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4 For a long time he refused, but eventually he thought to himself, ‘I don’t fear Yehovah or care about people, 5 but this widow keeps bothering me. I’ll see that she gets justice so that she won’t always be coming and bothering me.’”
6 The Master said, “Listen to what the unfair judge says. 7 Won’t Yehovah give His Select justice when they call on Him day and night, even more readily, tho He seems slow in acting on their behalf? 8 I tell you, He’ll give them justice quickly. Yet when the Human Son comes, will He find faith on the earth?”
9 He told this analogy about people who were convinced that they were righteous, but viewed everyone else as worthless. 10 “Two men went up into the Temple to pray. One was a Pharisee and the other was a tax extractor. 11 The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed, ‘Yehovah, I thank You that I’m not like everyone else—thieves, dishonest, adulterers, or like this tax extractor. 12 I fast twice on the sabbath [two meals] and pay tithes on my entire income.’
13 But the tax extractor stood at a distance and wouldn’t even look toward Heaven. He was beating his chest and saying, ‘Yehovah, be merciful to me, a sinner.’ 14 I tell you, this man went home justified rather than the Pharisee, because anyone promoting themselves will be humbled, and anyone who becomes humble will be promoted.
15 People were bringing their babies to have Him touch them, but when His disciples saw them, they began to scold them. 16 But Yeshua called for them and said, “Allow little children to come to Me, get out of their way, because the Kingdom of the Heavens belongs to people like them. 17 I’m certain that anyone who doesn’t embrace the Kingdom of Yehovah like a little child won’t enter it at all.”
18 One of the leaders asked Him, “Good Master, what must I do so that I can inherit eternal Life” [1]? 19 Yeshua asked him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good except Aloha alone. 20 You know the Commandments, [Aramaic order] ‘You must never murder. You must never commit adultery. You must never steal. You must never give a false testimony. And honor your father and your mother.’ 21 He replied, “I have obeyed all of these from my childhood.”
22 When Yeshua heard that, He replied, “You still need to do one thing. Go and sell everything that you have and give ‘the money’ to the poor, and you’ll have a treasure in Heaven. Then come and follow Me.” 23 When he heard this he was overcome with sorrow, because he was very rich. 24 When Yeshua saw how sad he was, He said, “It is very difficult for those who are wealthy to enter into the Kingdom of Yehovah! 25 It is easier to push a rope [2] thru the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of Yehovah!” 26 Those who heard it asked Him, “Then who can have eternal Life?” 27 Yeshua replied, “Things that are impossible for people are possible with Yehovah.”
28 Then Simon Cephas said, “Look, we’ve left everything we had to follow You.” 29 Yeshua replied, “I tell you with absolute certainty that there is no one who has given up a house, or parents, or brothers, or a wife, or children because of the Kingdom of Yehovah 30 who won’t receive many times more in the present time, and in the coming world, eternal Life.”
31 Yeshua took His twelve aside and said, “Now we’re going up to Jerusalem, and everything written in the Prophets about the Human Son will be fulfilled. 32 He’ll be handed over to the heathen [Gr. ethnos], and they’ll mock Him and spit in His face, 33 and they’ll scourge Him and mistreat Him and kill Him, but on the third day He’ll rise to Life again!”
34 But they didn’t understand any of these things. This subject was hidden from them. They didn’t even understand anything when He explained it.
35 As they approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the side of the road begging. 36 He heard the crowd going by, and asked what was going on. 37 They told him, “Yeshua the Nazarene is passing by.” 38 Then he called out, “Yeshua, Son of David, have mercy on me.”
39 The people in front of Yeshua scolded him, and told him to be quiet. But he called out all the louder, “Son of David, have mercy on me.” 40 Yeshua stopped and insisted that he be brought to Him. As he approached Him, He asked him, 41 “What do you want Me to do for you?” He answered, “Master, I want to see again.” 42 Yeshua told him, “Look, your faith has given you life.” 43 Immediately he could see, and he followed Him, praising Yehovah. And everyone who saw it praised Yehovah.
[1] This is the world’s most important question, but virtually no one believes His answer, even tho it is repeated in Mark 10:17-22 & Luke 18:18-23! These are the six “love your neighbor” Commandments, (counting covetousness, vss.21-22). The first four Commandments are the “love your Aloha” Commandments, while the last six Commandments apply to human relationships. There is a greatly overlooked means of obtaining eternal Life for righteous people who are ignorant of the Torah, as explained in Are the “Unsaved” Lost?. [2] See why it’s not “a camel”. Keyword “camel”.
5 When Yeshua came to the ‘tree’, He looked up at him and said, “Zaccheus, come down quickly, because I must visit your house today.” 6 So he hurried down and enthusiastically welcomed Him.
7 When the people saw it, they began complaining, “He has gone in to be the guest of a man who is a notorious sinner.” 8 But Zaccheus stood up and told Yeshua, “Look Master, I’ll give half of my wealth to the poor, and anyone who I have cheated in any way, I’ll repay four times as much!” 9 Yeshua told him, “Today, eternal Life has come to this house, because he is also a son of Abraham.” 10 The Human Son came to search for and Rescue those who were lost.”
11 While they were listening to what he said, He went on to give an analogy, because He was near Jerusalem and they were assuming that the Kingdom of Yehovah was going to appear immediately. 12 He said, “A nobleman was traveling to a distant country to be appointed king, and then return. 13 He called ten of his servants, and gave them ten minin [gold coins] and told them, “Do business transactions until I return.”
14 But his citizens hated him and they sent envoys to him to tell him, “We refuse to have this man as our king.” 15 After he was appointed king, he returned, and he sent for the servants who he had entrusted with his money, so that he could find out what each of them had gained by doing business.
16 The first came and said, “Master, your mani has increased to ten minin.” 17 He told him, “Well done, good servant! Because you have been faithful over a little, you’ll have control of ten minin [2]. 18 The second came and said, “Master, your mani has increased to five minin.” 19 Similarly, he told him, “You now have control of five minin.” 20 The next came and said, “Look Master, here is your mani. I’ve kept it safely wrapped up in a cloth. 21 I was afraid of you because you are a stern man who appropriates things by decrees, and you harvest where you haven’t sown.”
22 He replied, “I’ll judge you by your own words, you evil servant. You knew that I am a stern man, and that I collect when I haven’t invested, and harvest where I haven’t sown! 23 So why didn’t you put my money into a broker’s hands, so that when I returned I could have gotten it back with interest?”
24 He told those standing nearby, “Take the mani from him and give it to the man who has ten minin.” 25 They replied, “Master, he already has ten minin.” 26 He told them, “I tell you that everyone who has something will be given more, but as for the person who has nothing, even what he has custody of will be taken away. 27 But as for my enemies who didn’t want me to be their king, bring them here and kill them in front of me.”
28 After Yeshua said these things, He continued on His way up to Jerusalem. 29 When He arrived in Bethphage and Bethany, near the Mount of Olives, He sent two of His disciples on ahead, 30 and told them, “Go to the village ahead of us, and as you enter it, you’ll find a colt tied there that no one has ever ridden yet, untie him and bring him here. 31 If anyone asks you, “Why are you untying him?” Tell him, “Our Master needs him”.
32 So those who were sent ahead went and they found it just as He had told them. 33 When they untied the colt, its owner asked them, “Why are you untying that colt?” 34 They replied, “Because the Master needs it.” 35 They brought him to Yeshua, and after tossing their garments on the colt, they helped Yeshua onto him. 36 As He went, they spread their coats on the road.
37 As He approached the descent to the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began to celebrate and praise Yehovah with loud cheers, because of all the miracles they had seen. 38 They shouted, “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of Yehovah, peace in Heaven and praise in the highest Heaven.”
39 Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Him, “Rabbi, reprimand Your disciples.” 40 He replied, “I assure you that if they were to remain quiet, the stones would shout!”
41 As He came closer to the city and saw it, He cried over it, 42 and said, “If you only knew, at least during this special time, the advantages for your national security [3] that are possible, but now they are hidden from your ‘sight’! 43 The time will come when your enemies will completely surround you and set up a barricade around you on every side. 44 They’ll level your city, as well as you and your children. They won’t leave you with one stone on another, because you failed to recognize your opportunity in this, My public arrival” [4].
45 When He entered the Temple, He began to throw out the merchants and their patrons. 46 He told them, “It is written in the Scriptures, ‘My House is a House of prayer, but you have turned it into a den of thieves.’”
47 Every day He taught in the Temple, while the high priests and Torah teachers and the elders of the people were planning how to destroy Him. 48 But they couldn’t find a way of doing it to Him, because all of the people were hanging onto every word He said.
[1] A mani (Heb. maneh) is said to have been equal to sixty shekels. [2] Why does this says “minin” (talents) instead of “cities”? The Matthew 25 account is almost identical, but it is not about cities either. “The largest coins in those days, probably equivalent to 3000 shekels—a Minin, talent, was a large coin of silver or gold. A man could carry only one of them. The Greek translators made an error when they translated this word Minin, for Karkha, province. The difference between these two words is noted with a single dot placed over one of the characters and can be easily confused. This nobleman could not have given his servants ten and five cities as a reward for their faithfulness, for he himself had only one city and his servants were not qualified to be rulers.”—Was the New Testament Really Written in Greek? [3] This is the very reason for the destruction of 70 AD. [4] This word is used four times in the Testimony: Once (here) for Yeshua’s first “public arrival”, once concerning His second “visitation” in 1 Peter 2:12. The word was distorted to create “the office of a bishop” in the KJV (in in Acts 1:20 and 1 Timothy 3:1.
5 They pondered it awhile and decided, “If we say, ‘From Heaven’, He’ll ask, ‘Then why didn’t you believe him?’ 6 But if we say, ‘By men’, all the people will stone us, because they are convinced that John was a prophet.” 7 So they answered, “We don’t know where it originated.” 8 Yeshua told them, “Nor will I tell you by what authority I do these things.”
9 Then He told the people this analogy, “A man planted a vineyard and leased it to sharecroppers and went abroad for a long time. 10 When the time came, he sent his servant to the sharecroppers so that they would give him his share of the crop. But the sharecroppers beat him and sent him away empty handed. 11 He sent another servant, and they beat him also and mistreated him and sent him away empty handed. 12 He tried a third time, but they wounded that one and threw him out.
13 The owner of the vineyard said, “What should I do? I’ll send my dear son. Perhaps when they see him they’ll be ashamed.” 14 But when the sharecroppers saw him, they talked the matter over and decided, “This is the heir, let’s kill him and the inheritance will be ours.” 15 So they threw him out of the vineyard and murdered him. So what will the owner of the vineyard do to them?” 16 He’ll come and kill those sharecroppers and lease the vineyard to others. When they heard this, they said, “This should never happen!” 17 He looked at them and asked, “What about the passage that says, ‘The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone?’ 18 Whoever falls on this stone will be broken, but it will crush whoever it falls on.”
19 The high priests and Torah teachers strove for a way to arrest Him then and there, because they realized that He had given this analogy about them, but they were afraid of the people.
20 They sent spies to Him who could pass for righteous men, so that they could entrap Him by something He said, and then hand Him over to the judgment and authority of the governor. 21 They asked Him this question, “Master, we know that You speak and teach correctly, and have no biases toward people, but teach the way of Yehovah truthfully. 22 Does the Torah permit us to pay poll taxes to Caesar or not?”
23 But He saw thru their scheme and replied, “Why test Me?” 24 Show Me a denarius. Whose image and inscriptions are on it? They answered, “Caesar’s.” 25 Yeshua replied, “Then give Caesar what is Caesar’s and give Yehovah what is Yehovah’s.” 26 They couldn’t entrap Him in front of the people, and they were amazed by His answers, and silenced.
27 Some of the Sadducees who claim there is no resurrection, came and questioned Him. 28 They asked, “Master, Moses wrote to us that if a man’s brother dies, leaving a wife but no children, his surviving brother must ‘marry’ the widow and raise up descendants for his deceased brother. 29 Now there were seven brothers. The first one married a woman and died without children. 30 The second married her and he died without children. 31 Then the third married her, as did all seven, they all died and left no children. 32 Finally, the woman also died. 33 So in the resurrection, which of them will she be married to, since all seven had married her?
34 Yeshua responded, “The men of this world take wives, and wives are given to husbands. 35 But those who are worthy of the next world, who are in the resurrection from the dead won’t take wives, nor will wives be given to husbands. 36 They can’t die anymore and are similar to the spirit messengers, and are Yehovah’s children, because they are children of the resurrection. 37 But even Moses showed that the dead will be raised to Life, because in the burning bush passage he mentioned that Yehovah is the Aloha of Abraham, the Aloha of Isaac, and the Aloha of Jacob. 38 Now Yehovah isn’t the Aloha of the dead, but of the living, because all kinds of people live for Him.
39 Some of the Torah teachers said, “Well said, Master”. 40 After that, no one dared to question Him about anything.
41 He also asked them, “Why is it that the Torah teachers [1] say that the Messiah is the son of David? 42 David himself said in the book of Psalms, “Yehovah said to His Word [Targum of Jonathan (Aramaic) Psalm 110:1]—Gill’s Commentary], ‘Seat Yourself on My right hand side 43 until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet.’” 44 So if David called Him Master, how can He be his Son?”
45 While all the people were listening, He told His disciples, 46 “Beware of the Torah teachers who like to strut around in long robes and love venerable greetings in the streets, and taking the best seats in the synagogues, and the best seating at suppers. 47 They ‘steal’ widows houses, and for the occasion pretend to be praying long prayers. They’ll receive a more severe punishment.”
[1] The Greek says ‘they’ instead of the ‘Torah teachers’ (scribes).
5 While some were talking about the Temple being adorned with beautiful stones and dedicated gifts, Yeshua told them, 6 “As for these things that you are admiring, the time will come when there won’t be a single stone left on another stone that won’t be thrown down.”
7 They asked Him, “Master, when will these things happen? And what is the distinguishing sign that they are about to happen?” 8 He replied, “Be careful that you aren’t deceived, because many will come in My name teaching that ‘I am the Messiah’ and that ‘The time is near.’ But don’t follow them. 9 When you hear of wars and chaos, don’t be afraid, because these things must happen first, but it’s not the end yet.
10 Nations will rise up against other nations and kingdoms against kingdoms, 11 and there will be huge earthquakes in various places, and famines, and epidemics. There will be ominous signs and terrifying sights. Amazing supernatural signs will be seen in the sky, and huge storms. [1]
12 But before all of these things, they’ll arrest you and persecute you. They’ll hand you over to councils and imprison you and arraign you before kings and governors, because of My name. 13 But it will be an opportunity for you to testify. 14 Be resolved not to plan your defense in advance, 15 because I’ll give you verbal skill and wisdom that none of your enemies will be able refute. 16 Your parents, your brothers, your relatives and your friends will betray you, and have some of you put to death. 17 You’ll be hated by everyone because of what My name represents. 18 But not a hair on your head will actually be lost. 19 By your loyal patient endurance you’ll secure everlasting Life.
20 So when you see Jerusalem surrounded by an encamped army [2], then you’ll know that its destruction is approaching. 21 Then those in Judea should flee to the mountain, and those who are inside ‘Jerusalem’ should evacuate, and those in the fields should avoid ‘the city’. 22 These are the days of vengeance that will fulfill everything that is written about in the Scriptures. 23 But pity those who are pregnant and those who are nursing babies then, because there will be great adversity in the land, and ‘persecution’ against these people. 24 They will fall by the edge of the sword and be carried away captive into every foreign nation. Jerusalem will be trampled down by heathens until the times [eras] of the heathens [3] are completely over.
25 There will be supernatural signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars, and there will be great stress on earth among the nations—shock and trembling due to the roaring waves [hurricanes] at sea. 26 People will have anxious expectations and fear because of what is coming to the earth, because the powers of the universe will be shaken. 27 Then they’ll see the Human Son coming in the clouds [4] with power and with great splendor. 28 When these things begin to happen, take courage and ‘look up’ because you are about to be delivered!”
29 He told them this analogy, “Look at the fig tree and all the trees. 30 When they bud out, you know at a glance that summer is near. 31 In the same way, when you see all of these things taking place, you’ll know that the Kingdom of Yehovah is near.
32 It is absolutely certain that this generation [5] won’t pass away until all of these things have taken place. 33 The heavens and the earth will pass by, but My Word won’t pass by.
34 Be careful that you are never weighed down by gluttony and drunkenness and worldly cares, or that Day could take YOU by surprise. 35 Like a hunter’s snare, it will spring shut on everyone else who lives on the face of the whole earth. 36 So always be vigilant and prayerful, so that you are worthy to escape everything that is about to happen and take your stand in the presence of the Human Son.
37 During the day He taught in the Temple, but at night He would go out and stay on what is known as the Mount of Olives. 38 All the people came to the Temple early in the morning to listen to Him.
[1] The Greek is missing two indicators. [2] Warning: the Greek says ‘armies’ plural. Aramaic, Latin and Persic all are correct in the singular. If you wait to flee until after another army shows up you will die! In the ‘practice run’ of 70 AD it was the Roman army. In the final fulfillment, it will be the beast’s army. Verse 21 says mountain (singular) in Aramaic. We need to know which one. [3] The so-called “Times of the ‘gentiles’” (or sometimes heathens) is a reference to Ezekiel 30:3, synonymous with “the Day of Yehovah” (the ‘Lord’). [4] This time all the Greek translations say “cloud” and all the Aramaic translations say “in the clouds”. [5] That is, the generation that witnesses these unprecedented supernatural events.
7 The Day of Unleavened Bread arrived when it was time to offer the Passover lamb. 8 Yeshua sent Cephas and John, and told them, “Go and prepare the Passover for eating.” 9 They asked Him, “Where should we prepare for it?” 10 He told them, “When you enter the city, a man will meet you carrying a pitcher of water. Follow him into the house he enters, 11 and you will say to the owner of the house, ‘The Master asks: Where is the guest room, where I may eat the Passover with My disciples?’ 12 Then he will show you a large furnished upper room. Make preparations there.
13 They went and found it just as He had told them, and they got everything ready for the Passover.
14 When it was time to eat, Yeshua came and reclined at the table, along with His twelve envoys. 15 He told them, “I had [1] really wanted to eat this Passover with you before I suffer. 16 But I tell you, “From now on I WILL NOT BY ANY MEANS EAT IT [2] until it is fulfilled in the Kingdom of Yehovah.” 17-18 [A]
19 Then He took a loaf of bread [3] and gave thanks and broke it and gave it to them and said, “This is My body that is given on your behalf. Do this to remember Me.”
20 After supper He did the same with the cup, He said, “This cup is the New Covenant in My blood that is poured out on your behalf! 21 But look, the hand of the man betraying Me is on the table. 22 The Human Son is going as it was determined, but I pity the man who does the betraying.” 23 They began to discuss among themselves which of them was going to do this.
24 There was also a disagreement among them about which of them would be considered the greatest. 25 Yeshua told them, “The kings of the nations exercise dominion over their people, and those exercising authority over them call themselves ‘benefactors’. 26 But this will not be the case with you. Anyone who is great among you must be like the least, and the one who leads should be like a servant. 27 Who is greater, the one who reclines at the table or the one who serves? Isn’t it the person at the table? But I’m here among you as someone who serves. 28 You are the ones who have stayed with Me in My trials, 29 and I PROMISE YOU THE KINGDOM just as My Father has promised it to Me, 30 so that you can eat and drink at the table in My Kingdom and sit on thrones governing the twelve tribes of Israel.”
31 Yeshua told Simon, “Satan wants to sift all of you [4] like wheat, 32 but I have prayed for you that your faith won’t fail! So once you have returned to Me, strengthen your Friends.” 33 Simon told Him, “Master, I’m ready to go both to prison and to death with you.” 34 Yeshua replied, “I tell you, Simon, the rooster won’t crow today until you have denied that you know Me three times.” 35 He told them, “When I sent you without handbags, wallets and sandals, were you missing anything?” They replied, “Nothing”. 36 He said, “From now on whoever has a moneybag should take it, and also a traveling bag. Anyone who doesn’t have a sword should sell their coat and buy himself a sword. 37 I assure you that I will fulfill the passage, ‘He was numbered with the transgressors.’ Everything concerning Me will be fulfilled.” 38 They told Him, “Master, here are two swords!” He replied, “That’s enough”.
39 Coming out, He proceeded as usual to the Mount of Olives, and His disciples followed Him. 40 When He arrived, He told them, “Pray that you won’t give in to temptation.” 41 He walked about a stone’s throw away and knelt down and prayed repeatedly, 42 saying, “Father, if You are willing, take this cup away from Me. Yet not My will, but Yours be done.” 43 Then a Messenger from Heaven appeared to Him and strengthened Him. 44 And being in agony, He prayed even more earnestly, and His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.
45 He got up from His prayer, He went to His disciples and He found them sleeping from sorrow. 46 He asked them, “Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray so that you won’t be tempted.”
47 While He was speaking, a crowd arrived. The one called Judas, one of the twelve, was leading them. He came up to Yeshua and kissed Him [5]. He had given them this sign, “The One I kiss is the One.” 48 Yeshua asked, “Judas, are you betraying the Human Son with a kiss?”
49 Those who were with Him anticipated what was about to happen, so they asked Him, “Master, should we strike them with the sword?” 50 Then one of them struck an underling of the high priest and cut off his right ear. 51 Yeshua said, “That’s enough”. He touched the ear of the man who had been struck and healed him.
52 Yeshua asked the high priests and elders and the temple guard who had come for Him, “Have you come out against Me as you would a robber, with swords and clubs to arrest Me? 53 I was with you every day in the Temple, and you didn’t arrest Me. But this is your hour, when darkness reigns!”
54 They arrested Him, and brought Him to the high priest’s house, while Simon followed Him at a distance. 55 They kindled a fire in the middle of the courtyard and were sitting around it, and Simon sat down with them. 56 A young woman saw him sitting by the fire and she began looking at him closely and said, “This man was with Him too.” 57 But he denied it by saying, “Woman, I don’t know Him.” 58 A little later someone else saw him and said, “You are one of them too.” But Cephas said, “I am not”. 59 An hour later someone else insisted, “This man was certainly with Him, because he’s a Galilean too.” 60 Cephas said, “Man, I don’t know what you are talking about.” Right then, while he was still speaking, a rooster crowed. 61 Yeshua turned and looked directly at Cephas, and Simon remembered the Master’s words, that He had told him, “Before the rooster crows you’ll deny Me three times.” 62 Simon went outside, and cried bitterly.
63 The men who were guarding Yeshua were mocking Him, 64 and blindfolded Him and struck Him on His face and said, “Prophesy, who struck You?” 65 And they said many other blasphemous things against Him.
66 At dawn the elders and high priests and Torah teachers gathered together and they brought Him before their Sanhedrin, 67 and asked Him, “If you are the Messiah, tell us.” But He replied, “If I tell you, you won’t believe Me.” 68 If I were to question you, you wouldn’t answer Me or let Me go. 69 From now on, the Human Son will be seated on the right hand side of the power of Yehovah. 70 They all asked, “Are You the Son of Yehovah?” Yeshua replied, “You said it, I AM.” 71 They replied, “Why do we need any more witnesses? We’ve heard enough from His own mouth.”
[1] In March, 2011 I was sent a link to an article by Roy A. Reinhold showing that the Aramaic definitely puts this in the past tense. Yeshua had already given up on celebrating the Passover, rather He was to be the Passover! (I was surprised at the similarities in our reasoning.) [2] See why He didn’t eat the Passover here! [3] This was not unleavened bread because it was Yeshua’s Supper-Preparation Day for the Passover tomorrow. That’s why the Greek specifies it was a loaf of risen bread [as in Matthew 4:3 & 14:17]: “From airo; bread (as raised) or a loaf—(shew-)bread, loaf.” It was as thick as a man’s thumb, easily broken not cut, as opposed to the unleavened bread (azumos) that is used the following night at Passover. [4] Younan’s incomplete interlinear shows that this in not just about sifting Peter. The Greek is not clear. [5] The Greek omits much of this verse.
[A] Adler says, verses 17 & 18: “He took the cup, and gave thanks, and said, “Take this, and divide it among yourselves. 18 Know that I’ll never drink of the fruit of the vine, until the Kingdom of [Yehovah] comes”, aren’t included in any MSS. of the Peshitto. (They were borrowed from Matthew & Mark). Lamsa, who was ostensibly translating from the Aramaic, accidentally included them without comment.
3 When Pilate was interrogating Him he asked, “Are You King of the Jews?” And He replied, “It is as you say.”
4 Pilate told the high priests and the crowd, “I find no criminality in this Man.” 5 They were enraged and said, “He is stirring up our people by teaching thruout Judea from Galilee and now here.”
6 On hearing the name Galilee, Pilate asked if the man was a Galilean. 7 Upon learning that He came from Herod’s jurisdiction, he sent Him over to Herod, who was in Jerusalem at that time.
8 Herod was greatly pleased to see Yeshua, because he had been wanting to see Him for a long time. He had heard many things about Him, and he hoped to see Him perform some miracle. 9 He asked Him many questions, but Yeshua wouldn’t answer. 10 Meanwhile the high priests and Torah teachers were standing there vehemently accusing Him. 11 Then Herod and his soldiers treated Him like a fool and mocked Him. He clothed Him in a purple robe and sent Him to Pilate. 12 On that very day, Pilate and Herod became friends with each other, tho previously there had been hostility between them.
13 Pilate called together the high priests and the leaders of the people, 14 and told them, “You brought this man to me claiming He is misleading your people, but I have examined Him in your presence and I didn’t find this man guilty of anything that you accuse Him of. 15 Nor did Herod, because I sent Him to him, and He has done nothing to deserve death. 16 So I’ll chastise Him and let Him go. 17 It was customary for him to release someone to them at the Feast.
18 The entire crowd began hatefully yelling out, “Take Him away, and release Barabbas for us!” 19 Barabbas was someone who had been thrown into prison in connection with an insurrection in the city, and for murder.
20 Pilate, wanting to release Yeshua, addressed them again. 21 But they yelled out, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!”
22 He appealed to them a third time, “Why, what crime has he committed? I find no reason for putting Him to death. So I’ll chastise Him and release Him.”
23 But they were insistent, and with loud outcries demanded that He be crucified. And the demands of the people and the high priests prevailed. 24 Pilate decided to give in to their demands. 25 He released to them the man who had been thrown in prison for insurrection and murder, who they clamored for, and he let them have their way with Yeshua.
26 As they led Him away, they grabbed Simon the Cyrenian, coming in from the fields, and forced him to carry the cross behind Yeshua. 27 A large crowd of people followed Him including women who were mourning and lamenting Him. 28 Yeshua turned to them and said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, don’t cry for Me, but cry for yourselves and for your children” [1], 29 because the time is coming when they’ll say, “Blessed are the barren and the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed.” 30 Then they’ll begin to say to the mountains, “Fall on us”, and to the hills, “Cover us”! 31 If they do these things to a green tree, what will happen to a dry one” [2]?
32 Two criminals were also being led away to be executed with Him. 33 When they came to a place called The Skull, they crucified Him there with the two criminals, one on His right, and the other on His left. 34 Yeshua said, “Father forgive them, because they don’t know what they are doing [3].” Then they divided His garments, casting lots for them.”
35 The people stood by watching. And even their leaders were sneering at Him by saying, “He rescued others, He should rescue Himself if He is the Messiah, the One chosen by Yehovah.”
36 The soldiers also mocked Him by coming to Him and offering Him vinegar, 37 and saying to Him, “If you are the King of the Jews then rescue Yourself.”
38 There was also an inscription over Him, written in Greek, Latin and Hebrew: “THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.” 39 One of the criminals who was being crucified with Him, blasphemed Him and said, “If you are the Messiah, rescue Yourself and rescue us!”
40 But his fellow criminal scolded him and asked him, “Aren’t you even afraid of Yehovah, since you are under the same penalty? 41 We’re being treated fairly, because we’re getting what we deserve for what we’ve done, but He hasn’t done anything wrong.” 42 He told Yeshua, “Master, remember me when you come into Your Kingdom.” 43 Yeshua told him, “Most certainly, I tell you today, you’ll be with Me in Paradise” [4].
44 It was about the sixth hour [noon], and darkness covered the whole land [or earth] until the ninth hour [3:00]. 45 The sun was darkened and the curtain of the Temple was ripped down the middle. 46 Yeshua cried in a loud voice, “Father, I entrust My spirit into Your hands.” Once He said that, He died.
47 When the centurion saw what happened, he praised Yehovah and said, “Certainly, this was a righteous man.” 48 The entire crowd that had gathered to see this, beat their chests and left. 49 All of Yeshua’s acquaintances were standing at a distance, including the women who had accompanied Him from Galilee, and they witnessed these things.
50 There was a man named Joseph, a member of the Sanhedrin from Ramath [5] [Arimathea], a city in Judea, who was a good and righteous man 51 who had not voted for their plan of action, and he was awaiting the Kingdom of Yehovah. 52 This man went to Pilate and asked for Yeshua’s body. 53 He took it down and wrapped it in a winding sheet of linen and laid it in a hewn tomb where no one had ever been laid. 54 It was Preparation Day [6] [Wednesday], at the twilight of the Sabbath.
55 The women who came with Him from Galilee approached and saw the tomb and where the body was placed. 56 They returned and prepared perfumes and aromatics. And they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the Commandment.
[1] Here is another direct correlation between Yeshua’s rejection and Jerusalem’s destruction. [2] “Green tree—that naturally resists the fire. The dry—that attracts the fire, being its proper fuel. The proverb here plainly means, ‘If such sufferings alight upon the innocent One, the very Lamb of God, what must be in store for those who are provoking the flames?’” —JFB [3] People ask why this literally reads “Father forgive them NOT” in Aramaic and Greek. So I asked about this on Paul Younan’s forum: peshitta.org (he wrote the Peshitta Aramaic/English Interlinear NT) and he assured me that the English rendering is truly “Father forgive them, for they know not...” . [4] Proper comma placement requires knowing when the Edenic paradise will arrive. Where was Yeshua really on the “Today” that He died? See I Peter 3:18-19 and Ephesians 4:9. [5] The Greek doesn’t mention “Ramath, a city in Judea.” [6] Every Biblical usage of the term “Preparation Day” is associated with the Passover, not the weekly Sabbath.
9 They returned from the tomb and they told everything to the eleven and to the others. 10 Now they were Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary the mother of James, and they and the others told everything to the envoys. 11 But what they said seemed to be nonsense and they didn’t believe them. 12 But Simon got up and ran to the tomb, and looked in and saw the linen lying by itself, and he went away wondering to himself what had happened.
13 That same day, two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, sixty stadion from Jerusalem. 14 They were talking with each other about everything that had happened. 15 While they were talking, and evaluating what had happened, Yeshua approach them, and began walking with them. 16 And even tho they saw Him, they were prevented from recognizing Him. 17 He asked them, “What are you discussing among yourselves as you walk around so sadly?”
18 Then one of them named Cleopas asked Him, “Are you a visitor in Jerusalem, unaware of the things that have happened there in the last few days?” 19 He asked them, “What things?” They replied, “The things about Yeshua of Nazareth. The Man was a prophet—powerful in words and actions before Yehovah and before all the people. 20 The high priests and elders handed Him a death sentence and crucified Him. 21 But we fully expected Him to deliver Israel. Yes, and besides all this, three days have passed since all these things happened. 22 Then some of our women Friends astonished us. They went to the tomb early this morning, 23 and they didn’t find His body. They came and told us that they saw spirit messengers there, and they said He was alive! 24 Then some of us went to the tomb, and found it just as the women had said, but they didn’t see Him.”
25 Then Yeshua said, “Foolish people! You’re so slow to believe everything the prophets have spoken! 26 Wasn’t it inevitable that the Messiah would suffer, and enter into His splendor?” 27 Then beginning with Moses and with all the Prophets, He explained to them all the Scriptures about Himself.
28 They came near the village where they were going, and He acted as if he were going to a more distant place. 29 But they urged Him, “Stay with us because the day is over and it’s nearly dark.” So He went inside and stayed with them.
30 Now as He reclined with them, He took a loaf of risen bread and blessed it and broke it and gave it to them. 31 Instantly, their eyes were opened and they recognized Him. Then He vanished from their sight. 32 They asked each other, “Didn’t our every thought burn [A] within us as He talked with us on the road, and explained the Scriptures to us?”
33 They got up that very hour and returned to Jerusalem. They found the eleven assembled and the others with them, 34 who were saying, “Certainly, our Master has risen, in fact He appeared to Simon.” 35 Then they explained what had happened on the road and how they recognized Him when He broke bread.
36 While they were talking about these things, Yeshua stood among them and said, “Peace be with you! It is I, don’t be afraid.” 37 They were startled and terrified because they thought that they were looking at a spirit. 38 Yeshua asked them, “Why are you so afraid? And why are you imagining things? 39 Look at My hands and My feet and see that it is really Me. Touch Me and be certain, because a spirit doesn’t have flesh and bones as you see I have.”
40 While He was speaking, He showed them His hands and His feet. 41 While they still couldn’t believe it due to their joy and astonishment, He asked them, “Do you have anything to eat?” 42 They gave him a piece of broiled fish and some honeycomb. 43 He took it and ate it while they watched.
44 Then He said, “This is what I told you while I was still with you, that everything written about Me in the Torah of Moses and in the Prophets and in the Psalms must be fulfilled.
45 Then He opened their minds so that they could understand the Scriptures. 46 He told them, “It was written in the Scriptures and so it is necessary, that the Messiah would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, 47 and that, in His name, a message of minds being changed and sins being forgiven—as if they had never been committed—would be heralded in every nation, beginning in Jerusalem. 48 You are witnesses of these things. 49 I’m about to send you what My Father promised. But wait in Jerusalem until you are clothed with power from high above.”
50 He led them out as far as Bethany, and lifted His hands and blessed them. 51 Then, while He was blessing them, He left them, and was taken up to Heaven. 52 They worshiped Him and returned to Jerusalem greatly elated. 53 They were always in the Temple, praising and blessing Yehovah. Aw-main.
[1] The Greek omits “while it was still dark.”
[A] The printed copies read, “was burning”, but an old MS. at Oroomiah reads, “was heavy, or dull”. —Perkin’s residence in Persia, p.16.
End of the Good News Announcement of Luke the envoy
JOHN 1 continues here.
Compare the Testimony of Yeshua Version of this book with the 1851 Murdock or the 1849 Etheridge Versions of “The Testimony of Yeshua” (New Testament).