Everlasting Kingdom: Unraveling the Bible’s Secrets

Daniel’s Mysterious Seventy “Weeks”

A Day For A Year?

New Jerusalem

Back Next Chapter 26, Part 3 Preview: Among the most important prophecies in the Scriptures, the one usually referred to as the “Seventy Weeks Prophecy” stands out. It is the “chief cornerstone”, so to speak, of Messianic prophecies because it establishes the time line of both the (so called) First and Second Comings of the Messiah. The Daniel 9 prophecy is very specific. It pinpoints four exact “milestone” events, three of them were prophetic. For several centuries individuals have been able to approximate within a few years, the Messianic timetable. Some few have even been able to pinpoint the very years, but there is absolutely no consensus on how the details have been—and yes will be fulfilled.

The First Sixty Nine “Weeks”

Further evidence that the 69th week ended in 28 AD is the fact that on this time line, Yeshua’s 3 year ministry would end in early 31 AD. As referenced before, most others maintain that the crucifixion was in either 30 or 33 AD because these two years are thought to contain a Friday that is reasonably close to the actual year of Yeshua’s Passover crucifixion. (Even tho proponents use the 4th century Hillel calendar to determine the dates in a first century event!)

A factor to consider in order for Yeshua to have had a 33 year long lifespan is the date He was born. I learned to my great surprise from Jonathan Cahn in December 2019 that there is a great deal of evidence that Yeshua was born on the first day of the first month of the Hebrew year (Aviv 1), rather than during the Fall Feast days. This is an absolute MUST SEE that changed my understanding of the time line. In all likelihood Yeshua waited until He was 30 years old before He began His ministry, as was customary for people working in the Temple (Numbers 4:3,23,30,35,39,43,47) tho priests are not mentioned there. (Luke 3:23 thru 4:20). So His spring birth predated His ministry by 30 years (in a spring to spring Biblical calendar). We can approximate Yeshua’s life from the Roman calendar (not knowing when the Biblical intercalary month was based on barley harvests at the time). His lifespan from birth (Aviv 1) about April 15, 3 BC to (Aviv 1) about April 15, 28 AD adds up to 30 years and 0 days: (Aproximately New year’s day to New year’s day). While He turned 30 in the spring of 28 AD, it appears that He fasted for 40 days before we have a record of His ministry beginning on the Day of Atonements of that year (Luke 4). So at 30 + 15 days He became the Passover in 31 AD, and based on the known sighted new moon of 31 AD, it would have been April 25th. Of course this puts me in another lonesome box: an unorthodox crucifixion year combined with an unorthodox birth date.

The 456 BC to 28 AD scenario also happens to connect some other vital dots. Recall that the 70 weeks is divided into three parts; 49 sevens, 434 sevens and the final 7. Many commentators totally overlook the fact that the 49 sevens refer to the rebuilding of the city of Jerusalem. Two commentators who saw the importance were Uriah Smith, who I mentioned before (Daniel and the Revelation, page 201), and Prideaux. Prideaux said:

“In the fifteenth year of Darius Nothus ended the first seven weeks of Daniels Prophecy. For then the restoration of the church and state of the Jews in Jerusalem and Judea was fully finished, in that last act of reformation which is recorded in the thirteenth chapter, from the twenty-third verse to the end of the chapter, just forty-nine years after it had been commenced by Ezra in the seventh year of Artaxerxes Longimanus.” (Connexion, Vol. 1, page 322)

His 15th year was the 49th year from the 456 BC. decree.

I have been familiar with Herman Hoeh since I was a teenager. I met him once years ago. This is the only quote of his that I have used so far, but it was so interesting that I could not pass it up:

Herman Hoeh’s Explanation of the Decree of Artaxerxes

“In recent years an abundance of documents from the era of Ezra and Nehemiah—business records giving exact dates according to the Persian, Egyptian and Jewish calendars, and astronomical tablets recording eclipse cycles in the years of kings—have been translated. These records continue fundamentally to corroborate the chronological table of Persian kings recorded in Ptolemy’s canon.

“Records, preserved in world-famous American and foreign libraries, have been found that were written in the very month that Artaxerxes—under whose reign the decree was issued came to power. The death of Xerxes occurred in late December 465 B.C. and his son, Artaxerxes, came to throne in that month.

“According to the Persian spring-to-spring reckoning of regnal years—as these business documents clearly show—Artaxerxes’ first year extended from April 464 to April 463 B.C. These same business documents show that the Jewish autumn-to-autumn mode of reckoning, placed the first year of Artaxerxes from September 464 to September 463 B.C. The period of time from the day the new king ascended the throne to the first year of his reign was called his ACCESSION YEAR and was regarded as completing the last regnal year of the previous king.

“The astronomical tablets containing over a dozen precise records of eclipses prove that the first year of Artaxerxes, according to the Jewish reckoning, was from 464 to 463 B.C. You may verify these facts in any of the latest thorough books on archeology.

The seventh year of Artaxerxes-the year in which he issued his decree (Ezra 7:8)—would extend from about September 458 BC to September 457 BC.

“From the first month to the fifth month of God’s calendar-from the latter part of March to the latter part of July, 457 BC—Ezra journeyed to Judaea in the seventh year of Artaxerxes at which time the decree went forth to build Jerusalem as the capital of the revised Jewish nation.

483 years later would bring us to the autumn of 28 AD—the year when the Messiah would publicly appear (Luke 4).

There is just one problem with all of what Dr. Hoeh says here: using his “latter part of July, 457 BC” reference and his “September 20, 28 AD” is about 484 years, 2 months and 0 days. But a spring to spring year from 456 BC to 28 AD would be about 483 years, 0 months and 0 days.

Continuing Dr. Hoeh: “Although the date of the issuance of this decree is well established from astronomy, dozens of business documents, and the Canon of Ptolemy, historians sometimes misinterpret the facts to suit their pet theories. Then theologians quote from whatever historical sources suit them in order to change the true date for the beginning of Christ’s ministry.” (dead link)

“But the true date [of the critical decree]—457 B.C.—is absolutely fixed by the most accurate records of history written at that very time.” BIBARCH™—The Premier Biblical Archeology Website”

Putting it All Together

So far, with a 456 BC beginning of the 70 weeks and a 28 AD first appearance as the Messiah we account for 483 years, (using round month dates) with 7 days (years) to go. When Yeshua finished His quote in Luke 4, He cut short reading the prophecy He was quoting from in Isaiah 611. What He could accomplish at that time and in that place was only a forshadowing of what was to come. But nothing else in Isaiah 61 was even forshadowed by anything he did during His ministry, other than running some bankers out of the Temple, which doesn’t remotely equal the “Day of Vengeance of our Elohim” following the 7 years. The final 7 years that include the Great Tribulation will run out the seventy weeks. Then IMMEDIATELY (Matthew 24:29) the Day of Vengeance begins—The Year of Payback Isaiah 34)!:

Isaiah 61:1-2 the Sovereign Yehovah’s spirit overlooks Me, because Yehovah has anointed Me to bring Good News to the afflicted. He has sent Me to relieve the grief stricken, to proclaim liberty to the captives, recovery of sight for the blind [1] and to set the oppressed free; 2 to proclaim the Acceptable Year of Yehovah [Jubilee] [Yeshua stopped quoting here. the rest is yet to happen], AND THE DAY OF VENGEANCE of our Elohim, [Jubilee, 2031/2032 AD!] and to comfort everyone who mourns [due to the end time calamity];—The Gabriel Bible

[1] The phrase about blindness that Yeshua quoted in Luke 4:18 was deleted by the Masorites.

Spring 456 BC countdown to Messiah’s Arrival
Spring 3 BC Yeshua born, countdown year 453 of 490 (Day: Yes!; Year: No)
28 AD, Yeshua’s ministry begins countdown year 483 of 490
April 25, 31 AD Yeshua crucified, countdown year 486 of 490, the clock stopped, (year 4000)
Spring 2024 Beginning of Sorrows, (first 3.5 years)
A cosmic event corrects year lengths to return to 360 day years again?
Fall 2027, Great Tribulation begins, clock resumes from year 486 of 490.
Spring 2031, Great Tribulation ends, year 490 finished, alarm clock rings.
Spring 2031, (the next day) Jubilee begins the Day of Yehovah, Judgment Day
Spring 2032, the 7th Millennium begins

This millennium ends with a distinctive seventieth “week” of years, a shemitah (seven years periods preceed every Jubilee) + the Jubilee itself=50 years—the 120th such period since the crucifixion. “...the prince who is to come” will confirm or enforce a “covenant” with the “many”. The Hebrew wording is that the Abominator will literally “cut a deal” with “many”, concerning or even against Israel. 3.5 years after this event the Great Tribulation will begin.

This broad covenant will include yet another “Middle east peace treaty”. It will reset the political landscape of the entire earth. But treaties have a very short shelf life and this one will only buy Israel 3.5 years before the Beast’s promises become worth less than the paper they are written on, yet 3.5 years is all they need to build the prophecied Temple. This site fairly well covers all of the necessary factors, but the writer is no longer around to acknowledge that 2026 is way too soon.

You may wonder why the radical Muslim leaders of the next generation will favor any kind of a treaty involving the Jewish people (and Two peculiar Witnesses) that forfeits their occupation of Jerusalem at the Beast’s insistence. What could be in it for them? Strangely, all of the players in this end time performance should be aware of this prophesied event. That any participant would be ignorant of this amazing prophecy is highly unlikely. The fascinating part of this prophecy is that the Abominator and his cronies will know that the Temple builders will deal with it,knowing for certain Satan has read the book of Daniel, but Satan must think that he will come out on top in the end and so will his pawns. The radical factions of the Muslims may believe that they are setting a trap for all of those crazy Zionists. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Arab sector will intend to evacuate as part of the deal with the “secret” plan being to set off a neutron bomb in Jerusalem, destroying all of the Zionists in one fell swoop, while leaving all of the buildings intact. Those who know the last minute escape plan will not be afraid to occupy Jerusalem; however how many non believers would stick around after hearing the rumors about the bomb and knowing that the radicals surely had a plan to drive Israel into—if not the sea, then perhaps into the ground?

Zechariah 14:3-8 Then Yehovah [the Son] will go out and wage war against those nations, as He previously fought in battle. 4 And when this day arrives, His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem. And the Mount of Olives will be split in two from east to west, forming a very large valley, so that half of the mountain will move toward the north and the other half toward the south. 5 You’ll flee by My mountain valley, because My mountain valley will reach to Azel. Yes, you’ll flee just like you fled from the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Yehovah my Elohim will come, and all of the 'cherished' ones with Him. 6 When that day comes there won’t be light, cold or frost. 7 It will be the unique day that Yehovah 'makes Himself known' {niphal}, not day or night, but then when evening comes it will be light [3]. 8 When that day comes living water will flow out from Jerusalem, half toward the eastern sea and half toward the western sea, both in summer and winter.

[3] While this is a unique day, there was a very similar day, the one mentioned in verse 5 above, during king Uzziah’s reign. It also had an enormous earthquake that was remembered for centuries!

This covenant, in fact, provides the opportunity for the Two Witnesses to begin their work just after John was told to “measure the [third] Temple” as described in Revelation. I counted 29 references to “measuring” in Ezekiel 40-42. This is where you must look to understand the otherwise enigmatic measuring promised in Revelation. The measuring is quite relevant to the dimensions of the Temple’s construction (the blueprint stage?)

Revelation 11:1-4 Then I, John, was given a measuring reed like a staff, and a messenger standing by and said, “Get up and measure the Temple [1] of Yehovah and the altar and those who worship there [2]. 2 But leave out the courtyard outside of the Temple, don’t measure it, because it has been given to the heathens, and they’ll trample the 'cherished' city underfoot for forty-two months. 3 I will give power to MyThe Two Witnesses [3]. They’ll prophesy for 1,260 days [4], wearing sackcloth. 4 They are the two olive trees and the two menorahs [5] standing in the presence of the Aloha of the world.

[1] Here John is actually told to measure the end time third Temple just prior to the Two Witnesses commission (v.3). The terms “measure”, “measured” and “measuring” combined are found dozens of times in reference to the temple in Ezekiel 40-42. This would explain the previous verse (10:11): “John, you must prophesy AGAIN before many many many nations, ethnic groups, princes and kings.” Is he one of the two witnesses or one of their companions? Same goes for Elijah (Malachi 4:5-6). Does God Travel in Time? [2] In the architectural planning, the outer court is excluded/ruled out! That space on the Temple Mount “has been given to the heathens”. And while the Temple is to be literally measured, the people are spiritually measured! [3] After a long search, I found a link that comes close to my views, other than for Moses, Elijah and John time traveling and the final eight years. [4] Some teach that Yehovah, ‘the LORD” will take His Year out Satan’s seven year long fling (2X 1,260 days), not understanding that the Jubilee year (2031/2032 AD?) always follows a seven year period, (the Shemitah). The Tribulation period accounts for the remaining part of the 70 weeks prophecy of Isaiah 61:1-2. [5] This is a reference to Zechariah 4, verse 11 in particular, equating the seven branched Hebrew “menorah” with the Greek “luchnia.” Both are usually translated as “candle sticks” or “lamp stands.”

Also note in the Revelation quote above that the Witnesses commission follows the measuring of the “altar”, which is built separately from and literally “faces”, that is, is in front of the Temple.

Ezekiel 40:47 He measured the courtyard and it was square, one hundred cubits long and a hundred cubits wide, and the altar was in front of the 'Temple'.

The altar may be the first article placed on the Temple grounds. This would allow ze’bakim (sacrifices) to begin immediately. The resumption of zebakim will begin after almost 2000 years of absence. The altar could simply be offloaded from a truck to begin the 1,260 days.

Ezekiel 43:18 Then he told me, “Human son, This is what the Sovereign Yehovah says: These are the unchanging rulings for the altar that start on the day it’s built for offering burnt offerings and sprinkling blood.

This is for the near future.

The Old Covenant, that Paul thought would vanish away in his lifetime—with Yeshua’s “Second Coming” and a New Covenant with Israel will finally be completed in our lifetime. The implication of Hebrews 8 is that the Old Covenant did not vanish when Yeshua was killed as so many believe. Yet even Paul did not see it vanish with the new one:

Hebrews 8:13 When He [Yeshua] mentioned the New Covenant, He was 'declaring' that the first one was obsolete and about to be repealed, and what was obsolete and failing will soon disappear.

Finally, did you notice that the people themselves are to be measured at or before the arrival of the Two Witnesses? It is time to “measure” the stature of people’s character! But there is one element of the Temple that must await measurement. At this time the “nations” will have possession of the “court that is outside of the Temple”.

2 Thessalonians 2 explains that Daniel’s “prince who is to come” is synonymous with “the lawless one” and “the son of destruction”, more popularly known as the “Antichrist”. This passage expands upon the statements in Daniel about the Third Temple.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-12 Don’t let anyone deceive you with some scheme, because that Day won’t come prior to the apostasy [rebellion] [2] and a certain man of lawlessness appears—the son of destruction. 4 He is an adversary who exalts himself above every so-called “god” and anything religiously venerated. He’ll sit in Yehovah’s Temple and “prove” that he is Yehovah.

5 Don’t you remember that when I was with you, I told you these things? 6 And now you know what is holding him back, so that he’ll appear at the right time. 7 The Mystery of the Torah breaker is already at work, but it is only being held back for now, until that which [3] is restraining is taken out of the way. 8 Then finally THE Torah breaker [Gr. anomos] will arrive, who our Sovereign Yeshua will terminate ‘with a single breath’ at His return. 9 His coming is by the supernatural work of Satan, with great power, miracles and deceitful illusions, 10 using every kind of lawlessness action to deceive those who are dying, because they refused to love the truth that could rescue them. 11 This is why Yehovah will send the superhuman power of deception to them, so that they could believe the lie. 12 Then anyone who refuses to believe the truth and delights in injustice will be summoned for judgment.

[2] This apostasy is not a defection from Biblical truth (nothing new about that). “In the first-century world, apostasy was a technical term for political revolt or defection.” It’s a worldwide departure from basic truths, when the whole world (not limited to Christians) accepts the Big Lie (vs.11-12)—a lie far bigger than the “Big Lie” Adolph Hitler spread. The anarchy caused by the apostasy will cause the world to long for a savior—guess who the world will choose! Jonathan Cahn is on the right track. [3] The Aramaic says “that which”. The Greek says blank, take your pick. So they do. Most Greek based versions say “he”, but others say “the one”, “there is one” “someone” “the person” “[One]” or “the man”. My thought is that world governments used to restrain a degree of lawlessness and settle for milk from their herds, but lately they license evil and they want to butcher any cows that moo.

The Beast will have ascended from being a “prince” to “king”. (They do that.) He will eventually enter the new Third Temple and declare that he is God himself. He will halt the Temple zebakim and erect “an abomination of desolation”, likely an idol in his own image.

Daniel 11:36-39 “The king [of the North] will do whatever he wants to, he’ll exalt himself and claim to be superior to every god, and say astonishing things against the El [God] of elim [elohim], and he’ll succeed until the wrath is finished, because what has been determined must be done. 37 He will show no regard for the god of his ancestors, or a god favored by women, or regard any god at all, because he’ll exalt himself above them all. 38 Instead of these he’ll honor the god of fortresses, and he’ll honor a god that his ancestors never knew, honoring him with gold, silver, precious stones and costly gifts. 39 He’ll deal with the most defensive fortresses with the help of an alien god [3], greatly honoring those who acknowledge him. He’ll have them rule over many people, and distribute land for 'a price'.”

The book of Revelation states that the Messiah will return to earth 3½ years after the Abominator desolates the third Temple:

Revelation 13:4-5 They worshiped the Dragon because he had given authority to this predatory beast, and they asked, “Who is like the predatory beast [who is his equal], and who can wage war with him?” 5 He was given a mouth to make 'bold' and blasphemous statements, and he was given authority to operate for forty-two months.

It is my hope that if you have a better understanding of Yehovah’s time line that you will strive all the more to endure to the end! If you wonder what you might do when the end times come, you may want to consider reading New Jerusalem, a Place of Safety!—Where Will You Be During the Great Tribulation?

Yeshua’s ministry began in 28 AD with His Baptism

His ministry ended on April 25, 31 AD with His crucifixion

Other Events of Chronological Importance

During the time of Yeshua, and before, the recording of historical dates was cumbersome. Significant years were remembered by counting years from the beginning of a king’s reign. Every time a new king came into office the count started over again. The creation of a continuous calendar, dating from the supposed year of the birth of Yeshua—the BC and AD calendar—greatly simplified chronology from its implementation onward. The BCE and CE references of recent years are an attempt to delete Yeshua from the calendar, yet it was to Him that logical chronology was dedicated.

The End
Lonnie Martin
December 2005
Updated January 11, 2023

Chapter 27 is Population Bomb Takes Out Millennium!  Chapters

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Intro Feast Days

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