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Chapter 29, Part 2 Preview: In a “word”, the “Angel of the Lord” is the one who became the “Word of Elohim (God) or the “Messenger of Yehovah”. A controversy has raged for nearly two thousand years: “How can Jesus be God?” Many theories have been proposed over the centuries concerning the “nature” of Yeshua (Jesus). These ideas are at extreme variance with the Bible concerning His identity, and they are quite dangerous. Prophecy indicates that heresy (literally: sectarianism) would be an unbridled problem. It’s not just the cults that are a problem tho they do provide very convenient “whipping boys” for more traditional deceivers. This four part sequel to The Origin of Heresy explains the “Nature of God” directly from the Bible in a way that harmonizes passages that have baffled heretics for nearly two millennia.
This could be a stand alone article, but I felt that it fit here best. This secret identity, all by itself, proves the dual nature of the One mind of Elohim.
The New King James Version of the Bible uses the designation “the Angel of the Lord” fifty three times in the Hebrew Scriptures. A close look at these references will quickly demonstrate that the “Angel” of Yehovah is no ordinary angel! The term “an angel of Yehovah” (the “Lord”) is not used in the Hebrew Scriptures. (Only beginning in Matthew does an “ordinary angel” or Messenger speak to Joseph about the baby that Mary is to have—the Word or ‘Messenger’ being made flesh!)
Hagar spoke with “the Messenger of Yehovah”, and was greatly moved! She correctly identified Him as “Elohim” and “Yehovah”, and was one of several people who were surprised to have remained alive after seeing Him. It seems that everyone was aware that Elohim the Father said: “You can’t see My face, because people can’t see Me and live”. No one could have told Hagar that “the Son” was to be frequently seen by men!
Genesis 16:7-14 The Messenger of Yehovah found her near a spring in the wilderness, by the spring on the way to Shur. 8 He said, “Hagar, Sarai’s maid, where did you come from and where are you going?” She said, “I’m running away from my mistress Sarai.” 9 The Messenger of Yehovah said to her, “Go back to your mistress, and submit to her authority.” 10 The Messenger of Yehovah told her, “I’ll greatly multiply your descendants, so that they will be beyond counting.”
11 The Messenger of Yehovah told her, “You are pregnant, and will give birth to a son! You’ll name him Ishmael [he became Father of the Arabs], because Yehovah has heard your distress. 12 He’ll be like a wild ass of a man. His fist will be against everyone, and everyone’s fist will be against him. He’ll live in hostility toward all his brothers.” 13 And she referred to Yehovah who spake to her by as, “You are the Elohim who sees me,” for she said, “Have I really seen the One who sees me and lived?” 14 So the well was called Beer Lahai Roi. It’s between Kadesh and Bered!—The Gabriel Bible
(Beer Lahai Roi appears to mean “well of the One who revealed Himself to me.”)
The references to the “the Angel of God” (Messenger of Elohim) are apparently always identical to the “the Angel of the LORD” in the Hebrew as well. Some time later, in a time of distress in the desert, The Messenger of Elohim spoke to Hagar again, this time from the sky. He, “Elohim”, reminded her about His promise: ; then He intervened and saved their lives.
Genesis 21:16-19 Then she went and sat down across from him, about a bow shot away and said, “I can’t bear to watch the boy die!” So she sat across from him and cried loudly. 17 Elohim heard the boy crying, and the Messenger of Elohim called to Hagar out of the sky and asked her, “What’s the matter, Hagar? Don’t be afraid. Elohim has heard the boy crying as he lies there. 18 Get up and help the boy up, and hold him by your hand, because I’m going to make a great nation 'from his descendants'.” 19 Then Elohim opened her eyes, and she saw a well full of water. She went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink.
So why does this account and others call “Elohim” “the Messenger of Yehovah” or “the Messenger of Elohim”? The Hebrew word usually translated as “angel” is “malak”. Used by itself, without being accompanied by “of Yehovah”, it can mean any messenger or messengers, human or otherwise, such as below:
Genesis 32:3 Jacob sent messengers ahead to his brother Esau in the region of Seir in the land of Edom.
Perhaps it could mean an unnamed “angelic” Messenger, but unless more than one “spirit messenger” is being referred to; I know of no instance where it must be anyone other than THE Messenger—except when it specifies Michael and Gabriel. However, the “malak” of “Yehovah” is a very specific and powerful “Messenger”. He is none other than the “Messenger of the Covenant”; the pre incarnate “Word of Elohim” (Revelation 19:13).
Malachi 3:1 Watch out! I’m sending My messenger [Elijah in Ch 4:5], and He’ll prepare the way before Me, and the Sovereign who you’re looking for will suddenly come to His 'Temple', the Messenger of the [New] Covenant who you desire. He’s coming, says Commander Yehovah.
The Authorized Version translates “malak” as “angel” 111 times and “messenger” 98 times. If the references to “the Angel of the LORD” were correctly translated as “the Messenger of the LORD”, or better still “the Messenger of Yehovah”, then Messenger would be by far the most common translation of “malak”.
Here is another “Angel of Yehovah” account. This Messenger of Yehovah who appeared in a flame of fire is also specifically called Yehovah. It was “Elohim” who called to Moses “within the bush”! Moses also “was afraid to look at Elohim”—not wanting to die.
Exodus 3:1-6 Meanwhile, Moses was pasturing the flock of his father-in-law Jethro, the priest of Midian. He led the flock to the 'west' side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of Elohim. 2 The Messenger of Yehovah appeared to him in a flame of fire from within a bush. He saw that the bush was on fire, but the bush wasn’t burning up. 3 So he thought, “I must go over and see this amazing sight—why the bush isn’t burning up?”
4 When Yehovah saw Moses coming to take a closer look, Elohim called to him from within the bush and said, “Moses, Moses!” He replied, “Here I am.” 5 He said, “Don’t come any closer. Take off your sandals, because the place where you are standing is special ground.” 6 He said, “I’m the Elohim of your ancestors [1], the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac and the Elohim of Jacob.”
[1] It’s apparent that “ancestors’ should be plural: Acts 7:32It was common knowledge that if you saw Elohim you would die. So logically, Moses was afraid that if he looked at “the Messenger of Yehovah” he would die.
Keep in mind that “angel” in Greek means exactly what it does in the Hebrew—a messenger. The Acts account tells us that Elohim the Father sent “the Messenger of Yehovah” also known as “the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Isaac, and the Elohim of Jacob” —Yeshua the Messiah, to Moses!
Acts 7:30-35 After forty years had passed, THE Messenger of Yehovah appeared to him in the flames of a burning bush in the wilderness of Mount Sinai. 31 When Moses saw it he was amazed at the sight, and as he came closer to have a look, Yehovah spoke to him out loud, 32 ‘I’m the Aloha of your ancestors—the Aloha of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.’ Quaking with fear, Moses didn’t even dare to look at the sight.
33 “Yehovah told him, ‘Take off your sandals, because you are standing on 'dedicated' ground. 34 I have witnessed the suffering of My people in Egypt. I’ve heard their groaning and have come down to rescue them. So come, I’ll send you to Egypt.’ 35 This Moses, who they rejected by asking, ‘Who appointed you ruler and judge over us’, is the one who Yehovah sent to them to be their commander and liberator, thru the Messenger who appeared to him in the bush.
We just saw that the “Angel” is Elohim.
Is this a very presumptuous angel speaking? Notice carefully:
Judges 2:1 The Messenger of Yehovah [1] went up from Gilgal to Bochim and said, “I brought you out of Egypt into the land that I swore to give to your ancestors, and I said, ‘I’ll never break My covenant with you.
[1] Wrongly called “the angel of the LORD.” In reality He is the pre-incarnate Messenger of Yehovah, Yeshua (Jesus)This Messenger of Yehovah (Angel of the LORD) claims to be the Being who led Israel out of Egypt! He also claims to have made an Everlasting Covenant! Is this blasphemy? Yehovah disallowed Moses from entering the Promised Land for sharing the credit for far less than that!
So who “really” led Israel out of Egypt and whose Covenant was it?
Exodus 6:1-9 Then Yehovah told Moses, “Now you’ll see what I’ll do to Pharaoh. By the force of My strong hand he will release them, and by My strong hand he will force them to leave his land!” 2 Elohim spoke to Moses, and told him, “I am Yehovah. 3 I appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as the Conqueror [El-Shaddai], but I did not reveal My name Yehovah to them. 4 I also established My covenant with them to give them the land of Canaan, the land they lived in as foreigners. 5 I’ve heard the groaning of the Israelites who are now slaves to the Egyptians, and I’ve remembered My covenant.
6 “So tell the Israelites:, ‘I am Yehovah, and I’ll bring you out from under the oppression of the Egyptians. I’ll free you from their slavery, and I’ll redeem you with an outstretched arm, and with mighty acts of judgment. 7 Then I’ll claim you as My own people, and I’ll be your Elohim, and you’ll realize that I am Yehovah your Elohim, who brought out from under the forced labor of the Egyptians. 8 I’ll bring you into the land that I swore to give to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I’ll give it to you as a heritage. I am Yehovah.’” 9 Moses told this to the Israelites, but they refused to listen to Moses. They had become too discouraged by their cruel slavery.
There is only one possible explanation for this seeming contradiction: The Messenger of Yehovah is the member of Yehovah’s Family, who was sent by the One who later became His Father, due to His human birth. He was seen by the patriarchs of old, whose appearance did not cause death to those privileged observers!
Another person who saw the Messenger of Yehovah “face to face” and thought, was Gideon. He too was not aware that One member of the Divine Family could be “safely” looked upon.
Judges 6:21-23 Then the Messenger of Yehovah touched the meat and unleavened bread with the tip of the staff in His hand, and fire sprang up from the rock and consumed the meat and the unleavened bread. Then the Messenger of Yehovah vanished from his sight. 22 That’s when Gideon realized that he had seen the Messenger [Word/Son] of Yehovah, and Gideon said, “Sovereign Yehovah [“Yeshua”], I’m doomed! I’ve seen the Messenger of Yehovah face to face!” 23 But Yehovah reassured him, “Shalom friend! Don’t be afraid. You aren’t going to die!”
The soon to be parents of Samson also had an encounter with the Messenger of Yehovah. Manoah asked Him His name, but the name that Manoah was given revealed nothing to him. Only the Messenger’s amazing exit helped reveal His identity. Then Manoah too thought that he was going to die “because we have seen Elohim”, but his wife, being less shaken by the shocking event knew that Yehovah had no such intentions.
Judges 13:17-24 Then Manoah asked the Messenger of Yehovah, “What is Your name, so that we can honor You when Your 'announcement' comes true?” 18 The Messenger of Yehovah replied, “Why are you asking for My name? Since it’s a wonderful secret.” [1] 19 So Manoah took a young goat and a grain offering, and offered it on a rock to Yehovah, and He did something wonderful while Manoah and his wife were watching. 20 As the flames from the altar ascended skyward from the altar, the Messenger of Yehovah ascended in the flame. When Manoah and his wife saw this, they fell facedown on the ground.
21 When the Messenger of Yehovah didn’t reappear to Manoah or his wife, Manoah realized that He was the Messenger of Yehovah. 22 So Manoah said to his wife, “We’re certainly going to die, because we have seen Elohim.” 23 But his wife said, “If Yehovah had wanted to kill us, He wouldn’t have accepted our burnt offering and grain offering. He wouldn’t have just now shown us all these things or spoken like this to us.” 24 So the woman gave birth to a son and named him Samson. The child grew up, and Yehovah blessed him.
[1] Every single reference in the Torah, the Writings and the Prophets about “the Messenger of Yehovah” is a reference to the pre-incarnate Yeshua, and it is still largely a wonderful secret.The Messiah was deliberately hiding His identity (and the fact that the Mind of Yehovah was within Two Beings) by using the most obscure name that He possessed: “Wonderful”. This word is also translated as “awesome” and “marvelous” in other places, but it is not used as a name. There is only one reference in the Bible to confirm that an actual name had been used.
Isaiah 9:6-7 A Child will be born for us, a Son is given to us. The government will rest on His shoulders. He’ll be named Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty Elohim, Everlasting Father, Peaceful Leader. 7 The expansion of His dominion and prosperity will never end, from David’s throne and over His kingdom, arranging it and maintaining it with justice and righteousness from that time on—forever. The zeal of the Word* of Commander Yehovah will make it happen.
However the King James Version captured the intent; leaving the other meanings for the more inquisitive. He was a Wonderful and Awesome “SECRET”!
Judges 13:18 And the Angel of [Yehovah] said unto him, Why askest thou thus after My name, seeing it is SECRET? KJV
In fact the very existence of the One called Yeshua today was both a “mystery” and a “secret” and was incomprehensible even to the patriarchs!
Romans 16:25-27 Now to Yehovah, who is able to establish you according to my Good News that is heralded concerning Yeshua Messiah thru the revelation of the mystery that was hidden from all ages past, 26 but is now finally revealed by the Scriptures of the prophets, and by the commandment of the everlasting Aloha, so that all nations can believe and be obedient to the faith 27 of the only One who is wise. Splendor belongs to Him thru Yeshua Messiah forever and ever: Aw-main'.
Now back to that “boastful” Angel again! The “Angel of the Lord” is talking about “My ways”, “My instructions” and “My house” in this quote! Who does He think He is—God?
Zechariah 3:1-7 Then He showed me Yehoshua the high priest standing before the Messenger of Yehovah, and Satan standing at his right hand side to make accusations against him. 2 Yehovah said to Satan, “Yehovah is against you Satan! Yes, Yehovah who has chosen Jerusalem will 'silence' you! Isn’t this a firebrand pulled from the fire?” 3 Now Yehoshua was wearing filthy clothes as he stood in front of the Messenger. 4 He told those standing in front of him, “Take off his filthy clothes!” Then he said to Yehoshua, “I’ve taken away your sins, and now I’m giving you fine clothing.”
5 Then I said, “They should also put a clean turban on his head.” So they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him while the Messenger of Yehovah stood by. 6 The Messenger of Yehovah admonished Yehoshua, 7 “This is what Commander Yehovah says: If you 'follow' My ways and serve Me, then you’ll be given authority over My 'Temple' and its courtyards, and I’ll allow you to accompany these others who are standing here.
This is also an insightful chapter in that we find Yehovah—that is “the Angel of the Lord”—is personally challenging Joshua to become one of the final Two Witnesses in this dually prophetic account. Joshua (Yehoshua), the long form of the Hebrew “Yeshua”, will symbolically represent Yeshua on Earth, actually bearing the “iniquity” of the world, typified as “filthy garments”, much as Yeshua bore our iniquities when He was crucified or martyred. The “Angel” goes on to say that:
9-10 Look at the jewel that I’ve set in front of Yehoshua, this one jewel has seven facets [or eyes]. I’ll engrave an inscription on it Myself, declares Commander Yehovah, and I’ll remove the sins of this land in a single day. 10 “When That Day Comes, each of you will invite your neighbors to sit under your vine and fig tree,’ declares Commander Yehovah.”
On this dramatic occasion, Yehovah is actually present, with Satan also there tempting Joshua to fail, both having a vested interest in his decision of whether or not to become one of the Two Martyrs.
Chapter 4 is pretty much the same, but with the Messenger ironically alluding to Himself as the Capstone:
Zechariah 4 All: The Messenger who was speaking with me returned and awakened me, as you’d awaken someone who is sleeping. 2 He asked me, “What do you see?” I answered, “I see a solid gold menorah with a basin on top of it. There are seven lights on it, there are seven spouts for each light that is on top of it. 3 And there are two olive trees by it, one on the right side of the bowl and the other on the left.” 4 I said to the Messenger who was speaking with me, “Master, what are these?”
5 Then the Messenger who was speaking with me replied, “Don’t you know what these are?” I replied, “No, Master.” 6 Then Commander Yehovah said, “This is the 'message' of Yehovah to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might or power, but by My Spirit. 7 Who are you, great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you’ll become a plain. He’ll bring out the Capstone [1] with shouts of ‘Blessings, blessings on it!’” 8 The Word of Yehovah came to me. He said, 9 “Zerubbabel’s hands have laid the foundation of this 'Temple', and his hands will finish it. Then you’ll know that Commander Yehovah has sent me to you.
10 Who despises the day of small things? These seven will celebrate when they see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand. They are the eyes of Yehovah that quickly traverse the entire earth.” 11 Then I asked Him, “What are the two olive trees to the right and left of the menorah?”[2] 12 I asked him a second time, “What are the two olive branches beside the two gold pipes carrying gold oil from them?” 13 He replied, “Don’t you know what these are?” And I said, “No Master.” 14 Then he said, “These are the two anointed ones who stand by the Sovereign of the whole world.”
[1] The “cornerstone” of Ephesians 2:20 must be the same stone as the “capstone.” [2] This directly corresponds to Revelation 11:3-12, the Two Witnesses. Malachi 4:5 specifically tells us that Moses will be here at the end. I suspect that this involves actual time travel, not resurrection.
There is another similar account of a patriarch who encountered this member of Yehovah’s family and was understandably bewildered by the encounter. Jacob did not know of this beings’ existence and certainly did not know His name. It’s strange that this grandson of “the Father of the faithful” didn’t have a clue about the nature of Yehovah. But apparently it was meant to remain a mysterious secret. Even under being directly asked, “Please tell me Your Name”, it does not appear that Jacob was given the answer! And of course, Jacob was surprised that he survived the encounter, just as others in later years would be.
Genesis 32:24-30 Jacob was left alone, and a Man wrestled with him until dawn. 25 When He saw that He couldn’t defeat him, He struck Jacob’s hip socket while He wrestled with him. 26 The ‘Man’ said, “Let Me go, because it’s almost dawn.” But Jacob said, “I won’t let You go unless You bless me.” 27 He asked him, “What is your name?” He replied, “Jacob.” 28 He said, “Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you’ve struggled with Elohim and with men, and you won.” 29 Then Jacob asked Him, “Please tell me Your name.” He replied, “Why do you want to know My name?” Then He blessed him there. 30 So Jacob named that place Peniel [Face of El], because he said, “I have seen Elohim face to face, and I’m still alive.”
In Genesis 28 “the Elohim of Abraham your father, and the Elohim of Isaac” came to Jacob in a dream. This event changed his life forever. He named the place “Bethel” to commemorate the event. In Genesis 31 “The Angel of Elohim”, again, apparently the same as “the Angel of the LORD”, said that Enough said:
Genesis 31:11,13 In the dream the Messenger of Elohim said to me, 'Jacob'! And I replied, ‘Here I am... 13 I’m the Elohim who appeared to you in Bethel, where you anointed the stone marker, where you made a vow to Me. Now get up and leave this land, and return to your native land.’”
To paraphrase Yeshua: If you have seen “the Angel of the LORD” you have “seen the Father”, because to be “LIKE” Him is to be “LIKE Elohim” Himself!
Zechariah 12:8 When that day comes, Yehovah will defend the residents of Jerusalem so that the weakest of them will be like David, and David’s descendants will be like Elohim, like the Messenger of Yehovah going before them.
There is another “Angel” reference worth noting. This Angel was the “Savior” of Israel, He “redeemed” Israel, thus He is the Redeemer, He claimed Israel as “My people”, and yes, He was also “Yehovah”:
Isaiah 63:7-9 I’ll mention the faithful love of Yehovah and the renown of Yehovah due to everything that Yehovah has done for the House of Israel, that He has done for them in His compassion, and by His unlimited mercy. 8 He said, “Surely, these are My people, children who won’t defraud Me.” So He rescued them. 9 In all their distress He too was distressed, and the Messenger of His Presence [Yeshua] rescued them. In His love and mercy He reclaimed them. He lifted them up and carried them for many years in the past.
“His Presence” really is a good translation. It simply indicates that this member of the Family of Yehovah was actually present during “all the days of old”! “Presence” in the Hebrew literally means “to be in front of your face”. He was truly the Elohim who frequently was seen literally “face to face” with the Patriarchs.
Isaiah 29:23 But when they see their children, My handiwork among them, they’ll revere My name. They’ll honor the 'special' One of Jacob AND stand in awe of the Elohim of Israel.
In Joshua 5 (Yehoshua 5:15) the Commander of Yehovah’s Army is Yeshua. As He is two verses later (6:2).
Yehoshua 5:15 The Commander of Yehovah’s Army [Yeshua; Jesus; Yehoshua], replied “Remove your sandals from your feet, because the place where you are standing are 'special', [1].” So Yehoshua did so....6:2 Yehovah told Yehoshua, “I’ve handed Jericho over to you, along with its king and his accomplished warriors!...Then on the seventh time the priests blew the shofars, and Yehoshua told the people, “Shout, because Yehovah has given you the city!With the understanding that “the Angel of His Presence” is another name for “THE Messenger”, we are now ready to look at the Exodus 33 account where Moses talked to both THE Messenger and the “Message Sender”; the Elohim who spoke to Moses “face to face”, and the Elohim who said, “You can’t see My face, because people can’t see Me and live.”
Exodus 33:1-3 Yehovah said to Moses, “You and the people you brought out of Egypt must leave this place. Go to the land that I swore to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when I said, ‘I’ll give it to your descendants.’ 2 I’ll send My Messenger ahead of you and I’ll drive out the Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites and the Jebusites. 3 Go to that land flowing with milk and honey. But I won’t go with you, because you are a 'rebellious' people and I might exterminate you along the way.”
Skipping to verse 9 we see where one of the Beings who was in “the pillar of cloud” “spoke to Moses FACE TO FACE, as a man speaks to his friend.”
v.9-11 Then when Moses entered the Tabernacle, the columnar cloud descended and stationed at the door of the Tabernacle, and Yehovah would speak with Moses. 10 When all the people saw the columnar cloud stationed at the entrance of the Tabernacle, all the people would get up and worship, each at the entrance to their own tents. 11 Yehovah would speak to Moses face to face, the way a person speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his assistant, the young man Yehoshua, son of Nun, stayed inside the tent.
At this point Moses was a bit puzzled because he didn’t understand the distinction between the “Angel” whom and the “Sender”. So Moses told Yehovah; paraphrasing his statement, “You haven’t let me know whom you will send with me”. You say now show me something—“Your ways”—so “so I can know You”:
vs. 12-13 Moses said to Yehovah, “You’ve been telling me to lead these people, but you haven’t let me know who You’ll send with me. You also said, ‘I know you by name, and you’ve found favor in My sight. 13 So if I’ve been pleasing in Your sight, please teach me Your ways so I can know You better and continue to find favor in Your sight. Consider that this nation is Your people.”
At this point the One speaking to Moses spoke of the Messenger of “My Presence”.
v.14 And He replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I’ll give you rest.”
Moses still did not understand that Elohim’s “Presence” was distinct from the One speaking, because Moses still thought that the One speaking was going to go with them.
vs. 15-17 Then he said to Him, “If Your Presence doesn’t go with us, don’t make us leave this place. 16 How will anyone ever know You’re pleased with Your people and me? Isn’t it Your Presence among that us sets Your people and me apart from all other people on the face of the 'earth'?” 17 Yehovah replied to Moses, “I’ll do what you’ve asked, because I’m pleased with you and I know you by name.”
At this point, Moses is greatly desiring to see the one who was speaking to him, who was cloaked within the “pillar of cloud”.
vs. 18-23 He said, “Please let me see Your splendor.” 18 Then Moses said, ‘Please let me see Your splendor.” 19 He replied, “I’ll cause all My goodness to pass in front of you, and proclaim before you My name, Yehovah. I’ll show favor to anyone I want to, and I’ll be compassionate with anyone I want to. 20 But” He said, “You can’t see My face, because no one can see Me and live.”[1] 21 Then Yehovah said, “Look, there’s a place next to Me where you can stand on the rock. 22 Then, while My splendor passes by, I’ll put you in a crevice in the rock and cover you with My hand until I’ve passed by, 23 then I’ll take away My hand, and you’ll see My back, but you must not see My face.”<
Immediately after this, in chapter 34 we read:
Exodus 34:4-7 He cut two stone tablets like the first ones, and Moses got up early in the morning, and went up to Mount Sinai, as Yehovah had commanded him, carrying the two stone tablets in his hands. 5 Then Yehovah [#2] descended in the cloud, and stood with him there [no cleft of the rock necessary here], and called out His name, Yehovah [#1]. 6 Yehovah [#2] passed by in front of him [again, no special precautions], and proclaimed, “Yehovah [#1]! Yehovah Elohim, [#2]!, compassionate and merciful, patient, and filled with faithful love. and faithfulness, 7 maintaining faithful love for thousands, forgiving wrongdoing, disobedience and sin. But He won’t let the guilty go unpunished, allowing the consequences of the fathers’ wrongdoing 'to pass to' the children and grandchildren to the third and fourth generation.” [Enlarged Nun].
The above reference to “Yehovah! Yehovah” (“the LORD, the LORD”) is unique to this verse, except in such instances as Numbers 14:43 where it is used in a different sense:
Numbers 14:43 The Amalekites and Canaanites are right in front of you, and you’ll fall by the sword. Since you ceased to follow Yehovah, Yehovah won’t be with you.”
At this point Moses apparently knew that he was dealing with both Yehovah and Yehovah! However he apparently did not go out of his way to explain what he had seen, and did not see, beyond what goes virtually unnoticed in his account.
Exodus 34:9 He said, “If I’ve found favor in Your sight now, Yehovah [#1], please let Yehovah [#2] travel with us, even tho the people are 'stubborn' and rebellious, and pardon our wrongdoing and sin and accept us as Your own possession.”
I have only dealt with the Hebrew references to “the Angel”. The Greek references are often about an ordinary heavenly messenger, since the true Messenger of Elohim was often present in the flesh. The most common way that an “Angel of the Lord” is referred to in Matthew, Luke and Acts (the only other “New Testament” books where the phrase is used) is by preceding it with the word “an” instead of “the”. Were this always the case, there would at least be no confusion over whether we are seeing a reference to the Messiah or another holy messenger. Unfortunately, even the quotations from the Hebrew often switch from “the” to “an”.
There is one more reference to “Yeshua” prior to His human birth that I would like to note. On the very day that Israel crossed over into the Promised Land, Joshua met up with “the commander of Yehovah’s army”. If this had been an ordinary heavenly messenger then Joshua would have been corrected when he “worshiped” Him.:
Joshua 5:13-15 When Yehoshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him holding a drawn sword. Yehoshua approached Him and asked, “Are You for us or for our enemies?”
14 He said, “No, you don’t understand. I’ve come as the Commander of Yehovah’s army.” Yehoshua fell facedown to the earth, and as he bowed in worship, he asked Him, “Master what 'message' do you have for Your servant?” 15 The Commander of Yehovah’s Army [Yeshua; Jesus; Yehoshua], replied “Remove your sandals from your feet, because the place where you are standing are 'special', [1].” So Yehoshua did so.
Had this been an ordinary messenger from Yehovah the ground would not have been “special”. The shoes remark is exactly what the Messenger of Yehovah told Moses in Exodus:
Exodus 3:5 He said, “Don’t come any closer. Take off your sandals, because the place where you are standing is special ground.”
Timothy told us about the King of Kings. But did he mean Yeshua, or His Father? In this context, Timothy mentioned Yeshua twice. However he said about “no man has seen, nor can see” “the King of Kings and Lord of lords” that “no man has seen, nor can see” Him. Furthermore it would appear that only the Father has unending “immortality” because Yeshua’s eternity was interrupted for “three days and three nights”. Yet this King of kings “alone has immortality”. Timothy is no doubt referring to the Father:
1 Timothy 6:13-16 In the presence of Yehovah, who gives life to all, and before Yeshua Messiah who declared His honorable testimony before Pontius Pilate, I insist that 14 you obey this command spotlessly and blamelessly until the appearance of our Sovereign Yeshua Messiah. 15 At the right time, 'Yeshua' will reveal who the blessed and only Sovereign is, the King of kings and Master of masters 16 who alone has 'immortality', living in unapproachable light, who no one has ever seen or even can see. To Him be honor and dominion forever and ever. Aw-main'.
However, no one would argue who John said was “MASTER OF MASTERS (SOVEREIGNS) AND KING OF KINGS”.
Revelation 17:14 They’ll wage war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, because He is Sovereign of masters and King of kings, and those with Him were invited, chose to participate, and remained faithful.”
Revelation 19:13-16 He is arrayed with a vest sprinkled [4] with blood, and His name is the Word of Aloha. 14 The armies of Heaven followed Him on white horses arrayed in fine linen, pure and shining white. 15 A sharp double edged sword proceeds from His mouth, so that with it He can strike down the nations. He’ll rule the nations with a royal scepter of iron, and He treads the winepress of the fierce anger of Yehovah the Supreme. 16 He has written on His robe and on His thigh the title: “KING OF KINGS AND SOVEREIGN OF SOVEREIGNS.”
[4] The Greek says dipped (bapto, as in baptize—totally immersed) instead of sprinkled. A prototype of blood on garments, such as lamb’s blood from the wave sheaf offering representing Yeshua returning to His Father after the resurrection in Leviticus 8:29-30 is sprinkled, not dipped. Was this a deliberate move to break the Lamb/Wave Sheaf connection?
John 1:1-3 In the beginning, the Word existed. The Word was with Aloha, and Aloha was the Word Himself* [Aramaic]. 2 He was with Aloha in the beginning. 3 Everything was created by Him, and absolutely nothing came into existence without Him.
In the following text we see that the Father is credited with creating both Heaven and Earth.
Creator #2:
Acts 4:24-28 When they heard this, they unitedly raised their voices to Yehovah and said, “Yehovah, You are the Aloha who has made the skies, earth, the seas and everything in them. 25 You said by the 'special' spirit thru David Your servant, ‘Why do the heathens rage and the people concoct detestable plans? 26 The kings of the earth and the rulers stood up and conspired against Yehovah AND against His Messiah.’ 27 In reality, both Herod and Pilate along with foreign nationals [Gr.] and the assembly of Israel gathered together in this city against Your 'cherished' Son Yeshua, who You anointed 28 to do whatever Your 'plan' and will had predestined to occur.
Creation was a joint effort. The Father authorized the Son to do the creating and He did. It almost seems that the Father took the back seat while the Son seemingly receives most of the credit. I believe that the Father is highly compensating the One who died for us by giving Him so much responsibility. It is perhaps comparable to a new father pampering his wife after all of the travail that accompanied the birth of a new baby. In Yehovah’s case, Yeshua had the painful role, while the Father looked on. We are collectively the “baby”.
In Who is the Bride of Messiah?, I covered the many verses showing that the bride of Messiah will be the nation of Israel, and than “ the church” has not replaced her. Jeremiah 31 really makes the case all by itself. There is going to be a new wedding ceremony “with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah”. Again Yehovah will be the Husband.
Jeremiah 31:31-33 Yehovah says: “The time is coming [1], when I’ll make a New [marriage] Covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. 32 It won’t be like the [marriage] Covenant that I made with their ancestors during the time when I took them by the hand led them out of the land of Egypt, since they broke My Covenant, tho I was their Husband,” says Yehovah. 33 “In this [marriage] Covenant that I’ll make with the House of Israel after those days,” Yehovah says, “I’ll put My Torah in the very hearts. I’ll be their Elohim, and they’ll be My people.
[1] Jeremiah 30 and 31 are one long prophetic monologue about the events to occur at the time of the Second Exodus (Jeremiah 23:7-8), when all 12 tribes of Israel return to the land (not just the Jews!) AND The Time of Jacob’s trouble (Jeremiah 30:7)—better known as the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:1-22). Not one verse of this 2 chapter prophecy has been fulfilled, including the Torah being written on anyone’s hearts. Why single verse 33 out of all this futuristic context?
But we need to consider who the true “bridegroom” (or groom) is! Generally speaking, virtually everyone claims that the 6,828 references to Yehovah in the Hebrew Scriptures are references to Elohim the Father, often mistranslated as “Yahweh”. Virtually all of these references are in solid capital letters: “LORD” in the KJV, so as to indicate Yehovah. But is this always so? How often can we be completely certain that we have isolated “one” of the two Eternal Beings in any given verse, given that there is “one” Elohim?
Of course in Hebrew, adding an “im” to the end of a word pluralizes it in the same way that adding a “s” does in English. Examples:
Deuteronomy 6:4 Listen, Israel, Yehovah is our Elohim, Yehovah is One! [1] [Enlarged Ayin and Enlarged Dalet]
[1] Here is a great explanation of the Hebrew Plurality of “One”, but consider a Binity rather than a Trinity. Yet ultimately, here is the answer!There are evil spirits, but is there more than one “good Spirit”?
John 4:24 Yehovah is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.”
Most versions of the Bible word John 4:24 as saying that “God is A Spirit” rather than “God is Spirit”. But that is inconsistent with the twenty other places where “a spirit” is always in reference to an evil spirit, except for the few places where it says something like “a spirit of ill will” or “a spirit of stupor”—which is identical to the dual meaning in English. So why is it that there are so many references to “a spirit” used concerning a demon while the concept is actually absent in reference to Yehovah and even His messengers? Consider that Satan and the demons are cut off from Yehovah so that they are independent and alone—separated “spirits”. Essentially, each demon has his own rebellious spirit. Presently they are free to commit evil because they are cut off from the One Spirit that Yehovah shares with His “family”.
Ephestians 4:4-6 becoming one body and one spirit, just as you are called into one hope 'at' your calling. 5 There is one Sovereign, one faith, one immersion, 6 and one Aloha [God], everyone’s Father, over everything, and in all of us.
Did you just notice that the “One Spirit” is already “in us all”? Those who have the “one baptism” also have an embryonic portion of the One Spirit of Yehovah.
When we are finally born into Yehovah’s family we will be incapable of sinning because we share the very spirit of Yehovah with Him!
John 3:9 Nicodemus asked Him, “How can these things be?”
So here we see that Yehovah refers to both the King of Israel AND to the one who is “the First and the Last”! Can we pinpoint beyond question which person the First and the Last is? Yes, unmistakably!
Revelation 1:17-18 When I saw Him, I fell at His feet as tho dead. He laid His right hand on me and said “Don’t be afraid, I am the First and the Last, 18 the living One. I was dead, but look, I’m alive forevermore! Aw-main'. And I have the keys of death and sheol.
In Isaiah 41 and 44 Yehovah is Yeshua the Messiah again, but the wording indicates both beings being Yehovah!
Isaiah 44:6 This is what Yehovah, the King of Israel [the Father] AND His Redeemer [the Son], Commander Yehovah, says: “I am the first and I am the last, and there is no Elohim besides Me.
Isaiah 41:4,13-14 Who has worked and done this, summoning the generations from the beginning? It is I, Yehovah, the first and the last—I am the One!” [1]... 13 I, Yehovah your Elohim hold your right hand tell you, “Don’t be afraid, I’ll help you.” 14 Don’t be afraid, you worm Jacob, you Israelites. I’ll help you, declares Yehovah, your Redeemer, the 'special' One of Israel.”
[1] Compare with Revelation 1:1 & 11Here is another reference to “the first” and “the Last”, as well as , with a tie in with the Elohim of Abraham. I AM is a well recognized name of Yehovah. “You shall tell the children of Israel this: ‘I AM has sent me to you.” Nothing could be plainer!
Exodus 3:13-15 Then Moses said to Elohim, “If I go to the Israelites, and I tell them, “The Elohim of your ancestors has sent me to you.’ And when they ask me, “What is His name?’ What should I tell them?”
14 Elohim said to Moses, “I AM WHO IS AND WAS, AND IS TO COME [2] This is what you will tell the Israelites: I AM [The Eternal One: the same yesterday, today, and forever] has sent me to you.” 15 Elohim also said to Moses, “This is what you must tell the Israelites: ‘Yehovah, the Elohim of your ancestors, the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name to remember for all generations.
Here it is difficult to miss that Yeshua is Yehovah, Elohim Almighty:
Revelation 1:8 I am the Alaph and the Tau [Aramaic], says Yehovah Elohim [Yeshua], who is and was, and is to come, the Sovereign
Here is another reference to “the first” and “the Last”, with a tie in with the Elohim of Abraham.
Here are examples where Yehovah is visible, but on the other hand invisible!
In the well known conversation that Yehovah had with Abraham concerning the fate of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, we perhaps fail to notice that honest Abe was speaking face to face with Yehovah!
Genesis 18:22 & 33 Then the men turned away and walked toward Sodom, while Abraham was still standing before Yehovah... 33 As soon as He had finished speaking to Abraham, Yehovah [1] left, and Abraham returned home.
[1] One of the two Messengers in chapters 18 and 19 was the pre incarnate Yeshua, who was also called Yehovah (Yehovah).
Genesis 32:30 So Jacob named that place Peniel [Face of El], because he said, “I have seen Elohim face to face, and I’m still alive.”
Remember the face to face encounter we saw with Moses not needing to hide from Yehovah in Exodus 33:11. It is also mentioned here:
Deuteronomy 34:10 There has never been another prophet in Israel like Moses, who Yehovah knew face to face,
I offer the explanation that the Father Yehovah, cannot be seen but that the Son Yehovah can be seen.
There is soon coming a time when Yehovah the Son will again speak with men face to face.
Ezekiel 20:33-26 As surely as I live,” declares the Sovereign Yehovah, “I’ll rule you with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm and with wrath poured out, I will be your King! 34 I’ll bring you out of the nations and gather you out of the countries where you were scattered with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm, and with wrath poured out. 35 I’ll bring you into the wilderness of the people [Isaiah 1, Hosea 2:14], and I’ll judge you there face to face, 36 just like when I judged your ancestors in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, that’s how I’ll judge you, declares the Sovereign Yehovah.
Bear in mind that it is the Sovereign Yehovah who will “enter into judgment” with Israel and this is in reference to Yeshua! Notice:
2 Timothy 4:1 I implore you in the presence of Yehovah and our Sovereign Yeshua Messiah, who will judge the living and the dead when His Kingdom appears,
Now for Part 3: