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6 When they assembled they asked Him, “Master, are You about to restore the Kingdom of Israel to its former state” [1]? 7 He replied, “You aren’t going to understand the time periods and the appointed times of crisis that Yehovah has set by His own authority. 8 But when the 'special' spirit descends on you, you’ll receive power, and you’ll be My witnesses in Jerusalem, thruout Judea and Samaria and in the remotest parts of the earth.”
9 After saying these things, and while they were watching Him, He was taken up, and the cloud took Him in, and He vanished out of their sight.
10 While they stood intensely gazing into the sky as He was departing, two ‘men’ in white clothing appeared near them. 11 They asked them, “Galilean men, why are you standing there gazing into the sky? This same Yeshua who has been taken up from you into the sky will come again just as you have seen Him go up into the sky.”
12 Later, they returned to Jerusalem from the mountain called the Olive Orchard, near Jerusalem, a distance of about seven stadia [2]. 13 After they went into the building, they went to the upper room where Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Matthew, Bartholomew, James the son of Alpheus, Simon the Zealot and Judas the son of James had been staying. 14 They all unitedly persevered in prayer, with one mind, along with the women, including Mary, Yeshua’s mother, and with His brothers.
15 One particular day Simon Cephas stood up among the disciples (the people assembled there numbered about one hundred and twenty) and said, 16 “Men and Friends, the Scripture had to be fulfilled that the 'special' spirit foretold by the statements of David, about Judas, who led the way for those who arrested Yeshua. 17 He was one of our number, and shared in this ministry.
18 He acquired a field with the reward for his injustice, where he fell face down to the ground and burst in the middle, and all his intestines gushed out. 19 This was so well known by everyone who lived in Jerusalem, that the field was called in the dialect of the area, Hakel-damo, which means ‘Field of Blood’.
20 It is written in the book of Psalms [69:25], ‘May his encampment be desolate, and no one live in it’, and ‘May someone else take over his duties’ [109:8]. 21 So it is necessary for one of the men who has been with us during the time when our Master Yeshua went in and out among us— 22 from the immersion of John until the day He was taken up from us. —One of these men should join us as a witness of His resurrection.”
23 So they proposed two men: Joseph called Barsabas, whose surname was Justus, and Matthias. 24 Then they all prayed, “Yehovah, You know the minds of everyone, show us which of these two you have chosen, 25 so that he can participate in the ministry that Judas abandoned to go where he belongs.” 26 Then they drew lots, and Matthias’ ‘lot’ came up, came up, and he was added to the eleven envoys.
[1] Not to be overlooked is the fact that a literal Kingdom isn’t an “if”, but a “when” (Luke 22:30). [2] The Greek says “a Sabbath day’s journey away.” The Aramaic says seven “stadia”— a Greek measure of length adopted by the Romans for nautical and astronomical measurements, equal to 600 Greek feet or 625 Roman feet, or to 606 feet, 9 inches.
5 Now there were Jews living in Jerusalem who revered Yehovah, from every nation under the sky. 6 When they heard the noise, many people gathered around in amazement because everyone heard them speaking in their own language. 7 They were all amazed and astonished and began asking each other, “Aren’t all of these people who are speaking Galileans? 8 So how can each of us hear them in our own native language? 9 Parthians, Medes, Elamites, people living between the rivers [Mesopotamia], Jews and Cappadocians, people from the region of Pontus and of Asia, 10 people from the region of Phrygia, Pamphylia, Egypt, from parts of Libya near Cyrene, visitors from Rome, Jews and proselytes, 11 Cretans, and Arabs. We hear them speaking the wonders of Yehovah in our own languages.” 12 They were all astounded and entirely at a loss, asking each other, “What’s going on?”
13 However others ridiculed them and said, “They’re drunk on sweet wine.”
14 Afterward, Simon Cephas stood up with the eleven envoys, and raised his voice to address them: “Men, Jews, everyone who lives in Jerusalem, you need to understand this, so pay attention to what I say. 15 Don’t assume that these people are drunk, because it is only the third hour [9:00 AM]. 16 This is what the prophet Joel [2:28-30] was talking about.
17 In the last days Yehovah says, ‘I’ll pour My spirit on all ‘people’, your sons will prophesy, and your daughters and your young men will see visions, and your old men will ‘have’ dreams. 18 This is when I’ll pour My spirit on My servants, both men and women, and they’ll prophesy. 19 I’ll display miraculous signs in the sky above and unusual occurrences on the earth—blood, fire, and columns of smoke. 20 The sun will be darkened and the moon ‘will become’ blood red before the great and awesome Day of Yehovah arrives, 21 and everyone who calls on the name of Yehovah will live!”
22 Men of Israel, listen to what I say, Yeshua the Nazarene was a Man endorsed by Yehovah by powerful events and miracles that Yehovah performed before you thru Him, as you yourselves know. 23 He was resigned by a previously envisioned plan by the will of Yehovah, and you have delivered Him into the hands of the wicked to be crucified and killed. 24 But Yehovah has raised Him from the dead and has released the cords [1] of sheol, because it was impossible for Him to be held in sheol. 25 Just as David said of Him: “I always see Yehovah. He is on my right hand side so that I remain unshaken. 26 So I have peace of mind and praise in my speech. Even my body lives in hope 27 because you won’t leave my body in the grave or allow your 'special' One to ‘undergo’ bodily decay. 28 You’ve revealed the path of Life to me, You’ll fill me with joy in Your presence.
29 Men and Friends, allow me to speak freely to you about the patriarch David. He died and was buried, and his tomb is with us to this very day. 30 He was a prophet, and he knew that Yehovah had solemnly sworn to him, “Of the fruit of your body, I’ll seat a descendant on your throne.” 31 He foresaw, and spoke of the resurrection of the Messiah, that He wasn’t to be left in the grave, nor would His body undergo decay. 32 This Yeshua, Yehovah raised from the dead, and we’re all His witnesses. 33 He’s the One who was elevated to the right hand of Yehovah, and has received from the Father the 'special' spirit as promised, and has poured out what you’re seeing and hearing. 34 David didn’t ascend into the heavens, because he said himself, “Yehovah said to His Word [Targum of Jonathan (Aramaic) Psalm 110:1]—Gill’s Commentary], ‘Seat Yourself on My right hand side 35 until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet.’”
36 So the entire family of Israel should know for certain that Yehovah has made this Yeshua, who you crucified, both Master and Messiah.” 37 When they heard these things their consciences were pierced, so they asked Simon and the rest of the envoys, “What should we do?” 38 Simon said, “Every one of you should amend your ways and be immersed in the name of the Master Yeshua for the exoneration of sins, and you will receive the gift of the 'special' spirit, 39 because the promise belongs to you and to your children, and to everyone living far away that Yehovah will call.” 40 ‘Using’ many different ‘approaches’ he plead with them, “Escape from this crooked generation.” 41 Some of them eagerly accepted his teaching and were immersed. That very day about three thousand ‘people’ were added to the assembly.
42 They dedicated themselves to the doctrine of the envoys, and fellowshipped together in prayer and in breaking bread. 43 A sense of awe came over everyone, and many miraculous signs and wonders were done ‘by’ envoys in Jerusalem. 44 All of the believers were staying together. Once prized possessions were now considered property of the community. 45 Those who had unneeded property sold it and distributed the proceeds to anyone who needed it [2]. 46 They went to the Temple daily, in unity, and at home they broke bread and ate it rejoicing in singleness of purpose. 47 They praised Yehovah, and were well thought of by all the people. Every day Yehovah added ‘more people’ to those living among the congregation.
[1] See why this refers to “cords” rather than “pains”. Keyword “cords.” [2] This “communal” living was only begun because everyone believed that the Kingdom of Yehovah was about to begin. In vv 16-17 Peter (Simon Cephas) even began quoting the book of Joel, and that strictly concerns the end time “Day of Yehovah” (Day of the Lord). Eventually they resumed normal lives.
6 Simon said, “I don’t have gold or silver [1], but I’ll give you what I have. In the name of our Master Yeshua Messiah the Nazarene, get up and walk.” 7 He took him by the right hand and lifted him up. Immediately his feet and his heels became strong. 8 He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went into the Temple with them, walking, jumping, and praising Yehovah. 9 Everyone saw him walking and praising Yehovah, 10 and they realized that he was the beggar who used to sit at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple, and they were filled with awe and amazement at what had happened.
11 While he held onto Simon and John, the people ran up to them in amazement in what was known as Solomon’s Portico. 12 When Simon saw this he said, “Men of Israel, why are you amazed at this, and why are you staring at us as if by our own power or dedication to Aloha we have enabled this man to walk? 13 The Aloha of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—the Aloha of our patriarchs, has honored His Son Yeshua with splendor, the One you handed over and rejected before Pilate, when he would have set Him free. 14 You disowned the 'special' and Just One and demanded the release of a murderer. 15 You murdered the Pioneer of Life, but Yehovah has raised Him from the dead, and all of us are witnesses. 16 By faith in His name, He has strengthened and healed this man who you see and know, and faith in Him has given the man this perfect health, as you can plainly see.
17 Now Friends, I know that you did this in ignorance, just as your rulers did. 18 But this is how Yehovah fulfilled what He had previously announced by the voices of all the prophets—that His Messiah was to suffer. 19 So amend your ways and turn to Yehovah so that your sins will be wiped away, and times of refreshing will come to you [2][3] ‘from’ Yehovah, 20 and He’ll send Yeshua Messiah, the One who was specially prepared [4] for you. 21 He must remain in Heaven UNTIL the time when everything is completed [5] that Yehovah spoke about by the voices of Hare 'special', prophets, recorded from antiquity. 22 As Moses said, ‘Yehovah will raise up a Prophet like me [6] for you from among your brothers. Listen to Him in everything He tells you.’ 23 When this happens, anyone who won’t listen to that Prophet will be ‘removed’ from his people [7].”
24 All of the prophets from the time of Samuel and afterward spoke about and announced this time [8]. 25 You are the descendants of the prophets and heirs of the Covenant that Yehovah made with our ancestors when He told Abraham, ‘Thru your descendants all the families of the world will be blessed.’ 26 You were the first people who Yehovah established, and He sent His Son to bless you again IF you will return to Him by turning from your wicked ways.”
[1] Unlike the Levitical priests who gathered tithes, the envoys operated on a sandal string. Initially they were to carry absolutely no money (Mark 6:8). With Yeshua gone, they were to carry some money and pack weapons (Luke 22:36). [2] Both Murdock and Etheridge include the words “to you”. This clarifies that the “times of refreshing” aren’t conditional, but your being included is! The Greek lacks this. Interestingly, the KJV, perhaps uniquely uses “when” rather than “so that”—an infrequent usage of the Greek, but it makes the same point, that the “times of refreshing” aren’t dependent on you. [3] This is one of those places where different Greek translations put different verse numbers, purely a modern glitch. Murdock almost always used the historic verse numbers tho, of course, there were no verses in the originals. Etheridge created a new numbering system that someone else mercifully fixed. But v.19 & v.20 vary, depending on the version you have. The Gabriel Version defaults to the KJV for numbering. [4] The Greek says “to announce or proclaim or herald beforehand.” [5] The Greek means something entirely different: “the restoration of all things.” [6] “A Prophet like me”—The quotation is from Deuteronomy 18, the context concerns opposition to pagan practices. Yet the Jews (John 6:14, John 7:40) and the envoys (Acts 3:22 & Acts7:37) knew this to be a Messianic prophecy. [7] This is the equivalent of the Hebrew expression “cut off from his people”, which is banishment. It literally means “destroyed”. [8] Hemera: “of the last day of this present age, the day [the Messiah] will return from heaven, raise the dead, hold the final judgment, and perfect his kingdom.”
5 The next day the rulers and the elders and the Torah teachers gathered in Jerusalem 6 with Annas the high priest, Caiaphas, John, Alexander and other relatives of the high priest. 7 They made them stand in the center of the Sanhedrin semicircle and they began asking, “By what power or by whose name have you done this?”
8 Then Simon Cephas was filled with the 'special' spirit, and said to them, “Rulers of the people, and elders of the house of Israel, listen to this. 9 If you are investigating us today about a good deed done for a sick man, as to how he was healed, 10 then you should know, and everyone in Israel, that by the name of Yeshua Messiah, the Nazarene, who you crucified, and who Yehovah has raised from the dead—because of Him this man is standing before you fully recovered. 11 This is the Stone that you builders rejected, but He has become the Cornerstone. 12 There is no salvation by any other man. There is no other name under Heaven given to humanity that leads to [eternal] life. 13 When they heard Simon and John speaking so confidently, they perceived that these men were unfamiliar with scribal literature [Gr: idiotes] and they were amazed at them. They realized that they were speaking like Yeshua! 14 But since the man who had been healed was standing there with them, they weren’t about to confront them. 15 So they ordered them to be removed from the Sanhedrin while they discussed the matter among themselves. 16 They asked, “What should we do to these men? It’s obvious that they’ve performed a remarkable miracle, and everyone who lives in Jerusalem knows it. We can’t deny it. 17 But to prevent this from spreading any further, let’s threaten them about talking to anyone in this name.”
18 They called them in and ordered them not to speak or teach anything in the name of Yeshua. 19 But Simon Cephas and John replied, “You can ponder whether Yehovah wants us to obey you rather than Him, 20 but we won’t stop talking about what we’ve seen and heard.”
21 After even more threats they let them go because they couldn’t find an ‘excuse’ for punishing them, since everyone was praising Yehovah for what had been done. 22 The man who this miraculous healing had been done for was more than forty years old.
23 After their release, they went to their Friends and told them everything that the priests and elders had said. 24 When they heard this, they unitedly raised their voices to Yehovah and said, “Yehovah, You are the Aloha who has made the skies, earth, the seas and everything in them. 25 You said by the 'special' spirit thru David Your servant, ‘Why do the heathen rage and the people devise worthless plans? 26 The kings of the earth and the rulers stood up and conspired against Yehovah AND against His Messiah.’ 27 In reality, both Herod and Pilate along with foreign nationals [Gr. ethnos] and the assembly of Israel gathered together in this city against Your 'special' Son Yeshua, who You anointed 28 to do whatever Your hand and will had predestined to occur. 29 So now Yehovah, take notice of their threats and allow your servants to proclaim Your Word without any reservations, 30 while You stretch out Your hand to heal and perform miraculous works to be done in the name of Your 'special' Son Yeshua.”
31 After they prayed and made their requests, the place where they had assembled shook, and they were all filled with the 'special' spirit, and spoke the Word of Aloha openly without reservations.
32 In the assembly of believers, they were like a single spiritual entity [Gr. kardia] with one mindset [Gr. psuche]. Not one of them claimed any of their possessions as their own. Anything that had been theirs was now the community’s. 33 The envoys testified with great power about the resurrection of Yeshua Messiah, and they all had great compassion. 34 Not one of them needed anything because everyone who owned lands or houses sold them and contributed the money from the sale by 35 laying it at the feet of the envoys. Everyone there was given just what they needed.
36 Joseph, who the envoys gave the name Barnabas, (which means son of encouragement), was a Levite, a native of Cyprus. 37 He had some land, and he sold it and brought the money from the sale and laid it at the envoy’s feet.
3 Simon said, “Ananias, why has Satan so filled your mind that you would lie to the 'special' spirit, and keep back some of the silver from the sale of your field? 4 Wasn’t it yours before it was sold? And after it sold, you still had control over the proceeds. How could you even think of doing this? You haven’t simply lied to people, but to Yehovah.”
5 When Ananias heard these words, he fell down and died. Everyone who heard about it was awestruck. 6 Some younger men who were there got up and wrapped him up, and carried him out and buried him.
7 Three hours later his wife came in, unaware of what had happened. 8 Simon asked her, “Tell me, is this the price you were paid for the field?” And she said, “Yes, that was the price.” 9 Simon told her, “Since you have agreed in testing the spirit of Yehovah, look, the men who buried your husband are ‘walking up to’ the door, and they’ll carry you out.”
10 Immediately she dropped dead in front of them them. The young men came in and found her dead. So they picked her up and carried her out and buried her beside her husband. 11 Everyone in the assembly was overcome with fear, as was everyone else who heard about it.
12 There were many miraculous signs and wonders being done by the envoys among the people. They were all assembled together in Solomon’s colonnade. 13 No one dared touch [1a] them because the people were greatly ‘touched’ [1b] by them. 14 Even more believers were being added to Yehovah—a great number of men and women. 15 As a result, people carried their sick out into the streets on cots so that when Simon passed by at least his shadow might overshadow them. 16 People came to them from cities around Jerusalem, bringing the sick and those who had unclean spirits, and they were all cured.
17 The high priest and everyone with him (that is, the sect of the Sadducees) were filled with jealousy. 18 They grabbed the envoys, arrested them and put them in the city jail. 19 That night a Messenger of Yehovah opened the door of the jail and let them out, and said, 20 “Go and stand in the Temple and tell the people all these words of Life.”
21 At dawn they entered the Temple and taught. The high priest and those with him called together the Sanhedrin as well as all the elders of Israel, and sent men to the jail to get the envoys. 22 The officers who were sent in didn’t find them in the jail, so they returned 23 and said, “We found the jail securely locked and the guards standing at the gates, but when we opened them, no one was there!” 24 When the high priests and Temple leaders heard this, they were greatly perplexed, and pondered what this could mean.
25 Someone came and told them “The men you put in jail are actually standing in the Temple teaching the people!” 26 Then the leaders and their attendants went to ‘arrest’ them, but without violence, because they were afraid that the people might stone them.
27 When they brought them back, they made them stand before the Sanhedrin, and the high priest began to question them. 28 They asked, “Didn’t we strictly order you not to teach anyone in this name? Look, you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and you are determined to bring this Man’s blood on us.”
29 Simon, and the envoys, told them, “We must obey Yehovah rather than men.” 30 The Aloha of our ancestors has raised up Yeshua, who you killed when you hung Him on a tree. 31 Yehovah has established Him as the Pioneer and Life Giver, and has exalted Him to His own right hand, so that He could bring about changed minds and pardon Israel’s sins. 32 We are the witnesses of these things, as is the 'special' spirit that Yehovah gives to those who believe in Him.”
33 When they heard this they burned with rage and considered killing them. 34 Then one of the Pharisees named Gamaliel, a Torah teacher who was well respected by all the people, got up and ordered the envoys to be sent outside for a little while. 35 He told them, “Men and sons of Israel, be careful what you propose to do with these men, 36 because some time ago, Theudas appeared, claiming that he was someone great, and about four hundred men joined him. He was killed and all his followers were dispersed and came to nothing. 37 After him, Judas of Galilee rose up when people were registering for the tribute tax, and he got people to follow him. He was killed too, and all his followers were scattered. 38 So I say stay away from these men and let them alone, because if this plan or idea is of human origin they’ll be dispersed and disappear, 39 but if it is really from Yehovah, it isn’t within your power to stop it, you might even find that you are fighting against Yehovah.”
40 So they took his advice and called the envoys in, scourged them, and ordered them not to teach in the name of Yeshua, and let them go. 41 They left them, elated that they were considered worthy to be treated with contempt because of His name. 42 They never stopped teaching and bringing the Good News to the Temple daily and into homes, about our Master Yeshua Messiah.
[1a,b] There is a play on the two Aramaic words that can mean ‘touch’ that doesn’t come across in Greek, but it works pretty well in English.
5 This idea was acceptable to everyone. So they selected Stephen, a man who was abounding in faith and the 'special' spirit, and Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas a proselyte from Antioch. 6 They had these men stand in front of the envoys, and while praying they laid their hands on them.
7 The teachings of Aloha continued to spread, and the number of disciples in Jerusalem increased greatly, and many of the Jewish people [1] became obedient to the faith.
8 Stephen was full of conviction and dynamism [Gr. dunamis], and performed miraculous signs and wonders among the people. 9 But some men from a sect [Gr. sunagoge] called the “Libertines”, as well as Cyrenians, Alexandrians, people from Cilicia and from Asia minor stood up and argued with Stephen, 10 but they couldn’t refute the wisdom that the spirit spoke thru him.
11 So these Libertines incited some men to say, “We have heard Him speaking blasphemous things against Moses and against Yehovah.”
12 They stirred up the people and the elders and the Torah teachers. So they came up to him and grabbed him, and brought him before the Sanhedrin. 13 They had some lying “witnesses” say, “This man doesn’t stop saying things contrary to the Torah and against thare 'special', Place. 14 We have heard him say that this Yeshua the Nazarene will destroy this place and change the customs that Moses ‘handed down’ to us.” 15 Then everyone who was seated in the Sanhedrin stared at him, and they saw his face looking just like the face of a spirit messenger.
[1] The Greek says “priests”.
4 “So Abraham left the land of the Chaldeans and settled in Haran till after the death of his father. Then hen Yehovah moved him to this land where you live today. 5 He didn’t give him an inheritance in it, not even space for a foot print, but He promised that He would give it to him as an inheritance, both to him and to his descendants, before he even had a son. 6 And Yehovah told him, ‘Your descendants will be pilgrims in a foreign land, and they’ll be enslaved and mistreated for four hundred years.’ 7 Yehovah said that He would judge the nation that enslaved them. Afterward they’ll come out and worship Me in this land. 8 He [Yehovah] gave them the covenant of circumcision. Then he [Abraham] became the father of Isaac, and circumcised him on the eighth day. Isaac became the father of Jacob, and Jacob became the father of the twelve patriarchs.
9 “The patriarchs were jealous of Joseph, and sold him into slavery in Egypt, but Yehovah was with him, 10 and rescued him from all his troubles, and gave him favor before Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and he made him governor over Egypt and over his entire household.
11 “Then a famine brought much suffering thruout Egypt and Canaan, and our patriarchs ran out of food. 12 When Jacob heard that there was grain in Egypt, he sent our ancestors there on their first visit. 13 On their second visit, Joseph told his brothers who he was, and Joseph’s family was introduced to the Pharaoh. 14 Then Joseph invited his father Jacob, and his entire family of seventy five people came to him. 15 Jacob went down to Egypt, and he died there, he and our patriarchs. 16 His remains were carried back to Shechem and put in the tomb that Abraham bought from the sons of Hamor with silver.
17 “When it was almost time for the fulfillment of the promise that Yehovah had made to Abraham, their population had greatly increased in Egypt, 18 until another king ‘began to rule’ over Egypt, who knew nothing about Joseph. 19 He dealt treacherously with our people and oppressed our ancestors and forced them to abandon their infants, so they would die of exposure.
20 “This is when Moses was born, and he was pleasing to Yehovah, and for three months he was nurtured in his father’s house. 21 When he was abandoned, Pharaoh’s daughter found him and brought him up as her own son. 22Moses was taught all the “sophistication and philosophy” of the Egyptians. He was an excellent speaker and quite enterprising.
23 “When he was forty years old, he decided to visit his countrymen, the descendants of Israel. 24 He saw ‘a fellow Israelite’ being abused, so he avenged him as he saw fit, by killing the Egyptian who had abused him. 25 He thought that his countrymen, the sons of Israel, would understand that Yehovah was sending them deliverance ‘thru him’, but they didn’t understand. 26 The next day, he came and found two of them fighting with each another. He tried to reconcile them and said, “Men, you are brothers, why are you trying to hurt each other?”
27 But the man who was harming his neighbor shoved him aside and said, ‘Who appointed you as our ruler and judge? 28 Do you want to kill me like you killed the Egyptian yesterday?’ 29 Moses fled after hearing that and became a refugee in the land of Midian. There he became the father of two sons.
30 “After forty years had passed, THE Messenger of Yehovah appeared to him in the flames of a burning bush in the wilderness of Mount Sinai. 31 When Moses saw it he was amazed at the sight, and as he came closer to have a look, Yehovah spoke to him out loud, 32 ‘I’m the Aloha of your ancestors—the Aloha of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.’ Quaking with fear, Moses didn’t even dare to look at the sight.
33 “Yehovah told him, ‘Take off your sandals, because you are standing on 'special' ground. 34 I have witnessed the suffering of My people in Egypt. I’ve heard their groaning and have come down to rescue them. So come, I’ll send you to Egypt.’
35 This Moses, who they rejected by asking, ‘Who appointed you ruler and judge over us’, is the one who Yehovah sent to them to be their commander and liberator, thru the Messenger who appeared to him in the bush. 36 He is the one who brought them out after performing miraculous signs and wonders and powerful occurrences in the land of Egypt and in the Red Sea and in the wilderness for forty years. 37 This Moses is the man who said to the descendants of Israel, ‘Yehovah, your Aloha will raise up for you a Prophet like Me from among your brothers. Listen to Him.’ 38 He is the one who was in the assembly [1] in the wilderness with the Messenger who spoke to him and to our ancestors on Mount Sinai, and he is the one who received the words of life to give to us.
39 Our ancestors wouldn’t obey him, but abandoned him, and in their minds they turned back to Egypt. 40 Then they told Aaron, ‘Make us alohee [gods] to lead us, because as for this Moses who brought us out of the land of Egypt, we don’t know what happened to him.’ 41 That’s when he made them a calf, and they offered sacrifices to the idols, and were delighted with what they made with their hands. 42 So Yehovah turned away and allowed them to worship the heavenly bodies, as it is written in the Book of the Prophets, ‘Did you offer Me a slain animal or a ze’bakim [sacrifices] during those forty years in the wilderness, nation of Israel? 43 You actually carried the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of the Aloha Rephon, images that you made to worship. So I’ll ‘send you into exile beyond Babylon.’
44 Our ancestors had the Tabernacle of Testimony in the wilderness. It was made just like the pattern that the One who spoke with Moses had shown him. 45 Our fathers actually brought this Tabernacle in with Joshua, into the land that Yehovah gave them when they replaced the nations that He drove out before them, and this inherited Tabernacle was carried around until the time of David. 46 He found favor with Yehovah and he asked for permission to find a tabernacle site for the Aloha of Jacob. 47 But Solomon built Yehovah’s Tabernacle.
48 Yet the Highest One doesn’t live in anything built by human hands, as the prophet said, 49 ‘The sky is My throne and the earth is a footstool for My feet. What kind of house could you build for Me’, Yehovah asked, ‘Or where would you suggest that I rest? 50 Didn’t I make the ‘universe’ with My own hands?’
51 You are stiff necked and uncircumcised in your thoughts and in your hearing! You always resist the 'special' spirit, just like your ancestors did. 52 Which of the prophets did your ancestors fail to persecute? They even killed those who predicted the coming of the Righteous One, and now you have betrayed and murdered Him! 53 You received the Torah that was ‘put into effect’ by spirit messengers, but you haven’t obeyed it.”
54 When they heard these things they were infuriated, and they started chewing on him with their teeth! 55 But because he was full of faith and the 'special' spirit, he gazed into Heaven and saw the splendor of Yehovah, and Yeshua standing at the right hand side of Yehovah. 56 He said, “Look, I see the heavens opened and the Human Son standing on the right hand side of Yehovah.”
57 They began screaming loudly and covered their ears, and then they all rushed him. 58 They grabbed him and drug him out of the city and stoned him. Those who martyred [Gr. martus] him laid their clothes at the feet of a young man named Saul.
59 They stoned Stephen while he was praying, as he said “Master Yeshua, receive my spirit.” 60 And kneeling down, he shouted, “Yehovah, don’t ‘hold’ this sin against them.” And with these words he fell asleep [2].
[1] The ekklesia (assembly) isn’t a “church”! [2] Do souls sleep?
4 However those who were scattered traveled around spreading Yehovah’s Good News. 5 Philip went down to a Samaritan city heralding about the Messiah. 6 When the people who were there heard what he had to say, they paid close attention because they saw the miraculous signs that he did. 7 Many unclean spirits screamed loudly as they came out of the people they had possessed, and others who were paralyzed and lame were healed. 8 So there was much joy in that city.
9 There was a man there named Simon who had lived in that city for a long time. He had misled the Samaritans by his sorceries, extolling himself [1] and claiming, “I am the Great One.” 10 Everyone there, great and small, bowed to him in worship, claiming, “This man is the mighty power of Yahweh” [2]. 11 They were all dedicated to him because he had astounded them for a long time with his sorcery. 12 But when they believed Philip as he brought the Good News of the Kingdom of Yehovah in the name of our Master Yeshua Messiah, both men and women were immersed. 13 Even Simon believed and was immersed, and stayed close to Philip. When he saw the miracles and transcending occurrences that were done, he was surprised and astonished.
14 When the envoys in Jerusalem heard that Samaritans had accepted the Word of Aloha, they sent Simon Cephas and John to them. 15 When they arrived, they prayed that they would receive the 'special' spirit. 16 It hadn’t yet descended on any of them, altho they had been immersed [3] in the name of our Master Yeshua.
18 When Simon saw that the 'special' spirit was given when the envoys laid a hand on someone, he offered them money 19 and said, “Give me this ability so that whoever I lay my hand on will receive the 'special' spirit.” 20 Simon Cephas told him, “Your silver will perish with you, because you thought that the gift of Yehovah could be purchased with worldly goods!” 21 You have no part or share in this faith because your mind isn’t right with Yehovah. 22 So amend your wicked ways and ask Yehovah to banish your treacherous thoughts, 23 because I see that you are very bitter, extremely wicked and enslaved by wickedness. 24 Simon said, “Pray to Yehovah for me so that nothing you’ve said will happen to me.” 25 After Simon and John had declared and taught them the Word of Aloha, they headed back to Jerusalem, proclaiming the Good News to many villages in Samaria along the way.
26 A spirit messenger of Yehovah said to Philip, “Get up and go south to the road that goes down toward the desert from Jerusalem to Gaza.” 27 So he got up and went. On his way he met an Ethiopian believer [4], an important official in charge of the entire treasury of Candace, queen of Ethiopia. This man had gone to Jerusalem to worship. 28 As he was returning, he was sitting in his chariot and reading from the prophet Isaiah. 29 The 'special' spirit told Philip, “Go over there and join him in the chariot.”
30 When he got close, he could hear him reading from the prophet Isaiah, so he asked him, “Do you understand what you’re reading?” 31 He answered, “How can I understand unless someone teaches me?” So he asked Philip to come up and sit with him. 32 Here is the section of Scripture that he was reading: “He was led away like a lamb to the slaughter, and like a sheep before the shearer is silent.In His humiliation He didn’t open His mouth.” 33 He suffered confinement [Gr. humiliation] and condemnation. Who can talk about His descendants [or generation], since His life was taken away from the earth.”
34 The believer asked Philip, “Was the prophet talking about himself or someone else?” 35 Then Philip ‘began’ to speak, and beginning with that very Scripture he told him the Good News about our Master Yeshua.
36 As they traveled along the way, they came to a place where there was water. And the believer asked, “See, here is water. What prevents me from being immersed?” 37 [A] 38 And he gave orders to stop the chariot, and they both went down to the water, and Philip immersed the believer. 39 When they came up out of the water, the spirit of Yehovah quickly carried Philip away and the believer didn’t see him anymore, but he joyfully continued on his way. 40 Philip found himself in Azotus, and from there he traveled around announcing the Good News in every city until he arrived in Caesarea.
[1] The Greek says “amazing people” instead of “extolling himself”.
[2] This may have originally read “Yahweh”, because there is abundant evidence that the Samaritans worshiped Yahweh.
[3] Immersion alone is insufficient! I know from experience.
[4] Aramaic: Mahaimna, “a faithful or confidential one”. In Aramaic, this has nothing to do with eunuchs!
[A] The 37th verse: Philip [allegedly] said, “If you believe with all your being, it is permissible.” He said, “I believe that Yeshua Messiah is the Son of Yehovah”, isn’t in any of the earlier editions, and is excluded from the text of the London editions of 1816 and 1826, as well as many Greek copies. 5 He asked, “Who are you Master?” And our Master replied, “I’m Yeshua the Nazarene, the One you’re persecuting.
6 Now get up and go into the city, and there you’ll be told what you should do.”
7 The men traveling with him on the road stood there amazed, because they merely heard the sound [1] but they didn’t see anyone.
8 Saul got up from the ground, and tho his eyes were open, he couldn’t see anything. So they led him by the hand to Damascus.
9 He was blind for three days, and he didn’t eat or drink anything.
10 In Damascus there was a disciple named Ananias. Yehovah called to him in a vision, “Ananias”! He answered, “I am here Master”.
11 The Master told him, “Get up and go to Judas’ house on Straight Street, and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul. He is praying there.
12 He saw a man named Ananias in a vision come in and lay his hand on him so he could ‘see again’.
13 Ananias said, “Yehovah, I’ve heard many people tell about how many evil things he has done to Your 'special ones' [saints in Jerusalem.
14 He is here with authority from the high priests to arrest anyone who calls on Your name.”
15 Yehovah said, “Get up and go, because he is My chosen vessel to carry My name to the nations, to their kings, and to the descendants of Israel.
16 I’ll show him how much he must suffer because of My name.”
17 So Ananias went into the house and laid his hand on him and said, “Saul, my Friend, our Master Yeshua who appeared to you on your journey has sent me to you so that you can regain your sight and be filled with the 'special' spirit.”
18 Immediately something like a scales fell from his eyes and he could see again. He got up and was immersed.
19 He ate some food and was strengthened. Then he spent several days with the disciples in Damascus.
20 Then right away he began heralding in the Jewish synagogues that Yeshua is the Son of Yehovah.
21 21 Everyone who heard him was amazed and they asked, “Isn’t this the guy who persecuted everyone who called on this name in Jerusalem, so that he could bring them in chains to the high priests?”
22 But Saul was becoming more persuasive, throwing the Jews who lived in Damascus into confusion by proving that ‘Yeshua’ is the Messiah.
23 After he had been there several days, the Jews conspired to kill him.
24 Saul learned of their conspiracy. They were even watching the gates of the city, day and night, in order to murder him.
25 So the disciples put him in a basket and lowered him down from the wall one night.
26 When he arrived in Jerusalem, he attempted to bond with the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, and didn’t believe that he was a disciple.
27 Then Barnabas took him and brought him to the envoys and explained to them how the Master had appeared to him on his journey, and how he talked with Him, and how he had spoken without any reservations in the name of Yeshua in Damascus.
28 So he freely circulated among them in Jerusalem, speaking out boldly in the name of Yeshua.
29 He spoke fearlessly in the name of Yeshua, and tried reasoning with the Greek speaking Jews, but they just wanted to kill him.
30 But when his Friends learned of this, they took him to Caesarea one night, and from there they sent him to Tarsus.
31 So the assembly thruout Judea, Galilee and Samaria had peace and continued to be built up in the fear of Yehovah, and with the encouragement of the 'special' spirit it continued to increase.
32 As Simon traveled around the cities, he went down to visit the 'cherished ones' who lived in the city of Lydda.
33 He found a man named Aeneas who had been paralyzed and bedridden for eight years.
34 Simon told him, “Aeneas, Yeshua Messiah is healing you. Get up and fold up your cot.” He got up immediately.
35 Everyone who lived in Lydda and Sharon saw him, and they turned to Yehovah.
36 In the city of Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha [2]. She was entirely dedicated to doing good works and charity.
37 At that time she got sick and died, so they washed her and put her in an upstairs room.
38 When the disciples heard that Simon was in the city of Lydda, near Joppa, they sent two men to him, urging him to come to them right away.
39 Simon got up and went with them. When he arrived, they took him upstairs. All the widows were gathered around her crying, and showing him all the coats and garments that Tabitha had given them when she was alive.
40 Simon had everyone leave the room, then he fell to his knees and prayed. He turned to the body and said, “Tabitha, get up!” She opened her eyes, and when she saw Simon she sat up.
41 He reached out his hand and raised her up. He called the 'cherished ones' and the widows and presented her to them alive.
42 This became known thruout the city, and many believed in our Master.
43 He stayed in Joppa for quite a few days with a leatherworker named Simon.
[1] See why they didn’t hear a “voice”. Keywords: hearing a voice.
[2] Aramaic for Gazelle.On the Road to Damascus
Saul Heralds Yeshua
Tabitha, Get Up!
Compare the Testimony of Yeshua Version of this book with the 1851 Murdock or the 1849 Etheridge Versions of “The Testimony of Yeshua” (New Testament).