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Chapter 11, Part 2 Preview: “The Great and Awesome Day of Yehovah” (Jehovah) (Joel 2:31) is one of the most detailed topics in the entire Bible! Other than perhaps the return of the 12 tribes to Israel, nothing else comes close in terms of the sheer volume of passages devoted to it. Huge segments of the Major and Minor Prophets are devoted to it; most of the parables of Yeshua (Jesus) directly pertain to this time. The entire book of Revelation is focused on it. The emphasis that Elohim (God) placed on this event, along with the sheer VOLUME of passages, silently SCREAMS for understanding. Find out what this “day” is all about now, before it’s too late—don’t learn the hard way!
(Sequel to: The Time After Jacob’s Trouble)
Yehovah will have created three Worlds before His Kingdom becomes the “everlasting dominion” that Daniel spoke of.
World #1 was created for the Messengers (angels) but later “The earth had become a desolate wasteland and abandoned”) by Satan and his angels (Genesis 1:2). Very little is known about the first world, but we do know that “The spirit Messengers who disregarded their prime directive, and abandoned their assigned place, He has reserved in the perpetual bond of darkness, for the great Judgment Day” (Jude 6).
World #2 is the reconstructed planet, following an apparent first Satanic cataclysmic war with Yehovah, (the one in Isaiah 14 is yet future). This world began with Adam and Eve in Eden, as is described in Genesis 1, but “...the previous world was covered again [with water] and destroyed” (2 Peter 3:6).
World #3 is “this evil world” (Galatians 1:4) that Noah and his family lived into. They experienced two worlds!
World #4 is the New Earth (Isaiah Chapters 65 and 66), it will also have survivors live into it from this world, following the great fire of The Day of Yehovah. While the survival figures are dismal, they are far more than the eight on the ark were.
Matthew 24:38-39 Just like before the flood, people were eating and drinking, taking wives and giving them to husbands right up until the day when Noah entered the ark, 39 and they were clueless until the flood came and swept them all away. That’s how it will be at the advent of the Human Son.—The Gabriel Bible
Isaiah 65 is possibly the most dramatic, most all inclusive, end time transitional chapter in the Bible. It starts out portraying Israel as a Satanic society, it moves to Yehovah intervening in world affairs, and then crosses over the divide into the New Millennium, where there is a New Heaven, a New Earth, and a New Jerusalem. Children are born there and it ends with one of the most memorable of all verses concerning the Everlasting Kingdom. “Wolves and lambs will feed together, and lions will eat straw like oxen...” (v.25).
[Free E-books about the U.S. and Britain and Israel in prophecy can be found on this link.]
Isaiah 66 is another dramatic end time chapter. This chapter also shows us that after the Day of Yehovah we will need to have a New Heaven and a New Earth.
Isaiah 66:15-16,19-21 Yehovah will come with fire... 16 Yehovah will execute judgment by fire and with His sword on all ‘humanity’, and many will be slain by Yehovah... 19 I’ll set up a sign among them and send some survivors to the nations—to Tarshish, Put and Lud, Meshech, RoshTubal, Javan, to the distant islands who haven’t heard of My fame or seen My splendor. They’ll announce My splendor among the nations. 20 They’ll bring all of your relatives from all the nations as an offering to Yehovah, on horses, and on chariots, and on litters, and on mules, and on dromedaries, to My 'special' mountain Jerusalem, declares Yehovah, like the Israelites bring their offering in a ceremonially clean vessel into Yehovah’s ‘Temple’. 21 And I’ll also appoint some of them to be priests and Levites [Ezekiel 44:6-15], says Yehovah.
These verses establish the Second Exodus context and there is no justification, here or elsewhere, for moving the New Earth verses (vs.22-24) to after the millennium.
Isaiah 66:22-24 As the New Heavens and the New Earth that I’ll make will endure in My presence”, declares Yehovah, “So your descendants and your name will endure. 23 “Then, from one New Moon to the next New Moon [every month!], and from one Sabbath to the next Sabbath [every week!], all of humanity will come to worship before Me”, declares Yehovah. 24 They’ll go out and see the carcasses of the people who rebelled against Me, because the maggots devouring them won’t die off. The fire that’s burning them won’t go out. They’ll be abhorrent to everyone.” [3]
[3] Unfortunately, there will be a steady stream of wicked people being thrown into the fire every ‘moonth’ all thru the time of the “New Heavens and the New Earth.” Whatever the fire does not dispose of will keep the maggots well fed. Gehenna was the city dump of Jerusalem, where the bodies of criminals kept th maggots fed continually.Lets have a closer look at Zechariah 14, a strictly “Day of Yehovah” chapter.
Zechariah 14:1-11 The Day of Yehovah is coming, [and when it does] [1] your possessions will have been plundered right in front of you! 2 I’ll gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem. The city will have been taken, the houses looted and the women raped. Half [2] of the residents will have gone into exile [been taken], but the rest of the people will have been left in the city. 3 Then Yehovah will go out and wage war against those nations, as when He fought on a day of battle! 4 And in that day His [Yeshua’s (Jesus’)] feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem. [This is not the Great Tribulation period, rather it is stated to be “The Day of Yehovah” this is after the wise have fled.] And the Mount of Olives will be split in two, from east to west, forming a very large valley, [Elohim is on Mt. Zion, Isaiah 10:12] so that half of the mountain will move toward the north and the other half toward the south. 5 You’ll flee by My mountain valley, because My mountain valley will reach to Azel. Yes, you’ll flee just like you fled from the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Yehovah my Elohim will come, and all of the 'cherished' ones with Him. 6 When that day comes there won’t be light, cold or frost. 7 It will be the unique day that Yehovah makes Himself known {niphal}, not day or night, but when evening comes it will still be light [3]. 8 When that day comes living waters will flow out from Jerusalem, half toward the eastern sea and half toward the western sea, both in summer and winter.
9 Yehovah will be King over all the land [not earth, “eretz”, same word as v.10] [4]. When That Day Comes it will be Yehovah alone, and His name alone. 10 All the land from Geba to Rimmon, south of Jerusalem, will have become like the Arabah (barren), but Jerusalem will be elevated, from Benjamin’s gateway to the site of the first gate, to the Corner gate, and from the Tower of Hananel to the king’s wine presses. 11 People will live there [in Israel] and there will no longer be a curse, and Jerusalem will be safely inhabited. [5]
[1] The tenses: past, present and future do not work the same in Hebrew as they do in English, that’s why the context often changes from past tense to future tense for no apparent reason in translations, so in this instance the Day of Yehovah is retribution for what has already happened! Yehovah’s intervention does NOT include pillaging and raping—that kind of behavior brought on the intervention! The tense is particularly important here. Virtually no one understands that the seven prophecied years (shemitah years) are followed by a special Jubilee year (the Day of Yehovah) when Elohim steps in (literally, v.4) and begins to vanquish His enemies in preparation for the millennial reign! [2] In Zechariah 13:8, 9, it is “two-thirds” that perish, and “a third” are left behind. However in Zechariah 14:2, it is “in all the land”; here it is “half of the city.” Two-thirds of the “whole people” perish, one-third survives. One-half of the citizens are led captive, the residue are not cut off. [3] This could undo whatever happened on Hezekiah’s long day when the apparent path of the sun retreated 10 degrees. This might account for years being over 5 days longer now. While this will be a unique day, there was a similar day, the one mentioned in verse 5 above, during king Uzziah’s reign. It also had an enormous earthquake that was remembered for centuries! [4] Optimists think Yehovah will be “King over all the earth” as soon as He sets foot on the Mount of Olives. In fact virtually every Bible translation says exactly that in Zechariah 14:9, as as the first 25 versions do here. The only version to get it right that I saw there was Young’s, because he was consistent. (I’d bet he likely wanted to make an exception.) The confusion remains because the word “earth” does not have a Hebrew equivalent. Translating eretz as earth very often doesn’t even make sense, depending on the context. The next verse Zechariah 14:10 provides the context. In the same context eretz is now translated as “land” by the vast majority of the versions that had just translated eretz as “earth”. Two versions were consistently wrong using “earth” in both verses. Possibly decades after the conquest of the land of Israel in this chapter, fighting will still take place in a peaceful unwalled state: Ezekiel 38 & 39. [5] Only after Israel is at peace can Gog and Magog attack Israel. Ezekiel 28:25-26 and 38:11,14Contrast this flight account to Matthew 24, that clearly differentiates between the events of the first time period: 20 “Pray that your flight won’t be during foul weather or on the Sabbath. 21 There will be Great Tribulation then, such as has never occurred from the beginning of the world until now, and will by no means ever happen again.” (vs.20-21). And the second time period: (v.29).
Zechariah’s account is of Yeshua conquering Jerusalem. Matthew’s account tells us about the Abomination of Desolation conquering Jerusalem for 1,260 days, necessitating our literal salvation (being salvaged). Daniel 11:41 also mentions this Abominator entering “the Splendid Land”.
Ezekiel Chapters 40-48 will be of particular interest to the Levites who will, yes, still offer animal ze’bakim [sacrifices], but will also be made human judges immediately after the Day of Yehovah. Every event in these chapters particularly pertains to these men who are then made priests.
Ezekiel 44:22-24 They must not marry widows or women who have been divorced, they can only marry virgins descended from the House of Israel or a widow who is the widow of a priest. 23 They must teach My people the difference between 'special' things and what is common, and show them how to distinguish between the unclean and the clean. 24 “In a dispute the priests will serve as judges, and they’ll adjudicate according to My regulations. They must obey My Torah and My unchanging rulings regarding all My appointed Feasts, and keep My Sabbaths 'special'.
It is in this context, concerning the immediate aftermath of the Day of Yehovah, that we again see waters that heal coming from Jerusalem.
The timing of these events is unmistakable.
Ezekiel 47:1,5,8-9,12 Then he brought me back to the door of the 'Temple', and there was water flowing out from under the threshold of the 'Temple' toward the east. (The 'Temple' faced east.) The water came down from below the right side of the 'Temple', south of the altar... 5 Afterward he measured another thousand, and it was a river that I couldn’t wade cross. The water had risen, water deep enough to swim in but too deep to wade thru... 8 Then he told me, “This water flows toward the eastern region and down into the Arabah and into the Dead Sea. Once it flows into the Dead Sea the water 'becomes fresh'. 9 Swarms of living creatures will live everywhere the river goes, including very many fish, because wherever this water goes it makes sea water fresh. Everything is brought to life where the river flows... 12 On the river banks, along both sides, every kind of crop bearing tree will grow. The leaves won’t wither or fail to produce fruit, they’ll produce a new crop every lunation, because of the water that flows from the 'Temple'. The fruit will be used for food and the leaves will be used for healing.
You may recall that Revelation 22:1-3 thoroly describes this river! Revelation 21 and 22 describes the New Heaven, the New Earth, the New Jerusalem and the new “river of water of life”.
Ezekiel 43:7 He said, “Human son, this is the place for My throne and the place for the soles of My feet, where I’ll live among the Israelites forever. The House of Israel and their kings will never again defile My 'special' name by their prostitution or with the dead bodies of their kings in their high places of worship.
The priests in the New Jerusalem will be the actual descendants of the sons of Zadok.
Ezekiel 48:10-12 The 'special' allotment will be set aside for the priests, on the north side twenty-five thousand cubits long, and on the west ten thousand cubits wide, and on the east ten thousand cubits wide, and on the south twenty-five thousand cubits long, and the 'Cherished' Place of Yehovah will be in the middle of it. 11 It will be for the 'special' priests, the descendants of Zadok who have obeyed My instructions, who didn’t go astray when the Israelites went astray as the Levites had. 12 It will be their special allotment from the 'special' allotment of the land, the very 'special' part, next to the territory of the Levites.
The end of human rule is near.
When we enter the seven year period, after the beast signs an ominous contract in Jerusalem, there will be no excuse for the wise not to understand the timetable.
Daniel 9:27 Then he [the desolator] will force a strong 'contract' on many for one septad time period. Then in the middle of the period of seven [shemitah cycle] he [the desolator] will stop the zebakim [sacrifices] and the offerings: [Daniel 12:11] And the winged one of abomination will cause desolation, until the predetermined destruction is poured out on the desolator.” [During the Jubilee year: Isaiah 34:1-8]
So now we’re ready for the fall Feast/Festival Days, beginning with the first day of the seventh month.
There are four verses that mention both “first day” and “seventh month” in the Bible. The first two references give us no clue what is being commemorated:
Leviticus 23:24-25 Say to the Israelites: ‘In the seventh month, on the first day of the month you are to have a Sabbath assembly, commemorated by the shouts of shofars; a special public assembly. 25 You must not do any regular work, but you must present an offering by fire to Yehovah. (also see Numbers 29:1)
If the third and fourth references are clues as to what happens on 7/1, and it just so happens that in both instances it is talking about a time after ‘an exodus’ and a restoration in the Promised Land, then we might conclude that this is a prototype of something much larger yet to happen. After all, in Ezra we’re talking about Yeshua and Zerubabbel, types of the Two Witnesses (comparing the two olive tree symbolisms of Zechariah 4 with Revelation 11.)
Ezra 3:1-2,6-8 When the seventh month came and the people of Israel were in the towns, the people gathered together 'in unity in' Jerusalem. 2 Then Yeshua the son of Jozadak and his brothers the priests, and Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel and his brothers got up and built the altar of the Elohim of Israel to offer burnt offerings on, as instructed in the Torah of Moses, the man of Elohim... 6 From the first day of the seventh month they began to offer burnt offerings to Yehovah, but the foundation of the 'Temple' of Yehovah wasn’t laid yet. 7 They also gave silver to the masons and carpenters, and food, drink and olive oil, to the Sidonians and the Tyrians to import cedar logs by sea from Lebanon to Joppa as authorized by King Cyrus of Persia. 8 Now in the second year of their coming to the 'Temple' of Elohim in Jerusalem, in the second month, Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and Yeshua the son of Jozadak, and the rest of their brothers the priests and the Levites, and everyone who returned from the captivity to Jerusalem began the work. They began by appointing Levites, from twenty years of age and older to supervise the work on Yehovah’s 'Temple'.
Nehemiah 8:1-3,8-9 All the people gathered 'in unity' into the broad square in front of the Water Gate. They asked Ezra the scribe to bring the Book of the Torah of Moses, that Yehovah had commanded Israel to obey. 2 On the first day of the seventh month [The Day of Trumpets], Ezra the priest brought the Torah before the entire assembly, the men and women, and any descendants who could understand what was said. 3 He read in the square in front of the Water Gate from early morning until midday, in the presence of the men and the women, and descendants who could understand. All the people ‘listened’ attentively to the Book of the Torah... 8 Next to them Uzziel, Harhaiah’s son, a goldsmith, made repairs. Next to him Hananiah, a perfumer, made repairs. They restored Jerusalem as far as the Broad Wall. 9 Next to them Rephaiah, Hur’s son, the official of half the district of Jerusalem, made repairs.
But the best part about the Festival of Trumpets is the trumpets (shofars). The final trumpet blast will awaken the dead from their graves!
1 Corinthians 15:51-55 See, I’ll explain a mystery to you, we won’t all die, but we’ll all be transformed! 52 In the smallest possible fraction of a second [Gr. atomos], while the last [seventh] shofar [8] is sounding, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be transformed! 53 This perishable must be clothed with the imperishable, and this mortal must be clothed with immortality.
54 So when this perishable is clothed with the imperishable, and this mortal is clothed with immortality, THAT IS WHEN the written Word will be accomplished: “Death is devoured in victory. 55 O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is your victory?
[8] See Revelation 8:6.
You couldn’t do much better than to read Ron Darts explanation of the Day of Trumpets!
An interesting thing about the “great multitude” or “enormous crowd” is that in the Greek translation it shows that they are still coming out of the Great Tribulation as they gather before the throne! That all by itself would preclude them from being part of the instantaneous resurrection! They are still arriving before the throne from the north, south, east & west for initiation! Everyone assumes that they have all died, but none of them have, they are still being rounded up!
Revelation 7:4,9-17 Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000, sealed from every tribe of Israel:... 9 After this I saw an enormous crowd of people that no one could count, from every people, nation, tribe and language. They were standing in front of the throne and the Lamb, wearing white robes, and they were holding palms in their hands. 10 They were shouting, “eternal life to Yehovah, to the One who sits on the throne and to the Lamb!” 11 All the messengers stood around the throne with the Elders and the four living beings, and they bowed facedown in front of His throne and worshiped Yehovah, 12 and said, “Aw-main'. Blessing and praise and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to Yehovah forever and ever, Aw-main'.’”
13 Then One of the Elders turned and asked me, “Who are these people wearing white robes, and where do they come from?” 14 I said, “Friend, you know.” He replied, “These are the ones who are coming out [2] of the Great Tribulation. They’ve washed their clothes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 15 That’s why they are in front of the throne of Yehovah, serving Him day and night in His Temple. [3] And the One seated on the throne will 'protect them under His shadow' [Aramaic nageen alihun, ‘shadow over them’]. 16 They won’t hunger or thirst any more [4], nor will they be 'overcome' by the sun or burning heat, 17 because the Lamb who is in the center of the throne will feed them and lead them to springs of living water, and Yehovah will wipe every tear from their eyes.”
[2] “The verb form in the Greek for ‘come’ is present participle.” This is an ongoing process! They survive the Great Tribulation! See any “Literal” translation.
[3] Ezekiel Chapters 40-48 are all about the Temple services during the Everlasting Kingdom, tho people don’t want to hear that. Ezekiel 47 is clearly the same time period as Revelation 21-22. The Levites, other than descendants of Zadok, are disqualified from serving in the future Temple (:10-16.) Perhaps the 144,000 will take their place. [4] Isaiah 49 (noting verse 10) further describes these exact same conditions: the end of “hunger”, “thirst”, “heat” and “sun”, along with “springs of water” in the context of survivors of the Great Tribulation, from all twelve tribes of Israel returning to the land of Israel during the Second Exodus, at the beginning of the Everlasting Kingdom!The 144,000 is a finite number. They are all present and accounted for. While the great multitude are still in the process of “coming out of The Great Tribulation” or “second exodusing”, their numbers are steadily growing (making them even more difficult to count), while the number 144,000 remains constant. They are, after all, firstfruits, the first to do something. The great multitude are also specifically excluded from singing the new song, another reason not to lump them together. But there are two differences between the two groups in verse 5:
Revelation 14:3-5 They were singing a new song in front of the throne and the four living Beings and Elders. No one was able to learn that song except for the 144,000 who were purchased [redeemed] from the earth. 4 They are the ones who haven’t defiled themselves with women, they are spiritual virgins. They are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. Yeshua (Jesus) has purchased them from humanity as the firstfruits of Yehovah and the Lamb. 5 They never 'tell' lies because they are as morally unblemished as Passover lambs.
With “purchased from the earth” in mind, consider Revelation 12 to further differentiate the two groups:
Revelation 12:14-17 The woman was given the two wings of a huge eagle so that she could fly from the presence of the serpent to her place in the wilderness, where she is nourished for a time, times, and half a time. 15 The Dragon spewed water from his mouth like a river toward the woman, attempting to sweep her away by the flood. 16 But the ground helped the woman. It opened its mouth and swallowed the flood that the Dragon had spewed from his mouth. 17 The Dragon was furiously angry with the woman, and he went off to make war with the rest of her offspring, those who obey the Commandments of Yehovah [the so-called “OT”] AND have THE TESTIMONY OF YESHUA [the so-called “NT”. So few of these would be Jews!]
So one group is protected for the entire three and a half years of Tribulation (Revelation 3:10), while the other group endures most of it until “coming out of the Great Tribulation” toward the end.
Isaiah also spoke of the time when His people wouldn’t hunger or thirst or be scorched by the sun and burning heat:
Isaiah 49:10-13 They won’t hunger or thirst, and the heat or sun won’t beat down on them because the One who has mercy on them will lead them. He’ll guide them to springs of water. [Context: Revelation 7:13-17] 11 I’ll make all My mountains traversable, and My highways in the valleys will be elevated. 12 They will come from far away! They will come from the north and from the west, and they will come from Australia. 13 Shout for joy, you heavens, and earth rejoice, and break out into singing you mountains, because Yehovah has comforted His people and will have compassion on His meek and afflicted.
The sea of glass is in front of the throne. Later we’ll see that this is where the gathering of the 144,000 and the enormous crowd will take place:
Revelation 4:5-6 Lightning flashes and rumbling thunder were coming from the throne, and seven flaming menorahs were burning in front of the throne. These are the seven spirits of Yehovah. 6 In front of the throne was a sea of glass [2] shining like crystal. In the center near the throne and around the sides were four living beings 'covered' with eyes in front and behind.
[2] The “transparent sea of glass shining like crystal in verse 6 mirrors the “watery expanse, like the awesome gleam of crystal spread out over their heads” of Ezekiel 1:22.
In chapter 15, after the Great Tribulation is over, and just as Yehovah’s wrath is about to begin, the great multitude, as the KJV puts it, are on “the sea of glass”. They have “been victorious over the ravenous beast”, and they understand, by first hand experience what the song of Moses is all about:
Revelation 15:1-8 Then I saw another 'spectacular' and amazing sign in the sky—seven messengers with the seven last plagues [heavy afflictions]. With these Yehovah’s rage is finished. 2 I saw a sea of glass [1] that seemed to be 'ablaze' with flames, and those who had been victorious over the predatory beast and over his icon [Gr. eikon] and over the number of his name were standing on the sea of glass, and they had the harps of Yehovah. 3 They were singing the song of Moses [2] the servant of Yehovah, and the song of the Lamb: “Your deeds are spectacular and marvelous, Sovereign Yehovah the Almighty. Your ways are just and true, O King of the ages [3]. 4 Who won’t fear You Sovereign, and praise Your name, since You alone are 'peerless' and just. Every nation will come and worship in Your presence, because Your righteous acts have been revealed.”
5 After this I looked and the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony in the sky was opened. 6 The seven messengers who had the seven plagues came out of the Temple wearing clean 'bright' linen and wearing vests around their chests with gold 'thread' [Exodus 39:2-3] . 7 One of the four living Beings gave the seven messengers seven gold bowls full of the rage of Yehovah, who lives forever and ever. 8 The Temple was filled with smoke from the magnificence of Yehovah and from His power, and no one could enter the Temple until the seven plagues of the seven messengers were finished.
[1] The “Sea of glass”, described as “like crystal” in Revelation 4:6, is the same as the “icy crystal” “expanse” (“the expanse of heaven supporting WATERS above”) of Ezekiel 1:22.
[2] The last line of Deuteronomy 32, the Song of Moses, says, “Celebrate, you nations, with His people, because He’ll avenge the blood of His servants. He’ll render vengeance to His adversaries, and make atonement for His land and for His people.” [3] As in Greek, the Aramaic word for “age” can also be translated as “world.”(The Song of Moses is found in Deuteronomy 32:1-43. “The song exhibits striking originality of form; nowhere else in the Old Testament are prophetic thoughts presented in poetical dress on so large a scale. The [song] opens with an [introduction] (verses 1-3) in which heaven and earth are summoned to hear what the poet is to utter. In verses 4-6 the theme is defined: it is the rectitude and faithfulness of Yhwh toward His corrupt and faithless people. Verses 7-14 portray the providence which conducted Israel in safety through the wilderness and gave it a rich and fertile land; verses 15-18 are devoted to Israel’s unfaithfulness and lapse into idolatry. This lapse had compelled Yhwh to threaten it (verses 19-27) with national disaster and almost with national extinction. Verses 28-43 describe how Yhwh has determined to speak to the Israelites through the extremity of their need, to lead them to a better mind, and to grant them victory over their foes. In a Torah scroll the song is written with a special layout, in two parallel columns.” The last line says, “Celebrate, you nations, with His people, because He’ll avenge the blood of His servants. He’ll render vengeance to His adversaries, and will make atonement for His land, for His people”.)
The gathering of all the other survivors of the Great Tribulation who are of the twelve tribes of Israel will be carried out by Messengers (angels) before He returns, tho “He is near the door!”
Matthew 24:29-34 Immediately after the time of Tribulation, the sun will be darkened and the moon won’t shed her light and stars will fall from the sky [See footnote on Isaiah 34:4], and the miraculous power of the skies will be shaken. 30 Then the miraculous sign of the Human Son [6] will be seen in the sky, and then all the nations on earth will mourn when they see the Human Son coming on the clouds in the sky, with great power and splendor. 31 Then He’ll send out His spirit messengers with a loud shofar blast [7] and they’ll gather together His Select people from the four winds [north, south, east and west], from one farthermost bound of the horizon [heaven] to the other. 32 Now, learn the parable from the fig tree. As soon as its branches become tender and it produces leaves, you know that summer is near. 33 Similarly, when you actually see all of these things, you will realize that He is near, approaching the door!
[6] Yeshua was alluding to Daniel 7:13 where “Daniel saw Someone like a Human Son coming with the clouds in the sky. So what is the sign—it will look like a human (son of man) descending from the sky! Immediately after Satan’s nearly unhindered seven year long rampage, everything begins to change in a day. Another entire set of prophecies will play out during the Year of Payback (Isaiah 34) [7] This link is a remarkable timetable that Ernest Martin calculated in 1989. He made many of the same asumptions as I had. Still a lot of good info. The passage of time necessitated the start of my countdown 2,000 years from Yeshua’s crucifixion rather than start from the beginning of His ministry. (otherwise the Great Tribulation would be well underway by now.) 34 It is certain that the Israelite nation [Aramaic Sharebtha: tribe, people or nation] will not cease to exist before all these things have taken place.
Isaiah 27:12-13 When That Day Comes, Yehovah will thresh [harvest] from the 'Euphrates' river valley to the Nile * of Egypt. You Israelites will be gleaned [rescued] one by one. 13 When That Day Comes, the Great Shofar [1] will sound, and those who were dying in the land of Assyria and those who were banished to the land of Egypt will come and worship Yehovah on the 'special' Mountain in Jerusalem.
[1] The “Great Shofar” of Isaiah 27, particularly vs 12-13 corresponds with the Seventh Shofar (“trumpet”) of Revelation 11:15—adding the pertinent backstory!This is the second identifiable instance of the Great Shofar being blown since it was blown at Mount Sinai, as it would appear that this shofar is the same one described as “exceedingly loud” in Exodus 19:16. It isn’t anything like an ordinary shofar.
These people are “coming out of the Great Tribulation” to populate the New Israel! There will be far too many millions of them for Yeshua to greet personally that day.
However the gathering of those who are resurrected or instantly turned from living people into spirit beings is carried out by Yeshua personally! People call this “the rapture”, tho they think they’re going far higher than the atmosphere. The Bible calls it “the resurrection”. It will be a much smaller number of people. This time, at this second gathering, Yeshua will personally return. He is not simply at the door, and He won’t arrive in any secret mode, rather He’ll be ‘trumpeting’ His great shofar!
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 Our Sovereign will 'personally' come down from Heaven with a mandate, and with a voice like the chief Messenger and with Yehovah’s shofar, and the dead who 'belong to' the Messiah will rise first! 17 Then, we who are still alive, having survived, will be carried away together with them into the clouds to meet our Sovereign in the expanse. And we will be with our Sovereign forever.
Within the text about the 7th shofar is another reason to believe that New Jerusalem is within actual view!
Revelation 11:15-19 The seventh messenger blew his shofar [6], and there were voices [the Greek adds “in heaven”] and thunder that said, “The kingdoms of the world have become the kingdom of Yehovah and of His Messiah, and They will reign forever and ever.” 16 The twenty-four Elders who are in the presence of Yehovah’s throne [7] who sit on their own thrones fell facedown and worshiped Yehovah, 17 and said, “We praise you, Yehovah Aloha the Sovereign, who is, and was, because You’ve assumed Your great power and have begun to reign. 18 The nations were angry, but Your anger has come, and it’s time for the dead to be judged, and for You to compensate Your servants the prophets, and the 'chosen ones' and those who fear Your name, both small and great, and to destroy those who are destroying the earth! [8] 19 The Temple of Yehovah in the sky was opened, and the ark of His covenant was visible inside His Temple. There was lightning and thunder and voices, an earthquake and huge hail.
[6] The Seventh Shofar (“trumpet”) of Revelation 11:15! corresponds with the “Great Shofar” of Isaiah 27, particularly vs 12-13)—adding the pertinen backstory! [7] The Greek has the elders in this verse sitting on thrones [Gr. thronos], omitting mention of Yehovah’s throne, unlike 4:2-4, 7:11, and 19:4. [8] The earth will likely be more damaged than it was when the great flood destroyed the earth. Genesis 9:11. But heaven and earth will be renewed again: Isaiah 65:17; Isaiah 66:22.
This all takes place during year 6,000.
We see at the “second coming” that there will be a great earthquake, and simultaneously there will be an amazing cosmic disturbance:
Zechariah 14:1,5-7 The Day of Yehovah is coming, [and when it does] [1] your possessions will have been plundered right in front of you!... You’ll flee by My mountain valley, because My mountain valley will reach to Azel. Yes, you’ll flee just like you fled from the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Yehovah my Elohim will come, and all of the 'cherished' ones with Him. 6 When that day comes there won’t be light, cold or frost. 7 7 It will be the unique day that Yehovah makes Himself known {niphal}, not day or night, but when evening comes it will still be light [3].
[1] The tenses: past, present and future do not work the same in Hebrew as they do in English, that’s why the context often changes from past tense to future tense for no apparent reason in translations, so in this instance the Day of Yehovah is retribution for what has already happened! Yehovah’s intervention does NOT include pillaging and raping—that kind of behavior brought on the intervention! The tense is particularly important here. Virtually no one understands that the seven prophecied years (shemitah years) are followed by a special Jubilee year (the Day of Yehovah) when Elohim steps in (literally, v.4) and begins to vanquish His enemies in preparation for the millennial reign! [3] This could undo whatever happened on Hezekiah’s long day when the apparent path of the sun retreated 10 degrees. This might account for years being over 5 days longer now. While this will be a unique day, there was a similar day, the one mentioned in verse 5 above, during king Uzziah’s reign. It also had an enormous earthquake that was remembered for centuries!Matthew also mentions the same cosmic events in connection with Yeshua’s return:
Matthew 24:29-31 Immediately after the time of Tribulation, the sun will be darkened and the moon won’t shed her light and stars will fall from the sky [See footnote on Isaiah 34:4], and the miraculous power of the skies will be shaken. 30 Then the miraculous sign of the Human Son [6] will be seen in the sky, and then all the nations on earth will mourn when they see the Human Son coming on the clouds in the sky, with great power and splendor. 31 Then He’ll send out His spirit messengers with a loud shofar blast [7] and they’ll gather together His Select people from the four winds [north, south, east and west], from one farthermost bound of the horizon [heaven] to the other.
[6] Yeshua was alluding to Daniel 7:13 where “Daniel saw Someone like a Human Son coming with the clouds in the sky. So what is the sign—it will look like a human (son of man) descending from the sky! Immediately after Satan’s nearly unhindered seven year long rampage, everything begins to change in a day. Another entire set of prophecies will play out during the Year of Payback (Isaiah 34) [7] This link is a remarkable timetable that Ernest Martin calculated in 1989. He made many of the same asumptions as I had. Still a lot of good info. The passage of time necessitated the start of my countdown 2,000 years from Yeshua’s crucifixion rather than start from the beginning of His ministry. (otherwise the Great Tribulation would be well underway by now.)
John associates the same cosmic signs with an enormous earthquake that shakes the entire earth. He terms it the sixth seal, so that we can see a progressive series of events:
Revelation 6:12-14 I watched as He broke open the sixth seal, and there was a huge earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of hair, and the full moon turned blood red. [3] 13 Stars from the heavens fell to the ground [See footnote on Isaiah 34:4] like unripe figs falling from a fig tree when it is shaken by a strong wind. 14 The sky recoiled like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was 'shaken' out of place.
[3] The sun will darken “immediately after the time of Tribulation”: Matthew 24:29-31; Mark 13:24-27; Luke 21:25-27, Acts 2:19-20, Isaiah 13:9-13, Joel 2:31.
This appears to be another development of the same sun/moon event, only by now the heavenly lights are only partially obscured:
Revelation 8:8-12 The second messenger blew his shofar, and something resembling a huge fiery mountain plunged into the sea, and a third of the sea turned into blood. 9 A third of all the sea creatures died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.
10 The third messenger blew his shofar, and an asteroid [Gr. aster—not really a star] fell from the sky, burning like a torch. It fell on a third of the rivers and on the 'artesian' springs. 11 The name of the asteroid (?) is Wormwood, and a third of the water became polluted with wormwood. Many people died from the water because it had turned bitter. 12 The fourth messenger blew his shofar, and a third of the sun was darkened, as were a third of the moon and a third of the stars, so that a third of them were darkened and a third of the day turned dark, and the night 'was even darker'.
If repetition is for emphasis then look at this. All of these sun/moon references concern a unique day on earth. Since this only happens once, we can tie all of the pertinent prophecies together. It’s sort of a code word!
Isaiah 13:9-10 The Day of Yehovah is coming—a cruel day with wrath and fierce anger, to make the land a desolation and to destroy all the sinners within it. 10 The stars in the sky and their constellations will no longer shine. The sun will be darkened when it rises, and the moon won’t reflect its light. [This event precedes the shaking of v.13, when the Day of Yehovah is “at hand”]
Isaiah 24 has to be the most chilling chapter in the Scriptures. There will be few survivors. Were it not for the sun/moon reference, a person could think that this is the end—rather than a new beginning.
Isaiah 24:1-6,19 Yehovah is going to lay waste the earth and devastate it, mar its surface and scatter its inhabitants! 2 It will be the same for priest as with other people, servants like masters, mistresses like maids, buyers like sellers, lenders like borrowers, creditors like debtors. 3 The earth will be completely emptied and completely spoiled because Yehovah has spoken this 'message'.
4 The earth mourns and withers. The world decays and fades away. The prominent leaders of the earth will be helpless. 5 The earth is polluted by its inhabitants because they transgressed the Torah, violated the unchanging rulings and broke the everlasting covenant. 6 So a curse devours the earth, and those who live there are found guilty. The earth’s inhabitants are burned up... 19 The earth is broken up. The earth is split apart. The earth is shaken violently.
Isaiah 24:20-23 The earth will reel like a drunkard and sway back and forth like a portable shelter. Its rebellion weighs heavy on it. It [rebellion, comp v.23] will fall and never rise again [1]. 21 When That Day Comes* Yehovah will punish the army of angels in the heavenly heights, and the kings of the earth, on earth. 22 (They’ll be rounded up like prisoners in a dungeon. They’ll be confined in prison, and after many days they’ll be punished.) 23 Then the moon will be humiliated and the sun ashamed, because Commander Yehovah will reign on Mount Zion, He’ll display His splendor in the presence of His elders.
[1] There is an attempted coup after a thousand years (Revelation 20:7-10), but it will not prevail.
Isaiah 30:25-27 When That Day Comes* there will be brooks and streams of water on every high mountain and on every high hill on the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall [earthquake]. 26 When That Day Comes the light from the moon will be like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven days, on the day when Yehovah bandages the fracture of His people and heals the wounds He inflicted. 27 The name of Yehovah comes from far away, with burning anger amid thick rising smoke! His lips are filled with fury and His tongue is like a devouring fire.
Isaiah 60:18-22 Violence will no longer be heard of in your land, and desolation and destruction won’t exist within your borders, but you’ll call your walls ‘Deliverance’, and your gates ‘Praise.’ 19 You will no longer need the sun to shine by day, or the moonlight to provide your light, because Yehovah will be your everlasting light, and your Elohim your splendor. 20 Your sun will no longer set, and your moon will no longer wane, because you will have Yehovah as your everlasting light, and the days of your mourning will be over. 21 Your people will all be righteous, they’ll inherit the land forever, a shoot that I planted, the work of My hands bringing about My splendor. 22 The least of you will become a thousand, and the smallest one a mighty nation. I, Yehovah, will do it quickly when it’s time.”
Ezekiel 32:7-8 When I extinguish you, I’ll cover the heavens and darken the stars. I’ll cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon won’t shine. [1] 8 I’ll darken all the bright lights in the sky above you and bring darkness on your land,’ declares the Sovereign Yehovah.
[1] Don’t rule out the dark blood red moon!Joel 2:10-11 The earth quakes before them. The heavens tremble. The sun and the moon turn dark, and the stars no longer shine. [Revelation 6:12].
11 Yehovah’s voice 'thunders' before His army, because His forces [3] are extremely large. Those who obey His 'commands' are powerful. The Day of Yehovah is great and very dreadful. Who can endure it?”
But if you keep reading we get to the new beginning part:
Joel 2:18-19,25-32 Then Yehovah will be zealous for His land, and have pity on His people. 19 Yehovah will say to His people:
“I’ll send you grain, new wine and oil, you’ll have an abundance! I won’t allow you to be ridiculed by the nations any longer... 25 I’ll make up for the years eaten by the swarming locusts, great locusts, grasshoppers and caterpillars, My great army that I sent 'against' you. 26 You’ll have plenty to eat and be satisfied, and you’ll praise the name of Yehovah, your Elohim, who has done 'miracles' for you. My people will never be disappointed again. 27 You’ll know that I’m 'among you' in Israel, and that I am Yehovah, your Elohim, and that there is no other. My people will never be disappointed again. [3] Just like Babylon and Assyria where His armies scattered His unfaithful bride.
28 After this [after the Great Tribulation], I’ll pour out My spirit on all flesh [7]. Your sons and daughters will prophecy and your old men will dream prophetic dreams, your young men will see prophetic visions. 29 I’ll even pour out My spirit on servants and handmaids in those days, 30 I’ll show wonderful signs in the sky and on the earth, blood, fire and columns of smoke. 31 The sun will become dark and the moon will become blood red in the presence of [8] the great and awesome Day of Yehovah coming to pass. 32 And everyone who calls on the name of Yehovah will be rescued as Yehovah has said, ‘Because on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be a way of escape [rootword: refugees] for the survivors who Yehovah is inviting [calling].
[7] “All flesh,” as the KJV says, can mean animal life, as in Genesis 6:19, or it can mean all human life, as in Genesis 6:13 and dozens of other places. But in this context it appears to be an exclusive reference to all of the “children of Zion” and “Israel” receiving 'Yehovah’s spirit' first. [8] Paw-neem’ usually means “before”, but a literal meaning is “presence” (131 X) (or “face of” 259 X+) of.” The timing is clarified in Matthew 24:29 “Immediately AFTER the time of Tribulation, the sun will be darkened and the moon won’t shed her light and shooting stars will fall from the sky, and the inherent power of the skies will be shaken.” The Day of Yehovah is also the Jubilee year: Israel saved, neighboring nations conquered.Joel 3:14-18 Multitudes, multitudes in the Valley of Threshing [Yehoshaphat: Gills]! The Day of Yehovah is near in the Valley of Threshing. 15 The sun and the moon will go dark and star light will vanish. 16 Yehovah will roar from Zion and thunder from Jerusalem, and the sky and the earth will quake, but Yehovah will be a refuge for His people and a means of safety for the House of Israel.”
17 “Then you’ll realize that I am Yehovah your Elohim, living in Zion, My 'special' mountain. Then Jerusalem will be 'special', and no foreigners will ever invade her again. 18 When That Day Comes*, the mountains will drip with sweet wine, and the hills will flow with milk. All the streams of Judah will flow with water. A spring will flow from Yehovah’s 'Temple' and water the Valley of Acacia.
The conquest of earth takes place immediately after the seven Messengers have blown their shofars. Exactly half a year after the Day of Yehovah has begun, on the first day of the seventh month, our Master will return, as we’ll see.
Revelation 11:14-15 The second scourge [woe] has passed, but the third scourge is coming in rapid succession! 15 The seventh messenger blew his shofar [6], and there were voices [the Greek adds “in heaven”] and thunder that said, “The kingdoms of the world have become the kingdom of Yehovah and of His Messiah, and They will reign forever and ever.
[6] The Seventh Shofar (“trumpet”) of Revelation 11:15! corresponds with the “Great Shofar” of Isaiah 27, particularly vs 12-13)—adding the pertinen backstory!
I believe that the time periods in Daniel, among other places, do precisely that, but has anyone noticed? He referred to “THE time of trouble” as something on an unimaginable scale. Then “AT THAT TIME” the Book [of Life] is opened for Judgment Day! In verse 6 the question is asked: “HOW LONG WILL IT BE TO THE END OF THESE WONDERS”? In answer to this, three different concurrent time periods are mentioned. The first time period is 1,260 days, (stated in Daniel as “a time, [a year], times [2 years], and half a time” [1/2 a year]). This is very commonly understood to be 42 thirty day months.
Here are two other happenings associated with the 1,260 days:
Revelation 12:14 The woman was given the two wings of a huge eagle so that she could fly from the presence of the serpent to her place in the wilderness, where she is nourished for a time, times, and half a time.
Revelation 1:2-3 He was a witness to the Word of Aloha and to the Testimony of Yeshua Messiah [1] about everything he saw [2]. 3 Anyone who reads this is blessed, as is anyone who hears the words of this prophecy and obeys the things that are written in it, because the time is imminent [3].
[1] The “Word of Yehovah” is what Tertullian was first to call the “Old Testament”, in a move to make it appear obsolete, while the “Testimony of Yeshua”, the name that John used six times, is what Tertullian renamed “New Testament”.
[2] Was this prophecy a vision or something far more interesting? [3] Imminent from the perspective of the seven end time assemblies—the successors of the prototype assemblies who first read these prophecies. Once these prophesies begin to happen, they’ll happen quickly.To quote from another chapter:
“A friend of Albert Einstein’s named Immanuel Velikovsky actually provided strong proof in his book Worlds in Collision that prior to February 26, 747 BC, every month was exactly 30 days long. This book was found open on Albert’s desk after he died. Long story short, the entire scientific community has rejected his findings—now even backed up by satellites—and swept him under the rug for rocking too many boats.”
We know that the Great Tribulation is the second half of a seven year long period. I expect that a cosmic event (Revelation 6:12-17) will return the world to 360 day years right about the time when Yeshua returns on a white horse, immediately after the Great Tribulation. And tho the Great Tribulation is certain to be 1,260 days in durarion, and the ravenous beast will break his covenant “in the midst of the week”, there would seem to be two exactly equal half weeks of 1260 days each. It might happen this way: (link added 7-21-18, standard disclaimer). Yet the moon will apparently not be demarking 30 day months until after the surprise New Moon when “no one knows the day or the hour”.
As a bonus, with a 5 degree adjustment in the moon’s orbit, when the “worlds collide” we would have full lunar eclipses every month marking the New Moon!
Revelation 11:2-3 But leave out the courtyard outside of the Temple, don’t measure it, because it has been given to the heathens, and they’ll trample the 'cherished' city underfoot for forty-two months. 3 I will give power to MyThe Two Witnesses [3]. They’ll prophesy for 1,260 days [4], wearing sackcloth.
[3] After a long search, I found a link that comes close to my views, other than for Moses, Elijah and John time traveling and the final eight years. [4] Some teach that Yehovah, ‘the LORD” will take His Year out Satan’s seven year long fling (2X 1,260 days), not understanding that the Jubilee year (2031/2032 AD?) always follows a seven year period, (the Shemitah). The Tribulation period accounts for the remaining part of the 70 weeks prophecy of Isaiah 61:1-2.