that this was the most amazing Day of Pentecost since the very first one, but it is not the Day that Peter thought it was going to be! This is what happened on Pentecost of 31 AD.
Acts 2:2-13 a sudden sound came from the sky similar to a violent wind. Aloha’s entire House where they were sitting was filled with it. 3 Then what looked like separate flaming tongues of fire appeared to them, and a flame rested on each of them. 4 They were all filled with the 'special' spirit and began speaking in various languages as the spirit enabled them to speak.
5 Now there were Jews living in Jerusalem who revered Yehovah from every nation under the sky. 6 When they heard the noise, many people gathered around in amazement because everyone heard them speaking in their own language. 7 They were all amazed and astonished and began asking each other, “Aren’t all of these people who are speaking Galileans? 8 So how can each of us hear them in our own native language? 9 Parthians, Medes, Elamites, people living between the rivers [Mesopotamia], Jews and Cappadocians, people from the region of Pontus and of Asia, 10 people from the region of Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, from parts of Libya near Cyrene, visitors from Rome, Jews and proselytes, 11 Cretans and Arabs. We hear them speaking the wonders of Yehovah in our own languages.” 12 They were all astounded and entirely at a loss, asking each other, “What’s going on?” 13 However others ridiculed them and said, “They’re drunk on sweet wine.”
In the Zephaniah 3 account, the language, (or speech), of the entire earth will be pure. Perhaps there will only be one language (v.9). Peter knew that Elohim (God) will purge out the wicked and leave a humble people (vs.11-12). It would be logical for a person who believed that the Kingdom of Elohim was about to be set up, to be expecting Zephaniah 3 to be fulfilled immediately. Great intervention in the languages of mankind, as seemed to be happening on that Day of Pentecost would require Yehovah’s intervention. Knowing that the Feast Days commemorate momentous events both past, and even more so, concerning “things to come” (Colossians 2:17), Peter thought that the Day of Yehovah (the “Lord”) was being initiated on that very day! Based on his already existing assumption—that the end was near—that would have been “logical”. The envoys (apostles) had no idea that two millennia would elapse first! After Peter’s death, however, John revealed much more about the time following the Great Tribulation, the time when the Two Witnesses will be killed, and when “ethnic groups, tribes, tongues, and nations” would view their bodies. (Revelation 11:9) Then during the Day of Yehovah (the “Lord”):
Revelation 14:6 Then I saw another messenger [angel] flying thru the sky, who with blood [2] had the everlasting Good News to proclaim to everyone living on earth—every nation, tribe, language and people [3].
[3] The Good News (Gospel, that includes warnings) won’t be sufficiently revealed to the world until the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:13-14,29). Then anyone belligerently worshiping the lame duck beast or accepting his mark AFTER the Good News is announced to “Everyone living on earth” (v.6) during Judgment AND still refusing to repent (v.7) after Babylon has fallen (vs.8-9; Joel 2:1-12) is in big trouble. Messenger:1; church:0.
Acts 2:14-21 Afterward, Simon Cephas [Peter] stood up with the eleven envoys, and raised his voice to address them: “Men, Jews, everyone who lives in Jerusalem, you need to understand this, so pay attention to what I say. 15 Don’t assume that these people are drunk, because it is only the third hour [9:00 AM]. 16 This is what the prophet Joel [2:28-30] was talking about.
17 In the last days Yehovah says, ‘I’ll pour My spirit on all 'people'. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will have dreams. 18 This is when I’ll pour My spirit on My servants, both men and women, and they’ll prophesy. 19 I’ll display miraculous signs in the sky above and unusual occurrences on the earth—blood, fire, and columns of smoke. 20 The sun will be darkened and the moon 'will become' blood red before the great and awesome Day of Yehovah arrives. (When—Matthew 24:29). 21 And everyone who calls on Yehovah’s name (in reference to Yeshua!) will survive!”
None of these things happened that day!
Was Pentecost that year a partial fulfillment of Joel 2? Was the Day of Yehovah also being “partially” fulfilled? Were those days “partially” the last days? No! The rest of the day did not live up to Peter’s expectations! Not only will “all flesh”, in this instance-everyone alive, have Yehovah’s spirit poured out on them so that they may repent, but the cherished ones (saints) of Yehovah will have even more of His Spirit poured out on them!
Here is the rest of the text of Acts 2. Not a single jot or tittle from Peter’s discourse should be omitted, it’s the only significant discourse on the meaning of Pentecost that we have!
Acts 2:22-47 Men of Israel, listen to what I say, Yeshua the Nazarene was a Man endorsed by Yehovah by powerful events and miracles that Yehovah performed before you thru Him, as you yourselves know. 23 He was resigned by a previously envisioned plan, by the will of Yehovah, and you have delivered Him into the hands of the wicked to be crucified and killed. 24 But Yehovah has raised Him from the dead and has released the cords [1] of sheol, because it was impossible for Him to be held in sheol. 25 Just as David said of Him: “I always see Yehovah. He is on my right hand side so that I remain unshaken. 26 So I have peace of mind and praise in my speech. Even my 'body' lives in anticipation 27 because You won’t leave my 'body' in the grave or allow Your 'Cherished' One to 'undergo' bodily decay. 28 You’ve revealed the path of life to me, You’ll fill me with joy in Your presence.
29 Men and friends, allow me to speak freely to you about the patriarch David. He died and was buried, and his tomb is with us to this very day. 30 He was a prophet, and he knew that Yehovah had solemnly sworn to him, “Of the fruit of your body, I’ll seat a descendant on your throne.” 31 He foresaw, and spoke of the resurrection of the Messiah, that He wasn’t to be left in the grave, nor would His body undergo decay. 32 This Yeshua, Yehovah raised from the dead, and we’re all His witnesses. 33 He’s the One who was elevated to the right hand of Yehovah, and has received from the Father the 'special' spirit as promised, and has poured out what you’re seeing and hearing. 34 David didn’t ascend into the heavens, because he said himself, “Yehovah said to His Word [Targum of Jonathan (Aramaic) Psalm 110:1]—Gill’s Commentary], ‘Seat Yourself on My right hand side 35 until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet.’”
36 So the entire family of Israel should know for certain that Yehovah has made this Yeshua, who you crucified, both Sovereign and Messiah.” 37 When they heard these things their hearts ware pierced, so they asked Simon and the rest of the envoys, “What should we do?” 38 Simon said, “Every one of you should amend your ways and be immersed in our Sovereign Yeshua’s name for the exoneration of sins, and you will receive the gift of the 'special' spirit, 39 because the promise belongs to you and to your children, and to everyone living far away that Yehovah will call.” 40 Using many different 'approaches' he plead with them, “Escape from this crooked generation.” 41 Some of them eagerly accepted his teaching and were immersed. That very day about three thousand 'people' were added to the assembly.
42 They dedicated themselves to the doctrine of the envoys, and fellowshipped together in prayer and in breaking bread. 43 A sense of awe came over everyone, and many miraculous signs and wonders were done 'by' envoys in Jerusalem. 44 All of the believers were staying together. Once prized possessions were now considered property of the assembly. 45 Those who had unneeded property sold it and distributed the proceeds to anyone who needed it [2]. 46 They went to the Temple daily, in unity, and at home they broke bread and ate it rejoicing in singleness of purpose. 47 They praised Yehovah, and were well thought of by all the people. Every day Yehovah added 'more people' to those living among the assembly.
Incidentally, the only apparent reason that the early cherished ones all sold their homes and lived communally was because they believed that the end of the age was to begin immediately and that money was of little concern! As soon as this error was discovered, the communal living ceased. During the Great Tribulation, when the worldly twelve tribes of Israel realize that money won’t save them, “They’ll throw their silver into the streets”—in despair! (Ezekiel 7:19)
Pentecost pictures the time when the “firstfruits” of Israel return to Yehovah! They will be the first whole generation of Israelites to return to Yehovah since the destruction of ancient Israel! Most teachers claim that the “church” is the firstfruits; under that false premise you miss the entire purpose of Pentecost. Paul was describing the “mystery” of Israel in Romans chapters 9,10, and 11! The coming rescue (salvation) of Israel remains a great mystery to most people to this very day! While “firstfruits” can refer to Yeshua—“the first of the firstfruits”, it also refers to Israelites in general (Jeremiah 2:3) and the 144,000 in particular (Revelation 14:4)
Romans 11:25-27 Friends, so that you won’t be presumptuous, I want you to know of this hidden mystery—that a degree of spiritual blindness has overtaken Israel until the full complement of nations can come in, 26 and then all of Israel will be saved [alive]. As the Scriptures declare, “A Savior will come from Zion and turn Jacob [the “lost” ten tribes] from sinfulness.” 27 “And THEN [4] they will have My [NEW] COVENANT, after I have forgiven their sins.”
[4] The house of Israel and the house of Judah have not lived under a Covenant since the ancient captivity, but that is about to change (Jeremiah 31:31-34)! The Greek totally obscures the matter of timing by substituting “this” for “then”! See The New Covenant—Soon to be Implemented!
Our generation of Postchristian America is almost totally biblically illiterate. But “My words” will not vanish from our culture ever again once we are living under “My Covenant”:
Isaiah 59:20-21 A Redeemer will come to Zion for the descendants of Jacob who turn from rebellion,” says Yehovah. 21 “As for Me, this is My covenant with them,” Yehovah says, “My spirit that is on you, and My words that I’ve put in your mouth, won’t depart from your mouth, or from the mouths of your descendants, or from the mouths of their descendants from now on and forever,” says Yehovah.”
Indeed all of Israel, that is, those who are accounted worthy to survive the coming Great Tribulation on Israel, will be saved! When the prophecies from Joel actually occur, then all of Israel will have the special (holy) spirit miraculously poured out on them. Peter thought that he was witnessing the beginning of that outpouring! Why do you suppose that the Bible preserved this erroneous assumption about Pentecost? THIS was NOT, as it turned out, the fulfillment of Joel’s prophesy concerning the Day of Yehovah! Yehovah allowed Peter’s assumption to be preserved, as delivered, to show us that even inspired envoys can misunderstand Yehovah’s timing! It is readily understood that the apostles all assumed that the Kingdom of Elohim was very soon to be set up. Yehovah did nothing to alter that assumption. Assumptions are a necessary part of life. We often have to use them until we have more complete knowledge.
The problem comes when we accept our assumptions as being fact. Israel was Yehovah’s firstfruits thru a marriage covenant!
Jeremiah 2:2-3 Go and announce where Jerusalem can hear you, ‘This is what Yehovah says:
“I remember the devotion of your youth, your love as a bride, how you followed Me in the wilderness into a barren land. 3 Israel was dedicated to Yehovah, the firstfruits [first nation] of His harvest, anyone who devoured him became guilty, and disaster struck them, says Yehovah.”
Jeremiah 31:32 It won’t be like the [marriage] Covenant that I made with their ancestors during the time when I took them by the hand led them out of the land of Egypt, since they broke My Covenant, tho I was their Husband,” says Yehovah.
Pentecost represents the time when the Nations of Israel will again enter the Promised Land! It will be much like the original occupation of the land. Notice that the Feast Days were not to be celebrated until Israel came into the Promised Land. They were not celebrated in the wilderness during the 40 years without faith. Here is one of the many “When you come into the land” statements. In this instance it has to do with the wave sheaf offering that starts the 50 day countdown to Pentecost, but the idea of waiting to enter Israel is the same.
Leviticus 23:9-11 Yehovah will establish you as His special people, as He has sworn to you if you obey Yehovah your Elohim’s Commandments and live by His ways. 10 Then all the nations on earth will see that you are called by Yehovah’s name, and stand in awe of you. 11 Yehovah will make you abound in prosperity, in the offspring of your body and in the offspring of your livestock and in the produce of your ground, in the land that Yehovah swore to your ancestors to give you.
After the Second Exodus, the pioneers who resettle Israel will keep their first Pentecost in the restored Kingdom of Israel! These former slaves will have the opportunity and be given the understanding on the spot, just like their ancient ancestors did when they left Egypt.
Isaiah spoke about the coming day of Israel’s salvation, when He will again “choose” Israel to be His Bride, this time as the Lamb’s wife, in a New [marriage] Covenant!
Isaiah 14:1 Yehovah will have mercy on Jacob and choose Israel again, and settle them in their own land. Immigrants [voluntary proselytes] will join them and merge with Jacob’s descendants.
Isaiah 49:6-9 He is saying: “It isn’t enough for You [just] be My Servant [Yeshua] to to reestablish the tribes of Jacob, and to bring back the Israelites who were 'spared.' I will also make You a light to the nations, so that You can bring My message of deliverance to the 'remotest parts' of the earth!”
7 This is what Yehovah the Redeemer of Israel, and its 'special' One, says to the despised One, the One the nation abhors, the Servant of rulers: “Kings will see You and rise, and leaders will bow down, because of Yehovah who is faithful, the 'special' One of Israel who has chosen You.” 8 This is what Yehovah says: “In a favorable time I have answered You, and in a day of deliverance I have helped You. I’ll protect You [the Messiah: Barnes] and give You to the people as a covenant [the covenantee], to restore the land and to repossess its desolate heritage. 9 You will say to the prisoners, ‘Come out’ and to those who are in darkness, ‘Show yourselves’! They’ll be My sheep, grazing along the roads and finding pastures on all the once barren heights.
The church is not the Bride! But the Assembly that began on the Day of Pentecost under Moses, and still remains, is the bride. The descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel, when they re-marry Yehovah, will be the Bride at the Marriage Supper! You might need to see the evidence!
Yet in the spirit realm, other analogies apply to our brothers still in the flesh.
Isaiah 62:5 Just like a young man marrying a virgin, your sons will marry you [1], and like a bridegroom rejoicing over his bride, that’s how your Elohim will rejoice over you.
[1] In the Second Exodus, the surviving Israelites, having returned to the Promised Land will become the Bride again! As in English, a secondary definition of married is “2: united, joined”. Israelites will be re-united with their land for the rest of a thousand generations (maybe 50,000 years): Deuteronomy 7:9; Psalm 105:8 and 1 Chronicles 16:15;. All three of these references specify that the 1,000 generations is a covenental oath!Yehovah expects all of mankind to believe that He, our Creator, exists because there is a fantastic creation right in front of us! They are without excuse (Romans 1:20) who do not consider this to be true, even tho they might certainly wonder why they have no contact with Him. Logically, mankind should also believe that the Creator had some great reason for creating the universe. Furthermore all of us should rightfully think that humanity is the pinnacle of the Creator’s workmanship, because of our unique minds. We are unmistakably not like the animals!
Just as it is the job of every scientist to prove his assumptions, we should try to prove ours. A scientist calls his assumptions hypotheses, but despite the funny word, it is still his job to do everything he can, to systematically determine the truth. We are to be like that. “Analyze everything and hold tightly onto anything beneficial.” Never fail to believe, acknowledge and act on everything that you perceive to be truth. Even if you are later proven wrong, Yehovah is far more concerned with your lack of cowardice than your perfect knowledge. Yehovah will judge you on your works! He wants us to run the race, not waiting for others to catch up!
When an emergency occurs, such as being lost at sea, assumptions are a necessary survival tactic. An assumption often decides whether you live or die. You have to learn to act in a world without perfect knowledge. Yehovah deliberately adds knowledge, a little at a time, to see if we will continue to respond to Him.
Joel described the time when the rest of Israel will also receive Yehovah’s spirit! Some of us aren’t waiting! A critical look at this prophecy reveals that it is a prophecy for Israel BEFORE the Day of Yehovah (the “Lord”). Panim, in verse 31, is translated as “before” in other versions, but the secondary meaning is “face” as “in the presence” (or during). The NASB translates it as “face” 259 times.
The Day of Yehovah follows immediately on the heals of the Great Tribulation. Yehovah will deal with the rest of the world primarily AFTER Israel’s Great Tribulation.
Remember, it’s the Time of Israel’s Trouble:
Jeremiah 30:7 That day will be terrible! There will never be another like it. It’s the time of Jacob’s trouble [The Great Tribulation], but he’ll be saved out of it [have survivors].
The timing of Joel 2:30 is clarified in Matthew:
Matthew 24:29 Immediately after the time of Tribulation, the sun will be darkened and the moon won’t shed her light and stars will fall from the sky [See footnote on Isaiah 34:4], and the miraculous power of the skies will be shaken.
The chapter break disrupts the uninterrupted discernment intended for the literal fulfillment of Pentecost:
Joel 2:28-3:2 After this [after the Great Tribulation], I’ll pour out My spirit on all flesh [7]. Your sons and daughters will prophecy and your old men will dream prophetic dreams, your young men will see prophetic visions. 29 I’ll even pour out My spirit on servants and handmaids in those days, 30 I’ll show wonderful signs in the sky and on the earth, blood, fire and columns of smoke. 31 The sun will become dark and the moon will become blood red in the presence of [8] the great and awesome Day of Yehovah coming to pass. 32 And everyone who calls on the name of Yehovah will be rescued as Yehovah has said, ‘Because on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be a way of escape [rootword: refugees] for the survivors who Yehovah is inviting [calling]. 3:1 In those days and in that time, when I bring back the captives [not “fortunes” or “captivity”] of Judah and Jerusalem, 2 I’ll gather all the heathens [Psalm 83:1-8] and bring them down to the Valley of Yehoshaphat [near Armageddon], and I’ll execute judgment on them there on behalf of My people, because they’ve scattered My heritage Israel among the nations and divvied up My land.
[7] “All flesh,” as the KJV says, can mean animal life, as in Genesis 6:19, or it can mean all human life, as in Genesis 6:13 and dozens of other places. But in this context it appears to be an exclusive reference to all of the “children of Zion” and “Israel” receiving 'Yehovah’s spirit' first. [8] Paw-neem’ usually means “before”, but a literal meaning is “presence” (131 X) (or “face of” 259 X+) of.” The timing is clarified in Matthew 24:29 “Immediately AFTER the time of Tribulation, the sun will be darkened and the moon won’t shed her light and shooting stars will fall from the sky, and the inherent power of the skies will be shaken.” The Day of Yehovah is also the Jubilee year: Israel saved, neighboring nations conquered.Notice that the “all flesh” and the “everyone” is still in reference to the just liberated captives in Jerusalem, and that Yehovah is about to gather “all [the other] nations” for “judgment”!
Returning to Acts 2, we see that Yehovah inspired this chapter to be retained in the Bible for far more than to simply demonstrate that an envoy could be mistaken. Peter quoted a good bit of Scripture from memory, demonstrating that he really had thought a lot about those words prior to that day. Surely he would have asked for Yeshua’s thoughts on that prophecy while he had the opportunity. It’s doubtful that there is much of the Hebrew Scriptures that they had not inquired about, and learned about except for when the prophecies would unfold. Timing information, including Yeshua’s role, was not made available. Daniel also asked: “When”.
Daniel 12:6 One asked the man dressed in linen, who was hovering above the river water, ‘How long will it be until the end of these extraordinary things?’ [2]
[2] I was astonished (in 2017) to find this decades old analysis of end time prophecy by Ernest Martin. But I was surprised that he did not conclude this age in 2032/2033, the Jubilee (as I had). I’ve linked to him for years.
Daniel 12:8...what will be the end result of these extraordinary things?
Many times tho, assumptions are made because we simply don’t think to ask the right questions! We learn best by asking the right questions!
Peter knew that a day was coming when Yehovah would pour out His spirit on “all flesh”. Peter knew that Israel’s young people would see visions and prophecy. Peter also knew that:
Acts 2:20 The sun will be darkened and the moon 'will become' blood red before the great and awesome Day of Yehovah arrives. (When—Matthew 24:29).
There really is coming a day when Yehovah will pour out His spirit on “all flesh”, and that day will only happen once. This amazing prophecy, that Peter believed was for his time, will be fulfilled just prior to The Day of Yehovah! But Peter was way too optimistic about the timing of the prophetic significance of Pentecost.
The Day of Trumpets represents the Day of Yehovah, the very end of this age. Surely Peter had known about the commonly believed seven thousand year plan—Yehovah’s seven millennium long plan for humanity, with three millennial “days” left to go at that time. Yet he had set that aside, thinking that it was wrong.
Peter, knowing that Pentecost is the Feast Day that comes before Trumpets, “before the...Day of Yehovah”, expected that things were going to get bad quickly.
Take a look at a bit more of the prophecy that Peter was quoting from.
Joel 2:15-17 Blow a shofar in Zion, announce the fast, summon the Festival Assembly. 16 Gather the people. Prepare a 'special' assembly. Gather the elders. Gather the children, even nursing infants. The bridegroom must leave his room and the bride her chuppah. 17 The priests who serve Yehovah cry between the portico and the altar. They’re saying, “Spare Your people,” Yehovah, and don’t allow Your heritage to be scorned by the enemy, ridiculed by foreigners. Why should the nations ask, ‘Where is their Elohim?’”
This allusion to a marriage that is not quite ready to happen is in reference to the many other Scriptures that describe Yehovah’s marriage to Israel at the time of this dramatic transition from slavery to redemption. While Peter applied these events to Pentecost, the context also seemingly includes the Day of Atonements of the same year, just prior to the Day of Yehovah. The previous chapter also describes fasting, yet it may not be a voluntary Day of Atonement fast, because the food supplies are all destroyed (Joel 1:16-20). So it alternatively could be a fast on Pentecost, a very unusual turn of events.
Hosea 2:13-21 I’ll come and punish her for the times when she burned incense to the Baals, when she adorned herself with her rings and jewelry, chased her lovers and forgot Me,” says Yehovah. 14 “But I’m going to allure her back. I’ll bring her into the wilderness [Ezekiel 20:35] and speak tenderly to her there. 15 I’ll give her back her vineyards beginning there and the Valley of Achor [trouble] into a door of hope. She’ll respond there as in the days of her youth, just like when she came out of the land of Egypt.” 16 Yehovah says: “When That Day Comes* you’ll call Me ‘Husband’ [Ishi] and you’ll never again call Me ‘Lord’ [Baali]. 17 I’ll remove the names of the Baals from your mouths, and you will never mention them again. 18 When That Day Comes I’ll make a covenant with all the wild animals of the plains, the birds from the air and the animals that move around on the ground. I’ll abolish bows and swords and weapons of war from the “earth”? [eretz: land or region] so that everyone can live in peace. [3] 19 I’ll be betrothed [4] to you forever. Yes, you’ll be betrothed to Me in righteousness and in justice, in faithful love and compassion. 20 I’ll be faithful to you, and you’ll finally know Yehovah. 21 “When That Day Comes, I’ll respond,” Yehovah says, “I’ll respond to the heavens and they’ll respond to the earth.
What spiritual inferences can be gathered from this original Pentecost instruction? The meaning of this Day is inseparable from the HARVEST. Why two loaves? The symbolism is still quite relevant.
Leviticus 23:15-22 From the day following the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the wave sheaf [lit: omer] offering, you must count off seven complete Sabbaths. 16 You must count fifty days, to the day following the seventh Sabbath. Then you’ll present a new [fresh] grain offering to Yehovah. 17 Bring from your homes two loaves of bread made of two-tenths of an ephah of fine flour for a wave offering. Bake them with leavening as the firstfruits for Yehovah. 18 Present with the bread seven perfectly sound one-year-old lambs, one young bull, and two rams as burnt offering to Yehovah, along with their grain offering, and their drink offerings. They will be zebakim [sacrifices], a soothing aroma to Yehovah. 19 Then offer one buck goat from the flock as a sin offering, and two one-year-old lambs as a zebak, a fellowship offering. 20 The priest will then wave them, along with the bread of the first crops as a wave offering before Yehovah with the two lambs. They must be 'dedicated' to Yehovah for the priests. 21 That commemorative day will be proclaimed a special public assembly for you, you must not do your usual labor. This is a permanent rule wherever you live thruout your generations.
22 “When you harvest the crops of your land, don’t harvest the corners of your field or glean what was missed during the harvest, you must leave that for the poor and for foreigners. I am Yehovah your Elohim.”
Both Yeshua and Israel are firstfruits! A firstfruit is essentially the first crop or the firstborn. Firstfruits on an actual tree are the first to ripen, better shaped, and more flavorful. The emphasis is on being called first and maturing first! Firstfruit can mean an actual fruit but it also refers to anything “first in place, time, order or rank” —Strong’s . However, this particular firstfruit is specifically in reference to the harvest of wheat.
Exodus 34:22 You must celebrate the Feast of Weeks with the firstfruits of the wheat harvest, and the Harvest Feast annually at the end of the agricultural cycle.
Yeshua was the single first of the firstfruits. But the ancient symbolism of waving a sheaf of barley toward the heavens before Yehovah represents YOU being accepted, not Yeshua (since He was never unaccepted), by Yehovah in the heavens: We are these firstfruits, made “acceptable” by the Lamb without any defects! Notice:
Leviticus 23:10-12 Tell the Israelites, ‘Once you’ve entered the land that I’m giving you, and reaped a harvest, then you must bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest. 11 He is to wave the omer before Yehovah, so that YOU will be accepted. The priest is to wave it on the day after the Sabbath. 12 On the same day you wave the omer, you must offer a year old male lamb without any defects as a burnt offering to Yehovah.
The wheat harvest follows the barley harvest. Yeshua spoke of a second harvest—more Israelites being harvested! In fact He spoke of a wheat harvest three times, each time referring to the harvest of Israel into the Elohim’s Kingdom, as well as the associated Judgment Day! For those who have eyes to see—this is a terrific reason to celebrate Pentecost—to celebrate the day we enter the Kingdom of Aloha!
Here are the three wheat analogies. Avoid the baptism in fire!
Matthew 3:11-12 I immerse you in water for a changed mind, but the One coming after me is more powerful than I am. I’m not even worthy to carry [2] His sandals. He’ll immerse [or baptize] you with the 'special' spirit OR [3] in fire. 12 His winnowing shovel is in His hand, and He’ll completely empty His threshing floor, gathering the wheat into His granary. But He’ll completely burn up the chaff with inextinguishable fire.
[3] I suspect that this should read “or in fire” rather than “and with fire” because of the dichotomy of the very next verse. It refers to “burn with unquenchable fire”. So it seems to mean that this fire is one you would want to avoid! You only get “one baptism” (Ephesians 4:5). Some get the “water” and some get the “fire”. The Greek says “and”, but I don’t have enough lexical Aramaic reference material to make a case.Matthew 13:24-30 He presented another parable to them, “The Kingdom of the Heavens can be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 While everyone was asleep, his enemy came and sowed tares in the wheat field, and then left. 26 As the grain began to mature the tares became noticeable. 27 The householder’s servants came and asked him, ‘Sovereign, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where did these tares come from.’ 28 He told them, ‘An enemy did this.’ The servants asked him, ‘Should we go and pull them out?’
29 He replied, ‘No, because if you pull out the tares, you’ll also uproot the wheat. 30 They must both grow together until the harvest, and at harvest time I’ll tell the harvesters to gather the tares out first, and tie them in bundles to be burned, and then bring the wheat into my granary.’
John 12:23-24,31 Yeshua replied, “The time has come for the Human Son to enter His splendor. 24 I tell you with absolute certainty that unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains 'just one seed', but if it dies it produces many seeds... 31 The world is being judged right now! And now the ruler of this world will be thrown out [1].
There is coming a time when the voice of a Messenger will be heard and understood by every person of every language. You guessed it; this happens during the Day of Yehovah, or “the hour of His judgment”. Another way to nail down the timing is that: “Babylon is fallen, is fallen”. Once Satan’s governments are shattered, then Yehovah will initiate “His judgment”. The timing is precise; “the everlasting evangel” (good news) is the sure message. The language phenomenon at that time may be the same as that of the historic Pentecost of 31 AD.
Revelation 14:6-8 Then I saw another messenger [angel] flying thru the sky, who with blood [2] had the everlasting Good News to proclaim to everyone living on earth—every nation, tribe, language and people [3]. 7 He said with a loud voice, “Worship Yehovah and praise Him, because His Day of Judgment has arrived. Worship the One who made the sky [singular] and the land, the sea and springs of water.”
[3] The Good News (Gospel, that includes warnings) won’t be sufficiently revealed to the world until the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:13-14,29). Then anyone belligerently worshiping the lame duck beast or accepting his mark AFTER the Good News is announced to “Everyone living on earth” (v.6) during Judgment AND still refusing to repent (v.7) after Babylon has fallen (vs.8-9; Joel 2:1-12) is in big trouble. Messenger:1; church:0.
8 Then another messenger, a second one, followed him and said, “Fallen, Babylon the Great has fallen! [4]. She has made every nation drink the wine of her passionate prostitution.”
Peter was prepared for the miracles of Pentecost, are you? Perhaps a literal new language will be downloaded into everyone’s brain as a sign at that very time. On that Pentecost, everyone will undoubtedly be stone sober!
After reviewing this chapter in May of 2006, I decided that further elaboration was needed to explain why the envoys were under the impression that the end of the age was upon them. Here is that elaboration:
1 Peter 4:7 The end state of everything is approaching, so be sound minded and alert in your prayers.
Yeshua’s murder, on Passover, followed by His surprising resurrection and His public departure to heaven just ten days prior to Pentecost, really had His followers stirred up. But then on Pentecost a limited in scope (i.e. not on all of Israel) but astonishing outpouring of the 'special' spirit put a whole new perspective into the minds of the disciples. Certainly some of the most momentous times in history were taking place then. In the minds of those present on that amazing day of Pentecost, these things were definitely signaling the arrival of the Everlasting Kingdom. Indeed, why would a person think that the signs and miracles would end?
Yet, in later decades, their entire concept of Scriptural prophecy came crashing down around them. Initially, as Peter explained on Pentecost of 31 AD, they were certain that that year’s Feast Days would initiate the prophecies concerning the Everlasting Kingdom. Why would they doubt that the events portrayed in the Feast Days would not continue to play out that very year. Passover saw fulfillment, and then seemingly Pentecost—why not the Day of Yehovah on the Day of Trumpets? Yet by the fall Feast days, they realized that the prophetic momentum had ceased!
So they began to focus on Yeshua’s comments about “this generation”.
Matthew 12:42 The Queen of the South will be aroused from her sleep on Judgment Day with these people and condemn them, because she came from a remote part of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and now Someone superior to Solomon is here.
In the Olivet prophecy, Yeshua spoke about what they believed that He meant the last generation—calling it “this generation.”
Matthew 24:34 It is certain that the Israelite nation [Aramaic Sharebtha: tribe, people or nation] will not cease to exist before all these things have taken place.
Luke 11:32The men of Nineveh will stand up on Judgment Day with this nation and condemn it, because they amended their ways at the heralding of Jonah, and Someone superior to Jonah is here.
Here is another example of the Greek word genea referring to a nation, rather than a generation, just like it does in Aramaic:
Luke 11:51...from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, who was murdered between the Temple and the altar.’ Yes, I tell you, ‘It will be blamed on this nation.
They concluded that the Kingdom would come to “we who are alive”.
Yet, as it turned out, it was another use of the term translated as “generation” when what Yeshua meant was “nation”! While they most certainly knew that their term “generation/nation” primarily refers to a race of people, or a family, they nevertheless accepted the most optimistic use of the term, equating it to their single generation. But Judgment Day did not occur in their “generation”, and the “queen of the South” hasn’t risen yet.
Finally they figured out that their hopes for the Kingdom being established in their lifetimes was quite presumptuous, and they most likely resumed their belief in the prevailing millennial week/7,000 year concept.
Now for Part 2