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Chapter 25 Preview: When is the restoration of “all things” and what exactly does the Book of Acts mean by “all things”? The primary purpose for this chapter is to show that the time line for this enigmatic event may be far sooner than many people think!
There is only place in the Greek copies of the Testimony of Yeshua (“New Testament”) where the word “restoration” is used. Naturally it creates quite a stir. Here it is:
Acts 3:21 For he must remain in heaven until the time for the final restoration of all things, as God promised long ago through his holy prophets. NLT
But verse 21 means something far different in the Aramaic. Here it is with a running start:
Acts 3:19-21 So amend your ways and turn to Yehovah so that your sins will be wiped away, and times of transformation will come to you [2][3] 'from' Yehovah, 20 and He’ll send Yeshua Messiah, the One who was appointed [4] for you. 21 He must be warmly welcomed [not marooned] in Heaven until the time when every prophecy is completed [5] that Yehovah spoke about by the voices of His 'cherished' prophets, recorded from antiquity [6].—The Gabriel Bible
[2] Both Murdock and Etheridge include the words ‘to you”. This clarifies that the ‘times of transformation” aren’t aren’t dependent on you, but your being included is! The Greek lacks this. [3] This is one of those places where different Greek translations put different verse numbers, purely a modern glitch. Murdock almost always used the historic verse numbers tho, of course, there were no verses in the originals. Etheridge created a new numbering system that someone else mercifully fixed. But v.19 & v.20 vary, depending on the version you have. The Gabriel Bible defaults to the KJV for numbering. [4] The Greek says “to announce or proclaim or herald beforehand.” [5] The Greek means something entirely different: “The restoration of all things.” [6] The word ‘antiquity’ refers to the Tanak—the ‘Old Testament’, so some comments in Revelation, as in reference to Satan and the thousand years are not included in this statement. Yeshua limited “every prophecy” to things happening prior to the destruction of the Israelite nation. Matthew 24:34.
Either way you look at it, once all of the prophecies are finished, the Everlasting Kingdom will be set up and then everything that needs fixing will be.
This should be a fairly easy event to pinpoint in time. Yeshua (Jesus) will stay in heaven from the time that He “ascended to Heaven, and sat on Yehovah’s right hand side” (Mark 16:19) “UNTIL” “EVERYTHING IS COMPLETED” and “times of refreshing” come, when Yehovah will “SEND YESHUA THE MESSIAH”!
Actually the restoration process will begin with the prophesied “Elijah who is to come”, who will fulfill the same role as John the Immerser (Baptist) did:
Malachi 4:5-6 I’m going to send the prophet Elijah to you before the intensely terrifying Day of Yehovah arrives! 6 He’ll turn the sentiments of the fathers with the children, and the sentiments of the children with their fathers [turning them all], otherwise I’ll have to come and strike the land with utter destruction.
I take this quite literally, and question why anyone else wouldn’t. Either he is physically resurrected in the flesh, precedents already set, or in my opinion, John traveled to the future and saw everything that the book of Revelation says that he saw.
Elijah, likely one of the Two Witnesses, will begin setting things right perhaps on the first day of the 1,260 days of prophesying, possibly with a heavenly sign. But the Greek translations have a much more ambitious job for Elijah, they have him “restoring everything to its former state”:
Matthew 17:10-12 And His disciples asked Him, “Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?" 11And He answered and said, "Elijah is coming and will restore all things; 12but I say to you that Elijah already came, and they did not recognize him, but did to him whatever they wished. So also the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands.” NASB
Compare this to the Aramaic:
Matthew 17:10-12 So the disciples asked Him, “Why do the Torah teachers say that Elijah must come first?” 11 Yeshua answered, “Elijah is indeed coming, so that everything [prophetic] will be fulfilled [1]. 12 But I tell you that Elijah already came and they didn’t recognize him, but treated him any way they wanted to. In the same way the Human Son is going to suffer at their hands.”
[1] The Greek translations have a much more ambitious job for Elijah, they have him “restoring everything to its former state.” While when translating from Aramaic to Greek, “restore” is a possible rendering, it certainly differs from John’s preparing the way analogy, and it doesn’t conform to any other prophecy, and certainly not “Everything” prophesied.
While when translating from Aramaic to Greek, “restore” is a possible rendering, it certainly differs from John’s preparing the way analogy, and it doesn’t conform to any other prophecy, and certainly not “everything” prophesied.
Yeshua, who referred to John as Elijah, said he must “again” prepare the way for the coming Messiah:
Revelation 10:11 Then he told me, ”John, you must prophesy again before many nations, peoples, princes and kings.”
Remember that John stayed with Mary, but the John/Elijah of the past and future confronts/confronted kings.
Revelation 11:1-3 Then I, John, was given a measuring reed like a staff, and a messenger standing by and said, “Get up and measure the Temple [1] of Yehovah and the altar and those who worship there [2]. 2 But leave out the courtyard outside of the Temple, don’t measure it, because it has been given to the heathens, and they’ll trample the 'cherished' city underfoot for forty-two months. 3 I will give power to MyThe Two Witnesses [3]. They’ll prophesy for 1,260 days [4], wearing sackcloth.
[1] Here John is actually told to measure the end time third Temple just prior to the Two Witnesses commission (v.3). The terms “measure”, “measured” and “measuring” combined are found dozens of times in reference to the temple in Ezekiel 40-42. This would explain the previous verse (10:11): “John, you must prophesy AGAIN before many nations and peoples and princes and kings.” Is he one of the two witnesses or one of their companions? Same goes for Elijah (Malachi 4:5-6). Does God Travel in Time?
[2] In the architectural planning, the outer court is excluded/ruled out! That space on the Temple Mount “has been given to the heathens”. And while the Temple is to be literally measured, the people are spiritually measured!
[3] After a long search, I found a link that comes close to my views, other than for Moses, Elijah and John time traveling and the final eight years.
[4] Some teach that Yehovah, ‘the LORD” will take His Year out Satan’s seven year long fling (2X 1,260 days), not understanding that the Jubilee year (2031/2032 AD?) always follows a seven year period, (the Shemitah). The Tribulation period accounts for the remaining part of the 70 weeks prophecy of Isaiah 61:1-2.
The “Restoration of all things” is said to be “Times of refreshing”. “Refreshing” in Greek literally means “a recovery of breath”! Yehovah is going to have to resuscitate His creation after the Day of Yehovah (the “Lord”)! Yeshua’s incredible return, and the restoring “all things” is the majestic message that “He spoke by the mouths of His sacred prophets in times past” (Luke 1:70). This is the very CORE message of the Bible! “Restoration” Defined: (apokatastasis). Double compound (apo, kata, isthmi), here only in the N.T., though common in late writers. In papyri and inscriptions for repairs to temples and this phrase occurs in Jewish apocalyptic writings, something like the “new heaven” and the “new earth” of Revelation 21:1.—Quoted from Robertson’s Word Pictures of the New Testament. When Yeshua the Messiah returns, and His “compensation is with Him”. That compensation will include a “New Heaven” a “New Earth” a “New Jerusalem ” and a New Family! Exactly what does “all things” or “everything” mean? The following verses define it. John 1:1-4 In the beginning, the Word existed. The Word was with Aloha, and Aloha was the Word Himself* [Aramaic].
2 He was with Aloha in the beginning.
3 Everything was created by Him, and absolutely nothing came into existence without Him.
4 In Him was life, and that life was the Light of humanity [anthropos]. This includes the entire physical universe. 1 Corinthians 15:27-28 He has put everything under 'Yeshua’s' command. But when He said that everything is under His command, this certainly excludes the One who authorized Him.
28 Now when everything is under His command, then the Son Himself will yield the command to the One who authorized Him, so that Yehovah will be 'absolutely supreme'. Only the Father is not under the subjection of the Son. Colossians 1:16 He created everything [3] in the heavens and on earth, everything seen and everything unseen, including thrones, governments, rulers and authorities—everything was created thru Him and by [4] Him. [3] This describes the universe. “Everything” was created “BY” Yeshua! The “invisible” spirit world was also made by the Son! Hebrews 1:1-3 In ancient times Yehovah spoke with our ancestors in many ways and many forms thru the prophets.
2 But in these last days [1], He has spoken with us by His Son, who He appointed heir of all things [the universe]. Thru Him He created the worlds [Aramaic].
3 He brightly reflects His Fathers’ splendor and is essentially identical in His Being. He sustains the universe by the power of His Word. And He personally provided the purification to cover our sins, and sat down at the right hand side of His Majesty in the high places. While the word “all” often does mean “all” in Hebrew and Greek as we generally use the word today in English, it often only pertains to things within the immediate context in these older languages. I do not expect for the destruction of the Day of Yehovah to affect any part of outer space outside of the solar system. The word “heavens” does not necessarily mean anything outside of the viewable sky. 2 Peter 3:10-13 Yet the Day of Yehovah will come like a thieving false minister in a time of moral stupidity and darkness [2], when the Heavens will suddenly pass by [3] with a great noise, and the former things will be dissolved by being set on fire, and the surface of the earth and the things being done on it won’t be found [4].
11 Since all these things will be dissolved [5], what kind of people should we be in sincere conduct, and reverence,
12 anticipating and desiring the coming of the Day of Yehovah, when the heavens being tried in the fire will be dissolved [or unfastened, set free], and the former things being ignited will melt?
13 But we’re looking forward to a New Heavens and a New Earth as He promised, where the righteous live. [2] Perhaps too much is being read into the figurative explanation of this “thief in the night” passage, but who doesn’t equate the darkness of night with evil? This Day of Yehovah account is astonishing. Dont fail to notice that the Heavens and the Earth will need resuscitation after “the Day of Yehovah”! Peter’s reference is elaborated on more fully in “The Great and Awesome Day of Yehovah” (the “Lord”). Job 14:10-15 But people die and just lie there. They breathe their last and then where are they? [1]
11 As the water evaporates from the seas and rivers are diminished and dry up,
12 so people lie down and don’t rise UNTIL THE HEAVENS ARE NO MORE [2], they won’t wake up or be roused from their sleep.
13 “Oh that you would hide me in sheol, that you would keep me secret until Your wrath is past, and that You would set a time to remember me!
14 If someone dies, will they live again? All the days of my appointed service I will wait until my CHANGE comes.
15 You will call, and I will answer You. You will long for the work of Your hands. [1] An acknowledgment of general ignorance.
[2] Isaiah 65:17-25 portrays this exact time.
How could a Scripture be more to the point: “people die, and waste away” “TILL the heavens are no more”. At this point in time Job was wanting to die. He was actually awaiting his “CHANGE” to being “in the grave” so that he could await the resurrection in peace. Don’t we have to wait until the 1000 years are past for that, as some assume. The New Heavens will arrive after Yehovah’s “wrath is PAST”—a reference to the Day of Yehovah! Is there a sign that will tell us exactly when Yehovah’s wrath is finished? Absolutely: Revelation 15:1-7 Then I saw another 'spectacular' and amazing sign in the sky—seven messengers with the seven last plagues [heavy afflictions]. With these Yehovah’s rage is finished.
2 I saw a sea of glass [1] that seemed to be 'ablaze' with flames, and those who had been victorious over the predatory beast and over his icon [Gr. eikon] and over the number of his name were standing on the sea of glass, and they had the harps of Yehovah.
3 They were singing the song of Moses [2] the servant of Yehovah, and the song of the Lamb: “Your deeds are spectacular and marvelous, Sovereign Yehovah the Almighty. Your ways are just and true, O King of the ages [3].
4 Who won’t fear You Sovereign, and praise Your name, since You alone are 'peerless' and just. Every nation will come and worship in Your presence, because Your righteous acts have been revealed.”
5 After this I looked and the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony in the sky was opened.
6 The seven messengers who had the seven plagues came out of the Temple wearing clean 'bright' linen and wearing vests around their chests with gold 'thread' [Exodus 39:2-3] .
7 One of the four living Beings gave the seven messengers seven gold bowls full of the rage of Yehovah, who lives forever and ever. [1] The “Sea of glass”, described as “like crystal” in Revelation 4:6, is the same as the “icy crystal” “expanse” (“the expanse of heaven supporting WATERS above”) of Ezekiel 1:22.
[2] The last line of Deuteronomy 32, the Song of Moses, says, “Celebrate, you nations, with His people, because He’ll avenge the blood of His servants. He’ll render vengeance to His adversaries, and make atonement for His land and for His people.”
[3] As in Greek, the Aramaic word for “age” can also be translated as “world.” Compare this to the following account. Zechariah 14:1,8,11,16 The Day of Yehovah is coming, [and when it does] [1] your possessions will have been plundered right in front of you!...
8 When That Day Comes, living water will flow out from Jerusalem, half toward the eastern sea and half toward the western sea, both in summer and winter....
11 People will live there [in Israel] and there will no longer be a curse, and Jerusalem will be safely inhabited. [5]
This Scripture parallels the Revelation 21 account where: to drink freely from the spring of living water.” when the New Jerusalem arrives. Compare to: “LIVING waters will go out from Jerusalem” in the Zechariah account.
There is a reference concerning the New Jerusalem, with its restorative waters, just after the Day of Yehovah. But you need to see that the last nine chapters of Ezekiel are entirely about the very beginning of the millennium. You do have to read carefully to see the timing clues in these chapters. Many would have you believe that these chapters must be history instead of prophecy for the near future. Others would have you believe that both Ezekiel 38 and 39, found just prior to the nine millennial chapters are about the devastation of Gog and Magog in the very near future.
Ezekiel 38:1,2,8,19-20 The Word of Yehovah came to me, He said: 2 “Human son, turn and face Gog of the land of Magog, the leader of the head [or Rosh] of the land of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him... 8 After many days [about 2,600 years] you’ll be summoned. In the last years you’ll invade a land that has [recently] recovered from 'war' [1], that was gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel, mountains that have been a perpetual waste. Its people were all brought from other nations and are now living securely... 19 Then I wanted to know the significance of the fourth wild beast, since it was different from the rest of them, so very terrifying. It crushed and devoured its victims with iron teeth and bronze claws before trampling what was left with its feet. 20 I also wanted to know about the ten horns on its head and the other horn that came up before the three that fell down, namely, the horn that had eyes and a mouth that boasted so arrogantly, and that seemed larger than the others.
[1] We see in verse 8 that Israel has just recently recovered from war, that Israel had just recently “been a perpetual waste”, and that Israel has just been “brought from other nations and are now living securely” (also v.14). Something else new, in verse 11 Israel is now for the first time “a land of unwalled villages”. In verse 12 Israel had suddenly become green! Something else new: v.23 The enemies didn’t seem very aware of Israel’s Savior. This is all due to the Second Exodus!The “latter years“ “great shaking” is in reference to a one time event. It is the Great earthquake also mentioned in Hebrews and Revelation:
Revelation 16:18 There was lightning and thunder and voices, and there was a 'powerful' earthquake like nothing that has ever happened since people have inhabited the earth, such a widespread earthquake, and such magnitude!
Hebrews 12:25-29 See to it that you don’t reject the One who speaks with you. If those who ignored the one who spoke with them on earth didn’t escape, how much less will we if we ignore the One who speaks to us from Heaven, 26 whose voice shook the earth. But now He has promised, “Once more, I’ll not only shake the earth, but the heavens as well.” 27 By His saying, “Once more”, it indicates another major rearrangement of the things that can be shaken, because they were created in such a way that the things that can’t be shaken will remain. 28 So since we’re receiving a Kingdom that’s unshakable, let’s hang onto His loving kindness, so that we can serve and please our Aloha with reverence and fear, 29 because our Aloha is a consuming fire.
Now returning to the Gog and Magog Scriptures, we see some other events that could not possibly be done after the thousand years, and they certainly have not happened yet. Verse 7 is a key to the timing, for it is at this time that Yehovah will choose to make known His name to all twelve tribes of Israel. While it might be argued that Yehovah made His name known to ancient Israel during the First Exodus it cannot be said that Yehovah crushed “the nations” as mentioned in this chapter, letting them see that He is the Father of Israel. Furthermore, it would be absurd to claim that Israel will not know Yehovah until the thousand years are finished. Verses 23-29 make abundantly clear that the amazing fall of Gog and Magog takes place immediately following the gathering of “the Whole House of Israel” (Jeremiah 3:18). The restoration will primarily be done to make a homeland for Israel! Every good aspect of ancient Israel will be restored! Anyone trying to stand in Yehovah’s way will be mown down!
Ezekiel 39:1-29 “Human son, prophesy against Gog, tell him that the Sovereign Yehovah says: I’m against you, Gog, leader of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal! 2 I’ll turn you around and lead you. I’ll bring you from the far north against the mountains of Israel. 3 I’ll strike the bow from your left hand and knock arrows out of your right hand. 4 You’ll fall on the mountains of Israel, you and all your troops as well as your allies. I’ll give you to predatory birds of every kind and wild animals to be devoured. 5 You’ll fall in the open field. I have spoken,’ declares the Sovereign Yehovah.[1] 6 I’ll send a fire on Magog and on those who live securely along the coast lands. Then they’ll realize that I am Yehovah.
7 “I’ll make My 'special' name known among My people Israel [2a]. I won’t allow My 'special' name to be profaned any more, and the nations will realize that I am Yehovah, the 'special' One in Israel. 8 It is coming and it will certainly take place,’ declares the Sovereign Yehovah [“Yeshua”]. ‘This is the day I spoke about.
9 “Those who live in the cities of Israel will go out and set the weapons on fire and burn them, both the shields and the bucklers, the bows and the arrows, the war clubs and the spears. They’ll burn them for seven years. 10 They won’t need to gather wood from the fields or cut down any trees from the forests because they’ll use the weapons for fire. They’ll plunder those who plundered them and rob those who robbed them,” declares the Sovereign Yehovah.
11 “When That Day Comes*, I’ll give Gog a burial ground in Israel’s Valley of the Travelers, east of the Dead Sea, and it will stop anyone from traveling thru. They’ll bury Gog and all of his troops there, and they’ll rename it the Valley of Gog’s Hordes. 12 For seven months the House of Israel will be burying them in order to cleanse the land. 13 All the people of the land will bury them. The day that I’m clothed with splendor will be quite memorable,” declares the Sovereign Yehovah.
14 “They’ll appoint men to continually 'search' for those who were invading the land, and bury those lying on the ground to cleanse it. Seven months after the invasion they’ll begin the search. 15 As the searchers pass thru the land and anyone sees a man’s bone, he will set up a marker beside it, until the burial crews have buried it in the Valley of Hamon Gog. 16 There will even be a city by the name of Hamonah [Hoard] there.” This is how the land will be cleansed.
17 “Human son, This is what the Sovereign Yehovah says: Tell every kind of bird and every 'wild' animal: “Assemble and come, gather from every side to the zebak that I’m 'preparing' for you, a great zebak on the mountains of Israel where you can eat flesh and drink blood. 18 You’ll eat the flesh of the mighty and drink the blood of the leaders of the earth as if they were rams, lambs, goats and bulls, all of them fattened animals of Bashan. 19 You’ll eat fat until you’re full and drink blood until you’re drunk with the offering that I’m preparing for you. 20 You’ll be filled at My table with horses and charioteers, with warriors and all the fighting men,’ declares the Sovereign Yehovah.
21 “I’ll display My splendor among the nations, and all the nations will see the judgment I’ll execute and My ‘fist’ that I’ll lay on them. 22 So the House of Israel will realize that I am Yehovah their Elohim, from that commemorative day on. [2b] 23 The nations will realize that the House of Israel went into captivity because they were guilty, because they were so unfaithful to Me, and that I hid My face from them and handed them over to their enemies, and they all fell ‘in battle’. 24 I acted in proportion to their impurities and their rebellion, and I hid My face from them.
25 “So the Sovereign Yehovah says: I’m going to bring Jacob [Israel] back from captivity and have mercy on the whole House of Israel, and I’ll be zealous for My 'special' name. 26 They’ll 'accept responsibility' for their shame and all their unfaithfulness toward Me when they live securely in their land with no one to frighten them 27 when I’ve brought them back from the nations and gathered them out of their enemies’ lands and become special to them in the sight of many nations. 28 Then they’ll realize that I am Yehovah their Elohim, once I’ve made them go into captivity among the nations, and then regathered them to their own land. I’ll leave none of them behind 'this time'. 29 I’ll no longer 'turn' My face from them because I have poured out My spirit on the House of Israel,’ declares the Sovereign Yehovah.”
[1] They had several millennia of fair warning!
[2a,2b] Prior to the Gog and Magog War Israel was still coming to the realization of who Yehovah actually is! But after this (verse 23) even the civilian populations the world over will come to realize that the Second Exodus was necessary to correct Israel, and that Yehovah had actually hidden His face from them. 1948 had hardly made a dent in their awareness. Gog and Magog happens just after The WHOLE House of Israel comes “back from captivity” (verses 25-28). Only shortly before the Gog and Magog War (verse 29, Israel will have experienced the PENTECOST event that Peter thought was happening in Acts 2:14-20! “because I have poured out My spirit on the House of Israel”—the last verse of the Gog/Magog account.
It is imperative to understand that there will be a Second Exodus from slavery. The First Exodus was only a “dress rehearsal” when viewed from the worldwide scope of the second Exodus. Here are a couple of very revealing verses: Isaiah 11:11 When That Day Comes, Yehovah will extend His hand a second time to recover the survivors of His people from Assyria [Iraq/Turkey], Egypt, Pathros [Upper Egypt], Cush [Ethiopia], Elam [SW Iran], Shinar [Babylon], Hamath [Upper Syria] and from the islands of the sea. Jeremiah 23:7-8 That’s why the days are coming,” says Yehovah, “When people will no longer say, ‘As Yehovah lives, who brought the Israelites out of the land of Egypt.’
8 Instead, they’ll say, ‘As surely as Yehovah lives, who brought about the 'exodus' of the descendants of the House of Israel from the North Country, and from all the countries where He had banished them.’ They’ll live in their own land!
Carefully notice some things about the above quote: First Yehovah is going to “shake” “the earth” “once more”, not two or three times. That will take place within the Day of Yehovah. Secondly, because of that shaking, there must be a literal “transposition” or a major “change” of the earth. Thirdly, the context of this event is when we are “receiving a kingdom”! Fourth, the Kingdom of Elohim “cannot be shaken” not when its established, nor a thousand or million years from now! “Our Elohim is a consuming fire”, He is literally the “Spirit of burning”. Much of this present “old” earth will “shake” and endure a great fire! This is yet another proof that Yehovah’s Kingdom will, of necessity, be set up on the New (renewed) Earth! This is also the very time when the New Heaven will be established! Note also, not only is the “removal”, or more literally, the “transposition” of the earth being addressed “but also the HEAVENS”. In the near future we will have both a New Heaven and a New Earth!
If there is any remaining doubt about when the shaking takes place, then read the scripture that Paul was quoting from:
Haggai 2:6-9 This is what Commander Yehovah says: ONCE more, in a little while, I’m going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. 7 I’ll shake all the nations the Great earthquake], and they’ll come with the treasures of all nations [see JFB]
, and I’ll fill this 'Temple' with splendor,” says Commander Yehovah. 8 The silver is Mine and the gold is Mine, says Commander Yehovah. 9 The latter splendor of this 'Temple' will be greater than the former,; says Commander Yehovah. And I’ll establish peace in this place, says Commander Yehovah.Yehovah “will shake all nations”. This is during the time when modern “Babylon” is being destroyed.
He will “shake all nations” over the course of a full year. Apparently “heaven” will be shaken first, a few months prior to the great earthquake. Afterward, the “nations” and finally the “earth” will also be shaken during the seventh bowl plague.
Isaiah 13:6-13 Cry loudly, because the Day of Yehovah is near! It will come like destruction from the Sovereign. 7 That’s why everyone’s hands will go limp, and everyone’s courage will fail. 8 They’ll be terrified. Pain and sorrows will overcome them. They’ll writhe in pain like a woman in labor. They’ll look at each other in astonishment. Their faces aflame with fear.
9 The Day of Yehovah is coming—a cruel day with wrath and fierce anger, to make the land a desolation and to destroy all the sinners within it. 10 The stars in the sky and their constellations will no longer shine. The sun will be darkened when it rises, and the moon won’t reflect its light. 11 “I’ll punish the land for its evil and the wicked for their wickedness. I’ll put an end to the arrogance of the proud and humble the pride of the ruthless. 12 I’ll make people scarcer than pure gold, and mankind more rare than the gold of Ophir. 13 So I’ll make the 'sky above' tremble and the earth will be shaken out of its 'orbit' at the wrath of Commander Yehovah during the Day of His fierce anger.”
This change in “it’s place” or “orbit” will likely alter the sun and the moon and the earth’s alignment by five degrees forming a perfect alignment, resulting in monthly solar and lunar eclipses. The movement of just one heavenly body, either the moon or the sun or the earth would result in the restoration of perfect alignment. The movement of any one of these bodies would correct the alignment—a great heavenly sign. The earth might “move” only in relative placement, just as the sun only appears to rise. The logical time for this to begin is on the very first day of the 1,260 day period. The shaking of the earth itself is far into the year of retribution because the Seventh Bowl of Revelation 16:18 indicates: “there was a great earthquake, such as was not since there were men on the earth, so great an earthquake, so mighty.”
There is another reference to the heavenly signs that has significance in relation to the timing of end time events:
Joel 2:18-25 Then Yehovah will be zealous for His land, and have pity on His people. 19 Yehovah will say to His people: “I’ll send you grain, new wine and oil, you’ll have an abundance! I won’t allow you to be ridiculed by the nations any longer. 20 I’ll remove the northern army far from you, and drive him away into a parched and barren land, with its vanguard driven into the 'Dead' Sea, and its rear guard into the 'Mediterranean' Sea. His stench will rise up, the stench of his putrefying will rise, because He has done great things!
21 Land, don’t be afraid. Be glad and celebrate, because Yehovah has done great things. 22 Don’t be afraid, you animals of the plains, because the pastures of the wilderness will soon be green. The trees will produce their fruit. The fig trees and grapevines will yield abundantly. 23 So rejoice, people of Zion, and rejoice in Yehovah your Elohim, because He gives you the early rain for your vindication. He sends showers for you, both latter rain and the early rain [5] as in the beginning [6]. 24 The threshing floors will be filled with grain and the vats will overflow with new wine and olive oil. 25 “I’ll make up for the years eaten by the swarming locusts, great locusts, grasshoppers and caterpillars, My great army that I sent 'against' you.
[5] Jerome taught that this was about a teacher. It is literally about rain. But the context exquisitely reveals that the Second Exodus will begin in the spring, like the first one, but it will accomplish what the First Exodus failed to do—produce the first righteous nation. I just went (2022) five months in the Pacific North West (similar to Israel’s climate) without even a trace of rain during the growing season. Fortunately, the rain returned with a fast 5” of “latter rain”—at about the Feast of Tabernacles. That’s when I sowed my little plots of winter wheat, rye, barley and oats. (The “former rain” ended in the spring—near the beginning of the Biblical year.—I think that people who start their years in the seventh month likely reversed the terms former and latter rains). [6] The KJV, NKJV and the ASV (a revised KJV) change: “in the beginning” to “in the first month”. This is used to “prove” that a Biblical year supposedly begins in the seventh month, a tradition the Jews adopted during their Babylonian captivity, where that was done. Later translations are much better here.This is just prior to the Day of Yehovah when Yehovah will cause a separation between His remnant, which He will call into the New Israel, and those whom He will destroy. See Judgment Day—The Last Day.
Joel 2:26-32 YYou’ll have plenty to eat and be satisfied, and you’ll praise the name of Yehovah, your Elohim, who has done 'miracles' for you. My people will never be disappointed again. 27 You’ll know that I’m 'among you' in Israel, and that I am Yehovah, your Elohim, and that there is no other. My people will never be disappointed again.
28 “After this [after the Great Tribulation], I’ll pour out My spirit on all flesh [7]. Your sons and daughters will prophecy and your old men will dream prophetic dreams, your young men will see prophetic visions. 29 I’ll even pour out My spirit on servants and handmaids in those days, 30 I’ll show wonderful signs in the sky and on the earth, blood, fire and columns of smoke. 31 The sun will become dark and the moon will become blood red in the presence of [8] the great and awesome Day of Yehovah coming to pass. 32 And everyone who calls on the name of Yehovah will be rescued as Yehovah has said, ‘Because on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be a way of escape [rootword: refugees] for the survivors who Yehovah is inviting [calling]. [7] “All flesh,” as the KJV says, can mean animal life, as in Genesis 6:19, or it can mean all human life, as in Genesis 6:13 and dozens of other places. But in this context it appears to be an exclusive reference to all of the “children of Zion” and “Israel” receiving 'Yehovah’s spirit' first. [8] Paw-neem’ usually means “before”, but a literal meaning is “presence” (131 X) (or “face of” 259 X+) of.” The timing is clarified in Matthew 24:29 “Immediately AFTER the time of Tribulation, the sun will be darkened and the moon won’t shed her light and shooting stars will fall from the sky, and the inherent power of the skies will be shaken.” The Day of Yehovah is also the Jubilee year: Israel saved, neighboring nations conquered.Note that Yehovah will pour out His spirit on some of the Children of Israel preceding the “Day of Yehovah”. Some enlightened people of other nations will accompany Israel in the Second Exodus, as happened in the First Exodus. Notice that the darkening of the sun and moon also occurs “before” the Day of Yehovah, while the shaking of the heavens occur during or “in” the Day of the (see Revelation 16 above). The shaking of the heavens will be the event that will alter the length of a year to 360 days. This would of necessity occur on the first day of the 1,260 day period, for the math to work. It would most likely also be the first sign announced by the Two Witnesses!
Psalm 104:24-33 Yehovah, You have made so many things! With wisdom You have made them all. The earth is full of Your creatures. 25 There is the great ocean, deep and wide, teeming with both small and large living creatures. 26 There the ships venture, and the leviathan that You made frolics there.
27 All of them wait for You to provide their food at the right time. 28 When You give it to them, they gather it. You open Your hand and they are satisfied with good things. 29 But when You 'turn away' they are terrified. When You take away their breath, they die and return to the dust. 30 When You send Your breath, they are created, and You renew the surface of the earth.
31 May Yehovah’s splendor endure forever. May Yehovah take pleasure in what He has made. 32 He looks at the earth and it trembles. He touches the mountains [volcanoes] and they smoke. 33 I’ll sing to Yehovah as long as I live. I’ll sing praises to my Elohim while I’m still alive.
This chapter would not be complete without some mention of the need for a renewal of earthly Jerusalem.
Isaiah 29:1-24 It will be dreadful for Ariel! Ariel, the city where David camped! Year after year, celebrate the Feasts in the annual cycle. 2 Then I’ll pressure Ariel, there will be mourning and crying. She’ll be like an altar hearth to Me. 3 I’ll lay siege against you on every side and blockade you with towers. I’ll raise siege works against you. 4 You’ll fall down and speak from the ground. Your voice will emanate from the dust. Your voice will resemble a medium’s coming out of the ground. Your voice will whisper from the dust.
5 “Your many enemies will be like fine dust. The ruthless hordes will be like chaff flying in the wind. It will happen suddenly, instantaneously. 6 Commander Yehovah will come [not Yeshua alone] with thunder clouds, an earthquake, intense howling from hurricanes and whirlwinds and the flames of a consuming fire. 7 The horde of nations that go to war against Ariel, everyone who attacks her and her fortifications and besieges her will be like a dream, a vision in the night. 8 They will be like a hungry man who dreams he is eating, but when he wakes up he’s still hungry, or like when a thirsty man dreams of drinking, but when he wakes up, he is still faint and thirsty. That is how it will be for the hordes of all the nations that fight against Mount Zion.”
9 Stop and be amazed! Blind yourselves and be blind! They are drunk, but not with wine, they stagger, but not from liquor. 10 It’s because Yehovah has poured over you a spirit of deep sleep, and closed the eyes of your prophets, and He has covered the heads of your 'star gazers'.”
11 For you this whole vision will be like words in a sealed scroll. When people give it to someone who can read, and ask, “Read this, please,” they’ll say, ‘I can’t because it’s sealed.’ 12 Then the book is handed to someone who is illiterate and asked, ‘Please read this.’ And he’ll say, “I can’t read.” 13 Then Yehovah said, “These people draw near with their mouths and honor Me with their lips, but they’ve removed their thoughts far from Me, and their awe of Me is based on human dogma.
14 So watch out! I’ll proceed to do a marvelous work among these people, a marvelous work and a wonder, and the wisdom of their wise men will die, and the understanding of their prudent men will be hidden.” 15 I pity those who try to hide their plans from Yehovah, whose works are done in the dark, and who say, “Who sees us?” And, “Who knows about us?” 16 You turn things upside down! Should a potter be thought to be like clay, so that something he made should say about the one who made it, “He didn’t make me,” or the thing formed say of the one who formed it, “He has no understanding?”
17 In a very little while Lebanon will be turned into a fruitful field, and a fruitful field will be thought of as a forest? 18 When That Day Comes* the deaf will hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind will see out of obscurity and out of darkness. 19 The humble also will increase their joy in Yehovah, and the poor among men will celebrate in the 'special' One of Israel. 20 The ruthless are brought to nothing and nitwits will cease, and all the evil scammers will be killed off— 21 those who falsely incriminate others, who set a trap for the defense in court, needlessly depriving the innocent of justice with their lies. 22 So this is what Yehovah who redeemed Abraham says about the descendants of Jacob: “Jacob will no longer be ashamed and his face will no longer turn pale. 23 But when they see their children, My handiwork among them, they’ll revere My name. They’ll honor the 'special' One of Jacob AND stand in awe of the Elohim of Israel. 24 Those who are confused will learn the truth, and those who complain will accept instruction.
The ignorant of the earth who survive the Great Tribulation and the Day of Yehovah (Judgment Day) “will come to understanding” on the very day when Jacob is resurrected and “when he sees his children”.
This will ALL happen in “a VERY little while” once these things begin to occur.
Is nothing exciting then left for after the millennium? The best is yet to come! Year 7000 is another Jubilee year. When Passover of the year 7000 comes, we will begin a new millennial week. Perhaps all of the secrets of the universe will be revealed then. Perhaps as we will have learned how to rule over one Galaxy during this millennium we will then have the entire universe to work with! Then, on the Days of Unleavened Bread of that year, all of the “leavening” in the Galaxy will be gone forever! Then, probably on Pentecost of year 7000, the membership of Yehovah’s family will grow dramatically. To paraphrase Acts 2:41: “Then those who gladly received His word were made like their Father (John 10:34) and that day billions were added to them.” Perhaps, just as we were preparing for great things in the final years of this age, and Satan was stirring up trouble on earth, so it might be then. Satan will be back for a final fling. He will assemble those whom Yehovah couldn’t use. He’ll gather his goats for a goat roast and then they will be ashes for eternity. The Biblical Days may perpetually mark the greatest events for all of the eternity that awaits us!
Chapter 26 is The Mysterious Seventy “Weeks” Prophecy of Daniel