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Chapter 19, Part 2 Preview: What is the “New Covenant”? Is the New Covenant already in effect? What are the terms of the Covenant (or contract). Who did Yehovah (God) intend to make this Covenant with? The knee jerk response to this question is usually—it’s for the church. But try to prove it! Is it possible that Yehovah promised this Covenant to another group of people, to begin at a later date? There is a great deal of misinformation concerning what this Covenant really is that has been taught in the churches for centuries. The implementation of the prophesied New Covenant is the very center of Bible prophecy! You have been a victim of “Replacement Theology”! Read on and consider the earth shattering truth about the “emancipation proclamation” of the “age to come”.
Perhaps you, the 'chosen ones' (saints), have the “hope” of serving Him in a much higher capacity when Yehovah is ruling over Israel. Matthew also spoke of literally ruling in the Kingdom:
Matthew 19:28 Yeshua told them, “I assure you that when the Human Son sits on His magnificent throne on the Renewed Earth, those of you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones, presiding over the twelve tribes of Israel.—The Gabriel Bible
We will serve under the envoys (apostles) in the Everlasting Kingdom:
Revelation 1:6-7 and has made us a priestly kingdom [Aramaic Malkutho koknoitho] for Aloha and His Father. To Them belongs praise and power, forever and ever. Aw-main' 7 He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Yes, Aw-main'. [4]
[4] The Aramaic word for “suffering” can also imply “patience”, which is how the Greek translator translated it. But the tribulation (pain) and suffering that John said he was to experience go hand in hand.
“Service” in the spirit realm will be “much more brilliant”. The New Covenant is something that we should have “such a HOPE” for. Serving in the Kingdom of Yehovah is the destiny of all of Yeshua’s (presently human) servants:
2 Corinthians 3:4-14 This is the kind of confidence that we have in the Messiah towards Yehovah. 5 Not that we have sufficient ability to think anything of ourselves, but our competency is from Yehovah, 6 who has qualified us to be ministers of the New Covenant [1], not in the letter, but in the Spirit, because the letter kills, but the spirit produces life.
7 Now if the ministry that brought death, that was engraved in letters on stone, was so brilliant that Israel’s descendants couldn’t even gaze at Moses’ face [Exodus 34:29] due to the remaining brilliance on his face, 8 then won’t the ministry that brings the spirit be even more brilliant? 9 If there is brilliance in the ministry ‘that pronounces’ condemnation, how much more does the ministry of justification exceed it in brilliance? 10 For what was adorned in luster had no luster in this regard, in comparison with this that excels in brightness. 11 If what is being inactivated [condemnation, v.11] is brilliant, how much more brilliant must 'redemption' be that lasts forever? 12 So because we have this hope, we speak without any reservations.
13 We aren’t like Moses who threw a veil over his face, so that Israel’s descendants couldn’t even gaze at the remnant of the glow that ended. 14 But they’ve been blinded [2] in their understanding to this very day, when the Ancient Covenant [“Old Covenant”] [3] is read, because their veil hasn’t been lifted, nor is it apparent to them that the veil was severed [Matthew 27:51] by the Messiah.
[1] In the Kingdom when our “metamorphosis” (v.18) is complete, we will minister the New Covenant to those who survive the end of the age, whose minds are “veiled” (v.15). In the “fine print” of the New Covenant contract (Jeremiah 30-31), in the verse immediately following the promise to Israel & Judah of a “new heart” (31:33), it promises that no ones minds will be confused (veiled) about Yehovah “Because they’ll all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them.” [2] How did the KJV and the Webster translations come up with the Aramaic ‘blind’, instead of the Greek ‘hardened’ here and in Matthew 1:7? [3] The “Ancient (Old) Covenant” is found in Exodus 20-23. In Exodus 24:3 “Ancient Israel” accepted it.
After Israel went into exile, Jeremiah still represented Yehovah as saying that the First Covenant needed to be observed by the remnant of Israel (until the New Covenant is enacted).
Jeremiah 11:1-10 This is the 'message' that came to Jeremiah from Yehovah: 2 “Listen to the terms of this covenant, and inform the men of Judah, and the residents of Jerusalem. 3 Tell them, ‘Yehovah, the Elohim of Israel says that anyone who doesn’t obey the terms of this covenant is cursed. 4 I commanded your ancestors when I brought them out of the land of Egypt, out of the iron furnace: ‘Listen to Me and do everything I command you, so you can be My people and I can be your Elohim, 5 so I can fulfill the oath that I swore to your ancestors, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey, as it is today.’”
Then I answered, “Aw-main', Yehovah.” 6 Yehovah told me, “Proclaim this entire 'message' in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem, say: ‘Listen to the terms of this covenant and do them. 7 I warned your ancestors when I brought them up out of the land of Egypt, even to this very day, saying 'again and again', “Obey what I 'said'.” 8 But they didn’t obey or 'listen'. Instead, everyone stubbornly 'pursued' their evil thoughts. So I enforced on them all the terms [consequences] of this covenant that I commanded them to do, since they hadn’t done them.’”
9 Yehovah told me, “I have discovered a conspiracy among the people of Judah and the residents of Jerusalem. 10 They have returned to the sins of their ancestors who refused to hear My words, and have pursued other gods to serve them. The House of Israel and the House of Judah have broken the covenant that I made with their ancestors.
Daniel, in describing the end of this age, mentioned the Latter Temple’s offerings that will be reestablished in the end time. The temple will be functioning for three and a half years prior to when the Beast stops the sacrificing—breaking his covenant. The timing is from Daniel’s Seventy Weeks Prophecy, where a day represents a year:
Daniel 9:27 Then he [the desolator] will force a strong 'contract' on many for one septad time period. Then in the middle of the period of seven [shemitah cycle] he [the desolator] will stop the zebakim [sacrifices] and the offerings: [Daniel 12:11] And the winged one of abomination will cause desolation, until the predetermined destruction is poured out on the desolator.” [During the Jubilee year: Isaiah 34:1-8]
Matthew, in what is commonly called the Olivet Prophecy, also stressed the significance of the Beast’s or the “Abominator’s” presence in the “'Special' (holy) Place, when he will personally pollute the Latter Temple and force an end to the daily burnt ze’bakim [sacrifices].
Matthew 24:15-22 When you see the sign of the detestable desolation mentioned by the prophet Daniel, standing in the Cherished Place—may the reader discern!— [2] [3] 16 then those of you who are in Judea should escape to the mountain/s! 17 No one on the roof should come down to get anything out of their houses, 18 and no one in the fields should return to get their clothing. 19 But I pity pregnant and nursing mothers in those days. 20 Pray that your flight won’t be during the winter [rainy weather] or on the Sabbath. 21 There will be Great Tribulation then, such as has never occurred from the beginning of the world until now, and will by no means ever happen again. 22 If it weren’t for those days being terminated, no one would survive. But for the sake of the select those days will be terminated [4].
[2] This is reminiscent of Matthew 28:16. [3] See my All Sources Disclaimer. [4] Matthew 24 describes the exact same events that Daniel 12:11-12 does, and as Daniel explained, the events will be totally “terminated” after 1,335 days. Here ia a good explanation, (other than the rapture!)
(This will be the new Third Temple. The 'special' Place” is mentioned 56 times in the Tanak {Hebrew Scriptures} in reference to the Temple.)
Daniel mentioned this event three other times, so that you wouldn’t miss it!
Daniel 8:11 It became arrogant and powerful, and even challenged the Commander of heaven’s army, and it took away from him the continual burnt zebakim [sacrifices], and the 'Cherished' Place was overthrown.
The Beast will not throw temple services to the ground when he sets foot in the 'special' Place, he will throw the “TRUTH down to the Ground”.
Daniel 8:12-13 Because of the rebellion, the army [of the 'chosen' ones: saints] were given over to it, along with the daily burnt offerings, and it threw truth to the ground, and 'the horn' did whatever it wanted to and prospered.”
13 Then I heard a 'special' one speaking, and another 'special' one asked the one who was speaking, “How long is the prophecy [vision] about the continual burnt offerings and the desolating transgression [ravaging of the city] going to last—the surrender of the 'Cherished' Place [Temple] and its army being trampled?
We have not seen the last of Yehovah’s First “Covenant”. Don’t assume that the Romans put an end to it. As soon as the Third Temple is constructed the “Covenant” will kick in again—complete with “the continual burnt zebakim”!
Daniel 11:28-35 Then he [Antiochus] will turn back toward his homeland with a lot of plunder, but then he’ll decide to take action against the 'cherished' covenant, and he’ll do that before returning 'home'. 29 “At the specified time he’ll return, and invade the south, but this time it won’t turn out the way it did before. 30 Ships from Kittim will come against him; he’ll be discouraged and turn back, venting his anger against the 'cherished' covenant and take action. He’ll even return and collaborate with those who abandon the 'cherished' covenant.
31 Armed forces will rise up and defile the 'Temple' refuge and put a stop to the daily burnt zebakim [sacrifices], and they’ll set up an appalling detestable idol [KJV, abomination of desolation]. 32 With slick talk he [Antiochus] will corrupt [win over] the wicked who violate the covenant [“with many”]. But the people who know their Elohim will be strong and take action.
33 Their wise people will share their understanding with many, yet they’ll be defeated by swords and flames. They’ll be captured and plundered for many days. 34 When they fall, they’ll be given a little help, but many who become allies with them will not be sincere. 35 Some of the wise will fall away to refine them and to purify them and make them white all the way to the time of the end, but it will still happen at the appointed time.
The First Covenant is valid until the time when “things are completely straightened out!”
Hebrews 9:6-10 The priests continually enter the outer tabernacle to perform their services [4]. 7 The high priest enters the inner part of the tabernacle only once a year, alone, and with the blood that he offers for himself and the sins of the people. 8 By this the 'special' spirit indicates that the way into the Most 'Cherished' Place was hidden, as long as the first tabernacle was still standing. 9 This is an illustration for today, when both the meal offerings and zebakim being offered are unable to 'clear' the conscience of those who are offering them. 10 These things only deal with food and drink and various kinds of washings that are mortal regulations, set up until the time when things are set right.
[4] The ark of the covenant and many other artifacts were lost/hidden when the first Temple was destroyed. The second Temple, then in use, made do without some of these things, or made replacements.
Ezekiel also spoke about the New Covenant, and tho he did not use the word “New” as Jeremiah did, it is nonetheless the same covenant. What other covenant could this possibly refer to? In fact the term “Everlasting” is a better description of what Yehovah has in mind. Yehovah contrasted the coming “Everlasting Covenant” with the covenant that Israel broke “in the days of your youth”.
Ezekiel 16:59-63 This is what the Sovereign Yehovah says: I’ll cause what you’ve 'effected'. You 'trashed' your oath in breaking your marriage vows [covenant]. 60 But I’ll remember the marriage vow I made with you in the days of your youth [the “Old Covenant”], and I’ll establish a [New] Everlasting Covenant with you.
61 Then you’ll remember the way you lived and be ashamed when I return your older and younger sisters to you, and I’ll give them to you as daughters, but not due to My covenant with you. 62 Then I’ll affirm My [marriage] covenant with you, and you’ll realize that I am Yehovah. 63 Then you’ll understand be ashamed, and never 'talk back' again due to your shame, when I’ve forgiven you for everything you’ve done,” declares the Sovereign Yehovah. [3] [3] More on this universe changing Messianic marriage is best found in Ezekiel 20 and Jeremiah 31.The Everlasting Covenant was begun with Abraham, and was never meant to be anything but everlasting. When the New Covenant is in force, it will become exactly what it was originally meant to be.
Ezekiel 20:33-38 As surely as I live,” declares the Sovereign Yehovah, “I’ll rule you with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm and with wrath poured out, I will be your King! 34 I’ll bring you out of the nations and gather you out of the countries where you were scattered with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm, and with wrath poured out. 35 I’ll bring you into the wilderness of the people [Isaiah 1, Hosea 2:14], and I’ll judge you there face to face, 36 just like when I judged your ancestors in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, that’s how I’ll judge you, declares the Sovereign Yehovah. 37 I’ll make you pass under the shepherd’s rod, and I’ll bind you in a [Kimchi] [New] Covenant, 38 and I’ll purge out the rebels from among you and those who disobey Me. I’ll bring them out of the land where they were living, but they won’t enter the land of Israel. Then you’ll realize that I am Yehovah.
Ezekiel 37:24-28 His servant David will be their king, and all of them will have one Shepherd [John 10:11]. They’ll 'live by' His regulations and carefully obey His unchanging tenets. [2] 25 They’ll live in the land that He gave to His servant Jacob, where their ancestors lived. They and their children and their grandchildren will live there forever, and His servant David will be their prince forever. 26 He’ll make a [New] Covenant of peace with them. It will be an EVERLASTING COVENANT [3] with them, and He’ll establish them and increase their numbers, and set His 'Cherished' Place among them forever. 27 His home [New Jerusalem] will also be ABOVE them. He’ll be their Elohim, and they’ll be His people. 28 The nations will know that Yehovah made Israel 'special', when His 'Cherished' Place [an earthly 'Temple'] [4] is among them forever.
[2] Fig tree Nation or Fig tree Generation? Aside from the years/dates mentioned, this is the best explanation I know of about what the fig tree represents—the dry bones!
[3] Learn more about the Everlasting Covenant in
Isaiah 55:3-5,
Isaiah 61:8-9,
Jeremiah 32:40-41,
Jeremiah 50:4-5,
Psalm 105:7-11.d
These all refer to the same FUTURE EVENT! In 2 Samuel 23:5, David essentially explained that the entire plan of the Bible as given to Abraham—and that David had inherited—was yet to be realized! Yeshua was actually crucified and resurrected to ensure the fulfilment of the Everlasting Covenant, and now it is about to actually happen: Hebrews 13:20—The New Covenant, Coming Soon!
In fact the Great Tribulation will devastate the land because we have been trampling Yehovah’s Torah (Law), and are still breaking the “Everlasting Covenant”! Isaiah 24:3-6 The earth will be completely emptied and completely spoiled because Yehovah has spoken this 'message'.
4 The earth mourns and withers. The world decays and fades away. The prominent leaders of the earth will be helpless.
5 The earth is polluted by its inhabitants because they transgressed the Torah, violated the unchanging rulings and broke the everlasting covenant.
6 So a curse devours the earth, and those who live there are found guilty. The earth’s inhabitants are burned up. Ezekiel chapters 40-48 is actually a glimpse into the future about life in the vicinity of the “Ezekiel Temple” under the New Covenant. None of the prophecies in these nine chapters have ever even remotely been fulfilled. These nine chapters are the most extremely misunderstood, maligned, neglected or simply rejected chapters in the entire Bible. The primary reason for these nine chapters being so controversial is that they simply don’t to fit into anyone’s expectations of the New Covenant era. Here is a link to an article that contains a good bit of factual information about this fourth (millennial) Temple. As usual there are plenty of rabbit trails mentioned that I take exception to, such as John Darby’s 1830 rapture theory. Here is another: “The Feast of Pentecost is omitted as well as the great Day of Atonement”. What? Only a miniscule number of nine chapter stretches of the Bible mention those Feast Days. Another is the idea that the ‘sacrificial’ system is some sort of a memorial. Still, there is a lot there to consider. The sheer enormity of the Temple grounds covering perhaps 2,500 square miles are discussed in articles such as this. As always, recommended with my disclaimer. What does salvation even look like in the millennium? No one will be called out of the world to train to be millennial priests and kings. All of those positions will already be filled. No one will have to contend with Satan or even an evil society. Peer pressure will be for doing the right things.No one will even participate in what Christians call the sacriments: the bread, wine and footwashing of Yeshua’s Supper described in 1 Corinthians 11:26 (tho Passover will be celebrated: Ezekiel 45:21). Could it be that Yeshua’s zebak (sacrifice) for sins stops when He and His Father return? Might it be replaced with something far more like the Levitical system? After all, Levites will be slaughtering animals in the new Temple and descendants of Zadok will be quite distinguished. Ezekiel 45:2,9-16,23-24 In this area there will be a section for the 'Cherished' Place measuring five hundred by five hundred cubits square, with fifty cubits of open space all around it.
3 From this area measure off an area twenty-five thousand cubits long and ten thousand cubits wide. In it will be the 'Cherished' Place [miqdash], an extremely 'Cherished' Place [kodesh 'special'im].
4 THis 'special', portion of the land will be for the priests, the ministers of the 'Cherished' Place who approach Yehovah to serve. It will be a place for their homes, an extremely 'Cherished' Place.
5 An area twenty-five thousand cubits in length and ten thousand in width will be for the Levites, the ministers of the 'Cherished' Place, as property to live on, twenty chambers.
6 “You must designate an area of the city five thousand cubits wide and twenty-five thousand cubits long, alongside the allotment of the 'special' area, it will be for the whole House of Israel.
7 “The Prince [One lifted up"] will have land on both sides of the 'special' property extending toward the west on the western side [to the Mediterranean] and toward to the east on the eastern side [to the Jordan River]. Its length will be as long as one of the tribal territories from the western border to the eastern border.
8 This land will be His property in Israel. My governors will no longer oppress My people. Instead, they’ll assign the rest of the land to the House of Israel according to their tribes.
9 “The Sovereign Yehovah says, ‘Enough you governors of Israel! Stop the violence and destruction, and do what is just and right. Stop evicting My people,’ declares the Sovereign Yehovah.
10 You must have honest scales. Have a fair ephah [dry measure] and a fair bath [liquid measure].
11 The ephah and the bath will be uniform, so that the bath and the ephah will contain a tenth of a homer. The homer will be the standard measure.
12 A shekel must weigh twenty gerahs, and 'sixty' shekels will be equal to a mina.
13 “This is the offering you must give: a sixth of an ephah from a homer of wheat, and a sixth of an ephah from a homer of barley,
14 and the quota of olive oil (namely, a bath of oil), a tenth of a bath from each kor, (which consists of ten baths or one homer, since ten baths are equivalent to a homer);
15 and one sheep for every two hundred in your flocks, from the well watered pastures of Israel as a grain offering, and for a burnt offering, and for fellowship zebakim, to make atonement for the people,” declares the Sovereign Yehovah.
16 All the people of the land must contribute to this offering for the Prince in Israel...
23 On the seven days of the Feast he’ll provide a burnt offering to Yehovah of seven blemish free bulls and seven blemish free rams each day thruout the seven days, as well as a male goat each day as a sin offering.
24 He must also provide a grain offering, an ephah for each bull, an ephah for each ram and a hin of olive oil for each ephah of grain. So it looks like even when the Tribulation Temple is set up, that it is defiled from within even before the Beast defiles it. (2 Thessalonians 2:1-4) Ezekiel 43:5-11 The spirit lifted me up and brought me into the inner courtyard, and I saw the splendor of Yehovah filling the 'Temple'.
6 I heard someone speaking to me from inside the 'Temple' while the man was standing.
7 He said, “Human son, this is the place for My throne and the place for the soles of My feet, where I’ll live among the Israelites forever. The House of Israel and their kings will never again defile My 'special' name by their prostitution or with the dead bodies of their kings in their high places of worship.
8 'They' set their idol threshold by My threshold, and their doorposts by My doorposts, with only a wall between Me and them. They’ve defiled My 'special' name by their highly detestable things, so I destroyed them in My anger.
9 They should 'stop' their prostitution and get the dead bodies of their kings far away from Me, and I’ll live among them forever.
10 “Human son, describe the 'Temple' to the House of Israel so that they’ll be ashamed of their wickedness. May they measure accurately,
11 and if they are ashamed of everything they’ve done, then elaborate on the design of the 'Temple', its arrangements, its exits and entrances, the entire design with all its regulations and regulations, and write it in plain sight so that they can accurately view its design and all its unchanging rulings and implement them. Chances are very good that you’ve heard someone urging you to put money in an “offering plate” saying: ”Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple.” But have you ever heard the context? It’s about Yeshua (the Messenger of the [New] Covenant) returning to His Temple. It’s about Judgment Day; things will be ”as in the old days” and there will be plenty of meat from the zebakim for the priests to eat. Surely they explained that? Malachi 3:1-10 Watch out! I’m sending My messenger [Elijah Ch 4:5], and He’ll prepare the way before Me, and the Sovereign who you’re looking for will suddenly come to His 'Temple', the Messenger of the [New] Covenant who you desire. He’s coming, says Commander Yehovah.
2 But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can 'survive' when He appears? He is like a refiner’s fire and like launderer’s soap,
3 And He’ll sit like a refiner and purifier of silver. He’ll purify the descendants of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, and they’ll bring Yehovah offerings in righteousness.
4 Then the offering of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasant to Yehovah as in the old days and as in previous years.
5 I’ll come to judge you. I’ll be quick to witness against sorcerers and adulterers, against perjurers and those who cheat wage earners out of their wages, and cheat widows and orphans, and those who deprive foreigners of their rights and don’t revere Me,” says Commander Yehovah.
6 Because I, Yehovah, don’t change. That’s why you descendants of Jacob haven’t been destroyed.
7 “From the days of your ancestors you’ve turned away from My regulations and haven’t obeyed them. Return to Me and I’ll return to you,” Commander Yehovah says.
“But you ask, ‘How can we return?’
8 Can a person rob Elohim? Yet you are robbing Me!
But you ask, ‘How have we robbed You?’ With tithes and offerings.
9 You are under a curse because this entire nation is robbing Me.
10 Bring the entire tithe into the treasury so that there will be 'food' [for those who serve-Targum] in My 'Temple', and test Me now in this,” says Commander Yehovah.”See if I won’t open the windows of heaven for you and pour out a blessing on you until there isn’t room enough for more! This nine chapter prophecy ends with the river of life cleansing the earth, and trees of life bearing fruit each month. Ezekiel 47:12 On the river banks, along both sides, every kind of crop bearing tree will grow. The leaves won’t wither or fail to produce fruit, they will produce a new crop every lunation, because of the water that flows from the Temple. The fruit will be for food, and the leaves will be used for healing. This is when the twelve tribes of Israel again take back their land—now truly a “'Special' Land” again, because Yehovah is there! (all of Ezekiel 48). Zechariah 2:10-13Sing and celebrate, maiden Zion, because I’m going to come and live with you,” says Yehovah.
11 Many nations will side with Yehovah When That Day Comes* and become My people. I’ll live among you, and you’ll know that Commander Yehovah has sent Me to you.
12 Yehovah will inherit Judah as His legacy in the 'special' land and choose Jerusalem again.
13 Be silent 'everyone' in the presence of Yehovah, because He is 'springing into action' from His 'special', abode! If you read these nine chapters you cannot help but ask why there is all of the emphasis on ze’bakim [sacrifices]. Indeed why is there any mention of zebakim in the Everlasting Kingdom? Did Yeshua (Jesus) actually end the Levitical zebak system? Here is an entire website concerned with the issues of the Torah (Law), and what happened to it after Yeshua was crucified: Paul, the Temple & New Covenant Sacrifices. While the web host most likely has a traditional view of the New Covenant, he sees a big problem with what is taught about the Levitical Priesthood “having been abolished”. This too has been misrepresented by the Churches. Better still, find a copy of The Coming Last Days Temple. It is out of print, but new and used copies are still available from various web sources. Is Yeshua presently acting as a mediator for the 'chosen ones'? I was taught that “Jesus has to mediate for the saints daily to the Father”, that is, He has to continually remind Yehovah, His Father not to squash the mere humans, since after all, only He could relate to what it is like being human. However, once we know what the New Covenant is, we should further understand that Yeshua completed the active mediation when He died! Three of the six references to “mediator” in the Testimony of Yeshua, mistakenly called the “New Testament”, concern the time of the future New Covenant. Hebrews 9:15 says that the mediation was performed “by means of death”. So the role of mediator was performed by a physical Yeshua, not the resurrected One. When the New Covenant is actually fulfilled by Yehovah and His Messiah (the Lord and His Christ), no additional mediation will have been needed. The New Covenant was ratified with the blood of Yeshua and now awaits the end of this present evil age. Notice the statement that Yeshua, the human Man (Greek: anthropos), was the mediator. 1 Timothy 2:5 Yehovah is One [1], and there is one Mediator between Yehovah and humanity, namely the man Yeshua Messiah, [1] The Aramaic explains the relationship between Yeshua and His Father. The Greek says “one Theos”, rather than “one.”
Yeshua “has [now] obtained a more excellent ministry”. The first definition used for “ministry” in the Online Bible Greek Lexicon is: “a public office which a citizen undertakes to administer at his own expense”. There could be no higher expense! Hebrews 8:6 But now, Yeshua (Jesus) Messiah has been given a superior ministry since He is also the Mediator of a better covenant, one that was founded on better promises than the former. Hebrews 9:15 This is the reason He became the Mediator of the New Covenant—so that by means of death He could become the ransom payment for those who are breaking [1b] the first [original] covenant, so that those who are called to the eternal inheritance can receive the promise. Here again, the Mediation was accomplished by Yeshua’s blood. Hebrews 12:24 and to Yeshua, the Mediator of the New Covenant, and to the sprinkling of His blood that reveals better things than 'the blood' of Abel. To say that Yeshua must keep on mediating is tantamount to saying that He must keep on dying—a shameful concept! Hebrews 6:4-6 But those who have already descended into immersion [1] and have savored the gift from the Heavenly realm, and have received the 'special' spirit,
5 and have experienced the wonderful Word of Aloha and the powers of the age to come—
6 and then fell away [2] can’t be renewed a second time to a changed mind. That is like PERSONALLY crucifying Aloha’s Son all over again, and exposing Him to open shame. [2] Falling away “means apostasy. It doesn’t take place suddenly & unexpectedly. Rather, it is part of a gradual process, a decline that leads from unbelief, to disobedience, to apostasy”, (frequently quoted online). This does not apply to falling away from false religion!Mediation by Crucifixion!
The New Covenant goes into effect once the Redeemer comes to Zion:
Isaiah 59:16,20-21 He saw that there was no man, and was amazed that there was no one to intercede, so His own Arm brought deliverance to Him, and His righteousness upheld Him... 20 “A Redeemer will come to Zion for the descendants of Jacob who turn from rebellion,” says Yehovah. 21 “As for Me, this is My covenant with them,” Yehovah says, “My spirit that is on you, and My words that I’ve put in your mouth, won’t depart from your mouth, or from the mouths of your descendants, or from the mouths of their descendants from now on and forever,” says Yehovah.
Paul also prophesied about the coming New Covenant and people are still ignorant of this “hidden mystery”:
Romans 11:25-27 Friends, so that you won’t be presumptuous, I want you to know of this hidden mystery—that a degree of spiritual blindness has overtaken Israel until the full complement of nations can come in, 26 and then all of Israel will be saved [alive]. As the Scriptures declare, “A Savior will come from Zion and turn Jacob [the “lost” ten tribes] from sinfulness.” 27 “And THEN [4] they will have My [NEW] COVENANT, after I have forgiven their sins.
I also added, in essence, a Part 3 called The New Covenant and the Great Multitude. It addresses who the Great Multitude are.
[4] The house of Israel and the house of Judah have not lived under a Covenant since the ancient captivity, but that is about to change (Jeremiah 31:31-34)! The Greek totally obscures the matter of timing by substituting “this” for “then”! See The New Covenant—Soon to be Implemented!
I recommend reading WHAT DO YOU MEAN... A NEW COVENANT? It is a rather technical article that demonstrates from the Hebrew and the Greek what “New” really means! Interestingly, Frank believes that the New Covenant is already in effect.
Ultimately, today’s popular “Replacement Theology” is the teaching that we are already living under and enjoying Israel’s Jeremiah 31 New Covenant. It has to do with who the Israel of Bible prophecy really is. Is it “the church” or is it the misguided descendants of Israel who will awaken as a result of the coming Great Tribulation? Who is going to take over the land of Israel and live there for many many generations.