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Chapter 37, Part 1 Preview: The vast majority of the 2.1 billion professing Christians in the world—33% of the world’s population—believe that Yeshua’s (Jesus’) death nailed the Law (Torah) to the cross. They “stake” their destiny on that presumption! Yet the very first question that every Believer should ask concerning their status as a Believers is: Precisely what does Elohim (God is a generic title) require of me? How is a person to know which commandments are required of Believers. Should you simply inherit a religion, or pick a guru and believe whatever you are told? How do you personally decide which Laws to obey? Does it really matter? Is there a key to knowing which Laws are in effect today?
I find it extremely inconceivable that so many people would believe that Yehovah (God is a generic title) would totally reject His own standards of behavior for His own representatives on earth. Even the most worldly of organizations have some absolute standards of conduct for their employees, and even volunteers, who represent them. Standards are not left up to each individuals feelings at any given time.
Actually the Greek word nomos, translated as “Law” 197 times in most English versions of the “New Testament” (actually named the Testimony of Yeshua), would be better translated with the original Hebraic sense of “direction and instruction” in mind, exactly like Torah (Law) is used in most of the 219 times in the Hebrew Scriptures. Would it make any sense for the pre incarnate Yeshua to abolish the very standards of human behavior that He wrote in stone before He came into the world in the flesh?
Before going further, it is important to note that in the first centuries there was a difference between Christians and Nazarenes:
“Christian” is the name first used contemptuously in Antioch, Acts 11:26; 26:28; & 1 Peter 4:16. These are the only three places where the term occurs. At first those who believed and followed Yeshua had no distinctive name. They called themselves “brothers” (meaning believing friends), as did the other Jews, Acts 6:3; and “Disciples”, Acts 6:1. They were “the Way”, Acts 9:2; and 'chosen ones' (saints), Romans 1:7. In Antioch, where the first pagans were converted, and widespread teaching of the Good News began, the Friends were categorized into two groups (that should have remained in one body). At first, many Jewish Friends thought that these other ethnicities would have to become physical Israelite proselytes by being circumcised (Acts 15). But this new Way was not just for the physical descendants of Israel, it was to become accessible for anyone of any nation. Very soon, the vast majority of those going by the new name “Christians” by the world, (usually in geographically separated regions not associated with Israel), fell prey to all kinds of heresy. The difference between Nazarenes and Christians is that ONLY the strictly nationalistic and ceremonial aspects of the Torah do not apply to Christians, such as the Passover”, which is for circumcised Israelite males and their families (Exodus 12:48). (Yet all Commandment Keepers must observe ‘the Lord’s Yeshua Supper’).
“Christian” is the name first used contemptuously in Antioch, Acts 11:26; 26:28; & 1 Peter 4:16. These are the only three places where the term occurs. At first those who believed and followed Yeshua had no distinctive name. They called themselves “brothers” (meaning believing friends), as did the other Jews, Acts 6:3; and “Disciples”, Acts 6:1. They were “the Way”, Acts 9:2; and 'chosen ones' (saints), Romans 1:7. In Antioch, where the first pagans were converted, and widespread teaching of the Good News began, the Friends were categorized into two groups (that should have remained in one body). At first, many Jewish Friends thought that these other ethnicities would have to become physical Israelite proselytes by being circumcised (Acts 15). But this new Way was not just for the physical descendants of Israel, it was to become accessible for anyone of any nation. Very soon, the vast majority of those going by the new name “Christians” by the world, (usually in geographically separated regions not associated with Israel), fell prey to all kinds of heresy. The difference between Nazarenes and Christians is that ONLY the strictly nationalistic and ceremonial aspects of the Torah do not apply to Christians, such as the Passover”, which is for circumcised Israelite males and their families (Exodus 12:48). (Yet all Commandment Keepers must observe ‘the Lord’s Yeshua Supper’s).
By the way, the distinction between the circumcised and the uncircumcised will continue on into the millennium:
Ezekiel 44:7,9 You’ve brought in foreigners with uncircumcised hearts and uncircumcised flesh into My 'Cherished' Place, violating the honor of My very 'Temple' by your offering My bread, the fat and the blood. You’ve broken My covenant in addition to all your other highly detestable things... 9 The Sovereign Yehovah says: No foreigner with an uncircumcised heart or uncircumcised flesh will enter My 'Temple', including foreigners who live in Israel.
“Nazarenes” are what Torah observant Israelite Friends in Yeshua were called in the first centuries by the world, until they were almost exterminated by persecution and false teachers. Israelite Commandment Keepers were, and are, obligated to obey the entire Torah (“Law of Moses”), see Galatians 5:3. They were considered to be just another sect of the Jews by outsiders. Yet sectarianism is heresy! Furthermore, they hadn’t even considered that “Gentiles” were to be included. Of course sectarian Jews would never have coined the term “Christian”, since the word is associated with “Messiah”. The terms Nazarene and Christian were never applied by the 'chosen ones' (saints) to each other to begin with. Being labeled by these names brought on great persecution, tho probably not initially as a systematic persecution.
The explanation that there were supposedly two distinct types of Believers may explain some of the seeming discrepancies between Paul’s statements about the Torah. Otherwise it appears that some of the time he supported the Torah, while at other times he discouraged it.
Take for example Romans 3. Paul said that there is an advantage to being a Jew (or from any tribe of Israel), and sustaining the authority of the Torah, yet that “there is no distinction” between “the Jews and the Hellenists” (as far as eternal life goes).
Notice the distinction for Israelites in the near future:
Isaiah 61:5-9 Foreigners will tend your flocks; they’ll farm your land and work your vineyards. 6 And you’ll be called the priests of Yehovah, people will call you the ministers of our Elohim. You’ll savor the wealth of the nations. You’ll change places with them. 7 Your shame will be replaced with a double inheritance, and instead of humiliation you’ll shout for joy over your territory. So in your land you’ll own twice as much as the other nations. You’ll have everlasting joy.
8 “Because I, Yehovah, love justice. I hate robbery and injustice. I’ll certainly give you your compensation, and I’ll make an EVERLASTING COVENANT [i.e. The New Covenant] with you. 9 Your descendants will be revealed [2] among the nations, and their descendants among all ethnicities. Everyone who sees them will acknowledge that they are the descendants of the people who Yehovah has blessed.” [Today His people are scorned by the nations].”—The Gabriel Bible
[2] Today most of even Judah needs the “lost” tribes of Israel to be revealed to them!Romans 3:ALL I tell the truth in Messiah, without misrepresentation, and my conscience confirms it for me by means of the 'special' spirit. 2 I have deep sorrow and unending anguish. 3 I have even wished that I could be pledged to destruction and separated from Messiah for the sake of my mortal minded countrymen, 4 who are descendants of Israel, sons of Aloha with preeminence and the covenants, given the Torah and the Levitical service and the promised blessings. 5 The Messiah is descended from the patriarchs. He is Aloha over all, in human form. Praises and blessings belong to Him forever and ever. Aw-main'.
6 It’s not as tho the Word of Aloha has actually failed, since not everyone descended from Israel is part of Israel, 7 nor are they all Abraham’s descendants, even tho they are descended from Abraham, because it was said, “Your descendants will be named after Isaac” [1]. 8 That is, it’s not the physical descendants who are the children of Yehovah, but the children of the promise are considered the descendants. 9 This is how the promise was stated, “I’ll come at the specified time and Sarah will have a son.”
10 Not only that, but Rebekah became pregnant by our ancestor Isaac. 11 Yet before her children were born or had done anything good or evil, Yehovah’s selection [of Israel] was revealed in advance, not by works, but by the One who calls [2]. 12 She was told, “The older son will serve the younger.” 13 Just as it is written in the Scriptures, “I loved Jacob, but I hated Esau.” 14 What should we infer? Is Yehovah unfair? Absolutely not! 15 Look, He told Moses, “I’ll have mercy on anyone I want to have mercy on, and I’ll have compassion on anyone I want to have compassion on.”
16 So it doesn’t depend on who is willing, or who is 'in the race', but on Yehovah’s mercy. 17 In the Scriptures, He told the Pharaoh, “This is why I have aroused you from sleep [3], so that I could demonstrate My power thru you, and so that My name would be proclaimed in all the world.” 18 So He helps those in affliction when He wants, and He hastens the obstinance of others.
19 You might ask, “Why does He still blame us? Who could resist His will?” 20 So man, who are you to talk back to Yehovah? Can something a potter molds ask 'him', “Why have you made me this way?” 21 Doesn’t the potter have the right to use the same lump of clay to make some pottery of higher value and some of lesser value?
22 What if Yehovah, wanting to demonstrate His anger and make people aware of His power, after having endured so much, poured out His anger on the vessels of His anger that were ready for destruction [4], 23 and poured His mercy on the vessels of mercy that were prepared in advance for splendor, 24 including those of us who are called, not just the Jews, but those of other ethnicities [Gr. ethnos] as well. 25 As He said in Hosea, “I’ll cal those who were not ‘My people’, ‘My people’, and will be merciful [5] to those I haven’t been merciful to. 26 And in the very place [Hosea 1:5-11] where they were told, ‘You are not My people’, there they’ll be called ‘the children of the living Aloha.’”
27 Isaiah proclaimed about the descendants of Israel, “Tho your people Israel are like grains of sand on the seashore, only a few survivors will return. Righteous destruction is necessary. 28 The Sovereign, Yehovih [a variant spelling] the Commander has decreed complete destruction on the 'region'.” [6] 29 Just as Isaiah predicted, “If Yehovah of the armies of Israel had not left a few survivors behind, we would have been like Sodom and Gomorrah.”
30 What should we conclude? Why, that the other ethnicities who weren’t pursuing righteousness have now attained righteousness—righteousness resulting from faith! 31 But Israel, pursuing the Torah of righteousness, hasn’t attained the Torah of righteousness. 32 Why? Because they didn’t seek it by faith, but as if it were by secular law. So they stumbled over the Stumbling Stone. [7] 33 The Scriptures say, “Look, I’m bringing a Stone to Zion that people will trip over—a Rock who offends them, and no one who believes in Him will be ashamed.”
[1] Saxons can be translated “sons of Isaac.” [2] Yehovah didn’t actually choose Israel, He chose Abraham. This is why He chose one nation to reveal His truth to first. The issue here isn’t Yehovah predestining people for eternal life, it is about predestining Abraham’s descendants for a job. Israel’s “works” had nothing to do with their selection (however Abraham’s did). See Why Did [Yehovah] Choose Israel? (page 1) [3] “I aroused you from sleep”: Yehovah used the Pharaoh’s inherent evil, as if arousing it from sleep, thus ending Israel’s brutal captivity on His own timetable. [4] Some have assumed that Yehovah is unjust in judging people after reading vs 18-22, but the context presupposes sin. In the case of Pharaoh, Yehovah ‘set the stage’, and the actors ‘did what comes naturally’, resulting in the timetable being sped up, as well as their opportunity for judgment. Consequently, people became quite aware of His power. Hopefully it was a deterrent for others! Note that Yehovah showed “extreme patience.” He’ll only endure so much. Some take “ready for destruction” to mean they were created just to be destroyed. Not so, but as on any (non hybrid) crop there will be some unfruitful plants, some moderately fruitful and some very fruitful. [5] The Greek says “love”. [6] The verse 27-28 quote is directly from Isaiah 10:22-23. [7] The Greek says “love.”
Living by the Torah of Yehovah was a prerequisite for life itself for ancient Israel. Virtually every time that “the Law” is mentioned in the Testimony of Yeshua (the “New Testament”) it is referring to the Torah (the first five books of the Bible). The Greek has no word for Torah. Does Greek seem to be the original language of the apostolic writings? See Was the New Testament Really Written in Greek? (That is why Torah is used so often in my Testimony of Yeshua—to clarify which Law is meant.)
This distinction between Israelites and the other nations will not necessarily even go away under the New Covenant, because even that Covenant will be just for Israelites, tho some may be grafted in by immigration:
Jeremiah 31:31-34 Yehovah says: “The time is coming [1], when I’ll make a New [marriage] Covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. 32 It won’t be like the [marriage] Covenant that I made with their ancestors during the time when I took them by the hand led them out of the land of Egypt, since they broke My Covenant, tho I was their Husband,” says Yehovah. 33 “In this [marriage] Covenant that I’ll make with the House of Israel after those days,” Yehovah says, “I’ll put My Torah within them and write it on their hearts. I’ll be their Elohim, and they’ll be My people. 34 People will no longer teach their neighbors or their relatives, or ask, ‘Do you know Yehovah’ [the Lord], because they’ll all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them,” says Yehovah. [No more evangelism!] “I’ll forgive their wickedness, and I’ll never again remember their sins.”
[1] Jeremiah 30 and 31 are one long prophetic monologue about the events to occur at the time of the Second Exodus (Jeremiah 23:7-8), when all 12 tribes of Israel return to the land (not just the Jews!) AND The Time of Jacob’s trouble (Jeremiah 30:7)—better known as the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:1-22). Not one verse of this 2 chapter prophecy has been fulfilled, including the Torah being written on anyone’s hearts. Why single verse 33 out of all this futuristic context?
“Salvation” for “the nations” of “all the earth” was not a new plan. It has been the goal all along! David’s psalm predicted the time when Yehovah will come and judge the world. Then, after the Kingdom of Elohim is established, even the “families of nations” mistakenly called “gentiles” will bring “offerings” to Yehovah:
Here is the “old” standard that Yehovah required of ancient Israel to preserve their lives in the Promised Land:
Deuteronomy 10:12-14 Now, Israel, what does Yehovah your Elohim require of you other than to fear Yehovah your Elohim, to 'live' by all His ways, to love Him, and to serve Yehovah your Elohim with all of your mind and being, 13 and to obey Yehovah’s Commandments and His unchanging tenets that I’m giving you today for your own good? 14 The sky, the highest heaven, the earth and everything in it belongs to Yehovah your Elohim!
With “heaven and earth” as His witnesses, Yehovah swore to the people of ancient Israel that if they would “choose life” then they could “live in the land that Yehovah swore to your fathers”:
Deuteronomy 30:19-20 Today, I am summoning heaven and earth to witness that I have 'offered' you life or death, blessings or curses. Now, choose life, so that both you and your descendants will live. 20 Love Yehovah your Elohim by obeying Him, and remaining faithful to Him. This is your way of life for as long as you live. It enables you to live in the land that Yehovah swore to give to your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Choosing life has been a constant for all time and in every culture. However the Israelites were “entrusted” with a higher degree of knowledge than the surrounding nations and “much” more was “required” of them. In some respects, even more is required of Yeshua’s followers:
Luke 12:47-48 The servant who knew what his master wanted, but wouldn’t do what he was instructed will be beaten with many stripes, 48 while the person who did something deserving stripes in ignorance will be beaten with fewer stripes. Much is required of anyone who is given much, and much is expected from anyone who has been entrusted with much.
Each of us should seriously consider whether Yehovah requires any less of us than He did of ancient Israel!
This chapter does not counter the many arguments in Galatians that superficially appear to have Biblical support against the Law (Torah). For that I would refer you to the Book of Galatians in my Gabriel Bible. Then find those “suspicious” verses, and then check out the links to other sites that cover those points in great detail. This chapter would benefit most those who have just begun heeding “the Torah”. If you have never even seriously considered whether or not we should adhere to various points of the Torah, then I would recommend that you study some urgently needed material about the great false teaching concerning “Mainstream” Christianity and “the Torah”. Your eternal destiny will be greatly influenced by Yehovah’s Torah, even tho there is forgiveness and leniency: See Are the “Unsaved” Lost?. The article linked below, and others like this one again in particular, explain point by point how men have twisted the intent of the Bible to the point that their whole religion is worthless. Most of the distortion has been done to the writings of Paul. Here, for example, is a Ten Part Article) on this subject from a Messianic website. This information is extremely beneficial in revealing the error in just about any excuse for not obeying the Torah of Yehovah. (Also, because it is conveniently divided into 10 parts, I can easily exclude part 7 from my endorsement.)
An excellent book by Alan Knight shows how the Dispensation Philosophy crept from the ancient Greek philosophers into mainstream Christianity. It is entitled Primitive Christianity in Crisis.
Perhaps an easier question to ask than which Laws are everlasting would be to ask which Laws are temporary. We’ll get into that. Yet the great mystery concerning the intent of Yehovah’s law can be resolved by simply checking out the many Scriptures that contain the Hebrew word “owlam”, (Strong’s #05769). “Owlam” means “eternal”, “everlasting”, “ever more” “perpetual” and “eternity”. Why do so many of these so called “obsolete” requirements of Yehovah contain these ties to eternity? Why are these Laws not being followed now? Some point out that the word “eternal” can mean age lasting. Even given that, this age is not over and the Torah of Yehovah is well specified to be central in “the age to come”—the Everlasting Kingdom, as well! This chapter explores things that are “owlam”.
This quotation of Yeshua and other similar statements are some of the main arguments used by mainstream Christianity (that barely resembles what it was in the first century) to nullify virtually every requirement of the “Old Covenant”. These misguided “guides” claim that Yeshua eliminated all of His own rules (John 1:3) of conduct and replaced them all with sentimental “love”—meaning a warm fuzzy feeling, but void of any tangible absolute laws).
When love is described as fulfilling the Torah, it means that a person is at the very least obeying the last six of the Ten Commandments concerning your fellow man. This is how even ignorant “gentiles” can be “excused” from their sins and obtain eternal life, as Yeshua explained to a young Jew in Matthew 19:16-17. While they won’t be considered 'chosen ones' (saints), they will have the opportunity to live forever! (I still haven’t seen this anywhere else!)
Romans 13:8-10 Owe nothing to anyone except for mutual love, because anyone who loves their fellow man fulfills the Torah. 9 It also says: “You must not murder”, and “You must not commit adultery”, and “You must not steal”, and “You must not covet.” [2] And if anyone considers the other classes of commandments, they are summarized with this statement, “You must love [Gr. agapao] your acquaintances as yourself.” 10 Love never does anything harmful to an acquaintance, because love is the fullfilling [3] of the Torah.
[2] Matthew 19:16-19 [3] According to The Online Bible Greek Lexicon the word for “fulness” is like filling the cargo hold of a ship. It’s that full.
Are you willing to risk your eternal life as a believer in the Messiah on such a blanket policy without at least considering that there could be much more to it? Does your Creator really not demand that you lead an exemplary lifestyle? Is He only interested in your saying some “magic words” following an “altar call”? Was Yeshua actually lowering the bar on the Commandments in His legendary dialog on the mountainside (Matthew 5,6,7)? Is there anything in the Matthew 5 context that would justify a liberalized interpretation of the Scriptures concerning such issues as the Sabbath, the Feast Days, or eating bottom dwellers and scavengers, etc. (that are the targets of these teachers) making them no longer binding on Christians under “New Covenant” conditions that are popularly thought to exist right now? As usual, a great deal of Scriptural context is included in this chapter. A careful reading of the seven statements will most certainly indicate that the bar was raised considerably in every example!
Matthew 5:17-48 Don’t ever suppose that I came to abolish or destroy the Torah or the Prophets, I haven’t come to destroy them, but to 'establish, illustrate, and explain' them [Commentary]. 18 I am certain that until Heaven and Earth go away [or arrive] not one point or the 'smallest detail' [4] from the Torah [5] will be 'done away with' until all of it is fulfilled [6]. 19 Anyone who breaks one of the smallest prescribed rules [7] and teaches it as doctrine to others will be called small in the Kingdom of the Heavens, but anyone who carries out and teaches them, will be called great in the Kingdom of the Heavens. 20 I assure you that unless your righteousness greatly surpasses the Torah teachers and the Pharisees, you will never enter the Kingdom of the Heavens.
21 You’ve heard that the ancients were told, ‘Don’t murder, and whoever murders is subject to the tribunal.’ 22 But I tell you that anyone who is rashly angry with an acquaintance is subject to the tribunal, and anyone who says to an acquaintance, ‘I spit on you’ is subject to the tribunal, and anyone who says, ‘You are a coward’ is subject to Gehenna fire! 23 So if while you are making your zebak [sacrifice] on the altar, you remember that an acquaintance has a grievance against you, 24 leave your zebak in front of the altar and first go and be reconciled with the acquaintance, then return and offer your zebak. 25 Come to terms with your adversary quickly while on the way with him to court, because your adversary may deliver you over to the judge, and the judge can deliver you over to the sheriff, and you can end up in prison. 26 It is certain that you won’t get out until you have paid the last quadrans.’
27 You’ve heard it said, ‘Don’t commit adultery.’ 28 But I tell you that anyone who stares at a woman, lusting for her, has already committed adultery with her in his mind. 29 So if your right eye causes you to sin, rip it out and throw it away, because it is better for you if one part of your body is destroyed, than for your whole body to be thrown into Gehenna. 30 If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off, and throw it away, because it is better for you if one part of your body is destroyed, than for your whole body to be thrown into Gehenna.
31 It has been said, “For a man to divorce his wife, he must give her a written notice.” 32 But I tell you that whoever divorces his wife for any reason other than illicit sex [Gr. porneia], causes her to commit adultery, and whoever marries the divorced woman commits adultery.’ 33 Again, you have heard that our ancestors were told, ‘Don’t lie under oath, and you must fulfill yours oaths to Yehovah.’ 34 But I tell you not to make an oath at all, not by Heaven, because it is Yehovah’s throne, 35 and not by the earth, because it is the footstool under His feet, or by Jerusalem, because it is the city of the Great King. 36 And don’t swear by your head, because you can’t change a single hair on it to black or white. 37 You should let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’, and your ‘No’, ‘No.’ Anything beyond that is evil.
The rationalizations for not obeying Yehovah’s Laws often begin to be spun with reference to the following statement:
38 You’ve heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ 39 But I tell you not to oppose [8] a wicked person. If someone slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him as well. 40 If someone wants to sue the pants off of you, let him have your shirt as well. 41 Whoever compels you to perform a public service for one mile, go with him two. 42 Give when someone begs you for something, and if someone wants to borrow from you, don’t refuse them.’
43 You’ve heard it said, ‘You should love your friends and hate your enemies.’ 44 But I tell you, “Love your enemies and bless those who curse you. [1b]Do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who take you away in chains or persecute you, 45 so that you’ll become the very sons of your heavenly Father, who causes His sun to rise on the good and on the bad, and sends His rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous.’ 46 Because if you only love those who love you, what compensation do you deserve? Don’t even tax extractors do that? 47 If you only greet your relatives, what are you doing that differs from everyone else? Don’t even tax extractors do that? 48 So become perfect, just as your Heavenly Father is perfect.
[1b] So should we be pacifists? [4] “Yod” is the smallest letter in both the Aramaic and Hebrew alphabets. “Biblical Greek” has no small letters. [5] “Point” is how the Etheridge version renders this, as in a vowel point, serif or even, as in this case a dot! [6] The primary meaning of “ginomai” means “to come into existence”, but it can also mean, “come to pass.” [7] According to the Hebrew Matthew this verse could include: “...that I teach, I will utterly destroy.” [8] Literally “take a stand”, and the Greek says “take a public stand”
As a teenager, I asked my uncle what Yeshua meant when He said He came to “fulfill” “the Law”. He told me that it means Yeshua eliminated the need for obedience to the entire Law! Many teachers still say that. While most misleaders have a slicker response, the bottom line is the same. Here is how one anti-law proponent put it:
“By fulfilling the Law Christ satisfied it’s requirements in our place. In other words, the ‘required’ obedience is accomplished in Him. Therefore, in Christ do we keep all the Law faithfully, and cannot be accused. In this way, we are no longer judged by any of the everlasting laws because we are favored by Yehovah. The Torah doesn’t condemn us.”
There are four other places where the same Greek word—Strong’s 4137, pleroo (play-ro’-o) is usually translated as “fulfill”. Try substituting the word “eliminate” for “fulfill” in any of the other four references. Any such substitution would be ludicrous.
Matthew 3:15 Then Yeshua told him, “Consent to this now because it is necessary to fulfill every righteous condition.” So He consented.
Colossians 1:25 I am a 'deacon' commissioned to overseeing the household of Yehovah, entrusted for your benefit to make the Word of Aloha fully known,
Colossians 4:17 Tell Archippus, “Be vigilant in the ministry that you received from Yehovah, and complete it.”
2 Thessalonians 1:11 This is why we continually pray that Yehovah will make you worthy of your calling [invitation], and instill in you a strong desire to do good things, and the works of faith with power,
The Apostle Paul believed everything that was written in the Torah and the Prophets. He also practiced the same things that his fellow Jews practiced, who were persecuting him. Yes, he even brought “offerings” to the temple.
Acts 24:14-17 Yet I certainly acknowledge that in accordance with the Way that they refer to as a sect, I do serve the Aloha of my ancestors and believe everything written in the Torah and in the Prophets. 15 I have a hope in Yehovah, as do they, that there will be a resurrection of the dead, both of the righteous and the wicked. 16 That’s why I always try to have a clear conscience in relation to Yehovah and humanity. 17 After many years I returned to the people of my own nation to distribute alms and to present an offering.
But what exactly did he practice? Some say that he simply kept the Ten Commandments; others say he didn’t even do that. Actually James, unquestionably referring to the Ten Commandments explained the situation very plainly. He said that “mercy” is absolutely required for salvation, not “faith” alone. He added that “works”—doing good things in life—is also required in order to be “justified”. He explained that if someone were righteous enough to go thru life and only break the Torah once, he would still be condemned to eternal death, if he himself, as well as Yehovah, did not have mercy:
James 2:8-24 If you actually fulfill the Torah of Yehovah according to the Scriptures, “You will love your neighbor as yourself”, you’ll do well. 9 But if you show favoritism, you’re sinning, and you are exposed by the Torah as Torah breakers, 10 because whoever obeys the whole Torah, yet fails in one point is guilty of violating the whole Torah! 11 The One who said, “You must never commit adultery” also said, “You must never murder.” So if you don’t commit adultery, but you murder, you have still become a Torah breaker.
12 So speak and act like people who are going to be judged by the Torah of liberty. 13 There will be judgment without mercy for anyone who doesn’t show mercy. But by mercy you’ll be raised above judgment.
14 What is the use, friends, if a man says, “I have faith”, but he doesn’t have any works? Can his faith resurrect him to life? 15 Suppose a brother or sister is poorly clothed and in need of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace! Stay warm, and eat well.” If you don’t provide for their bodily needs, what good is that? 17 So faith all by itself, unaccompanied by works, is dead.
18 But someone might argue, “You have faith and I have works.” Show to me your faith without any works, and I’ll show you my faith by my works! 19 So you believe that there is one Aloha [God]. Good for you, but the demons also believe that, and tremble.
20 Don’t you realize, you spiritually destitute person, that faith without works is dead! 21 Wasn’t Abraham our ancestor proven righteous by works in offering his son Isaac on an altar? 22 You see that faith enabled his works, and as a result of works, his faith was perfected. 23 The Scripture was fulfilled that said, “Abraham believed in Yehovah, and this is why he was considered to be righteous.” He was even called Yehovah’s friend. 24 So you see that people are deemed to be righteous by works, and not by faith alone.
On Judgment Day, Yehovah will actually judge us based directly by the very standard of mercy that we applied to other people, among other factors. How important is that? The fairness of this concept simply amazes me:
Matthew 7:2 because the way you judge others is the way that you’ll be judged. The same measuring standards that you judge other people by will measure your worth.
Most Sabbatarians—those of us who believe in obeying all Ten Commandments, understand that both “works” and “faith” are required for salvation. However, Sunday observers almost universally preach that “faith alone” is required for salvation. Martin Luther went so far as to say that the book of James was “an epistle of straw”. This is known as the Law and Grace controversy. The position is sometimes referred to as ultra dispensationalism (and they have dispensed with the truth!) Another name for this Lawless doctrine is antinomianism. (off site)
Matthew 7:23 Then I’ll tell them publicly [see root words 3674 and 3056], “I never knew you. Get away from Me you Torah breakers” [2].
[2] The Greek nomos almost always means Torah in the Testimony of Yeshua, while anomos means without Torah.
Matthew 24:12 Because of the plethora [Gr. plethuno] of Torah breakers, the love of many will decline.
1 John 3:4 Everyone who practices sin is violating the Torah, because all sin is violating the Torah.
On Judgment Day, many “believers” might be asked: “Have you even read My book? It was a best seller...Are you sure?”
Some believe that the Feast Days are no longer necessary, others believe that tithing is a “carry over” from “the Law” (conveniently overlooking the fact that Scripturally it is strictly used to support the Levitical priesthood, another tithe for Feasts and another for charity). Others say that people should wear tzitzits (tassels) on their cloths, as Yeshua did. How do we determine which Laws pertain to us?
Most of the people calling themselves Evangelicals or Fundamentalists maintain that Yehovah dealt with people very differently in the past. They view the Tanach, the “Old Testament”, as a relic of the past, good for little more than history. They see the Hebrew Scriptures as being concerned only with Law keeping and salvation by works, while the Greek Scriptures (the Testimony) emphasize faith, hope, love and grace. So in their view, a radical disconnection between Judaism and Christianity became necessary. In practice, the only elements of the Hebrew Scriptures they may see as relevant are the ones quoted by the Apostles. Everything else is said to be obsolete.
What is called dispensationalism today is the very philosophy that is referred to in Colossians:
Colossians 2:8 Be careful not to let anyone make you naked slaves [1] by philosophy [Gr. philosophia] and by empty deceptions and humanly devised rituals—the religious training of the world, rather than conforming with the Messiah.
[1] The Aramaic says “naked”, the Greek refers to “slavery”, with nakedness likely being implied.
Champions for the Doctrine of Lawlessness (Torahlessness) will ultimately back a single powerful advocate (the Anti Messiah) and then a final end time battle for the minds of humanity will ensue.
2 Thessalonians 2:7-12 The Mystery of the Torah breaker is already at work, but it is only being held back for now, until that which [3] is restraining is taken out of the way. 8 Then finally THE Torah breaker [Gr. anomos] will arrive, who our Sovereign Yeshua will terminate ‘with a single breath’ at His return. 9 His coming is by the supernatural work of Satan, with great power, miracles and deceitful illusions, 10 using every kind of lawlessness action to deceive those who are dying, because they refused to love the truth that could rescue them. 11 This is why Yehovah will send the superhuman power of deception to them, so that they could believe the lie. 12 Then anyone who refuses to believe the truth and delights in injustice will be summoned for judgment.
[3] The Aramaic says “that which”. The Greek says blank, take your pick. So they do. Most Greek based versions say “he”, but others say “the one”, “there is one” “someone” “the person” “[One]” or “the man”. My thought is that world governments used to restrain a degree of lawlessness and settle for milk from their herds, but lately they license evil and they want to butcher any cows that moo.
Today, the world is awash with variations on the ancient Lawless theme. Few seem to have noticed that the Testimony of Yeshua and Hebrew Scriptures are complementary! When the book of Acts—the history of the early Assembly (usually mistranslated as “church”) was being fulfilled, everyone knew that the Scriptures were the Hebrew Scriptures, and they were definitely not being disparaged! (All 51 references to Scripture and all 25 references to Scriptures including the very misunderstood 2 Peter 3:16, are referring to the “Old Testament”.)
Acts 17:2-3 Paul, as usual, went in with them and for three Sabbaths he discussed [Gr. dialegomai] the Scriptures with them, 3 explaining and proving that the Messiah was to suffer and then rise from the dead. He said, “This Yeshua who I’m announcing is the Messiah.”
Acts 17:11 The Berean Jews were more open minded than the Jews in Thessalonica. They eagerly listened to the message from them every day, and examined the Scriptures to see if these things were true.
Acts 18:24-28 A Jew named Apollos arrived in Ephesus. He was a native of Alexandria, a very eloquent man who was very knowledgeable of the Scriptures. 25 He had been instructed in the ways of the Sovereign. With spiritual fervor he conversed and taught accurately about Yeshua, tho he knew nothing other than the immersion of John. 26 He began to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Aquilla and Priscilla heard him, they took him to their home and showed him the Way of the Sovereign more completely. 27 When 'Apollos' wanted to go to Achaia, the friends 'encouraged' him, and wrote to the disciples asking them to welcome him. By going, he greatly assisted everyone who believed, by the benevolence of Yehovah. 28 He reasoned very convincingly with the Jews in front of the assembly, proving to them from the Scriptures that Yeshua is the Messiah.
Psalm 96 Sing a new song to Yehovah. The entire earth should sing to Yehovah. 2 Sing to Yehovah. Praise His name. Announce the Good News of His rescue [comment] from day to day. 3 Tell the nations about His splendor! Tell all the nations about His miracles. 4 Yehovah is great. He should be highly praised. He is to be revered more than all the other elohim (gods) 5 The gods of other nations are all just idols, but Yehovah made the heavens. 6 Splendor and majesty are in His presence. Strength and beauty 'fill' His 'Cherished' Place.
7 The nations of the world should 'recognize' Yehovah; 'recognize' Yehovah’s splendor and strength. 8 Give Yehovah the splendor due to His name. Bring an offering, and enter His courts. 9 Worship Yehovah in all of His 'special', splendor. Tremble in His presence, all the earth! 10 Say among the heathen, “Yehovah reigns.” The world is established so that it won’t fall. He’ll judge the nations fairly.
11 The heavens will rejoice and the earth will be glad. The sea and everything in it will roar. 12 The fields will be jubilant, and everything in them, and all the trees in the forest will sing. 13 You will rejoice before Yehovah because He is coming. He is coming to judge the earth. He will judge the world with righteousness and the people with His truth.
Salvation has always been made available in the same manner. To disagree simply means, for example, that you have not read Psalm 32!
Everyone will ultimately be judged by their “works” and by what they knew, or did not know—whether or not they knew anything about Elohim’s ultimate objectives! But I believe that this is the most controversial concept in any of my books. Romans 2 is my favorite chapter in the Bible, because almost no one realizes that those who know nothing about the true Yehovah will be judged entirely by their “works” (behavior) and their “thoughts”! Ignorance is an excuse!
[2] This chapter about Judgment Day for those in total ignorance of the New Covenant of Jeremiah 31 explains who the sheep are in the parable of the sheep and the goats of Matthew 25:31-46.
Ignorance is also an excuse here: James 4:17; John 4:41 and John 15:22
Yeshua did not change His bottom line requirements for salvation, but His coming did create a lot of attention. “The way” really took on power once Yehovah began using ordinary people in extraordinary ways! But soon Satan began creating chaos among the Friends by sending in “false Apostles” (2 Corinthians 11:13),“false beiievers” (Galatians 2:4), “false teachers” and “false prophets” (2 Peter 2:1). Then Satan followed up by using the power of the Roman Empire to further hinder the Way. Because the persecution was so lethal, many people replaced the Sabbath with Sunday, and Passover with Easter around the time of the second major Jewish revolt against Rome. This was not only acceptable to Rome, but it became part of the state religion. This situation greatly favored the false teachers—enabling them to water everything down—just as Satan had planned. One of Satan’s best tools for destroying the truths that Yeshua came to reveal is called Syncretism. Syncretism is the process of replacing truths, one at a time, with counterfeit concepts, each having some remote semblance of the original truth. This has been going on for so long that in most quarters virtually nothing of significance remains. One would think that this would take generations, but I have personally seen giant steps backwards in a few short years in the sect I used to attend. Even as the Apostles walked the earth, syncretism was infiltrating the Assemblies.
Galatians 1:4-8 who gave Himself for our sins so that He could deliver us from this evil world, according to the will of Yehovah our Father. 5 Praise to Him forever and ever. Aw-main'.
6 I’m shocked by how quickly you’ve turned from the Messiah who invited you by His dignity to another “good news” [or message], 7 a non existent hope, yet people do 'exist' who would wreak havoc on you, hoping to turn you from the Good News of the Messiah. 8 But if we, or an angel “from Heaven” were to herald to you any message, other than what we have, they’ll be rotten meat.
If the Apostolic writers had really meant to part with their Jewish heritage, then why did they quote from the Hebrew Scriptures hundreds of times? Scriptures of every kind are used to illustrate every type of topic, but quotations are naturally most commonly used to help their Jewish neighbors to understand that the long awaited Messiah had indeed already come.
Furthermore, why didn’t Yeshua ever once even mention, during His ministry, that a revolution was about to come concerning everything Yehovah had ever said? On the contrary, as was already mentioned, He said: “Don’t ever suppose that I came to abolish or destroy the Torah or the Prophets”. You would think that at least one clue would be mentioned such as: “Hey guys, everything I have told you is about to become obsolete because the New Covenant will kick in as soon as I’m gone. The wretched Old Covenant that we’re under will cease very soon”.
If Paul had planned on abandoning the Hebrew Scriptures, surely he would have mentioned it. Yet while the “Old Covenant” was still in effect, Paul had this to say:
2 Timothy 3:16-17 Every Scripture [1] [literally, ‘writing’] that was written by the spirit is profitable for doctrine for proving convictions, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness, 17 so that a person of Aloha can become 'very adept' and accomplished in every good work.
[1] It is apparent that the Scriptures leading to eternal life mentioned in vss. 15-16 are referring to the Tanak, mistakenly called the “Old Testament”, since all 50 other references to Scripture/s in the Testimony of Yeshua refer to it, including a twisted interpretation of 2 Peter 3:16. Same goes for “The Word of God” (Elohim). No reference to “The Word of God” includes the Testimony of Yeshua. Look them up!
1 Corinthians 10:1-12 Friends, I want you to know that all of our ancestors were under the cloud and they all passed thru the sea, 2 and they were all immersed by Moses in the cloud and in the sea, 3 and they all ate the same spiritual food, 4 and they all drank the same spiritual drink because they drank from the spiritual Rock that attended them, and that Rock was the Messiah. 5 Yehovah wasn’t pleased with most of them and they fell dead in the wilderness.
6 Now these things have become examples for us, so that we won’t crave evil things like they did. 7 Nor should we be idolaters as some of them were, as the Scriptures say, “The people sat down to eat and drink and got up to play.” 8 Nor should we commit sexual immorality as some of them did, and in one day 23,000 fell. 9 Nor should we tempt the Messiah as some of them did, and were destroyed by serpents. 10 Nor complain as some of them did, and die by the will of the One who destroyed them. 11 All of these things that happened to them are an example for us, and were written as a lesson for those of us WHO HAVE COME TO THE END OF THE AGE. 12 So if you think you are standing securely, be careful not to fall.
This is a good place to mention that Yeshua (and also His Father) are referred to as the Rock, and that Yeshua, the Rock, was with ancient Israel in the wilderness. He has a long term plan!
2 Samuel 23:3 The Elohim of Israel said: The Rock of Israel told me: ‘The one who rules the people with justice, who rules with reverence of Elohim
Deuteronomy 32:3-4 I’ll proclaim Yehovah’s name, and declare the greatness of our Elohim! 4 He is the Rock! His work is perfect. Everything He does is just and fair. A faithful Elohim who does no wrong; He is honorable and reliable.
The Rock of Israel told His own generation that they would not see the Messiah, whom they had rejected, until Judgment Day when some of them would be able to say: “Blessed is He who comes in the name of Yehovah” —A greeting as in a wedding greeting!
Yet even among those who have connected the dots and understand that Yehovah is both watching and listening to us, we still end up guessing about which Laws “are still in effect”.
Immediately following the issuing of the Ten Commandments there were many other governmental “ordinances” given by Yehovah Himself. These are all laid out in Exodus 21 thru 23. These were actually the foundational Laws that the newly born nation of Israel was to govern itself by. (Once Israel went into captivity the people were under the control of their captors for all matters of civil justice.)
Part 2 has more about Christians and “breaking the Torah”.
Now for Which Torah Laws Should Christians Obey, Part 2: