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NOTICE: 7/16/24—New opening comments (same as here): It is now apparent that my April 2024 expectation of the beginning of the end-time seven year Shemitah period of Daniel 9 did not occur. Now after three months of reflection on my misplaced benchmark/s of the all-important Seventy “Weeks” Prophecy, I have abandoned the popular “seventieth week relocated 2000 years into the future theory”, as well as the commonly supposed Cyrus commandment/edict being in 457 BC, because a 458 BC edict to a 33 AD crucifixion accounts for the full 490 years of the Seventy “Weeks” Prophecy. I now view the “missing 70th week” as Yeshua’s seven year long ministry! (Who would have guessed that the 70th “week” of the prophecy would follow the 69th?) I still adamantly deny the easily debunked Good Friday 33 AD myth. A Friday is widely popularized by a slight-of-hand use of the 4th century Hillel 2 calendar (which is riddled with changes), being retrofitting with the altered dates into the first century. Yet as of now, the spring of 2033 is the earliest date that would allow for the prerequisite seven year Shemitah + the one year Jubilee cycle. Furthermore, dates beyond the Biblical year 2032/2033 seem to be a stretch for marking 2000 years since Yeshua’s crucifixion. Due to simple arithmetic, many projections of mankind’s final week have fallen by the wayside, like mine and like the typical Church of God’s 31 AD crucifixion that I have of necessity now dropped as a consideration.
As of now I strongly suspect that the dreaded last Shemitah/Jubile cycle of the sixth millennium will begin on Monday, March 31, 2025, and culminate in the spring of 2033 AD—two millennial days after Yeshua’s crucifixion. Yet I still strongly lean toward the 7 years beginning on a Biblical New Year’s Day (one complete Shemitah period), and there are four red heifers now available in Israel. Previous premises advocating for an earlier timing of the end times have expired. The 6000 year plan has to be nearly complete. Yeshua will not postpone His return!
A common scenario:
“We have seen that the time from the decree of Artaxerxes in 457 B.C. to the beginning of Christ’s ministry in A.D. 27 was 69 heptads—483 years. Then we see mention of the Messiah’s death, which took place three and a half years beyond the end of the 69 heptads...”
But 27 AD would have the seven years ending two millennial days later in 2027, which is now years short of allowing time for the 7 years (let alone 8). And even His Crucifixion in UCG’s and my presumed 31 AD would now need a bit more than 7 years of chaos!
Resuming my failed timeline: (Presuming the sequence of end time events will happen in the same proposed order):
I added to Tim’s foundation, applying it to Isaiah 23:17-18, as I’ll get into below. Imagine that there was a particular chapter in Bible prophecy that described the most expansive superpower ever to have existed. It colonized vast segments of the planet, but then suddenly went dormant for 70 years almost immediately after 'winning' a great war. It had been the marketplace for the nations, a seafaring superpower that ruled the seven seas. The prophecy went on to say that she would suddenly become insignificant for seventy years. (Empires must be the dominant military power). Yet in the interim her monarch would still rule for 'exactly' 70 years. (What are the odds?) The prophecy goes on to say that after the seventy years elapse, Yehovah would allow King Charles to begin restoring the empire, and “Tyre” would return to her hire as a whore with “all the kingdoms on the face of the earth” thru a conspiracy that has been unfolding for 500 years! My interpretation is that the 70 years began with the official ending end of WW2 (1952!) and the retreat of the British super power after much of Europe was leveled. It will be the only time in world history when a significant monarch survived in power for 70 years, tho with blitzkrieg speed the British Empire diminished during the reign of the monarch for her entire 70 year reign. Further, King Charles III was the only prince in world history to have waited 70 years to inherit a Kingdom. I had been predicting that the Queen would die in 2022 and that the heir would be her son, not a grandson as many supposed. This article now says that the first day of the Biblical year: March 31, 2025 will be the beginning of the countdown to Daniel’s 70th week, the 7 years of Tribulation and Great Tribulation, (the seven year long Shemitah) followed by “the Day of Yehovah’s Vengeance”, (Jubilee #120.) Isaiah 34:8.
I stated on 6/15/2000 that Bible prophecy indicates that a Monarch, Queen Eliszbeth, will rule over a former superpower that vanishes for 70 years, and then the superpower will return! The 70 years has to do with WW2 and Princess Elizabeth joining the military in 1944. But 22 years after my initial post went online, when nothing noteworthy occurred on Sunday, April 3, 2022, I dismissed my prediction, stating below: “As far as theories go, this one [about Queen Elizabeth] is a real dilly; it’s just wrong!” But while the 70 years did not happen to the day, as I predicted, upon reconsideration she did rule for 70 years. So stay tuned. Things are about to get very interesting!
Isaiah 23:2,15-18 Be silent you people of the [British] Islands, you merchants from Sidon, whose seafarers are overflowing with merchandise...When That Day Comes* Tyre will be forgotten for seventy years, like the reign of a MONARCH [2]. At the end of seventy years, Tyre will become like the prostitute in the song: 16 “Take a harp and 'strut' around the city, you forgotten whore. Play a sweet melody. Sing many songs, so you’ll be remembered.” 17 Then when the seventy years have elapsed, Yehovah will revive Tyre, and she’ll return to her hire as a prostitute with all the kingdoms on the face of the earth. [Compare to Ezekiel 27 & 28.] 18 Her merchandise and her profits will be set apart for Yehovah. It won’t be stored or hoarded. Her merchandise will be for those who live in the presence of Yehovah, an abundance of food and fine clothing.—The Gabriel Bible
[2] The Hebrew word malak is generally translated as “king” but it can also mean “monarch”, “prince” or even “royal” as in Genesis 49:20, 1 Samuel 25:36, 2 Samuel 14:26; 1 Kings 10:13; Amos 7:1 and Amos 7:13. The Isaiah 23 context continuously references a personified female (sort of like Britannia) culminating in a monarch reigning for 70 years. When it says “the days of a monarch’s reign”, the indication is that it is pinpointing a literal seventy year administration of a particular monarch’s actual governance. In fact only one monarch in world history has surpassed a 70 year reign! Queen “Elizabeth II is the longest-lived and longest-reigning British monarch, [was] the longest-serving female head of state in history, the oldest living and longest-reigning current monarch, and the oldest and longest-serving incumbent head of state.” She [was] the only person alive who could have had a seventy year long monarchy. Incidentally the Hebrew could also refer to the time period of someone being a prince for 70 years! Which has never happened prior to Prince Charles!)
If this does happen continues to happen as I expect, it will be a first time in world history:
5/4/2024 comment: “If we observe the empires of the world that have existed over the millennia, we see a consistent history of collapse without renewal. Whether we’re looking at the Roman Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the Spanish Empire, or any other that’s existed at one time, history is remarkably consistent: The decline and fall of any empire never reverses itself; nor does the empire return, once it’s fallen.”—Jeff Thomas
For several years this site stated that Yeshua’s statements in Luke 4 began a countdown from the beginning of His ministry, give or take a year, to the final eight years of this age. The prophecy does say:
Daniel 9:25 So know and understand that from the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem [Ezra 7], until Messiah the Prince [Anointed One], there will be seven 'sevens', and sixty-two 'sevens'. It will be rebuilt with a plaza and a moat in distressful times. [1]. [483 years]
[1] The prophecy in this chapter is the key to understanding the chronology of a vast portion of end time events. I highly advise wading thru the large amount of text devoted to it in Benson’s Commentary and Barne’s Commentary particularly beginning in verse 25.
So the question has always been “when was His ministry?”, and at what point in His ministry is “until Messiah”? Here is Yeshua’s mission statement:
Luke 4:18-21 “The Sovereign Yehovah’s spirit overlooks Me, because Yehovah has anointed Me to bring Good News to the afflicted. He has sent Me to relieve the grief stricken, to proclaim liberty to the captives, recovery of sight for the blind and to set the oppressed free; 19 to proclaim the Acceptable Year [1] of Yehovah...[Jubilee] [Directly from Isaiah 61:1-2] 20 He rolled up the scroll and gave it to the attendant and sat down. Everyone in the synagogue was gazing at Him. 21 Then He told them, “Today the Scripture you just heard read has been fulfilled.”
[1] The azazel goat being led out into the wilderness in Leviticus 16:10 corresponds with the spirit leading Yeshua into the wilderness in Luke 4.Eventually it dawned on me that He had only begun a process that was interrupted at the cross. He proclaimed the “Good News” in the region, but the world was still ignorant of the reality. He healed some blind people but that was a sign for the vast number of spiritually blind. He announced an end of captivity, but Jerusalem was soon besieged! The oppressed He dealt with were soon entirely oppressed by the Romans. Nothing resembling liberation happened until 1948, and that is about to prove to be a failed start. The ultimate fulfillment of His objective will not be completed until He picks up where He left off in quoting from Isaiah:
Isaiah 61:2-3 ... to proclaim the Acceptable Year of Yehovah [Jubilee] [Yeshua stopped quoting here. The rest is yet to happen], AND THE DAY OF VENGEANCE of our Elohim, [Jubilee, 2032/2033 AD!] and to comfort everyone who mourns [due to the end time calamity]; [3] 3 to provide for those who mourn in Zion, to give to them crowns instead of ashes on their heads, the oil of joy instead of mourning, clothing of praise instead of a spirit of weakness, so that they can be called ‘terebinth trees of righteousness’, ‘a cluster planted by Yehovah’, so that they can display His splendor.
In the 1960’s I had believed the story that His birth date would mark the new millennium, later I figured it had to be His death, until I was sidetracked by: “TODAY the Scripture you just heard read has been fulfilled.”
But it appears to me now, due to mathematical constraints, that there is no other option than to believe that the countdown to millennium #7 can be calculated from the year of the Crucifixion—33 AD, (that closed the 4th millennium)—as Yeshua said concerning His mission and the timing, “It is finished”.
I now strongly believe that Luke 4 indicates that Yeshua’s announcement about the Jubilee was not about the day His ministry began (by default now), but rather that His entire ministry culminated in the indication of the Jubilee year. If so, the completion of His ministry at the cross would have ended the 4th millennium in 32/33 AD. In that case, the Biblical year (spring 2032 thru spring 2033 (in Gregorian terms) would end this age. (Noting that most people believe that the crucifixion year was either 30 AD and 33 AD, based on the mistaken belief that He was crucified on a Friday. Nevertheless, backing up 8 years (7+1) from 2032/2033: the seven Shemitah years + the Jubilee year, presumably begin in the spring of 2025, making the crucifixion + 2000 years the the end of this age.
If Yeshua’s ministry is counted as the final week of the 70 weeks prophecy (spring 26 AD thru spring 33 AD) then Satan’s seven years would not be occupy the final Shemitah cycle, but the end point still totals 490 years.
For the remaining years commonly thought to mark 2000 years after the crucifixion, the final 8 years would have to begin between 2024 and 2025, and if I am correct about these years beginning on the first day of some year (March or April), that leaves only 2025. I now believe (by process of elimination) that Passover 33 AD was a Wednesday on the Biblical calendar THEN in use.
I had been thinking that as soon as Prince Charles was made king (in exactly 2022, as I had maintained for about 20 years) that Isaiah 22’s end time prophecy would begin IMMEDIATELY. That is why I completely scrapped my entire interpretation and posted a preface nullifying my interpretation:
When Queen Elizabeth crossed the 70 year mark, what I thought was pretty certain to happen did not occur, and so far as I could find online, there were no futuristic explanations of the Isaiah 22 prophecy! As far as theories go, my entire premise was a real dilly; and it was wrong! This is the entire pertinent chapter that I initially posted as being entirely off, but I am now fine tuning it, after all, the right chess piece—“the King of the North” (aka the Beast) is now actively working out the remaining details of the final conspiracy.
Isaiah 23:1-18 The 'burdensome prophecy' [not oracle] against Tyre: “Wail, you ships of Tarshish! Tyre is laid waste without house or harbor! Reports have come in from the land of Kittim. [1] 2 Be silent you people of the [British] Islands, you merchants from Sidon, whose seafarers are overflowing with merchandise. 3 On 'the Mediterranean' the grain of the Nile came as her revenue. She had been the marketplace for the nations. [A seafaring Superpower!]
4 Be ashamed, Sidon, the stronghold by the sea has spoken, “I’ve never labored or given birth, raised young men or brought up virgins.” 5 When the news reaches Egypt, they’ll be in anguish over the report about Tyre. 6 Cross over to Tarshish! Wail inhabitants of the coastland! 7 Is this your blissful city founded in antiquity, whose 'fast pace' carried her people to colonize distant lands?
8 Who planned this against Tyre, the giver of crowns, whose merchants are princes, whose importers are among the honored people on earth? 9 Commander Yehovah has planned it to humiliate the arrogant beauties and to humiliate all the renowned people of the earth. 10 Pour over your land like the Nile, daughter of Tarshish. There is nothing left to restrain you. 11 He has stretched out His hand over the oceans and made its kingdoms tremble. Yehovah has ordered the destruction of Canaan’s fortresses. 12 He said, “You will no longer celebrate, oppressed virgin daughter of Sidon. Get up and cross over to Kittim—even there you’ll find no rest.”
13 Consider the land of the Chaldeans. Their nation didn’t exist until the Assyrians founded it for the wild amimals. They set up their siege towers and stripped its palaces, they made it a ruin.
14 Wail, ships of Tarshish, because your fortress is destroyed!” 15 When That Day Comes* Tyre will be forgotten for seventy years, like the reign of a MONARCH [2]. At the end of seventy years, Tyre will become like the prostitute in the song: 16 “Take a harp and 'strut' around the city, you forgotten whore. Play a sweet melody. Sing many songs, so you’ll be remembered.” 17 Then when the seventy years have elapsed, Yehovah will revive Tyre, and she’ll return to her hire as a prostitute with all the kingdoms on the face of the earth. [Compare to Ezekiel 27 & 28.] 18 Her merchandise and her profits will be set apart for Yehovah. It won’t be stored or hoarded. Her merchandise will be for those who live in the presence of Yehovah, an abundance of food and fine clothing.
[1] In Genesis 10, Kittim is listed as a son of Javan, the son of Japheth, likely representing the Japanese and the Chinese. My reference beginning under heading “A Clue that Identifies the Chinese.”
[2] The Hebrew word malak is generally translated as “king” but it can also just mean “monarch”, or even “royal” as in Genesis 49:20, 1 Samuel 25:36, 2 Samuel 14:26; 1 Kings 10:13; Amos 7:1 and Amos 7:13. The Isaiah 23 context continuously references a personified female (sort of like Britannia) culminating in a monarch reigning for 70 years. When it says “the days of a monarch’s reign”, the indication is that it is pinpointing a literal seventy year administration of a particular monarch’s actual governance. An exceedingly rare occurrence! In fact only one prominant monarch in world history has surpassed a 70 year reign! Queen “Elizabeth II is [was] the longest-lived and longest-reigning British monarch, the longest-serving female head of state in history, the oldest living and longest-reigning current monarch, and the oldest and longest-serving incumbent head of state.” She [was] the only person alive who could have had a seventy year long monarchy. While America is Babylon in prophecy, the British (Ephraim) are like modern Tyre: like Tyre, but Ephraim will bring out their children to be killed.” Hosea 9:13.Hosea 9:13. I’ve seen Ephraim planted in a pleasant meadow LIKE TYRE, but Ephraim will bring out their children to be killed.
The focus here is on the two elephants on the world prophetic stage that began to shape the world order in the 16th century that are not so often mentioned in prophetic circles. It is the interaction between Daniel’s Beasts and the primarily English speaking Israelite descended nations that complete the picture.
There is a lot to know about the Beasts of Daniel and Revelation. This chapter presents evidence that may unlock the mystery of the exact dates of the fulfillment of these prophecies. Does prophecy reveal a precise date for when the one who will become the “Antichrist”— (meaning “instead of Christ”, a counterfeit Messiah) will actually come to power over the ten kings (“toes” of Daniel 2)? The main purpose of this chapter is to show that “Tyre” is contemporary with “Babylon” in prophecy, and that the date of her resurrection appears to follow another prophesied event, now past, by seventy years, as determined from Isaiah 23! The final countdown is almost finished! I was very surprised after 21 years to discover that this prophecy dovetails within days of the beginning of the seven bad years that I suspect precede Jubilee 203/2033 AD!
This is an incredible and unmistakable prophetic event that will have begun to take place seventy years after the second “war to end all wars”. I believe that the baton will be handed back to the British after the seventy years to the amazement of a totally unsuspecting world. The phrase “giver of crowns” indicates that the leader of this great empire had and will be delegating which heads of state will manage member nations of the resurrected Tyre system that precedes the Beast and his three and a half year long run:
Isaiah 23:8 Who planned this against Tyre, the giver of crowns, whose merchants are princes, whose importers are among the honored people on earth?
The 70 years of Isaiah 23 is concurrent with Revelation 18, and Jeremiah 50 and 51; the notorious rise and fall of Babylon. There are several significant details unique to these chapters:
But ancient Tyre totally vanished from sight, it was literally buried at sea!:
Ezekiel 26:4-5,14-18 I’ll make you a bare rock, and you will be a place for drying fishing nets. You will not be rebuilt, because I, the Sovereign Yehovah, have spoken, says the Sovereign Yehovah. 15 “This is what the Sovereign Yehovah says to Tyre: Won’t the coastal areas tremble at the sound of your fall, when the wounded groan and slaughter occurs all around you? 16 Then all the leaders of the coastal areas will abandon their thrones, remove their robes and strip off their embroidered garments. They’ll cloth themselves with trembling; they’ll sit on the ground unable to stop trembling and be appalled at you. 17 They’ll 'sing' a dirge for you, and say of you: How you were destroyed, haven of the seas, the renowned city, the seapower! She and her inhabitants inflicted terror on everyone who inhabits the 'mainland'! [JPS]” 18 Now the 'distant lands beyond the oceans' will tremble in the day of your fall, and the coastal areas by the sea will be terrified by your demise.
Isaiah 23 is another of those dual prophecies of history repeating itself. The first 14 verses of Isaiah 23 only appear at first to strictly apply to the historical Tyre. But v.15-18 describe something that has never happened, on a scale that has never happened. The happily ever after part is verse 18:
Isaiah 23:18 Her merchandise and her profits will be set apart for Yehovah. It won’t be stored or hoarded. Her merchandise will be for those who live in the presence of Yehovah, an abundance of food and fine clothing.
So after Tyre falls there will be a tremendous stash of food and goods preserved for people who will actually be living in the presence of Yehovah! Yehovah will be living among us! I’m not going to speculate how that might work out.
[(Feb.22) As the days vanish, I can’t stop thinking about how things will play out. At present I now see Tyre (a resurrected British Empire) about to resume power after a 70 year hiatus, immediately following the demise of the current American system now run by globalists. But the globalists could never deceive “even the elect” (or as I like to term them “the select” (Matthew 24:22.) The globalists are obviously and openly opposed to Yehovah. The whole world is actually starting to notice the oppression! All of a sudden the entire world is marching in the streets and looking for a hero with a plan!
It appears to me now (now that it is playing out right now) that push back against the globalists is about to upset their whole apple cart! So for the first three and a half years of the end-time, Modern Tyre may “save the world” from the globalists, only to be replaced by a supernaturally strong Beast.
Matthew 24 describes both the 3.5 years leading up to the Great Tribulation (The Beginning of Sorrows, Matthew 24)—“the end of the age”, as well as the 3.5 years of actual Great Tribulation. The timing of these events are so significant that Mark (chapter 13) and Luke (chapter 21) also recount the same prophecy. Within these accounts there are some unmistakable benchmarks of when the Great Tribulation will begin. “THIS Good News of the Kingdom will be announced thruout the world” just prior to the “end” (not of “time” or “the world”, but the age). Then “when you see the sign of the idolatrous abomination of desolation that was mentioned by Daniel the prophet standing” in the Temple...run! And “when you see Jerusalem surrounded by an encamped army, then you’ll know that Jerusalem’s destruction is approaching.”
The only precise event indicating that “the end of the age”, the first 3.5 years has begun, so far as I know is the day when the daily sacrifices in Jerusalem have begun; the second 3.5 years follow the cessation of those sacrifices
Daniel 9:27 Then he [the desolator] will confirm/enforce a contract [an existing covenant] with many for one septad time period. Then in the middle of the period of seven [Shemitah cycle] he [the desolator] will stop the zebakim [sacrifices] and the offerings: [Daniel 12:11] And the winged one of abomination will cause desolation, until the predetermined destruction is poured out on the desolator.” [For an entire year: Isaiah 34:1-8]
The meaning of this has been thought by some to be another proof text concerning Yeshua’s (Jesus’) Wednesday crucifixion. But this is referring to the final iteration of the Beast, not Yeshua! Yeshua did not stop any ze’bakim (sacrifices)! Decades after the book of Hebrews was written, zebakim were still being offered.
On a millennial scale (The 7000 year plan), that is, using seven days to represent seven one thousand year periods, Yeshua came as the Anointed One at the close of the Fourth Millennium. The beginning of His ministry marked the last Jubilee of the fourth millennium. And while His death occurred in the middle of the 69th (seven year long) “week”, it isn’t the same mid week as the Beast’s middle of the 70th (seven year long) week of Daniel. This has nothing to do with that Wednesday.
Here is the end-game: Satan’s house of cards collapsing as the Day of Yehovah begins:
Revelation 18:3,23-24 EVERY NATION has drunk the wine of her rage, and the kings of the earth have participated in her prostitution. The merchants of the earth have become rich by her lust for power... 23 The light of a lamp will never shine in you again, and the voices of a bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again. Your merchants were the most influential men on earth, and every nation was seduced by your pharmakeia. 24 The blood of prophets, the 'select', and everyone who has been murdered on the earth was found in her.
While many have believed, particularly between the great wars, that the axis powers were the last political/military version of the beast, I can find nothing anywhere on the web tying the 70 year countdown to Hitler, Mussolini or Hirohito and Isaiah 23. I do believe the Axis powers helped turn this prophecy into a time bomb!
With a literal expectation of the events of Isaiah 23, I believe that we have two more dates to work with—the date when Tyre was forgotten, and the date when she comes back for a smashing encore.
I’m not sure how to term this. Have Abraham’s America and British descendants slowly been overtaken by a foreign Babylonian virus?
Genesis 35:10-11 Elohim said to him, “Your name is Jacob; but you won’t be called Jacob any longer. Your name will be Israel.” So he was renamed Israel. 11 Elohim also told him, “I’m the Conqueror [El-Shaddai]; be fruitful and multiply. A nation and a Commonwealth [or Assembly] of nations will come from you. Kings will be among your 'descendants'!
Or maybe Modern Type is just a distraction in the conquest of the world, buying time for Babylon’s tentacles to get a tighter grasp on us, and the people will still “own nothing and like it”?
It appears to me that the current globalist system will come to a sudden end—they lose big time—yea! But we won’t have seen the end of Babylon.
It is not likely that you ever read all of the Babylon chapters in the same sitting. It is essential that you have an awareness of Bablyon before you read on, since the world as we have known it may quickly collapse in April. I have included the entire text: an Addendum of the pertinent Biblical chapters at the end of this chapter. Isaiah’s Tyre may appear to be a breath of fresh air compared to the globalists.Before going further, I would like to explain that the pagan empires that have fought with (and will fight) Israel’s descendants are all viewed as animals (beasts) by Yehovah (God is a generic title). We use the same terminology today when someone refers to a man as an “animal”.
Political entities that oppose the truth are also likened to Sodom. There are over two dozen references to “Sodom” used to compare other evil kingdoms or cities to that of the city/state already destroyed by Yehovah. Even Jerusalem “is called Sodom and Egypt, where our Master was also crucified.”
Ancient Tyre is presently under water, so prophecies for our last generation can not reasonably be mistaken for ancient Tyre, the former island fortress! Modern Tyre will be just another worldly political system in opposition to Yehovah, it will only seem like an answer to prayer for a while. But Tyre is just a flash in the pan preceding the final Beast and his tyrannical mark: the technology of which is nearly perfected.
The head of gold represents the Babylonian Empire. (“You, O king,” said Daniel, “are the head of gold.”) Over the centuries three successive kingdoms, each inferior) to the ones before it—the one of silver, the one of bronze, and the one of iron that would finally be mixed with clay (Daniel 2:37-43). History confirms Daniel’s interpretation. Three “gentile” empires succeeded Babylon in world domination: Media-Persia, Greece, and then Rome. Each successive government, however, survived for more years.
Daniel 4:16 His mind will be changed from that of a man, and an animal’s mind will be given to him, until seven time periods [1] pass by for him.
[1] Most commentators believe that the seven time periods are seven years, but there is disagreement. Rendel Harris’s ‘Biblical Monuments,’ p. 73, points out that, “Summer and winter are the only seasons counted in Babylonia [and by Hebrews];” if so, seven ‘iddaneen’ would be [3 1/2] years.
All of the prophetic beasts were cut from the same Babylonian mold. Whether it was called Babylon or Media-Greece or Greece or Rome, they are all part of a religious/political system soon to become obsolete. Any way you look at it, the end-time Babylon will be very Satanic. Satan presently has the power and authority to give the Beastly dominion to whoever he wants. In the first century he offered it to Yeshua in an attempt to short circuit His entire reason for coming to earth:
Luke 4:5-7 Then Satan took Him to a high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in an instant. 6 And the Accuser told Him, “I’LL GIVE YOU THIS ENTIRE DOMINION AND ITS SPLENDOR, BECAUSE IT HAS BEEN ENTRUSTED TO ME. I can give it to anyone I want to. 7 So if You worship me, it’s all Yours.”
In the 2000 version of this article I was entirely certain that the centuries old Protestant association of the Papacy and Germany in particular with Babylon was a certainty—especially in the form of a fourth Reich. I had been watching Europe for events that would result in this outcome diligently since childhood. Now I have very strong doubts about that formation. It appears that all of Europe is already overtaken from the south! It appears that the USA is currently holding a place in line for the prophesied resurrected Babylonian system—overtaken from within by globalists! But with the timing of end time events seeming to kick off on April 10, 2024 as I see it, Biblical New Year’s day as highly likely in kickstarting the end time in April, due to the significance of the official ending of WW2 initiating the 70 year countdown found in Isaiah 23: Exactly seventy years after the most destructive war in history, one that shook the world like nothing else ever did. Yet the “last days” will begin something far more astounding that will dwarf it! Yet I always thought from childhood that WW2 was officially over in 1945. And so in 2015 I disconnected my entire understanding of the timing of Isaiah 23 from Jeremiah 50 and 51, believing connecting them as being in error—until I discovered the 1952 official ending and the start of a 70 year long royal timeline. Isaiah 23 had seemed a stand alone prophecy chapter that didn’t really alter my views on other aspects of prophecy, I just thought that the Beast or Antichrist, tho identifiable by some would have a few additional years of political involvement in preparation for his globalist objectives.
If my scenario is correct, I hope [had hoped] that Queen Elizabeth retires peacefully after her seventy year reign (not to be 71): February 6, 1952 thru Feb 6, 2022, (rather than the usual succession) before the final iteration of Britannia begins on April 3. Massive causes of social unrest will be squelched by a revolutionary “superhero”. The events of this new king elaborated on in this amazing book will begin! Oh, and if I am right this website will just disappear overnight (it’s already almost impossible to randomly find).
[Feb 8, 2022: Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee year marked]
NEW LINKS 2-21-22 The Ten Horns of the End-Times Beast-Part 1 AND Part 2. I was likely snookered for over 50 years about the Resurrected Roman Empire theory. These new links seem like a more likely scenario. Last year Mark Steyn’s The End of the World as We Know It really did get me reconsidering the whole Resurrected Roman Empire idea, tho Mark was not thinking about any prophecy. Had I known to begin with that Stein’s interview was ten years old, I would not have even looked at it, but how much worse is Europe, the UK in particular, today? Now I seriously doubt that Europe poses an immediate threat to the Biblical “King of the South”. Europe is more of a threat to itself!
The following paragraphs, from here to the next heading, are relevant to the very well known Resurrected Roman Empire theory. But given the new links I found above yesterday, I think it far more likely that some of Daniel’s prophecies have been largely misconstrewed since the 19th century.
The history of the world’s “Great Empires” as summarized by the prophet Daniel (Chapter 2) starts with Nebuchadnezzar and progresses in time thru the Roman Empire, which is sort of like the movie Groundhog’s Day, in that there seem to be Ten Resurrections of the Ancient Roman Empire. This progression thru WW2 and the Axis powers—a modern resurrection or variant of the Beast.
Here is what Wikipedia has to say about the historic political division of the Roman Empire:
Diocletian divided the Roman Empire in 286 AD. The Western Roman Empire existed intermittently in several periods between the 3rd Century and the 5th Century, after Diocletian’s Tetrarchy and the reunifications associated with Constantine the Great. Theodosius the Great was the last Roman Emperor to rule both east and west. He died in 395 AD. After him the Roman Empire was quite divided and the Western Roman Empire ended with the abdication of Romulus Augustus under pressure by the Germanic chieftain Odoacer on September 4, 476 AD.
Despite brief periods of reconquest by its counterpart, the Eastern Roman Empire (also called Byzantine Empire), the Western Roman Empire would never rise again. The Eastern Roman Empire would survive for another millennium.
As the Western Roman Empire fell, a new era in western European history began: the Middle Ages.
Influenced by the last remnant of the Western Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic Church, the new war-like “barbarian kingdoms” would rise from the ashes of Western Roman Empire and would eventually adopt Roman culture and Roman law. Increasingly, these “barbarians” also saw themselves more and more as the “true heirs” of Rome.
Here is Wikipedia’s equally succinct summation of the division of the religious legacy of the divided Roman Empire.
“The East-West Schism, known also as the Great Schism (though this latter term sometimes refers to the later Western Schism), was the event that divided Chalcedonian Christianity into Western Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy. Though normally dated to 1054, when Pope Leo IX and Patriarch Michael I excommunicated each other, the East-West Schism was actually the result of an extended period of estrangement between the two Churches. The primary causes of the Schism were disputes over papal authority-the Pope claimed he held authority over the four Eastern patriarchs, while the four eastern patriarchs claimed that the primacy of the Patriarch of Rome was only honorary, and thus he had authority only over Western Christians—and over the insertion of the filioque clause into the Nicene Creed. There were other, less significant catalysts for the Schism, including variance over liturgical practices and conflicting claims of jurisdiction.”
(Wikipedia) “The Church split along doctrinal, theological, linguistic, political, and geographic lines, and the fundamental breach has never been healed. It might be alleged that the two churches actually reunited in 1274 (by the Second Council of Lyons) and in 1439 (by the Council of Basel), but in each case the councils were repudiated by the Orthodox as a whole, given that the hierarchies had overstepped their authority in consenting to these so-called “unions”. Further attempts to reconcile the two bodies have failed; however, several ecclesiastical communities that originally sided with the East changed their loyalties, and are now called Eastern Rite Catholic Churches. For the most part, however, the Western and the Eastern Churches are separate. Each takes the view that it is the “One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church”, implying that the other group left the true church during the Schism”.
The Lateran Treaties essentially created a resurrection of the Roman Empire between Mussolini and the Pope. Adolph Hitler, the second part of the evil axis also negotiated political deals with the Vatican.
Wikipedia used to say (it changes daily):
“After Hitler came to power in January 1933, he made the concordat negotiations with [Pope] Pacelli a priority. The negotiations proceeded over six months with constant shuttle diplomacy between the Vatican and Berlin. Hitler spent more time on this treaty than on any other item of foreign diplomacy during his dictatorship.”
The last political/religious resurrection of the Roman Empire—both east and west—unofficially ended on May 8, 1945, V.E. Day, with Hitler having committed suicide the month before. That date is when my original 2000 version of this article began the countdown. I took the 1945 thru 2015 70 year version down in 2017, having already marked it as invalid for 2 years. Then on 6-12-21 I discovered an article with quite a bit of the same explanation I had proposed, but it used the formal legal end date of the war: April 28, 1952! Perhaps between 2000 and 2017 she and her father had seen my site? I did try to start a conversation.
Interest in Japan joining the alliance “began when Japanese diplomat Oshima Hiroshi visited Joachim von Ribbentrop in Berlin in 1935. Oshima informed von Ribbentrop of Japan's interest in forming a German–Japanese alliance against the Soviet Union. Von Ribbentrop expanded on Oshima's proposal by advocating that the alliance be based in a political context of a pact to oppose the Comintern.[28] The proposed pact was met with mixed reviews in Japan, with a faction of ultra-nationalists within the government supporting the pact while the Japanese Navy and the Japanese Foreign Ministry were staunchly opposed to the pact. There was great concern in the Japanese government that such a pact with Germany could disrupt Japan's relations with Britain, endangering years of a beneficial Anglo-Japanese accord, that had allowed Japan to ascend in the international community in the first place. The response to the pact was met with similar division in Germany; while the proposed pact was popular amongst the upper echelons of the Nazi Party, it was opposed by many in the Foreign Ministry, the Army, and the business community who held financial interests in China to which Japan was hostile.”—Wikipedia
Now for most of the reign of a queen, the Beast has been forgotten as a frightening military force. A “Survey finds 'shocking' lack of Holocaust knowledge among millennials and Gen Z. Sixty-three percent of those surveyed did not know 6 million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust.” span style="color: rgb(0,0,255)">“Tyre will be forgotten for seventy years”.
Despite the centuries old concept I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT THE COMING [ANTICHRIST] WILL BE A CATHOLIC! The reason why is that the next [his] religion may be a mutated politically correct composite of several of the saviors of the world’s “great religions”.[He] may claim to be the Messiah to Christians and Jews, the Maharishi of India, and possibly even the Mahdi for the Muslims, etc. all rolled up into one person, however since a major opponent, the Kingdom of the South, will be a Muslim kingdom, [he] might not compete for that title. There may well be a supernaturally impressive “mahdi” there uniting the southern nations.
[2-22-22 NOTE: It could be that the Beast (or King of the North) and the Antichrist are two separate individuals. Antichrist literally means instead of Christ or a false Christ. But the Beast of Daniel 11 will not favor any God. He will either morph into someone quite different or be someone altogether different:]
Daniel 11:36-41 ““The king [Antimessiah] will do whatever he wants to, he’ll exalt himself and claim to be superior to every god, and say astonishing things against the El [God is a generic title] of elim [elohim], and he’ll succeed until the wrath is finished, because what has been determined must be done. [Which king do you think he is?] 37 He will show no regard for the god of his ancestors, or a god favored by women, or regard any god at all, because he’ll exalt himself above them all. 38 Instead of these he’ll honor the god of fortresses, and he’ll honor a god that his ancestors never knew, honoring him with gold, silver, precious stones and costly gifts. 39 He’ll deal with the most defensive fortresses with the help of an alien god [3], greatly honoring those who acknowledge him. He’ll have them rule over many people, and distribute land for 'a price'.”
40 “At the time of the end the King of the South will wage war with him, and the King of the North [Antimessiah] will storm against him with chariots, cavalry, and many ships, and he’ll invade many countries, and overwhelm them like a flood and pass thru their land. 41 [The Antimessiah] will also invade the Beautiful Land [Israel], and many countries will be overthrown, but these will be spared from his grasp: Edom, Moab and most of the descendants of AMMON [4]. [home of Petra!]
[3] Apparently the god the antichrist credits is beneath him. Of course he would never admit that the alien or foreign god is Satan. Since the ‘War Of the Worlds” radio broadcast in 1938, Hollywood has been pushing science-fiction movies of aliens or gods coming to earth. Of late the fiction part is eliminated. I think the antichrist will find many welcoming groupies for a gods from space ‘re-education”. ‘Fortification” will be necessary for protection.
While viewing a political leader as a god seems inconceivable to us today, it was historically quite prevalent. Not just Roman Emperors but even until Japan’s Hirohito—who was a major reason for the last world war. Throw in a bag of supernatural tricks, some deadly coercion and the false god notion will make a dramatic comeback!
Satan, “the King of Tyre”, will literally posses a human king!
Ezekiel 28:11-15 The Word of Yehovah came to me. He said, 12 “Human son, raise a lamentation for the king of Tyre, and tell him that the Sovereign Yehovah says: ‘You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and exquisite in beauty. 13 You were in Eden, Elohim’s paradise. You were adorned with every kind of precious stone: ruby, topaz, diamond, beryl, onyx, jasper, lapis lazuli [“sapphire”] turquoise and emerald. Your tambourines and mountings were crafted in gold. They were prepared on the day you were created. 14 I appointed you as a guardian cherub. I had appointed you to overshadow [i.e. the mercy seat]. You were on the 'special' mountain of Elohim, you walked among the fiery stones. 15 “You were blameless in your ways from the day that you were created until violence was discovered in you.
I tried to find someone else who had come to the same conclusion as I did about the future Tyre, so I did a Google search for the words: “Tyre will be forgotten seventy years” and “Mussolini.” While most searches yield hundreds or thousands of results, substituting Hitler also yielded nothing.) This lone article about Tyre (culminating with Mussolini) turned out to be very informative and contains a great deal of relevant information about Tyre’s long history and was right on target until it got to the concluding 70 years. The article then claims that the 70 years of being “forgotten” ended with Mussolini rather than beginning the countdown with his defeat and that Mussolini fulfilled the prophecy of the world ruling empire! As might be expected, the article also concluded that the Catholic remnant of the Roman Empire alone (no mention of the Eastern Orthodox Empire) has apparently fulfilled both legs of Daniel’s prophecy. Still I highly recommend reading their PART 3: Ancient and Modern “Tyre” in Prophecy. You will need to scroll down just over half way thru this multi part article to find PART 3. One other comment is that they rightly identified the King of Tyre as Satan, but when it got to the part where he dies they switch off and say that only the human counterpart can die—believing that Satan will never die. (Have you read my Disclaimer?) You might also want to read about Satan’s Second Death.
Whether “Babylon” is called Chaldea or Tyre or Rome or Sodom, the conclusion is the same; she’ll be a temple prostitute who defiles the earth.
Revelation 18:2-3He shouted with a mighty voice: “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the Great. She has become a cavern of demons and a haunt for every unclean spirit, a home of every 'unkosher' and highly detestable bird, and the home of every 'unkosher' and highly detestable predatory beast. 3 Every nation has drunk the wine of her rage, and the kings of the earth have participated in her prostitution. The merchants of the earth have become rich by her lust for power.”
There is an important aspect concerning the Babylonian type beast of prophecy that is imperative to understanding end time prophecy. We must know that the beastly Babylonian empire turned Media—Persia turned Greece turned Roman Empire, opposed to the people of Israel was divided into two empires (“two legs” in Daniel 2). While Israel occupied Jerusalem and the Promised Land, the beasts came to them there. Then when the twelve tribes of Israel went into Diaspora (exile), the beasts have come to wherever they were (and are).
While the east—west division of the Roman Empire by Diocletian in 286 AD is extremely well documented in history, as summarized by my first Wikipedia link—the two legs of the beast aspect of Daniel’s prophecy is usually overlooked even by those teaching the prophecy!
It might also seem strange on first reading the book of Ezekiel to find that he spent so much time telling about the defeat of the nation of Israel while they were already defeated and slaves of Babylon. It is apparent that he was referring to unfulfilled events yet to happen! Many understand that the Babylon of Revelation is the same as the Beast’s Empire. The context within and surrounding these chapters places the timing well within the end time—however the Isaiah 23 account apparently DATES the interval between WW2 and the end-time! Seventy years after the defeat of “Tyre” the whore will come back! (Isaiah 23:16) Notice also that Tyre considered herself a “virgin daughter of Sidon.” And she was of “the land of the Chaldeans”. (Isaiah 23:12-13) Babylon also considered herself a “virgin daughter” and a “daughter of the Chaldeans” (Isaiah 47:1). The coming British oligarchy will be built on the foundation of the ancient Babylonian Mystery and willingly or not, set the stage for the final Beast.
Daniel 8:8-12 The male goat became very powerful, but once he was strong, the large horn was broken. In it’s place four notable horns grew toward the four winds of the sky.” 9 Out of one of them came a little horn [aka the Beast] that grew exceeding great toward the south, the east and toward the Beautiful Land. 10 It grew so great that it even reached the army from heaven, and caused some of the army and the stars to fall to the ground, and it trampled them. 11 It became arrogant and powerful, and even challenged the Commander of heaven’s army, and it took away from him the continual burnt zebakim [sacrifices], and the 'Cherished' Place was overthrown. 12 Because of the rebellion, the army [of the 'chosen' ones: saints] were given over to it, along with the daily burnt offerings, and it threw truth to the ground, and 'the horn' did whatever it wanted to and prospered.
What does this mean? If indeed these are parallel accounts, then we now know that the exact interval between these two theocratic empires is “seventy years!” If we plug in dates, we have the formal defeat of the Axis powers on April 28, 1952. Add seventy years and you end up in 2022. [And now that we have a new king, the BEGINNING of the ten horned kingdom is likely soon to emerge.] For entirely different reasons, I believe that the final Jubilee of this age begins in the spring of 2032 AD—which is also the year long “Day of Yehovah” (“the Lord”). Counting backwards for the 7 year duration of the entire (2 part) Tribulation period, and another year for the Jubilee year takes us to the spring of 2024, when the Great Tribulation begins. Following the “Day of Yehovah,” the Everlasting Kingdom begins. 2032, the year following the Jubilee, is the first year of the Seventh Millennium!
[As a related point of interest, it could be that America officially became Babylon on October 14, 1952 with the creation of the United Nations (70 years and 3 days prior to this note.) Complete with the “Guardian [Beast] for International Peace and Security” that the Babylonian whore rides on in front of the building].
Revelation 18:16-18and saying, ‘How terrible, how terrible it is for the great state! She wore fine linen, purple and scarlet stuff, and gilded with gold, gemstones and pearls, 17 and in one hour all of this wealth has been destroyed’ [2]. Every captain and every navigator sailing anywhere, mariners, anyone making their living from the sea stood in the distance. 18 When they saw the plumes of smoke rising from her flames, they cried, ‘What other state is like this great state?’
Continuing into the mysterious seventy “weeks” prophecy of Daniel: “... and the people of the coming leader will destroy the city and the Temple [70 AD was a “trial run” of the event to come], and its end will be with a flood, and all the way to the end there will be war, desolation is determined.” (Daniel 9:26). Toward the end of the coming conflict, Yeshua will defend Jerusalem (Isaiah 31:4-5), but not before a lot of sorrow! The very next words in Daniel are: “He’ll make a firm contract with many for one period of seven. Then in the middle of the period of seven [years] he’ll stop the ze’bakim [sacrifices] and the offerings. ...” This is the Scripture that some claim means that the Great Tribulation will last for seven years (rather than half of that), using the day for a year principle. Close but no cookie.
Daniel 9:27 Then he [the desolator] will force a strong 'contract' on many for one septad time period. Then in the middle of the period of seven [Shemitah cycle] he [the desolator] will stop the zebakim [sacrifices] and the offerings: [Daniel 12:11] And the winged one of abomination will cause desolation, until the predetermined destruction is poured out on the desolator.” [During the Jubilee year: Isaiah 34:1-8]
This exact date is also determined, not capricious! The logical understanding of this passage is found by comparing it to the almost identical use of these words, used just two and three chapters ahead.
Daniel 11:31 Armed forces will rise up and defile the 'Temple' refuge and put a stop to the daily burnt zebakim [sacrifices], and they’ll set up an appalling detestable idol [KJV, abomination of desolation].
(The “appalling detestable idol” is known as “the abomination that causes desolation” in Daniel 9 and Matthew 24:15; “Antichrist”; “the man of sin” in 2 Thessalonians 2:3–10, (but the codices Sinaiticus and Vaticanus correctly read “the Man of Lawlessness” [Torahlessness]); “the little horn” in Daniel 7:8-24 and 8:9; “The King of Babylon” and “the Oppressor” in Isaiah 14:4; “the Assyrian” in Isaiah 10:24-26, Isaiah 30:27-33, 31:8 and Micah 5; the “King of Assyria” in Isaiah 10:12; “the Prince of Tyre” in Ezekiel 28:1-10; “the King of the North” in Daniel 11; “the Beast” in Revelation 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19 & 20. He is the associate of “the false prophet” of Revelation 16:13, 19:20 and 20:10.)
The following chapter dates the time when “the sacrifice and the offering [will] cease”:
Daniel 12:1 “AT THAT TIME, Michael will take a stand, the great commander who stands for your people, and there will be a time of trouble [the Great Tribulation, worse than 536 A.D, The Worst Year In History], such as there has never been since the first nation up until that time, AND AT THAT TIME [during the “time of the end!”] your people will escape, everyone whose names are still found {niphal} recorded in the Book [of Life].
The explanation for these verses is that the “king” who is to become the Abomination will “cut a deal” (“confirm a covenant”) with “many” nations that will last a “week.” (Again, as explained in Jubilee 2032/2033 AD.) Part of that deal is that Jews, probably descendants of Zadok, can begin offering ze’bakim (sacrifices) exactly seven years before the Day of Yehovah. Then half way thru Satan’s final seven year “week”, (in the middle of the week) “he”, according to plan, will double cross Israel and “bring an end to zebakim and offerings.” This amazing Scripture reveals the seven year count down to when Yehovah first intervenes! This is the “missing week” in the mysterious seventy “weeks” prophecy that Daniel just described! This “week” begins with “desolations are determined” and ends with the Resurrection and the Trumpet plagues! This is connected to the Latter Temple described in Ezekiel 40 thru 48!
PS: While King Charles’s annointing was hidden from the public, this is what was to be said, essentially proclaiming him King of Israel: “Then, the Archbishop of Canterbury" will anoint King Charles with holy oil on the palms of his hands, his chest, and his head. (Earlier this year, the Patriarch of Jerusalem, His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III, and the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, The Most Reverend Hosam Naoum, consecrated the holy oil in Jerusalem at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.) The oil will be poured into the Coronation Spoon before the anointing.”
There is something that will happen after the seventy year period that will be of great significance to “the wise.” There are two different seventy year periods. The former seventy years began when Israel went into Babylonian captivity and ended when a remnant returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple. During the second seventy year period, Tyre will herself have been restrained for seventy years before making her comeback. There won’t be history repeating itself but it will certainly rhyme. Notice what was planned for “Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, My servant” (v.9) after the former seventy years:
Jeremiah 25:12-14 Then when the seventy years are over, I’ll punish the king of Babylon and that nation,” Yehovah says, “for their wickedness, and I’ll make the land of the Chaldeans a wasteland forever. 13 I’ll bring on that land everything that I said I would, that is, everything written in this book that Jeremiah prophesied against the nations. 14 Many nations and great kings will even make slaves of them, and I’ll compensate them commensurate to the things they’ve done.
This is the same seventy year period that pertained to ancient Israel’s captivity. After a remnant of Israel returned to Zion, Yehovah punished “Babylon” “the land of the Chaldeans.” Modern Babylon will be destroyed before a remnant of Israel is gathered into a “Place of Refuge”.
Jeremiah 29:10-14 This is what Yehovah says: “After the seventy years have passed in Babylon, I’ll come to you and fulfill the promise toward you of bringing you back to this place. 11 I know the plans that I have for you,” says Yehovah, “plans of peace—not harm, to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you’ll call on Me, and you’ll come and pray to Me, and I’ll listen to you. 13 You’ll search for Me, and find Me, when you search for Me with all your 'being'. 14 I’ll allow you to find Me,” Yehovah says, “and I’ll bring you back from captivity, and I’ll regather you from every nation, and from every locality where I’ve banished you,’ says Yehovah, ‘and I’ll bring you back to the 'same' place where I had sent you into exile from.”
This is where the modern day “seventy years” gets interesting.
There are many parallels between the “latter temple” and “Joshua and Zerubbabel” also referring to the “Two Witnesses” bringing a remnant of Israel together after the scattering. I believe that the first period began due to the sins of Israel, but that the final seventy year period pertains to the sins of Babylon first and Yehovah’s blessing of the remnant of Israel after the seventy years, when Tyre is forgotten.
Daniel 9:1-3,14 It was the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus, of Median descent. He had been appointed king over the Chaldean empire. 2 In the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, learned from the 'Scriptures' (according to the Word of Yehovah given to the prophet Jeremiah) that Jerusalem was to lie in ruins for seventy years. 3 So I turned my attention to Yehovah Elohim in prayer and petitions, with fasting, sackcloth and ashes... 14 So Yehovah kept the disaster in mind and brought it about, because Yehovah our Elohim is righteous in everything He has done, but we haven’t obeyed what He said.
Zechariah lamented the insincerity of the religious people of his day. And as it was then, when the religious community really decides to seek Elohim it will be too late. Israel had to, and will again learn the hard way.
Zechariah 7:1-14 In the fourth year of the reign of King Darius, the Word of Yehovah came to Zechariah on the fourth day of the ninth month, the month of Chislev. 2 The people of Bethel had sent Sharezer and Regem Melech and their men to seek Yehovah’s favor 3 by asking the priests of the 'Temple' of Commander Yehovah, and the prophets, “Should we cry in the fifth month and 'fast' as we’ve done for so many years?”
4 Then the Word of Commander Yehovah came to me. He said: 5 “Ask all the people of the land and your priests, ‘When you fasted and cried in the fifth and in the seventh months for these seventy years, was it really for Me that you fasted? 6 And when you eat and drink, aren’t you eating and drinking for yourselves? 7 Aren’t these the words that Yehovah proclaimed thru the former prophets, when Jerusalem and its surrounding cities were inhabited and prosperous, and the Negev and the foothills were still inhabited?’”ť
8 The Word of Yehovah came to Zechariah again: 9 “Commander Yehovah said to administer true justice and to show kindness and compassion to each other. 10 Never oppress widows, orphans, aliens or the poor, and none of you should even think of plotting evil against each other.” 11 “But they refused to pay attention and turned a stubborn shoulder and covered their ears so they wouldn’t hear. 12 They kept their 'attitudes' as hard as flint, so as not to heed the Torah and the 'message' that Commander Yehovah had sent by His spirit thru the former prophets. So great wrath came from Commander Yehovah.
13 “Since they refused to listen when I called to them, I wouldn’t listen when they called to Me, says Commander Yehovah. 14 So I scattered them like a whirlwind among all the nations that they were unfamiliar with. The land they left was so desolate that no one even traveled thru it, because they ruined the pleasant land.”
The time will come when our own leaders will sell us—literally. Preparations for the sale are already underway!
Zechariah 11:4-10 This is what Yehovah my Elohim says: “Shepherd the flock doomed for slaughter. 5 Their buyers slaughter them and go unpunished. Those who sell them say, ‘Praise Yehovah, I’ve become rich,’ while their own shepherds have no pity on them. 6 Yehovah declares “I’ll no longer pity the inhabitants of the land. I’ll cause each of them to fall into the hands of their neighbors, and each into the hands of their king. They’ll devastate the land. I won’t rescue anyone from their hands.”
7 So I became the shepherd of the flock doomed to be slaughtered, especially the afflicted of the flock. And I took two staffs. I called one “Favor” and the other I called “Union”, and I tended the flock. 8 I annihilated the three shepherds in one month. I became impatient with 'the sheep' and they loathed Me. 9 Then I said, “I won’t be your shepherd. Those who are to die will die, those who are to be destroyed will be destroyed. Those who are left can eat each other.” 10 I took My staff called “Favor”, and cut it in two so that I could break the covenant I had made with all the nations.
Many people respond to anyone who would dare ask “when”, concerning end time prophecies, that we can not know, citing their favorite “thief in the night” verse such as:
Matthew 2442-43. The envoys (apostles) thought that Yeshua would come in their lifetime. Surely at that time no one knew “when”. Perhaps only a few of the “wise” in this last generation will have sufficient information to understand “when” [Daniel 9:33]. The key to understanding the end time time line is knowing when the next Jubilee is! We are told to “watch”. Today, if you are watching, you might see something! This is the generation that needs to know! There is one “thief” verse that should be carefully underlined:
1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 But friends, concerning the time periods and the specified times of crisis, it is unnecessary for me write to you, 2 because you know for certain that the Day of Yehovah will come like a thieving false “minister” in the time of moral stupidity and darkness [1]. 3 When people are saying, “Peace and security” [2], then suddenly destruction will overtake them like the labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they won’t escape.
4 But you, friends, aren’t in darkness. That Day won’t catch you off guard like a thieving false “minister”, 5 because you are all sons of the light, and sons of the day. You aren’t sons of the night or sons of darkness. 6 So let’s not sleep like everyone else does, but let’s stay awake and be sober.
[1] or “like a thief in the night” [2] This would be due to the Antimessiah’s peace deal.
Then there is the “Behold, I am coming as a thief” warning that follows the sixth trumpet plague! (Revelation 16:15) Some people, even during the trumpet plagues won’t know when or even if Yeshua will arrive until they see Him! “The day” underscored above is the Day of Yehovah, the year of Elohim’s intervention. On the Day of Trumpets, of the next Jubilee year, at exactly the 12th hour of the day, Satan’s rule will be “cut...short!” The twelfth hour approximates our 6:00 P.M. at sunset (Matthew 20:6-8,12). Only in this way can people in all 24 time zones hear the trumpets on the same day!
Romans 9:26-28 And in the very place [Hosea 1:5-11] where they were told, ‘You are not My people’, there they’ll be called ‘the children of the living Aloha.’”
27 Isaiah proclaimed about the descendants of Israel, “Tho your people Israel are like grains of sand on the seashore, only a few survivors will return. Righteous destruction is necessary. 28 The Sovereign, Yehovih [a variant spelling] the Commander has decreed complete destruction on the 'region'.” [6]
In the end, Brittania, Lady Liberty and brother Israel are all three destroyed in one month:
Hosea 5:1-15 Listen to this, you priests! Pay attention House of Israel, and listen, royal 'family'! The judgment applies to you, because you’ve been a snare at Mizpah and a net spread out on Tabor. 2 The rebels have gone deeply into depravity. I’ll punish them all. 3 I know Ephraim and Israel can’t hide from Me. Ephraim, you’ve turned to prostitution; Israel is defiled. 4 Their behavior won’t allow them to turn to their Elohim. They have a spirit of prostitution and they don’t know Yehovah. 5 Israel’s arrogance testifies against him. So Israel and Ephraim will stumble in their wickedness, and Judah along with them. 6 They’ll go with their flocks and herds to seek Yehovah, but they won’t find Him. He has withdrawn from them. 7 They are unfaithful to Yehovah because they’ve given birth to illegitimate children. Now a New Moon [month] they’ll be devoured along with their fields. 8 Blow a shofar in Gibeah and a trumpet in Ramah! Sound a battle cry in Beth Aven: “Behind you, Benjamin!” 9 Ephraim will be destroyed on the day of reckoning. I announce what is certain for the tribes of Israel. 10 The leaders of Judah are like people who move boundary markers. I’ll pour out My fury on them like water. 11 Ephraim is oppressed, crushed by judgment because 'they' are determined to pursue human commands. 12 So I’ll be like a moth to Ephraim and like decay to the House of Judah. 13 “When Ephraim saw his sickness, and Judah his wound, Ephraim went to Assyria and sent a delegation to Assyria’s great king Jareb, but he can’t cure you or heal your injury. 14 I will be like a lion to Ephraim and like a young lion to the House of Judah. I’ll tear them to pieces and carry them off, and there will be no one to rescue them. 15 Then I will return again to My place [heaven] until they [Judah and Ephraim] admit their guilt and seek My 'presence'. In their tribulation they’ll diligently search for Me.”.
The chapter break here is misplaced compared to the Arabic, the Targum and the Syriac versions, that logically connect Yeshua’s return to heaven to the comment about the three millennial days below.
Hosea 61:1-3 So come, let’s return to Yehovah. He has torn us to pieces but He’ll heal us. He’s wounded us but He’ll bandage our wounds. 2 He’ll revive US after two days. On the third [millennial] day He’ll raise US up so WE can live in His presence! [1] 3 We should acknowledge Yehovah. We must press on to know Him. As surely as the sun rises, His [Yehovah’s] timetable is firmly established. He’ll come to us like the rain, like the 'spring rains' that water the earth.” [2]
[1] Check out this heading: “When Specifically is the First Resurrection?” on this link [2]...Benson commentary: As the latter and former rain — Or, as the words should rather be rendered, the harvest rain, and the rain of seed-time: see notes on Deuteronomy 11:14, and Proverbs 16:15. For, as Bishop Horsley justly observes, the Hebrew words here used have nothing of latter or former implied in their meaning. And these expressions convey a notion just the reverse of the truth to the English reader. For what our translation here terms the latter rain, [Hebrew word], is literally, as the bishop terms it, the crop rain, which fell just before the season of the harvest, to plump the grain before it was severed: that is, it fell in what we term the spring, and consider as the former part of the year; for the harvest in Judea began about the middle of our March, according to the old style...I searched the web and did not find any references to a “Resurrected British Empire”, other than a satirical blog respondent and someone mentioning bringing a British medal back. Which is more likely, a brutal Resurrected British Empire or the return of a Roman Empire? The ashes of the British Empire are still warm and there are even some red embers.
There will be no postponements. Plan on a long event filled evening! (Zechariah 14:7) Start preparing for a wonderful future. I hope to see you there!
[6/24/23 note: It has been 23 years since I wrote this article and no one has contacted me with any alternative explanation in any regard concerning these “seventy years”. In 2022 the “seventy years” countdown will end [ended], as I understand it. This would seem to be the only opportunity to tie the seventy years countdown to WW2 and even the end of the age. If I am in error, we’ll soon know. Due to the commerce comments emphasized in the Tyre account, I anticipate that many of the world’s currencies will collapse, with many countries going completely bankrupt, and paper money will become worthless likely even before the Beast’s financial colossus has risen. The American dollar and economy would almost certainly be crushed by the Antichrist early on rather than later.]
Scarry royal link!If you are counting on a rapture, I hope you will at least consider this viewpoint now, so as to be prepared for an alternative ending of this present evil age.
The Addendum button below takes you to the most significant “Babylon” chapters in the Bible.
The identity of modern Babylon may be somewhat larger than the above articles indicate. Might the mystery originate when Israel first became Israel? Could it involve America AND a reviving British Empire? Does Babylon have daughters? (Revelation 17:5)
Genesis 35:10-11 Elohim said to him, “Your name is Jacob; but you won’t be called Jacob any longer. Your name will be Israel.” So he was renamed Israel. 11 Elohim also told him, “I’m the Conqueror [El-Shaddai]; be fruitful and multiply. A nation and a Commonwealth [or Assembly] of nations will come from you. Kings will be among your 'descendants'!
Reviving an Empire of Worldwide Influence—
Isaiah 23:15-17 When That Day Comes* Tyre will be forgotten for seventy years, like the reign of a MONARCH [2]. At the end of seventy years, Tyre will become like the prostitute in the song: 16 “Take a harp and 'strut' around the city, you forgotten whore. Play a sweet melody. Sing many songs, so you’ll be remembered.” 17 Then when the seventy years have elapsed, Yehovah will revive Tyre, and she’ll return to her hire as a prostitute with all the kingdoms on the face of the earth. [Compare to Ezekiel 27 & 28.]
Only one nation in the history of the world ever agreed to the covenantal blessings (and curses) of Deuteronomy 28, prefaced in chapter 27. Ancient Israel, the ancestors of America and the British Commonwealth Nations (among others) suffered all of these curses. While these curses are similar to the curses preceeding the end time Israelite nations, there are significant variations. Many modern Israelite nations will be cursed as daughters of Babylon. I found this link while trying to find something similar directly from Yair Davidiy.
Chapter 46: From 2024 to Eternity
Recommended Reading:
The Antichrist and a Cup of Tea (Amazon.com) will answer your questions about who the Antichrist may likely be. How literally should you take Elohim’s written word? Is it literal even to the point of its apocalyptic symbolism?